Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Do zopiclone zolpidem and flunitrazepam have residual effects on simulated task of collision anticipation?,2003,17,3,324-331,Berthelon Fatal poisoning with antipsychotic drugs England and Wales 1993-2002,2005,19,6,667-674,Flanagan Comment on,2007,21,5,559,Sabuncuoglu Ecstasy versus alcohol: Tolstoy and the variations of unhappiness,2007,21,1,3-6; discussion 7,Parrott A community based investigation of the association between cannabis use injuries and accidents,2006,20,1,5-13,Wadsworth Dissociable effects of a single dose of ecstasy (MDMA) on psychomotor skills and attentional performance,2003,17,4,379-387,Ramaekers Effects of 5 weeks of administration of fluoxetine and dothiepin in normal volunteers on sleep daytime sedation psychomotor performance and mood,2002,16,4,321-331,Bailey A combined neurophysiological and behavioural study into the stimulating effects of fexofenadine on performance,2006,20,4,496-505,Ramaekers Additional dopamine reuptake inhibition attenuates vigilance impairment induced by serotonin reuptake inhibition in man,2002,16,3,207-214,Ramaekers Effects of emedastine and cetirizine alone and with alcohol on actual driving of males and females,2002,16,1,57-64,Ramaekers Association of HPA axis genes with suicidal behaviour in schizophrenia,2010,24,5,677-682,Strauss Ecstasy use and self-reported depression impulsivity and sensation seeking: a prospective cohort study,2006,20,2,226-235,van den Brink Effects of acute tiagabine administration on aggressive responses of adult male parolees,2008,22,2,144-152,Cherek The effect of rate of antidepressant tapering on the incidence of discontinuation symptoms: a randomised study,2008,22,3,330-332,Haddad A study investigating the acute dose-response effects of 13 mg and 17 mg Delta 9- tetrahydrocannabinol on cognitive-motor skills subjective and autonomic measures in regular users of marijuana,2008,22,4,441-451,Weinstein ADHD methylphenidate and driving: does some legislation endanger public health?,2008,22,3,227-229,Cox Modelling the anxiety-depression continuum in chicks,2009,23,2,143-156,Acevedo Disrupted 'reflection' impulsivity in cannabis users but not current or former ecstasy users,2009,23,1,14-22,Clark Amisulpride doses and plasma levels in different age groups of patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder,2009,23,3,278-286,Müller Current and former ecstasy users report different sleep to matched controls: a web-based questionnaire study,2009,23,3,249-257,Nutt Effects of acute alcohol consumption on processing of perceptual cues of emotional expression,2009,23,1,23-30,Attwood Review: Should ethanol be scheduled as a drug of high risk to public health?,2009,23,1,94-100,Sellman Long-term effects of cannabis on oculomotor function in humans,2009,23,6,714-722,Huestegge Reduced memory and attention performance in a population-based sample of young adults with a moderate lifetime use of cannabis ecstasy and alcohol,2009,23,5,495-509,Lange Antidepressant-associated mania: soon after switch from fluoxetine to mirtazapine in an elderly woman with mixed depressive features,2009,23,2,220-222,Liu Recurrent relapses of depression in a patient established on sertraline after taking herbal medicinal mixtures – a herb–drug interaction?,2009,23,2,216-219,Prasad That warm fuzzy feeling: brain serotonergic neurons and the regulation of emotion,2009,23,4,392-400,Lowry How could MDMA (ecstasy) help anxiety disorders? A neurobiological rationale,2009,23,4,389-391,Johansen Effects of acute alcohol consumption and alcohol expectancy on processing of perceptual cues of emotional expression,2009,23,3,258-265,Attwood Normalisation of immune cell imbalance after pharmacological treatments of patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder,2009,23,5,567-573,Marazziti The effect of clomipramine on wake/sleep and orexinergic expression in rats,2009,23,5,559-566,Feng Neurocognitive performance during acute THC intoxication in heavy and occasional cannabis users,2009,23,3,266-277,Ramaekers Acute and subchronic effects of amitriptyline 25mg on actual driving in chronic neuropathic pain patients,2006,20,6,782-788,Verster Reduced attentional blink for alcohol-related stimuli in heavy social drinkers,2010,24,9,1349-1356,Field Investigation of serotonin-1A receptor function in the human psychopharmacology of MDMA,2009,23,8,923-935,Hasler Is emotional intelligence impaired in ecstasy-polydrug users?,2010,24,2,221-231,Craig Ecstasy (MDMA) and high prevalence psychiatric symptomatology: somatic anxiety symptoms are associated with polydrug not ecstasy use,2010,24,2,233-240,Redman Low striatal serotonin transporter protein in a human polydrug MDMA (ecstasy) user: a case study,2010,24,2,281-284,Kish Ethanol-like effects of thiopental and ketamine in healthy humans,2010,24,2,203-211,Dickerson Acute psychomotor effects of MDMA and ethanol (co-) administration over time in healthy volunteers,2010,24,2,155-164,Verkes Ethanol co-administration moderates 34-methylenedioxymethamphetamine effects on human physiology,2010,24,2,165-174,Verkes Lhermitte’s sign electric shock sensations and high dose ecstasy consumption: preliminary findings,2010,24,2,213-220,Boland An investigation of the subacute effects of ecstasy on neuropsychological performance sleep and mood in regular ecstasy users,2010,24,2,175-185,Pirona MDMA (ecstasy) use is associated with reduced BOLD signal change during semantic recognition in abstinent human polydrug users: a preliminary fMRI study,2010,24,2,187-201,Lee Does cannabis use affect prospective memory in young adults?,2010,24,2,241-246,Bartholomew Harms associated with psychoactive substances: findings of the UK National Drug Survey,2010,24,2,147-153,Nutt Effect of acute brain tyrosine depletion on MDMA-induced changes in brain 5-HT,2010,24,2,267-274,Fone Neuroethical issues in cognitive enhancement,2011,25,2,197-204,Sahakian Suicide and schizophrenia,2001,15,2,127-135,Siris Threat and anxiety affect visual contrast perception,2010,24,5,667-675,Laretzaki The involvement of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in reported sexual assaults: a systematic review,2010,24,9,1281-1287,Demetrovics Moderate alcohol disrupts a mechanism for detection of rare events in human visual cortex,2010,24,6,839-845,Kenemans mCPP: an undesired addition to the ecstasy market,2010,24,9,1395-1401,Bossong Randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of the effects of the 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the anticipated and pharmacological effects of alcohol on cognitive bias executive function craving and ad-lib drinking,2013,27,1,84-92,Field Subacute effects of ecstasy on mood: an exploration of associated risk factors,2013,27,1,53-61,Hides Concentrations of alprazolam in blood from impaired drivers and forensic autopsies were not much different but showed a high prevalence of co-ingested illicit drugs,2013,27,3,276-281,Jones Reply to 'MDMA can increase cortical levels by 800% in dance clubbers' Parrott et al,2013,27,1,115-116,Wolff MDMA can increase cortisol levels by 800% in dance clubbers,2013,27,1,113-114,Parrott Parallel changes in serotonin levels in brain and blood following acute administration of MDMA,2013,27,1,109-112,Collins Caffeine extraversion and working memory,2013,27,1,71-76,Smith Acute effects of caffeine on attention: a comparison of non-consumers and withdrawn consumers,2013,27,1,77-83,Smith Caffeine counteracts impairments in task-oriented psychomotor performance 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brain,2015,29,5,545-555,Goodyer Psychedelics not linked to mental health problems or suicidal behavior: a population study,2015,29,3,270-279,Johansen Prosocial effects of MDMA: a measure of generosity,2015,29,6,661-668,de Wit Psychedelic symptoms of cannabis and cocaine use as a function of trait impulsivity,2015,29,3,324-334,Ramaekers Vintage treatments for PTSD: a reconsideration of tricyclic drugs,2015,29,3,264-269,Davidson The adverse health effects of synthetic cannabinoids with emphasis on psychosis-like effects,2015,29,3,254-263,van den Brink A comparison of impulsivity depressive symptoms lifetime stress and sensation seeking in healthy controls versus participants with cocaine or methamphetamine use disorders,2015,29,1,50-56,Verrico Services for young people with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder transitioning from child to adult mental health services: a national survey of mental health trusts in England,2015,29,1,39-42,Taylor The subjective experience of acute 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An international survey of contemporary nitrous oxide use,2016,30,4,395-401,Winstock Decreased mental time travel to the past correlates with default-mode network disintegration under lysergic acid diethylamide,2016,30,4,344-353,Nutt Effects of 34-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on socioemotional feelings authenticity and autobiographical disclosure in healthy volunteers in a controlled setting,2016,30,4,378-387,Mendelson Comparing episodes of antidepressants use with intermittent episodes of no use: a higher relative risk of suicide attempts but not of suicide at young age,2016,30,10,1000-1007,Heerdink Hallucinogen use and intimate partner violence: prospective evidence consistent with protective effects among men with histories of problematic substance use,2016,30,7,601-607,Walsh Psychiatric comorbidity associated with synthetic cannabinoid use compared to cannabis,2016,30,12,1321-1330,Hurd The effects of acute tryptophan depletion on speech and behavioural mimicry in individuals at familial risk for depression,2016,30,3,303-311,Schoevers Recognizing emotions in faces: effects of acute tryptophan depletion and bright light,2010,24,10,1447-1454,Benkelfat Survey study of challenging experiences after ingesting psilocybin mushrooms: acute and enduring positive and negative consequences,2016,30,12,1268-1278,Griffiths Effects of a single oral 60 mg caffeine dose on attention in healthy adult subjects,2016,31,2,222-232,Silber The Challenging Experience Questionnaire: characterization of challenging experiences with psilocybin mushrooms,2016,30,12,1279-1295,Griffiths Binge ethanol drinking during adolescence modifies cocaine responses in mice,2016,31,1,86-95,Valverde Binge drinking affects brain oscillations linked to motor inhibition and execution,2017,31,7,873-882,Cadaveira Effects of acute and chronic caffeine on risk-taking behavior in children and adolescents,2017,31,5,561-568,Ziegler Patient emergency assessment following deliberate self-poisoning with benzodiazepines: can cognitive markers predict recall of the psychiatric interview? A pilot study,2017,31,10,1362-1368,Franchitto Acute alcohol effects on explicit and implicit motivation to drink alcohol in socially drinking adolescents,2017,31,7,893-905,Zimmermann Who is 'Molly'? MDMA adulterants by product name and the impact of harm-reduction services at raves,2017,31,8,1056-1060,Johnson Prognosis and outcome of severe lithium poisoning,2017,31,9,1274-1277,Megarbane The relationships of classic psychedelic use with criminal behavior in the United States adult population,2018,32,1,37-48,Copes Relative toxicity of benzodiazepines and hypnotics commonly used for self-poisoning: an epidemiological study of fatal toxicity and case fatality,2018,32,6,654-662,Gunnell A probe in the connection between inflammation cognition and suicide,2018,32,4,482-488,Delgado Drunk decisions: alcohol shifts choice from habitual towards goal-directed control in adolescent intermediate-risk drinkers,2018,32,8,855-866,Zimmermann Psychedelic use and intimate partner violence: the role of emotion regulation,2018,32,7,749-755,Walsh Does getting high hurt? 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