Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The elderly and driving in the Canton of Vaud,2003,123,11,691-695,von Gunten Traffic accidents: various methodologic preliminary problems in their prevention,1972,92,3,211-225,Rey Acute drug poisonings in children in a general pediatric service (epidemiologic profile),1998,118,6,543-546,Aïlal Accidents in children and adolescents: From analysis to prevention,1995,115,11,863-867,Reinberg Psychoactive substances and driving: which approach?,2004,124,3,145-148,Favrat Assessment of car driving skills in brain injured individuals,2001,121,6,453-456,Vuadens Violence a public health and social problem,1995,115,11,931-933,Martin Violence in the primary school environment,1995,115,4,341-345,Woringer Suicide and attempted suicide,1968,88,4,247-259,Gunn-Séchehaye Suicide and suicide attempts in old age,1966,86,4,260-262,Ciompi Suicide during outpatient treatment,1971,91,4,257-268,Jordan Suicide prevention in a general hospital,1971,91,4,245-256,Gunn-Séchehaye Statistical and catamnestic study of 225 cases of attempted suicide,1972,92,2,85-130,Bernasconi Psycho-social factors in emergency admissions to a medical clinic,1974,94,11,895-902,Owievczka Psychotherapy of depression,1978,98,9,489-498,Schneider Epidemiology of depression,1978,98,9,467-473,Hermann Epilepsy and permission to drive,1978,98,4,213-215,Tchicaloff Incidence of alcoholic intoxication and road traffic in Belgium,1984,104,11,917-924,André Barbiturates and their pathogenetic role in cases of sudden death: diagnostic problems in the determination of causes of and circumstances surrounding death,1984,104,11,907-916,Hartmann The effects of mental diseases and behavior problems on the driving of motor vehicles,1984,104,11,879-891,Maag The family physician and the sick driver,1984,104,11,871-878,Hartmann Massive accidental oral poisoning due to opiates. Details and treatment. Use of naloxone in an emergency situation,1984,104,9,721-723,Paccaud Silent violence: clinical and epidemiological reflection on traffic accidents and adolescent suicide,1986,106,10,943-951,Michaud Alpine skiing accidents. Study of 7103 patients treated at the Monthey District Hospital (VS) from 1974 to 1983,1985,105,12,1059-1137,Gubelmann Driving aptitude examination in the Traffic Medicine and Psychology Unit of the University Institute of Legal Medicine,1985,105,1,85-88,Michiels The medical secret and delinquent patients,1985,105,1,39-44,Restellini The physician facing dangerous behavior,1985,105,1,23-31,Harding Trans-cultural research on depression,1987,107,12,1019-1023,Sartorius Study of different biological and hormonal factors related to stress during acrobatic delta wing flights,1987,107,11,925-934,Blanc The gas alarm intervention plan at the Ciba-Geigy plant in Monthey,1987,107,2,115-121,Jacquet Optimization limitations and risks of ambulatory treatment of depression,1989,109,4,279-283,Schneider The detection of child abuse: prospective evaluation of one year (April 89-end of March 90),1990,110,11,1003-1005,Woringer Crush injuries and syndrome,1991,111,10,845-848,Schwander Evaluation of the capacity of medical services' involvement of the medical severity index of a disaster and of the preparation for a disaster,1991,111,10,837-844,de Boer Earthquake: an example of a natural disaster,1991,111,10,831-836,Schwander Psychological trauma in children,1991,111,5,453-461,Ansermet From emergency to crisis,1991,111,1,67-73,Despland Epidemiology of and preventive medicine in suicide,1992,112,10,897-906,Paccaud Disaster plan of Geneva airport,1992,112,6,559-563,Villard Tuberculosis: professional accident (2 cases),1968,88,2,110-121,Mehl Traumatology from skis and safety attachments,1967,87,12,878-890,Hegi Apropos of the treatment of elderly accident victims,1967,87,1,71-77,Richon Disabilities due to nerve lesions and their medico-legal compensation,1973,93,7,521-533,Baur Hepato-biliary traumatic lesions: causes types severity and treatment of 222 patients with thoraco-abdominal injuries,1978,98,10,553-561,Saegesser Falls of elderly persons: practical approach,1987,107,3,235-243,Loew Biomechanics and the reconstruction of traffic accidents,1984,104,11,861-865,Walz The adolescents not only run risks: they take them!,1983,103,5,371-383,Jeanneret Traumatic rupture of the diaphragm. Apropos of 13 cases,1982,102,9,895-902,Cavin Myocardial infarct caused by trauma to the thorax,1951,71,11,732-738,Berthoud Traumatic cardiopathies,1951,71,10,631-643,Hardorn Psychological basis for sports and physical culture,1951,71,9,561-566,Boven Chronic intoxication by carbon monoxide,1953,73,6,463-474,Guerdjikoff Prevention of benzene poisoning in Genevan industry,1953,73,5,314-29; contd,Soumerai Prevention of benzene poisoning in Genevan industry,1953,73,4,251-60; contd,Soumerai Medicolegal appraisal of tumors in accident medicine,1956,76,5,509-518,Marti Dangers of fuel in the winter; case of chronic poisoning caused by carbon monoxide,1956,76,1,51-56,Muller Practical data on traumatology of the hand,1956,76,1,13-30,Verden Case of acute doriden poisoning,1957,77,7,547-556,Scherer Toxicity of modern insecticides in man,1957,77,4,210-224,Lob Causes and classification of the accident cases seen in a regional hospital,1959,79,,629-646,Gailloud A little-known problem of industrial hygiene: professional poisoning caused by lead stearate,1958,78,5,320-333,Guerdjikoff 3 fatal cases of benzene intoxication,1961,81,,851-856,Dubois Some fatal cases of intoxication caused by benzene,1961,81,,845-850,Barrelet Poisoning in Morocco by tricresylphosphate: a myo-myelo-polyneuritis,1962,82,,355-372,Pfenninger Interpersonal violence and major facial trauma,2002,122,6,281-282,Arza Research note: "On the progression of the incidence of hip fractures in the elderly",2002,122,1,35-38,Herrmann Outcome of small girls victims of incest,2001,121,7,513-516,Brunod Unusual atropine intoxication,1967,87,11,832-834,Bonard An unusual case of poisoning due to rosary beads (Abrus precatorius),1968,88,3,206-208,Guggisberg Blast injuries,1993,113,9,721-724,Schwander Debriefing: a preventive measure following an injury (apropos of recent example),1994,114,2,171-173,Leuenberger Psychiatric emergencies and pregnancy,1996,116,4,291-294,Rais Injury and pregnancy,1996,116,4,285-286,Béguin Violence in a child psychiatric institution: challenge to consider?,2001,121,7,539-542,Davidson The psychic envelope and violence. Reflections on our psychologic practice in the therapeutic day center,2001,121,7,535-538,Frédérick-Libon When family violence leads to social violence is there only one way to overcome? How to liberate oneself?,2001,121,7,525-529,Halfon "Violence and psychotherapy": what transfers? Some experiences in private practice,2001,121,7,517-520,von Salis Role of secondary prevention in a specialized consultation for sexual abuse and negligence,2001,121,7,507-512,Ansermet Role of pediatric psychiatry in a child protection team (CAN team du CHUV),2001,121,7,503-505,Demaurex Role of the pediatric hospital in the prevention and management of child abuse,2001,121,7,499-501,Cheseaux Sensitivity training for debriefing in the school context,1997,117,5,413-418,Leuenberger Why a CAN team (child abuse and neglect) in the hospital?,1996,116,10,823-827,Cheseaux Observations on the collaboration between the Psychosocial Service and the Cantonal Office of Minors derived from common situations,1990,110,1,49-52,Wildhaber Adolescents does their health need looking after? Review of adolescent health needs for the sake of health professionals,1982,102,11,1099-1115,Michaud Local resources in management of adult victims of violence and abuse: a method of presentation and diffusion,2002,122,12,649-652,Hofner Legal aspects,1998,118,9,761-766,Baierlé Resumption of work and driving following a cardiac event,1994,114,8,665-669,Jaussi Health status of the populations of the Jura and Neuchatel cantons: evaluation and recommendations for prevention and health promotion,1999,119,8,657-660,Graz The depressed adolescent and the general practitioner,1983,103,5,415-417,Ladame Asthma and scuba diving,2003,123,2,135-137,Héritier Children and scuba diving. How to start?,2002,122,12,589-593,Panchard Motor performance in Alzheimer's disease,1997,117,9,647-650,Richard Psychosomatic consequences of sexual abuse: a case of Bartter pseudo-syndrome in an anorexic patient,1997,117,6,495-500,Martin-Du Pan Lungs and underwater diving,1997,117,6,475-478,Héritier Psychiatric care of neglected and abused children and their parents,1997,117,5,425-428,Bonard Sociability violence and exclusion,1997,117,5,399-405,Woringer Emergency medicine for the practitioner: suicidal crisis,1997,117,4,299-300,Besson Pelvic and femoral injuries,1997,117,1,77-80,Duruz Accident prevention in 0-to-5-year-old children in Vaud: implications of a population study for medical practice,1995,115,11,849-857,Addor Prospective study of accidents in children in the Vevey metropolitan area,1995,115,11,841-848,Reinberg Accidents in children and adolescents. Introduction,1995,115,11,839-840,Reinberg Response to the article: "In the 50s patients have been irradiated to death just for experiment sake". by P.H. Hufschmid. Appeared in the Nouveau Quotidien of 26 June 1995,1995,115,10,835-836,Veraguth The practitioner facing sexual aggression,1994,114,9,825-829,Brandt-Casadevall Prospective study of abuse treatment. Lausanne 1994,1995,115,5,403-409,Woringer "Violence and exclusion". From the violent to the disturbing: the risk of marginal care networks,1995,115,6,499-503,Gravier Communication and confidentiality in the management and follow-up of cases of child abuse --several principles,2001,121,6,489-491,Martin Psychopathologic profiles of children consulting for problems of violence compared to a control group,2001,121,7,521-524,Manzano Communication and confidentiality in the management and follow-up of cases of child abuse -- several principles,2001,121,9,703,Baumann When work organization becomes the source of pathologies,1999,119,7,549-554,Gonik Sexuality and exclusion,1995,115,6,495-497,Fontana Adolescence and exclusion,1995,115,6,487-490,Michaud Roller blade and in-line wheels accidents in children and adolescents,1996,116,10,819-821,Reinberg Post-traumatic lymphatic fistulas of the leg,1972,92,11,879-884,Hancou Hemodynamic facts in the surveillance and resuscitation of accidental hypothermia,1971,91,10,707-720,Nicolas Thoracic injuries in patients over 70,1971,91,11,809-814,Ohresser Beyond silence--the nurse and the tortured patient,1998,118,1,91-94,Moser Neurological problems in musicians,1991,111,1,33-38,Ferrazzini Elementary seneiology of language and speech disorders in patients with cranio-cerebral injuries,1974,94,2,137-148,Zander Psychology of the severely burned patient,1998,118,2,161-164,Bonvin Burns: etiology diagnosis and surgical treatment,1998,118,2,117-126,Favarger Suicide among the clientele of the general practitioner,1976,96,6,487-500,Peguiron Alcohol--how much is too much?,1998,118,9,787-790,Verdon Biologic weapons: are they anecdotes of the past or a future reality?,2000,120,1,65-71,Bally Role of bone ultrasound in predicting hip fracture risk in women 70 years or older: results of the SEMOF study and comparison with literature data,2004,124,2,59-62,Burckhardt Attempted suicide with 400 thyroxine pills: what happened to the physician-patient relationship?,1999,119,6,493-496,Martin-Du Pan Alcohol drugs and the workplace,1999,119,7,545-548,Voumard Psychiatric emergencies and the psychiatrization of emergencies in advanced age,1990,110,3,283-287,Richard Skiing without snow: a pleasure? Neurosurgical considerations at the start of the 1989 season,1990,110,4,375-379,Fournier Fractures due to stress of the sacrum,1990,110,4,361-367,Van Linthoudt Pathologic play: role of the primary care physician,2004,124,3,161-162,Delacrausaz Efficacy of preventive measures and care,1980,100,3,203-204,Gautier Acute poisoning with arsine and with phosphine,1991,111,2,169-173,Boillat Sports practice of adolescents and children: the pediatrician's viewpoint,1991,111,2,119-124,Cauderay Violence and aggression: treatment and the therapeutic community at Grendon Prison (England),1985,105,1,59-64,Barrett Treatment and security in psychiatric hospitals: the model of the Bethlem Royal Hospital,1985,105,1,45-51,Mackeith Psychiatric expertise of the partner murderer: when can one infer a "crime of passion"?,1985,105,1,17-22,Beyaert Psychological aspects of depression,1978,98,9,475-480,Haynal Frequent emergencies in pediatrics,1978,98,12,667-673,Favre Emergency medicine and disaster medicine,1978,98,12,639-640,Schneider Rare complication of barotrauma of the ear,1980,100,10,837-839,de Goumoëns Amanita phalloides poisoning,1981,101,9,759-761,Deom Asymmetrical cerebral lesions and subcortical aphasia in carbon monoxide poisoning,1988,108,1,33-40,Bader Psychosomatic examinations in early childhood,1980,100,3,273-280,Kreisler Psychological problems in emergency surgery,1982,102,1,21-26,Neidhardt About 273 poisoning suicide attempts; statistical and therapeutic remarks,1948,68,5,257-279,Andereggen