Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sleep. 5: driving and automobile crashes in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome,2004,59,9,804-807,George Reduction in motor vehicle collisions following treatment of sleep apnoea with nasal CPAP,2001,56,7,508-512,George Relationship between obstructive sleep apnoea driving simulator performance and risk of road traffic accidents,2001,56,10,800-805,Turkington Time course of changes in driving simulator performance with and without treatment in patients with sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndrome,2004,59,1,56-59,Turkington Randomised prospective parallel trial of therapeutic versus subtherapeutic nasal continuous positive airway pressure on simulated steering performance in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea,2000,55,3,224-231,Mullins Risk and Severity of Motor Vehicle Crashes in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea,2008,63,6,536-541,Cooper Driving and obstructive sleep apnoea,2008,63,6,481-483,Stradling Lung injury following a 50-metre fall into water,1978,33,2,175-180,Hudson Alcohol breath testing in patients with respiratory disease,1990,45,10,717-721,Morris Traumatic haemorrhage into the thyroid simulating major vessel damage from deceleration injury,1974,29,5,607-608,Lawton Rupture of the diaphragm,1974,29,5,559-563,Christiansen Pericardial rupture from blunt chest trauma,1974,29,3,329-337,Borrie Pulmonary effects of acute exposure to nitrous fumes,1973,28,1,61-65,Proudfoot Traumatic rupture of the right subclavian artery,1972,27,2,251-255,Girdwood Injuries of the trachea and bronchi,1972,27,2,188-194,Bertelsen Avulsion of the right main stem bronchus associated to a false aneurysm of the right subclavian artery after closed chest trauma,1979,34,5,684-685,Barroy Rupture of the normal aortic valve after blunt chest trauma,1977,32,5,619-622,Chi Impalement wound of the chest,1981,36,12,952-953,Gotti Cardiac damage presenting late after road accidents,1981,36,11,811-813,Mackintosh Transpericardial phrenicotomy from a dagger wound,1954,9,3,242-244,Locket The inhalation of phosgene in a fire extinguisher accident,1961,16,,91-93,Seidelin Intrathoracic foreign bodies,1964,19,,203-217,Leroux Inhalation trauma due to overheating in a microwave oven,1993,48,3,300-302,Zanen Pulmonary barotrauma in submarine escape training,1994,49,2,186-187,Broome Severe lipoid pneumonia following attempted suicide by mineral oil immersion,1996,51,6,652-3; 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