Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Drugs and street traffic. playing it safe for yourself and your patient,2003,145,23,28-32,Bremer Problems in the deep: the isopression phase,2005,147,27-28,36-37,Tetzlaff Sports and leisure injuries in summer,2005,147,26,26-29,Klement Self-inflicted injurious behavior,2005,147,38,44-47,Zinka Typical injuries seen in football [soccer] players,2006,148,23,32-4 37,Rose Typical findings of maltreated children,2006,148,24,27 29-32,Eisenmenger The patient becomes dangerous. Controlling the situation,2000,142,43,10,Mäulen Shooting games as leisure permit. Do computer games promote violence?,2006,148,1-2,15,Mathiak Opioids and driving ability,2006,148,18,33-34,von Meyer Elderly patients behind the wheel,2005,147,40,40-1 43,Fastenmeier Emergency checklist: scalds,2006,148,51-52,53,Biber Psychological disorders can impair driving ability. Should depressed patients be allowed to drive?,2004,146,18,55, Because hepatic encephalopathy is a frequent contributing factor patients with liver cirrhosis are poorer drivers,2003,145,47,61, Pain patients in street traffic. Do analgesics impair driving safety?,2003,145,23,37-39,Sohn Hypoglycemic and vision impaired. When is a diabetic patient unfit to drive?,2003,145,23,33-36,Dörfler 24-hour sleep deprivation. driving capacity of a drunk person,2001,143,25,15,Paukstadt Suicide and suicide prevention for female and male physicians,2007,149,27-28,34-36,Wolfersdorf At least she was restrained by seat belts,2006,148,8,65,Gesslein Hay fever not (correctly) treated. Allergy patient becomes traffic risk,2003,145,14,49, Injury patterns in bombings,2008,150,9,42-43,Paul Escalator-related injuries,2008,150,14,38-40,Kanz Small burns on extremities,2008,150,26-27,32 34,Schmickal Falls of the elderly. Fate or disease?,2008,150,36-37,49-50,Runge How to avoid falls in the elderly,2008,150,41,44-45,Bock Fall prevention: differences between native Vitamin D Alfacalcidol and D-hormone,2008,150,47,44,Ringe Avalanche accident,2009,151,8,38-39,Treibel A rare but important differential diagnosis in consciousness disorders of unknown origin: carbon monoxide poisoning,2009,151,8,34-36,Hermanns-Clausen Physical child abuse: suspicious facts and judical implications,2009,151,12,31-33,Zinka Forensic medicine and prevention are not contradictions. "Victim medicine" moves into the spotlight,2009,151,12,26,Eisenmenger How can winter sports be made safer? (interview by Maria Weiss),2009,151,5,8,Imhoff Suspected child abuse. Did he really "only" fall?,2008,150,22,17,Neumaier Casualties of New Year Eve's celebration. Nobody wants such a tattoo,2008,150,1-2,5,Palm Mass casualty incident management by mSTaRT,2008,150,19,40-41,Paul Suicidal patient: how can suicide be prevented? (Interview by Dr. Thomas Meissner),2007,149,41,17,Schneider Bipolar disorders: the disease of extreme emotions,2007,149,Suppl 2,56-59,Krüger Antidepressants in the hands of the family doctor,2007,149,Suppl 2,37-40,Laux Early diagnosis of depression by the family physician,2007,149,Suppl 2,32-35,Unger Burnout--alcohol problems--risk of suicide. Role reversal: the doctor as patient,2007,149,27-28,26-27,Hegerl Heat stress disorder,2007,149,29-30,43,Füessl Impulse control disorders in borderline and antisocial personality disorder,2007,149,3,33-36,Herpertz Modern discussion forum "depression suicidality",2006,148,31-32,22-5 27,Hegerl Snakes scorpions and other poisonous creatures: prophylaxis and emergency medicine,2006,148,26,31-34,Mebs Consequences of physical maltreatment deprivation and sexual abuse in children,2006,148,24,32-35,Barth Neglect and endangerment of the wellbeing of infants and young children,2006,148,24,24-26,Ziegenhain Neglect maltreatment sexual abuse. We need greater prevention for endangered families,2006,148,24,23,Hebebrand Pathways out of a suicidal crisis,2006,148,21,6 8 10,Wepner Substance use and suicide in physicians,2010,152,24,27-29,Soyka Documentation requirements and descriptions of injuries,2010,152,34-35,31-33,Peschel Injuries blood alcohol level and state of health. The GP as witness and expert,2010,152,34-35,30,Graw Child abuse: the dark side of sexuality (interview by Dr. med. Kirsten Westphal),2010,152,16,6-7,Bosinski Student expresses murder thoughts: Empty words or is he really running amok?,2009,151,13,8-9,Kleinhans Criminal aggression by the young. Sailing with "Mehmet" and Co.?,2005,147,16,16 18,Wepner Abused--tortured--neglected. Tracking down child abuse (interview by Sabine Riem),2001,143,49-50,10,Motzkau To whom diving should be permitted,2007,149,31-32,10-13,Neumaier Dangers in diving under and in coming up,2007,149,31-32,13 15, Hepatic encephalopathy. When liver cirrhosis endangers the traffic,2003,145,8,54, Blunt abdominal trauma. Remain alert even when there are few initial symptoms!,2003,145,6,41-43,Imdahl Diabetes mellitus--fitness to drive private and commercial vehicles,2004,146,37,47-50,Finck Nose mask against cardiac death and risk of accident,2005,147,21,8 10-1,Arnheim Look diagnosis. Economy class syndrome after tractor driving,2005,147,4,61,Wiest Whiplash injury,2008,150,16,46-48,Keidel Important aspects in social and working life in persons with diabetes mellitus,2008,150,5,42-44,Bottermann Sleep apnea patients. Five times increased accident risk with personal injury,2007,149,24,10-11,Einecke Use of short acting sedatives: how to minimise forensic risks,2009,151,12,34-35,Graw Sensitive violent sex offense topic. Fear of recurrence,2005,147,48,22,Wepner Threat or creation of panic? Disease agents as terror weapons,2004,146,35-36,4-6,Holzgreve Abused spouses. How colleagues deal with this (interview by Dr. med. Kirsten Westphal),2003,145,37,16-17,Angenendt Preparing for bioterrorism. Smallpox panic? (interview by Marion Kaden),2003,145,6,8,Schmitz Violence against physicians. Colleagues who are assaulted are behaving wrong,2001,143,1-2,8,Buchmann Violence against physicians. every 6th colleague is assaulted,2000,142,43,4-6,Mäulen Minor injuries of the hand. Small cause--serious consequences,2010,152,39,34,Mailänder Sudden onset in the long distance driver--"strange protrusion" of the upper arm. Rupture of the tendon of the long biceps brachii muscle head,2001,143,21,51-52,Füessl Careful assessment is advisable. Sleep apnea: risks in daily living increase vitality decreases,2002,144,49,45,Hein Pain therapy with opioids. Not a risk in street traffic,2002,144,15,63, Whether pyromaniac kleptomaniac pathological gambler or messy--the impulse is out of control,2004,146,45,33-34,Hegerl Sex-specific differences in schizophrenia,2007,149,24,32-34,Naber Super-GAU suicide--the family physician as crisis manager,2006,148,21,4-6,Wepner Dysmorphophobia,2006,148,10,37-39,Warnke Mental disorders in puberty,2005,147,12,42 44-5,Meyer Detecting and treating suicidal risk patients: a challenge for the general practitioner,2002,144,40,i-ix,Möller The weary of life often see their family physician before taking the last step. 16 questions to assess the suicide risk,2002,144,48,48-50,Rothenhäusler Emergencies in general practice. Acute poisoning with medicinal drugs,2002,144,19,42-45,Zilker Early recognition of schizophrenic psychoses. Family physicians in a key role,2001,143,43,24-26,Fuchs The suicidal patient. Take every suggestion seriously!,2001,143,30,4-8,Stiefelhagen Pediatric emergencies,2006,148,27-28,30-33,Dorsch Not underestimating hypothermia,2005,147,40,14 16,Klement "In near drowning every second counts". No lengthy search for a pulse,2005,147,40,14,Thöns The summer is also associated with risks and side effects: how you can help your patients survive the heat,2005,147,26,25,Rendenbach Nacissistic personality disorder,2006,148,8,39-42,Ritter Stalking: unwelcome company. The psychopathology of a modern phenomenon,2005,147,6,30 32 33 passim,Schneider Aggressive and impulsive behavior: neurobiological models explain how affectregulation might work and social skills develop,2007,149,3,29-32,Heinz Demented patient with strangulation marks. Was it a crime?,2009,151,36,5,Hartung Antisocial behaviour and conduct disorders in children and adolescents,2009,151,45,33-36,Freisleder To react correctly in suspicion of domestic violence. Did the husband strike?,2009,151,11,14-17,Göring Child abuse by the parents? Proper response,2001,143,3,16,Paul Child sexual abuse. How to deal with suspected abuse?,2001,143,5,29-31,Klosinski Sexual abuse--neglect--violence. Accordingly you diagnose child abuse,2002,144,8,16,Riem Borderline disorders in childhood and adolescence,2002,144,7,41-4 46,Streeck-Fischer Emergencies for which no one prepared you. "Heart attack" uncovered as marital discord,2002,144,16,48,Pillau Copy acts following terrorist attacks. Seeds of the evil deed (interview by Dr. med. Brigitte Moreano),2002,144,37,10,Hafner Patient care in nursing homes by the family physician,2007,149,48,31-3 35,Sandholzer How aggressive can sleepwalkers become? Motor acts of murder,1999,141,45,4-6,Berndt Schizophrenic patients in the family practice,2007,149,Suppl 2,98-101,Moller Intentional carbon monoxide poisoning by burning charcoal,2011,153,24-25,48-49,Oehme The obligation to report child abuse,2011,153,42,45-47,Mützel Poisonous animals at bathing beaches,2000,142,20,36-39,Junghanss Are uranium weapons to blame for leukemia cases? A little bit of atomic warfare in the Balkans? (interview by Dr. Beate Schumacher),2001,143,3,10,Lengfelder Grave deficiencies in the diagnosis and therapy of osteoporosis. Expensive fracture landing,2002,144,7,20-21,Wepner Consulting the physician before suicide. When silence is fatal,2003,145,6,18,Bischoff Speed curve glide. More ligament ruptures caused by carving-ski?,2003,145,9,18,Kruis Dizzy heights. How the heart and lungs react to hypoxic states high up in the mountains,2003,145,8,31-32,Fischer "Thin air" in the internal ear. Why mountain climbers have hearing problems,2003,145,8,39,Mees Coins razor blades button-sized batteries etc. Ingested foreign bodies--when are they a true emergency?,2003,145,7,45-48,Scheurlen Causes of accidents and how to prevent them. Many skiers ski beyond their capacity (interview by Judith Neumaier),2006,148,6,8,Hörterer Injuries in winter sports. Every 3rd injury involves the knee,2006,148,6,4-6 8,Neumaier Whiplash trauma: pain can now be assessed?. Interview by Dr. Brigitte Moreano,1999,141,34,13,Keidel Confusion syndrome in alcoholism. Faulty assessment can produce deleterious course,1999,141,33,31-34,Soyka Poisoning by Citrullus colocynthis. Unknown to us a frequent poisonous plant in foreign travel,1999,141,31-32,41-42,Pfab Nightshade plants act almost like LSD. Poisoning cases are on the rise,1999,141,46,46-48,Schulz Depression and suicidal behavior more effectively controlled by a team approach. Pilot project to optimize diagnosis and therapy,1999,141,48,43-45,Hegerl Burn-out depression suicide. When physicians marry their profession,2003,145,5,12-13,Mäulen Illnesses of the generation. "Temper tantrums on return to the real world",2000,142,7,4-8,Berndt Depression divorce malpractice bankruptcy. Why do so many physicians commit suicide?,2002,144,10,4-8 10,Mäulen Bilateral metatarsal fractures. What caused the pain in this housewife?,2002,144,13,41-42,Füessl Rare anomaly of nature or.... roentgen image reversed?,2007,149,6,5,Biber From silver shirt to antimycotic sock. Drugs to wear,2007,149,8,16,Neumaier Snowboading--dangerous fun sport,2007,149,8,14,Imhoff Cheap wine as the cause of death. Beethoven didn't need to die this way,2007,149,8,8,Prechtl Exertion fear and cold trigger an emergency. The heart in the mountain emergency,2007,149,8,15, Carving ski and snowboard: trauma trend in a trendy sport. Fast and with sharp edge into the clinic,2007,149,8,10-12,Westphal Hit with a stein--severe injuries,2012,154,16,48-49,Adamec Suspected intoxication/poisoning,2004,146,5,37 39-41,Harloff Burns caused by acids and caustic agents,2004,146,10,36-37,Sefrin Recreational and designer drugs-the risks to heart and brain,2004,146,17,40-42,Nebelsieck Management of acute suicidality,2004,146,16,51-52,Lieb Opportunity makes the murderer,2013,155,20,32,Füessl Prevention of falls in the frail elderly,2013,155,10,50-54,Zeeh Young diabetic patient with high HbA1c: granting an automobile driving approval certification?,2012,154,6,32,Martin Multidrug therapy and driving impairment,2010,152,51-52,26-29,Roider The epileptic patient in general practice. What the family physician must attend to,2002,,Suppl 2,30-32 34-35,Wolf Recreational athletes and doping--a survey in 11 gyms in the area of Frankfurt/Main,2013,155,Suppl 2,41-43,Raschka Mobbing and suicide in children: what is important for the general practitioner?,2014,156,14,45-48,Winter ADHD bullying and suicidality in children and adolescents,2014,156,14,40,Füessl Effects of headers on coagulation parameters,2012,154 Suppl 3,,68-72,Raschka Return to activities too soon after injuries. At 20 a football professional--at 50 an artificial limb? (interview by Dr. Judith Neumaier),2008,150,25,6,Kapellmann From pulled tendons to hooligan riots. The World Cup 2006 will challenge medical services,2006,148,23,27-28,Halle Intervention to prevent falls among older people in a primary care setting,2014,156,19,54-56,Freiberger Subsequent damage following soccer injuries,2015,157,12,52-55,Imhoff Burn injury in children--recent trends in treatment,2015,157,17,58-60,Hoffmann Accidental caustic injuries,2015,157,17,53-55,Eyer "Sweet home"--endangered by domestic accidents?,2015,157,17,52,Kanz Drowsiness and traffic safety: at least as dangerous as alcohol!,2015,157,16,46-48,Hell Emergency department management of mild traumatic brain injury in children - an evidence-based algorithmic approach,2016,158,8,56-62,Kanz Emergency department management of mild traumatic brain injury in adults - an evidence-based algorithmic approach,2016,158,8,53-56,Kanz Injuries on vaulting,2017,159,Suppl 4,1-3,Raschka Injuries due to marine animals,2017,159,9,52-56,Mebs Lawn mower injury in children - a lesson for life,2017,159,12,41-42,Kanz Contact burns induced by phytophototoxic substances,2017,159,12,42-46,Liener Poison in the garden: poisonous plants relevant to clinical toxicology,2017,159,12,46-49,Eyer Toxins in the garden. Activated charcoal as universal antidote,2017,159,12,49-50,Eyer Falls in elderly people,2017,159,13,52-58,Heppner Barbecue burns,2017,159,14,36-37,Hartmann Influence of headers on blood coagulation,2012,154,17,64,Raschka Traumatic brain injury,2011,153,39,38-39,Gesslein "Vuvuzela"-induced thyroid gland cyst,2010,152,28-30,5,Jungheim Drowning - near-drowning,2018,160,12,50-51,Merz The aggressive patient,2018,160,15,45-47,Schiltz Self-inflicted injuries,2018,160,16,42-44,Graw Violence against old people. When you should get suspicious,2019,161,13,40-42,Hirsch Mushroom poisoning,2019,161,14,64-65,Eyer Shoulder dislocation after bicycle accident,2019,161,21-22,50-51,Biber Diagnosis and management of child abuse in general practice,2021,163,13,56-65,Mützel Fall risk increasing drugs,2022,164,14,34-39,Thiem Cannabis regulation: legal problems and possible solutions,2022,164,Suppl 5,20-22,Tolmein Diabetes and road traffic,2023,165,4,59-61,Ebert Emergencies in general practice. Drowning accidents and "near-drowning",2002,144,23,38-39,Mutschler Drowning accident - handle emergencies properly,2023,165,13,50-51,Schütz Scalds and burns in children and adolescents. What to do when they appear in your medical practice?,2023,165,15,48-49,Hülße Violence and elder abuse in home care. An important issue - also for medical practice,2024,166,3,36-39,Teubner People in need of care at home: the relevance of incontinence and falls,2024,166,3,40-41,Palm When necrosis smells of heating oil... what damage fuels can do,2000,142,5,39-40,Federmann Caring for the mentally ill "psychiatric management" is already half the treatment,2002,144,29-30,e25,Greil Why do so many physicians commit suicide?,2002,144,10,4-10,Mäulen Do folic acid capsules prevent suicide?,2023,165,6,e28,Hull Minimum alcohol prices work wonders,2024,166,9,e25,Niederau It is easy to tell afterwards but could an extra house call have save the suicidal patient [1],2005,147,46,e13,Spahlinger Increased risk of suicide in spring-born subjects,2006,148,33-34,e16,Füeßl Suicide in recently released prisoners,2006,148,41,e32,Füeßl Google "helps" suicidal subjects,2008,150,40,e29,Füeßl Berühmte Suizidanten sind oft tragische Vorbilder,2021,163,7,e24,Hull Is financial crisis also a health crisis?,2009,151,39,e22,Ernst Sedatives and hypnotics increase suicide risk in older patients,2009,151,26-29,e24,Malberg Safety fences for suicide prevention: A half success,2010,152,36,e21,Holzgreve Lithium in drinking water reduces suicide mortality: Commentary,2011,153,45,e34,Wolfersdorf Does toxoplasma drive women into suicide? Commentary,2012,154,13,e37,Malberg Increased suicide rate after start of the financial crisis: Commentary,2012,154,Suppl 3,e40,Holzgreve Heart deaths and suicides become more frequent after cancer diagnosis: Commentary,2012,154,9,e36,Holzgreve Opportunity pulls off suicides,2014,156,2,e36,Füeßl Chronic fatigue syndrome: Suicide risk increased,2016,158,8,e3,Moreano Common etiology?: Epilepsy poses a risk of suicide even before the diagnosis,2016,158,2,e3, Suicide risk in cancer: When is it highest? ;;Suizidrisiko bei Krebs: Wann ist es am höchsten?,2022,164,16,12,Schmidt Suicidality increases with the heat ;; Mit der Hitze steigt auch die Suizidalität,2022,164,16,12,Zink Schlechte Luft miese Stimmung : Depression,2020,162,9,26-27,Heppner Ohr-Hämatom nach Selbstverletzung,2021,163,1,e23,Holzgreve Lieber leben mit Lithium im Leitungswasser,2021,163,9,e29,Bschor Senkt ADHS-Medikation die Suizidalität?,2021,163,19,e30,Mechler [Indications for inpatient psychotherapy. When does your patient belong in a clinic?],2001,143,43,28-31,Holzer [Suicidality in the elderly. What to do when the patient is suicidal?],2000,142,51-52,33-36,Muller [Help for suicidal colleagues. Heros also get tired],2002,144,18,14; author reply 14,Röser [How the mind impairs healing of the body. Properly diagnosing organic psychosyndrome],2002,144,37,35-38 40,Supprian [Online risk for psychiatric patients. "Internet suicide" as cause of death],2002,144,23,e14,Wepner [Suspected poisoning. What kind of emergency care?],2001,143,49-50,28-33,Martens [The physician as Sherlock Holmes. Accident murder by poisoning or suicide?],2001,143,49-50,33-36,Penning [3 basic symptoms: affective--somatic--cognitive. Recognizing the faces of depression],2003,145,33-34,44-45,Zacher [Acute treatment of psychiatric excitation. What to do when the patient is out of control?],2003,145,38,49-51,Lieb [Emergency unconscious patient. With the eye the nose and the reflex hammer to the diagnosis!],2003,145,21,e10,Stiefelhagen [From patient screening to management list in suicide risk. Practical guideline for dealing with depression],2003,145,41,24-27,Althaus [Concept and results of an awareness campaign: the "Nuremberg Alliance against Depression"],2003,145,12,42-44,Althaus [Bipolar disorders--how to recognize and treat them],2004,146 Spec No 2,,4-6 8,Forsthoff [Diagnosis and treatment of panic disorder],2004,146,42,45-46 48,Möller [Suicides peak in May and June. Is the decision to kill oneself dependent on the weather?],2004,146,25,43-44,Schuh [Abnormal responses to the loss of a loved one],2005,147,6,36-37 39-40,Weber [Puzzling bipolar disorder],2005,147 Spec No 2,,32-36,Forsthoff [Borderline personality disorder],2006,148,8,44 46-47,Schweiger [Longterm treatment of schizophrenia],2006,148,4,35-38,Pajonk [Maintenance treatment and relapse prophylaxis of depressive disorders],2006,148,4,26-28 30,Nyhuis [Medicine in literature: who has written it? Comforting preparations for planned suicide],2006,148,15,e64,Brath [Early detection of depressive illnesses],2007,149,13,27-29 31,Hegerl [The diagnosis is cancer--and then depression?],2007,149,16,27-30,Nothdurfter [Ways out of hopelessness. Cancer patients need more psychological support],2007,149,16,26-27,Straka [Depression: treatment in the family doctor's office],2008,150 Suppl 2,,56-58,Hofmann [So you keep the nerves],2005,147,7,4-6,Heim [Depression in men: stress risk factors and symptoms],2009,151,36,31-33,Möller-Leimkühler [Depression in the man. He doesn't complain but it's killing him (interview by Dr. med. Brigitte Moreano)],2009,151,47,14-15,Möller-Leimkühler [Is your patient suicidal? Not ignoring suicide risk!],2009,151,30-33,26-27,Bischoff [Natural death? Looking in the mouth reveals something else],2010,152,13,e5,Hartung [Psychological comorbidity in tinnitus. Noise in the ear - torture for the psyche],2010,152,41,e20,Moreano [The speechless patient],2010,152,38,25-28,Falkai [Depressive disorders in children and adolescents],2011,153,14,37-40,Freisleder [Not Available],2019,161,21-22,e34,Voderholzer