Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fatal electrical accidents in the home and their misdiagnosis,1982,124,50,1135-1137,Erkrath Fatal carbon monoxide poisoning in a home accident and its misrepresentation,1981,123,45,1715-1716,Erkrath Hypertension and driving ability,1974,116,12,633-634,Spann Psychologic studies after administration of Dogmatil,1974,116,11,583-584,Lewrenz Accidents in the water and on ice,1974,116,10,511-514,Voeltz Intravenous injection of thermometer mercury,1975,117,26,1117-1120,Messerschmidt Letter: Vision and automobile traffic,1975,117,13,553,Hollwich The prevention of suicide by the Telefonseelsorge,1975,117,6,205-208,Balaszeskul Suicide in the elderly,1975,117,6,201-204,Böcker Addiction and suicide,1975,117,6,197-200,Feuerlein Psychotic acts of suicide,1975,117,6,193-196,Sonneck Suicidal tendencies and the prevention of suicide,1975,117,6,189-192,Achté Confidence and fear of the doctor when meeting the suicidal patient,1975,117,6,183-188,Stolze Alcohol and suicide,1976,118,52-53,Suppl 7-8,Feuerlein Paradoxes in the clinical aspects of depression,1977,119,50,1607-1610,Taschev Development and trial of a civic disaster plan,1977,119,47,1517-1520,Theoret Effect of air-electric fields on driving and reaction patterns. Test subjects in the car driving simulator,1977,119,23,813-816,Anselm Frequency of depressive diseases,1977,119,23,801-806,Helmchen The increase and decrease of the incidence of poisoning,1978,120,45,1477-1478,Geldmacher-von Mallinckrodt Battered child syndrome,1978,120,40,1284,Geissl Children were overlooked in the planning,1978,120,11,342-343, Parkinsonism and fitness to drive,1979,121,41,1329-1330,Steinberg Impairment of driving ability by infections of the gastrointestinal region,1979,121,41,1326-1328,Dölle Psychiatric diseases and driving fitness,1979,121,41,1322-1325,Hippius The mental patient as motorist. When is unfitness to drive involved?,1979,121,41,1317-1321,Lewrenz Analgesia in ambulatory interventions. Effect on traffic fitness,1979,121,41,1313-1316,Rügheimer Diseases--risk factors in street traffic,1979,121,41,1309-1310,Spann How we would survive an atomic war,1979,121,36,1124-5 1127, Is our emergency planning a catastrophy?,1979,121,36,1126,Ring Suicide in schoolchildren,1979,121,14,481-484,Trube-Becker Prevention of suicide in children. Family improvements are most important,1979,121,14,473,Trube-Becker Suicide in Bavarian prisons,1979,121,9,315-316,Seifert Occupational accidents and their sequelae. A review of the literature,1979,121,8,277-282,Fischer Empirical study on the attendance to suicidal patients by established physicians,1979,121,6,213-217,Moller Trauma inflicted on a baby by shaking,1979,121,5,171-176,Schneider Child abuse--shaking injuries. "The consequences are largely unknown",1979,121,5,158-159,Schneider Catastrophe hygiene,1980,122,42,1467-1471,Schreiber Traumatology in catastrophies. Care of the injured reaction to catastrophe consequences,1980,122,42,1457-1458,Fischer The role of the doctor in the prevention of ill-treatment and punishment of children,1980,122,27,1997-1910,Petri Youth and the danger of suicide,1980,122,18,677-681,Specht The life situations of old people with reference to suicide risk,1980,122,18,671-676,Venzlaff Catastrophe medicine: experiences with the employment of German Federal Forces in South Italy,1981,123,46,1757-1760,Hauber The effect of bromazepam on fitness to drive,1981,123,42,1585-1588,Hobi Triage. Basic procedures of catastrophe medicine also in accidents?,1981,123,16,635-636,Biesing Traffic noise and hypertension risk. Hypothalamus theory of essential hypertension. Second communication,1981,123,11,420-424,Friedrich Suicide prevention and humane dying,1982,124,50,1121-1123,Pohlmeier Fitness to drive under therapy with antihypertensive agents,1983,125,45,1022-1024,Harms The driver's license and epilepsy. Possibilities for liberalization?,1983,125,44,999-1002,Spatz Poisoning by beta receptor blockaders,1983,125,20,434-436,Geisler Late sequelae following atomic bomb explosions and radiation accidents,1975,117,47,1893-1898,Fischer Disease statistics and absence from school,1975,117,16,655-660,Biener Hand injury due to heat and simultaneous pressure ("ironing machine injury"),1974,116,50,2185-2190,Biemer Proceedings: Blunt abdominal injury in polytraumatization,1974,116,32-33,1449-1450,Burghart Traumatic hip dislocation in childhood. Compiled statistics of the last 15 years and 4 own observations,1974,116,15,315-320,Brug Impaling injuries of the perineal and anal region,1983,125,46,1082-1084,Kahle The "unhappy triad". Remarks on the mutation of the concept,1982,124,41,887-888,Keller More than 50% of parents are recidivists,1978,120,6,155-157,Lenard Traffic accidents in childhood--an analysis of 4100 cases (author's transl),1977,119,17,565-568,Meier Pain as a risk factor in traffic,1979,121,41,1310-1312,Krainick Poster session: children's accidents and other disasters (proceedings),1979,121,20,674-675, Skateboard injuries (author's transl),1979,121,14,485-488,Rosemeyer Acute psychoses caused by diphenhydramine poisoning,1982,124,44,977-978,Hladny Special features of diagnosis and therapy in child and adolescent psychiatry,1982,124,12,290-292,Knölker Facial plastic surgery as preventive measures for psychic lesions (author's transl),1981,123,26,1073-1077,Stellmach Group therapy in clinical practice (author's transl),1976,118,20,645-648,Wedler Proceedings: Therapeutic group work in the hospital,1975,117,20,842,Wedler Damage to the meniscus in professional footballers,1975,117,5,153-156,Schneider Causes of death in lightning strokes (author's transl),1977,119,1,29-32,Karobath Traumatic lesions of the optic chiasm,1977,119,4,111-112,Eichholtz Alcohol and skiing,1977,119,4,109-110,Biener Acupuncture as a cause of death (author's transl),1981,123,3,97-98,Brettel Sports injuries,1982,124,5,74-77,Pabst "Slide-proof" ski clothing,1982,124,8,185-186,Prokop Safety ski binding. Medical viewpoints,1982,124,8,183-184,Muller Cause and prevention of ski injuries,1982,124,8,178-182,Bernett The health value of skiing,1982,124,8,167-168,Grünewald Sports and skiing for the handicapped. Unterjoch model,1982,124,8,187-188,Straub Drugs and addictive behavior. Possibilities of sport therapy,1982,124,7,143-147,Glatthaar Psychotic states of mind in the course of ifosfamide therapy and prevention with piracetam (Nootrop). Preliminary report,1983,125,2,35-36,Scheef Resuscitation following a strike by lightning,1984,126,3,63-64,Krejci Tennis-specific injuries and lesions of the lower extremity,1984,126,5,106-108,Paulsen Distribution of drug consumption between the sexes in young people (author's transl),1974,116,13,653-658,Biener Psychogenic death and suicide (author's transl),1975,117,12,473-476,Stumpfe Headache and dependence on mixed analgesic preparations,1975,117,11,457-462,Gross Fatigue fractures of the calcaneus in soldiers of the Federal Forces,1975,117,16,681-684,Rückert Letter: Security in the consultation room,1975,117,20,882,Muller Chronic mercury poisoning from cosmetic creams (author's transl),1975,117,26,1121-1124,Summa Sociomedical significance and restabilization therapy of osteoporosis (author's transl),1975,117,44,1775-1778,Krokowski Expert opinion on headache after accidents (author's transl),1975,117,49,1961-1964,Scherzer Ten years of emergency medical service in Munich. Experiences and results,1976,118,18,579-586,Bauer History of the therapy of acute frostbite,1976,118,39,1247-1248,Knierer Acute carbon tetrachloride poisoning (author's transl),1976,118,37,1173-1176,Fischer Fat embolism--a complication of multiple fractures,1976,118,44,1435-1436,Petersmann Problems of toxicological analysis in occupational medicine (author's transl),1976,118,44,1415-1418,Schaller Duodenal injuries in blunt epigastric trauma (author's transl),1976,118,42,1353-1358,Schäfer The electric accident,1979,121,25,838-839,Valentin Motoricity in the aging human (author's transl),1976,118,51,1671-1672,Huffmann Use of permanent magnets in the human body,1976,118,50,1648-1649,Fahlenbrach Advertising and safety in skiing (author's transl),1977,119,6,171-176,Neff Benefits and dangers of sport for the postural and locomotor apparatus (author's transl),1977,119,6,167-170,Schneider Differentiation of headache following accidents,1977,119,14,468,Scherzer Commotio cerebri and headache: (author's transl),1977,119,14,461-464,Wessely Fatal intoxication following Grob's triple-phase tanning,1977,119,44,1437-1438,Weber Acute mercury poisoning due to intravenous injection of metallic mercury,1977,119,47,1537-1538,Zosin The unborn live dangerously. Perinatology in the consumer population,1977,119,48,1541-1542,Wenderlein Sport today: ski acrobatics (author's transl),1978,120,11,363-366,Steinbrück The weather and skiing accidents (author's transl),1979,121,12,427-430,Biener The "nervous breakdown",1979,121,11,389-390,Payk Endogenic depression organic psychosyndrome or hypothyroidism?,1979,121,5,28, The death of Béla Bartók in New York. On the centenary of his birth May 25th 1981 (author's transl),1981,123,13,525-529,Kerner The ski pole in summer,1981,123,13,513-514,Neureuther Skiing accidents in children (author's transl),1981,123,11,429-433,Biener The bomb outrage at the Munich Octoberfest on 26. 9. 1980 (author's transl),1981,123,16,639-643,Hauber "That depends on the situation!" Sense and limits of an oft-heard remark,1981,123,23,962-964,Piechowiak Genetic and phylogenetic aspects of games and sports (author's transl),1981,123,25,1039-1042,Jorgensen Survival in heat (author's transl),1981,123,27,1113-1116,Schreiber Action for children,1979,121,14,477-478,Betke Immediate measures in diving accidents,1979,121,25,836-837,Lorenzoni General sports: a wasteland of sports medicine care,1982,124,15,104-105,Sehrt How dangerous is squash? Results of an investigation on injury risk (author's transl),1980,122,28,1037-1040,Pförringer Sports injuries; their origins and complications,1980,122,28,1027-1028,Keyl Mountain sickness or alpine climber's disease (author's transl),1979,121,27,907-910,Erbertseder Trampoline jumping--a dangerous sport? Analyses of injuries and preventive measures,1978,120,29-30,985-988,Steinbrück Our children are being cheated of their active sports,1978,120,29-30,983-984,Lenhart Sport injuries due to squash. Epidemiology and prevention (author's transl),1978,120,36,1163-1166,Pförringer Criminological aspects of the clarification of alkaloid intoxications (author's transl),1978,120,45,1493-1496,Krauland Psychoses and borderline cases in puberty and adolescence and their importance in criminal law (author's transl),1979,121,34,1075-1078,Lempp Self assured and ready for social contact. Discussion of swimming for infants,1979,121,39,1232-1234,Diem Victimology of sexual crime. Examination of victims and the consequences for behavior prophylaxis and therapy (author's transl),1979,121,40,1279-1284,Volk Drug consumption of armed forces recruits (author's transl),1980,122,34,1155-1158,Schenk Neurological symptoms in poisoning,1980,122,40,1365-1370,Neu Massive injuries and triage,1980,122,42,1455-1456,Rebentisch Catastrophe medicine. General principles,1980,122,42,1450-1454,Linde Catastrophe medicine in Germany. Critical evaluation,1980,122,42,1447-1449,Linde Health education of adolescents against tobacco alcohol and drug consumption. The Rapperswil Study (author's transl),1980,122,47,1695-1698,Biener "Near-drowning". First aid at the scene of the accident. The need for aftercare and intensive therapy facilities (author's transl),1981,123,41,1529-1532,Jost Drunkenness--alcohol abuse--alcoholism,1981,123,44,77-8 80,Kellner Prevention of athletic injuries,1981,123,43,58-64,Pabst Clinical and electroencephalographic observations during the acute action of hashish (author's transl),1975,117,12,477-482,Seyfeddinipur A "Easy Death" - The History of the Term Euthanasia in Antiquity,1997,139,51-52,760-763,Benzenhöfer Skin lesions by intoxication with psychotropic drugs,1997,139,17,266-268,Gastpar Catamnestic studies following parasuicide - A contribution to prediction and typology,1998,140,4,43-46,Israel Epidemiology of attempted and completed suicide,1998,140,4,38-42,Weinacker Imitation of Suicidal Behaviour,1998,140,10,137-141,Schmidtke Antidepressive intervention against 'imbalance',1994,136,5,e58,