Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fatalities in alcoholic intoxication in the aged,1992,25,1,53-56,Dankwarth Attitudes to automobile ownership and feelings of insecurity of the elderly in traffic,1986,19,6,400-409,Wittenberg Knowledge of accident causation research in relation to age-induced decrease in the performance of elderly motorists their accident risk and legal consequences,1990,23,2,86-96,Seib Traffic accident fatality involving the elderly as passengers,1994,27,5,313-318,Heinemann The elderly as victims of violent crime,1994,27,5,289-298,Ahlf Homicides involving the elderly,1994,27,5,306-312,Püschel Effect of whole body vibration on the neuromuscular performance of females 65 years and older : One-year results of the controlled randomized ELVIS study,2010,43,2,125-132,Mayer Suicide in homes for the aged,1981,14,6,501-507,Kühnert Dangers to the aged in traffic,1981,14,4,313-317,Handel Experiences in traffic education for the aged,1981,14,4,308-312,Kammerer Age limits for drivers' licenses,1981,14,4,304-307,Handel The aged as automobile drivers,1981,14,4,296-303,Hartmann The elderly in traffic--future aspects,1984,17,6,336-339,Wilbers Elderly automobile drivers--a problem with a future?,1986,19,6,410-418,Schlag Violence against the elderly in the family context--a topic in research practice and public information,1987,20,5,305-313,Dieck Suicidal behavior in the aged,1988,21,5,267-276,Erlemeier Psychodynamics of suicide in the aged,1988,21,1,45-51,Stumpfe The relation between suicide and psychiatric disease in advanced age,1989,22,5,242-246,Wolfersdorf Grief and depression in the aged,1989,22,3,162-169,Bron Empirical studies on the performance of elderly automobile drivers,1990,23,5,300-306,Schlag Residents and personnel as sources and targets of violence in homes for the aged,1990,23,4,186-196,Schneider Suicide rates suicide methods and uncertain cause of death in the elderly,1991,24,1,3-11,Schmidtke Suicide in the aged,1991,24,1,12-16,Dankwarth Psychodynamics and crisis intervention in suicidal behavior in advanced age,1992,25,6,386-390,Teising Depression and suicide in the elderly,1992,25,1,43-52,Bron Epidemiology of medication suicide attempt in the elderly,1993,26,2,86-88,Haberhauer Falls and lying helpless in the elderly,1992,25,4,278-282,Honkanen Times places and mechanisms of falls among the elderly,1991,24,3,154-161,Honkanen Traffic-related mobility in the elderly,1983,16,6,284-289,Mathey The significance of falling in geriatrics,1983,16,6,254-259,Falck Accident prevention and safety in old age homes,1981,14,4,325-331,Handel The frailty syndrome in general practitioner care : A pilot study,2011,44,1,48-54,Lang Use of virtual reality technique for the training of motor control in the elderly : Some theoretical considerations,2010,43,4,229-234,de Bruin Satisfaction and use of personal emergency response systems,2010,43,4,219-223,Becker Improvement of balance after audio-biofeedback : A 6-week intervention study in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy,2010,43,4,224-228,Becker Road traffic and the elderly,2009,42,3,183-184,von Renteln-Kruse Criminal behavior and police records : Self-reports from elderly individuals,2011,44,1,55-65,Kunz Risk assessment after hip fracture : Check the "healthy" leg!,2011,44,6,375-380,Haas Fall and fracture prevention based on the National Expert Standard : Implementation and costs in a real world setting in nursing homes,2012,45,2,128-137,Becker Quality of life of older women with dependency and abuse experience,2013,46,1,27-34,Lang Effects of physical activity and physical training on the psychological status of older persons with and without cognitive impairment,2012,45,4,279-289,Hauer Health and competence : Detection and decoding using comprehensive assessments in the Longitudinal Urban Cohort Ageing Study (LUCAS),2012,45,4,271-278,Anders GAL@Home : A feasibility study of sensor-based in-home fall detection,2012,45,8,716-721,Gietzelt Proposal for a multiphase fall model based on real-world fall recordings with body-fixed sensors,2012,45,8,707-715,Becker Assessing fall risk using wearable sensors: a practical discussion : A review of the practicalities and challenges associated with the use of wearable sensors for quantification of fall risk in older people,2012,45,8,694-706,Marschollek Sensor-based fall detection and prediction,2012,45,8,692-693,Becker Activity trails risk of falling and health-related quality of life : Effects of a 12-week guided intervention,2013,46,6,543-547,Niederer Psychotherapy of depression in old age,2013,46,2,120-126,Wächtler The prevalence of falls in adults aged 40 years or older in an urban German population: Results from a telephone survey,2014,47,2,141-146,Schumacher German test of the controllability of motor imagery in older adults,2013,46,7,663-672,Schott Assessment and training of strength and balance for fall prevention in the elderly : Recommendations of an interdisciplinary expert panel,2014,47,6,513-526,Granacher Physical distress and relationship problems : Exploring the psychosocial and intrapsychic world of suicidal geriatric patients,2013,47,6,502-507,von Renteln-Kruse Benzodiazepines in geriatrics,2013,46,8,769-776,Hofmann Development and pilot study of a bed-exit alarm based on a body-worn accelerometer,2013,46,8,727-733,Marschollek Development of a standard fall data format for signals from body-worn sensors : The FARSEEING consensus,2013,46,8,720-726,Becker Fall detection with body-worn sensors : A systematic review,2013,46,8,706-719,Becker Health-enabling technologies in geriatric falls research : The path to evidence,2013,46,8,704-705,Becker Measuring gait velocity in the elderly with a gait analysis system and a 10-meter walk test : A comparison,2013,48,1,29-34,Wewerka Mild dementia and driving ability : Part 1: Fundamentals,2014,47,3,243-50; quiz 251-2,Wolter Mild dementia and driving ability : Part 2: Assessment and its consequences in practice,2014,47,4,345-53; quiz 354-5,Wolter Research on aging in behavioral sciences in the Federal Republic of Germany,1981,14,3,204-223,Thomae The aged as victims (of crime),1981,14,4,245-258,Baurmann Multimodal sensor-based fall detection within the domestic environment of elderly people,2014,47,8,661-665,Marschollek The challenges posed by climate change to successful ageing,2014,47,6,468-474,Wanka Health protection during heat waves : European recommendations and experience in Hesse,2014,47,6,483-489,Blättner Aggressiveness as a life technic in nursing homes for the aged,1981,14,6,459-468,Fischer The "accommodation" of aging and older psychiatric patients - legal and psychiatric aspects,1981,14,6,416-429,Mollhoff Nursing homes versus assisted living facilities : Outcome quality regarding pressure ulcers falls and malnutrition,2014,48,3,263-269,Dassen Parameters of bone health and fracture risk in older female fall victims: what do they tell us?,2015,48,6,539-542,van der Cammen Trail walking test for assessment of motor cognitive interference in older adults : development and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the procedure,2015,48,8,722-733,Schott Prediction of future falls in a community dwelling older adult population using instrumented balance and gait analysis,2015,49,3,232-236,Rupprecht Proximal femoral fractures in the elderly,2015,48,7,647-661,Blauth Fitness training for the old and frail : effectiveness and impact on daily life coping and self-care abilities,2015,49,2,107-114,Niebauer Active and safe with wheeled walkers : pilot study on feasibility of mobility exercises for wheeled walker users,2016,49,5,366-371,Freiberger Social service robots to support independent living : experiences from a field trial,2016,49,4,282-287,Pripfl Designing a social and assistive robot for seniors,2016,49,4,274-281,Eftring German translation of the performance-oriented mobility assessment according to Tinetti,2016,50,6,498-505,Petersen Falls and dementia are not contraindications for anticoagulation in older adults with atrial fibrillation,2016,49,5,458-459,Iglseder Technology-based measurements for screening monitoring and preventing frailty,2016,49,7,581-595,Schwenk Effect of uphill and downhill walking on walking performance in geriatric patients using a wheeled walker,2016,50,6,483-487,Becker Frequency of falls among clients of home care services : the importance of care-related and social risk factors,2019,52,1,3-9,Rommel Driving and dementia : an issue for general practice?!,2017,50,Suppl 2,55-62,Wilm "Because we feel we have to do something" - Barriers in the prevention of violence and key areas requiring action : a qualitative interview study with professional nurses and managers in the field of elderly care,2018,51,3,329-334,Gahr Age 89 years depression fall with pelvic fracture severe confusion - serotonin syndrome : dfferential diagnosis importance of CYP450 and economic considerations,2018,51,5,573-578,Martin Violence against the elderly in domestic care settings : short profile of an interdisciplinary research project,2017,50,4,294-297,Oswald Mild head injuries in the elderly,2017,50,5,451-459,Thaler Influence of single and dual tasks on gait stability and gait speed in the elderly : an explorative study,2019,52,1,23-27,Hilfiker Musculoskeletal factors sarcopenia and falls in old age,2019,52,1,37-44,Freiberger Subjective gait stability in the elderly,2019,52,1,17-22,Hirsch The forgotten minority - the aged as criminals,1981,14,4,259-273,Dunkel Social participation and heat-related behavior in older adults during heat waves and on other days,2018,51,5,543-549,Becker Effectiveness of preventive house visits for elderly people : systematic assessment of current literature,2018,51,8,922-928,Renz German version of the Community Balance and Mobility Scale : translation and evaluation of measurement properties,2019,52,1,28-36,Becker The osteoporotic fracture prevention program in rural areas (OFRA): analysis of 1092 mobility courses in rural areas,2019,52,1,68-74,Rapp Influence of dual-tasking on straight ahead and curved walking in older adults,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwenk Osteoporosis-epidemiology and quality of care,2019,52,5,408-413,Kammerlander Balance and mobility in geriatric patients : assessment and treatment of neurological aspects,2019,52,4,316-323,Freiberger Epidemiology and prevention of heat-related adverse health effects on elderly people,2019,52,5,487-502,Lindemann Exercises and multimodal interventions for prevention of falls in independently living older people,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker Violent death in old age-an analysis of autopsy reports,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hartwig Dementia-specific characteristics of patients with fall-related femur fractures : a case study based on routine hospital data of patients with unspecified dementia,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manietta Smartphone-based health promotion in old age : an explorative multi-component approach to improving health in old age,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bock Abnormal things happening during sleep: parasomnias,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heppner Perturbation in public transport as a basic concept for perturbation-based balance training for fall prevention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker Security and user acceptance of an intelligent home emergency call system for older people living at home with limited daily living skills and receiving home care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lukas Risk of falls in patients with low bone mineral density : analysis of placebo arms from clinical trials,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Möckel Acute geriatric treatment of older trauma patients : influence on mobility autonomy and postdischarge destination,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meyer Association between falling direction and age in older patients with hip fractures,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Urabe Sexual abuse of care-dependent patients : results of a nationwide cross-sectional study among general practitioners on 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