Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Deer-related traffic accidents,2003,153,2,64,Putman National deer-vehicle collisions database--an update,2004,154,24,767-768,Putman Keeping of dangerous wild animals in the UK,2000,147,15,428,Cusdin Incidence of suicide in the veterinary profession in England and Wales,2005,157,14,415,Mellanby Reducing the suicide rate among veterinary surgeons: how the profession can help,2005,157,14,397,Halliwell Suicide and mental health issues in the (veterinary) profession,2005,157,20,636,Glas Vets and international disaster management,2006,159,1,27-28,Bowen 'Dangerous dogs' on the agenda at the FECAVA congress in Berlin,2001,149,19,573-574, Dangerous dogs (comment),1992,130,12,252,Jackson Dangerous dogs,1990,126,22,562,Knott Dangerous dogs,1989,124,23,618,Richardson Sleep deprivation and driving,2001,149,25,780,Hopper Veterinary poisons information service,2007,161,18,635,Andrews Veterinary surgeons and suicide: influences opportunities and research directions,2008,162,2,36-40,Baldwin Suicide by veterinary surgeons,2008,162,3,100,Wishart Suicide by veterinary surgeons,2008,162,4,132,Bartram Suicide by veterinary surgeons,2008,162,11,355,Rice Suicide by veterinary surgeons,2008,162,11,355-356,Baldwin Characteristics of 234 dog bite incidents in Ireland during 2004 and 2005,2008,163,2,37-42,O'Sullivan Injuries to Australian veterinarians working with horses,2009,164,7,207-209,Day Handling and restraining aggressive dogs,2011,168,11,309,Stevenson Cross-reporting of animal abuse,2007,161,1,34-35,Finlay Precautions against nuclear accident or attack,1984,114,7,175-176,Penhale Precautions against nuclear accident or attack,1984,114,5,128,Rutter Our violent society,1985,117,24,648,Payne A further case of deafness following coal gas poisoning in a dog,1950,62,38,566,Comben Castor bean poisoning,1950,62,32,472-473,Geary The saftey evaluation of pet products,1969,84,7,168-170,Stevenson Veterinary surgeons and suicide: a structured review of possible influences on increased risk,2010,166,13,388-397,Baldwin Suicide and mental wellbeing among vets,2010,166,16,504,Bee Treatment for poisoning by Oenanthe crocata,1966,78,26,928,Shillabeer Incidence and impact of dog attacks on guide dogs in the UK,2010,166,25,778-781,Brooks Deaths from bee stings,1994,134,1,23-24,Jones 'Battered pets',1996,138,23,576,Munro Emergency contingency plans for animals in Florida,2007,161,6,211,Gibbs Study of factors that may predispose domestic cats to road traffic accidents: Part 2,2003,153,19,585-588,Rochlitz Study of factors that may predispose domestic cats to road traffic accidents: part 1,2003,153,18,549-553,Rochlitz RCVS issues guidance on dealing with abuse in animals and humans,2003,152,15,446-447, Vigilance against bioterrorism,2001,149,24,751,Scudamore Vigilance against bioterrorism,2001,149,19,599-600,Storrar Hyperthermia in dogs left in cars,1996,139,14,349-350,Gregory Presumptive arsenical poisoning in a human,1946,58,,300,Macaulay Handling and restraining aggressive dogs (comment),2011,168,13,359-360,Shepherd Evaluation of suicide awareness programmes delivered to veterinary undergraduates and academic staff,2010,167,19,730-734,Mellanby Reducing the suicide rate in the profession,2010,167,22,879-880,Little Reducing the suicide rate in the profession,2010,167,26,1018,Brown Firearms legislation,1997,141,11,287-288,Worth Aggressive behaviour in English cocker spaniels and the personality of their owners,1997,141,3,73-76,Podberscek Comparison of the efficacy of remote consultations and personal consultations for the treatment of dogs which are aggressive towards their owners,2005,156,6,168-170,Smith Systematic review of human-directed dog aggression,2010,166,13,407,Newman Dangerous Dogs Act,1995,136,11,275,Davidson Dangerous Dogs Act,1995,136,14,371,Gale Animal abuse and human violence: exploring a connection,2001,148,11,326-327, Relationship between aggressive and avoidance behaviour by dogs and their experience in the first six months of life,2002,150,14,434-438,Appleby Four cases of aggression and hypothyroidism in dogs,2002,151,18,547-548,Fatjó Dog bite prevention. Further to the news report in The Veterinary Record (vol. 160 pp. 413-7),2007,160,12,415,Mills Intraspecific aggression and suspected infanticide in otters,2000,146,8,231-232,Simpson Dangerous dogs,1990,126,26,650,Edmond Attacks on veterinary surgeons,1990,126,26,650,Hollands Attacks on veterinary surgeons,1990,126,25,628,Morton Dangerous dogs,1990,126,24,610,Walton Aggression in golden retrievers,1991,128,19,459, Control of fighting dogs,1991,128,23,553-554, Dangerous Dogs Bill rushed through the Commons,1991,128,24,558-559, Control of fighting dogs,1991,128,22,531, Aggression in golden retrievers,1991,128,17,410,Edwards Dangerous dogs,1992,130,10,212,Straiton Unilateral and bilateral laparoscopic ovariectomy of mares by electrocautery,2008,163,10,297-300,Smith A study of the aetiology of pseudopregnancy in the bitch and the effect of cabergoline therapy,1999,144,16,433-436,Harvey Reporting animal abuse: a vet's responsibility to society?,2010,167,17,638-639,Morris Status dogs: a reflection of a wider problem in society,2010,167,14,508-509, Dangerous Dogs Act and the problem of 'status' dogs,2010,167,16,628-629,Shepherd Strong support for reform of the Dangerous Dogs Act,2010,167,23,884, Handling and restraining aggressive dogs,2011,168,17,466,Lang Suspected carbon monoxide poisoning in a dog,1995,136,11,275-276,Hipwell Deaths through careless disposal of a herbicide,1970,87,23,731-732,Kitto Advertisement featuring bullfighting,1999,144,4,104,Philpott Preventing dog bite injuries: The need for a collaborative approach,2011,169,13,341-342,De Keuster Letter: The Flixborough Nypro explosion,1974,95,1,26,Wilson 'Stray voltage' and sudden collapse in horses and cattle,1998,142,10,256,Williams 'Stray voltage' and sudden collapse in horses and cattle,1998,142,10,256,Prentice Fumes from gas appliances,1998,142,22,616,Guilliard Letter: Toxicity of preserved timber,1975,96,8,187-188,Bick Electrocution of pigs,1975,97,16,305-306,Giles The statutory control of drugs,1973,93,1,17-21,Edwards Neutering of dogs,2001,148,1,28,Gardiner Lunar influence?,2001,148,3,92,Watson Animal poisoning in Italy: 10 years of epidemiological data from the Poison Control Centre of Milan,2012,170,16,415,Davanzo Investigation of illegal poisoning by pesticides,1999,144,14,392,Teare Firearms--the right balance?,1999,145,22,647-648,House Toad poisoning in small animals,1973,92,22,589-590,Perry 'Magic mushroom' poisoning in a dog,1990,126,6,149,Kirwan Recognising abuse in animals and people,2012,171,1,28, Attitudes to animal euthanasia do not correlate with acceptance of human euthanasia or suicide,2012,171,7,174,Ogden Effect of attitudes to euthanasia on vets' suicide risk,2012,171,7,172-173,Stark Toxoplasma gondii and elevated suicide risk,2012,171,9,225,Godwin Suicide and attitudes to animal euthanasia,2012,171,11,279,Bee Elevated suicide risks cats and toxoplasmosis,2012,171,12,303,Sparkes Inter-dog aggression in a UK owner survey: prevalence co-occurrence in different contexts and risk factors,2013,172,5,127,Casey Aggression between dogs: what can the vet do to help solve the problem?,2013,172,5,125-126,McBride Decline in human dog-bite cases during a street dog sterilisation programme in Jaipur India,2013,172,18,473,Reece Plant poisoning in domestic animals: epidemiological data from an Italian survey (2000-2011),2013,172,22,580,Caloni Preventing dog bites with the help of the Blue Dog,2005,156,16,499, Competitive trail and endurance riding in the UK,1977,100,10,192-194,Hall-Patch 'Bling with bite': The rise of status and weapon dogs,2013,173,11,261-263,Harding Animal welfare and the law,1977,100,19,404-405,Jackson Suicide risk among farmers,2014,174,1,22,Osborne Epidemiological study (2006-2012) on the poisoning of small animals by human and veterinary drugs,2014,174,9,222,Caloni Timing and presence of an attachment person affect sensitivity of aggression tests in shelter dogs,2014,174,8,196,Kis Risk of dog bite injury in veterinary practice,2014,174,6,151,Singh Risk of dog bite injury in veterinary practice,2014,174,8,204,Gardner Danger from toys?,1992,130,8,168,Milnes Airgun injuries,1985,116,6,167-168,Burnie Our violent society,1986,118,7,191,Turner Bull fighting,1988,122,9,215-216,Pinniger Illegal dog fighting,1988,122,9,213,Porter Marijuana toxaemia,1983,112,18,441,Frost Barbiturate poisoning from pet shop meat: possible association with perivascular injection,1980,107,22,517,Humphreys Bull fighting,1988,122,4,95,Kyle Survey reveals high risk of injury to equine vets,2014,175,11,263, Workplace injuries: risk of injury to vets [veterinarians],2014,175,12,308,Logue Fatal dog bites: DF-2 infection,1989,124,14,379,Mills Veterinary attendance at driving trials,1989,124,23,620,Woodger Dangerous dogs,1989,125,5,118,Jackson Dangerous dogs,1989,125,1,26,Adams Veterinary attendance at driving trials,1989,125,1,25,Taylor Illegal dog fighting,1988,122,13,310, Illegal dog fighting,1988,122,12,287-288,Nicholson Glyphosate-surfactant herbicide poisoning in domestic animals: an epidemiological survey,2015,176,16,413,Davanzo Clinical indicators of occult musculoskeletal pain in aggressive dogs,2015,176,18,465,Mills Dog bites: a complex public health issue,2015,176,25,640-641,Orritt Forensic investigation of drowning,2015,177,7,183-184,Cassella The incidence and impact of dog attacks on guide dogs in the UK: an update,2016,178,15,367,Moxon Preventing aggressive behaviour in dogs,2016,179,2,e35,Orritt Dog bites - are vets missing an educational opportunity?,2016,178,21,535-536,Mannion When man's best friend attacks: how to progress on dog bites,2016,178,15,365-366,De Keuster Kennel Club launches resource to help schools teach safety around dogs,2015,176,25,641, Charities: Getting the message across on responsible ownership,2015,177,2,39, Review of responsible dog ownership in Wales,2015,176,16,397, The complex issue of dog bites,2014,175,15,385,Bower One health: the complex issue of dog bites,2014,175,19,490,Bailey Hospital admissions for dog bites show a regional bias,2014,174,19,471, One Health approach to dog bite prevention,2014,174,6,151-152,Shepherd Dangerous dogs: culprits or victims?,2014,175,22,554,Mills Defra issues draft advice on enforcing antisocial behaviour measures,2013,173,15,355, Defra proposes increased maximum penalties for dog attacks,2013,173,17,407, Defra seeks views on maximum penalty for aggravated dog attacks,2013,173,6,130, Defra publishes Bill to amend the Dangerous Dogs Act,2013,172,15,381, Preventive solutions needed on dangerous dogs,2012,171,1,4, Welsh Government seeks views on draft dog control law,2012,171,22,545, Preventing dog bite wounds in people,2011,168,22,594,Telfer Forensic veterinary science of bite wounds,2011,168,24,650,Bailey Political and practical problems with dangerous dogs,2011,168,5,133-134,Grant Dangerous dogs legislation,2009,164,18,566,Shepherd Dog bite prevention. Re: Recent clinical review in the British Medical Journal (BMJ vol. 334 pp. 413-417),2007,160,12,415,Taylor Risk factors for road traffic accidents in cats up to age 12 months that were registered between 2010 and 2013 with the UK pet cat cohort ('Bristol Cats'),2017,180,8,195,Murray Campaigning to amend air gun licensing laws,2017,180,13,317, Risk factors for human-directed aggression in a referral level clinical population,2017,181,2,44,Casey Human-directed aggression: are we barking up the wrong tree?,2017,181,2,42-43,Keuster Retrospective evaluation of 140 dogs involved in road traffic accidents,2018,182,7,196,Bdolah-Abram Make helmets a policy,2018,182,8,234,Shaw All equine vets should wear helmets,2018,182,18,521,Shaw Universities should encourage helmet wearing,2018,182,21,607,Whitbread Reporting of suspected dog fighting to the police Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and equivalents by veterinary professionals in the UK,2018,183,18,567,Milroy Non-accidental injury of animals,2019,185,1,24,Williams To report or not to report animal abuse: the role of perceived self-efficacy in veterinarians' decision-making,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alleyne Canine behaviour problems in Brazil: a review of 180 referral cases,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mills Depression suicidal ideation and suicide risk in German veterinarians compared with the general German population,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Glaesmer Paralytic shellfish poisoning and palytoxin poisoning in dogs,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turner Responses to bullying allegations at Edinburgh vet school,2020,187,9,e362,Anonymous 'You must acknowledge and address the toxic culture at Edinburgh's vet school',2020,187,9,e366,Anonymous Occupational stress and coping strategies in experienced Australian veterinarians,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simmonds Driving evidence-based improvements for the UK's 'stressed. lonely. overweight. bored. aggressive. misunderstood…but loved' companion animals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wensley Safety helmets make sense around horses,2021,188,11,414, Participation in survey about non-accidental injury,2022,190,9,e374,Williams Lead pulling as a welfare concern in pet dogs: what can veterinary professionals learn from current research?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dixon Suicide prevention in veterinary workplaces study launched,2022,190,11,466-467,Allister Veterinarians' experiences of treating cases of animal abuse: an online questionnaire study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams Following the evidence on aggression,2023,192,11,p421,Loeb English cocker spaniel: an aggressive family pet?,2023,192,11,422-423,Loeb Audit of animal-related injuries at UK veterinary schools between 2009 and 2018,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pinchbeck DEFRA set to ban XL bully for public safety,2023,193,6,e224,Loeb 'There is no reason to believe that genetics doesn't play a role in dog aggression',2023,193,8,p333,Sargan Mixed reactions to Defra's XL bully ban,2023,193,10,p387,Loeb BVA warns of XL bully ban impact,2023,193,11,e425,Loeb Vets seek answers on XL bully ban,2024,194,1,e4,Loeb Coping with suicide,2000,147,8,e228,Tutt Coping with suicide,2000,147,4,e115,Hall-Patch Coping with suicide,2000,147,4,115-116,Wishart Coping with suicide,2000,147,2,e56,Adkin Suicide by veterinary surgeons,2008,162,4,e132,Bartram Suicide by veterinary surgeons [3],2008,162,3,e100,Wishart Suicide by veterinary surgeons,2008,162,11,e355,Rice Erratum: Veterinary surgeons and suicide: A structured review of possible influences on increased risk (Veterinary Record (2010) 166 (388-397) 10.1136/vr.b4794),2010,166,15,e458,Baldwin Suicide and mental wellbeing among vets,2010,166,15,470-471,Short Recognise wellbeing in professional oaths,2022,190,4,e166,Zak It's good to talk but it matters how we do it',2021,188,6,e235,Allister Let somebody know if you're struggling,2021,188,11,e439,Taylor Suicides among veterinary surgeons,2005,157,15,454-455,Birbeck Suicide and mental wellbeing among vets,2010,166,15,e471,Smeets