Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Injuries to car occupants--some aspects of the interior safety of cars. A study of a five-year material from an insurance company,1984,395,,1-164,Nygren Ten-year statistics and observation of facial bone fracture,1991,486,,217-223,Shimada Urban traffic noise: auditory and extra-auditory effects. Concluding remarks,1976,339,,64,Rossi Urban traffic noise cardiocirculatory activity and coronary risk factors,1976,339,,55-63,di Cantogno Urban traffic noise: auditory and extra-auditory effects. Introduction bibliographical survey research aims and technical notes,1976,339,,5-9,Rossi Research on phoneme emission in relation to urban traffic noise,1976,339,,44-54,Schindler Intelligibility of spoken words in the presence of urban traffic noise,1976,339,,41-43,Schindler Measurement of phonatory level in the presence of urban traffic noise,1976,339,,39-40,Schindler Effects of urban traffic noise in relation to basic personality,1976,339,,37-38,Bergamasco EEG changes induced by exposure to urban traffic noise and while noise,1976,339,,30-32,Bergamasco Behaviour of CNV during exposure to urban traffic noise,1976,339,,27-29,Rossi Changes in cortical responsivity to multisensorial stimuli during exposure to urban traffic noise,1976,339,,24-26,Rossi Changes in the time of reaction to light and sound signals in the presence of urban traffic noise,1976,339,,19-23,Rossi Temporary threshold shift (TTS) due to exposure to urban traffic noise,1976,339,,10-13,Rossi Human sleep modifications induced by urban traffic noise,1976,339,,33-36,Bergamasco Heart failure and lung edema as complications of asphyxia from foreign bodies in the respiratory tract,1960,158,,103-107,Djupesland Corrosive burns of the oesophagus and their treatment,1960,158,,138-143,Appelberg Middle ear barotrauma associated with hyperbaric oxygenation treatment,1993,504,,143-145,Watanabe Analysis of head and body movements of elderly people during locomotion,1993,501,,25-30,Kubo Foreign bodies in the airway: eighteen-year retrospective study,1996,525,,6-8,Yamamoto Two unusual cases of a foreign body in the oral cavity caused by eating raw squid,1996,522,,104-107,Nakashima EMG-responses to sudden onset free fall,1995,520,Pt 2,347-349,Young 3-D eye movement measurements on four Comex's divers using video CCD cameras during high pressure diving,1995,520,2,288-292,Guillemant Acoustic trauma in mineworkers revealed by temporal bone necropsy,1990,470,,97-107; discussion 108,Janisch Ear damage due to diving,1979,360,,187-189,Molvaer Binaural hearing spectacles with "no mould" by acoustic trauma,1979,360,,113-115,Lund Twenty years of statistics and observation of facial bone fracture,1998,538,,261-265,Nakai Cochlear effects of hyaluronan applied on ruptured round window membrane,1992,493,,63-67,Laurent Round window membrane rupture and inner ear damage due to barotrauma,1992,493,,57-62,Yanagita Effect of alcohol measured by dynamic posturography,1991,481,,576-581,Ledin Dose-related effects of alcohol on dynamic posturography and oculomotor measures,1995,520,1,212-215,Rohrbaugh Visuo-vestibular interaction measurements: an alternative for rotation tests with better discriminatory power?,1995,520,1,194-198,Kingma Neurootological contributions to the diagnostic follow-up after whiplash injuries,1995,520,1,53-56,Claussen Hyperactive VOR and hyperventilation after whiplash injury,1995,520,1,49-52,Fischer Influence of low dose alcohol on fixation suppression,1995,520,1,33-36,Harder Evaluation of the human vestibulo-ocular reflex at high frequencies with a helmet driven by reactive torque,1995,520,1,4-8,Collewijn Effects of alcohol ingestion on vestibular function in postural control,1995,519,,127-131,Watanabe Evaluation of imbalance of the vestibulo-spinal reflex by "the circular walking test",1995,519,,124-126,Ito Vestibular disturbances after acute mild head injury,1978,359,,3-67,Tuohimaa Vertigo due to whiplash injury: a neurotological approach,1984,419,,9-29,Hinoki Role of the visceral brain in body equilibrium,1984,419,,30-52,Hinoki Vestibular abnormalities in encephalopathia pugilistica,1989,468,,209-210,Krejcová Surgical treatment for caustic ingestion injury of the pharynx larynx and esophagus,1996,522,,116-119,Takeyama