Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author How do Zero Tolerance Drunk Driving Laws work?,2004,23,1,61-83,Carpenter Youth alcohol use and risky sexual behavior: evidence from underage drunk driving laws,2005,24,3,613-628,Carpenter Graduated driver licensing and teen traffic fatalities,2005,24,3,571-589,Grabowski The welfare cost of violence across countries,2005,25,5,821-846,Soares Accidents will happen? Unintentional childhood injuries and the effects of child care regulations,2004,23,1,25-59,Currie Do Drunk Drivers Pay Their Way - A Note on Optimal Penalties for Drunk Driving,1993,12,2,137-149,Kenkel Inequality and mortality: Long-run evidence from a panel of countries,2006,26,1,1-24,Leigh "It wasn't me it was them!" Social influence in risky behavior by adolescents,2007,26,4,763-784,Clark Fraternity membership and binge drinking,2007,26,5,950-967,DeSimone Slippery when wet: the effects of local alcohol access laws on highway safety,2001,20,6,1089-1096,Baughman Do drunk drivers pay their way? A note on optimal penalties for drunk driving,1993,12,2,137-149,Kenkel Alcohol advertising bans and alcohol abuse,1993,12,2,213-228,Young The effect of higher rural interstate speed limits in alcohol-related accidents,1993,12,3,281-299,McCarthy Alcohol policies and highway vehicle fatalities,1996,15,4,435-454,Ruhm Alcohol advertising bans and alcohol abuse: an international perspective,1991,10,1,65-79,Saffer The effects of mandatory seatbelt laws on seatbelt use motor vehicle fatalities and crash-related injuries among youths,2008,27,3,642-662,Carpenter Safety for whom? The effects of light trucks on traffic fatalities,2008,27,4,973-989,Anderson Motorcycle helmets and traffic safety,2008,28,2,398-412,Dee Anti-depressants and suicide,2009,28,3,659-676,Ludwig Are some lives more valuable? An ethical preferences approach,2008,27,3,739-752,Johansson-Stenman Mad cows terrorism and junk food: should public policy reflect perceived or objective risks?,2008,27,2,234-248,Johansson-Stenman Predicting health behaviors with an experimental measure of risk preference,2008,27,5,1260-1274,Anderson Exploring preference anomalies in double bounded contingent valuation,2007,26,3,463-482,Ryan Public policies and motorcycle safety,2009,28,4,831-838,French An estimate of the lifesaving benefit of child restraint use legislation,1990,9,2,121-142,Graham Death and taxes. An opportunity for substitution,1988,7,1,1-24,Phelps Gender firm size industry and estimates of the value-of-life,1987,6,3,255-273,Leigh Behavioral impact of graduated driver licensing on teenage driving risk and exposure,2010,29,1,48-61,Ridgeway The fatal toll of driving to drink: The effect of minimum legal drinking age evasion on traffic fatalities,2010,29,1,62-77,Lovenheim Social host liability for minors and underage drunk-driving accidents,2010,29,2,241-249,Dills The effect of children on adult demands for health-risk reductions,2010,29,3,364-376,Johnson Drinking and schooling,1993,12,4,411-429,Cook Alcohol advertising bans and alcohol abuse: reply,1993,12,2,229-234,Saffer Altruism and the value of statistical life: empirical implications,1994,13,1,111-118,Johansson Economic conditions and alcohol problems,1995,14,5,583-603,Ruhm Medical costs in workers' compensation insurance,1995,14,5,531-549,Krueger Understanding DALYs (disability-adjusted life years),1997,16,6,703-730,Murray The impact of casinos on fatal alcohol-related traffic accidents in the United States,2010,29,6,788-796,Walker Long-term labour-market performance of whiplash claimants,2009,28,5,996-1011,Leth-Petersen Heterogeneity in the intergenerational transmission of alcohol consumption: A quantile regression approach,2011,30,1,33-42,Schmidt The effects of maternal employment on the health of school-age children,2011,30,2,240-257,Morrill Workplace drug abuse policy,1994,13,3,373-8; discussion 379,Hirth Is moderate alcohol use related to wages? Evidence from four worksites,1995,14,3,319-344,French The effects of beer taxes on physical child abuse,2000,19,2,271-282,Grossman Recessions are bad for workplace safety,2011,30,4,764-773,Boone The impact of minimum legal drinking age laws on alcohol consumption smoking and marijuana use: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design using exact date of birth,2011,30,4,740-752,Yörük Does increasing the beer tax reduce marijuana consumption?,1998,17,5,557-585,Pacula Alcohol use and wages: new results from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse,1998,17,1,53-68,French Phobic disorder psychotherapy and risk-taking: an economic perspective,1998,17,2,229-243,Yaniv The effect of alcohol availability on marijuana use: Evidence from the minimum legal drinking age,2012,31,1,112-121,Crost The complementarity of teen smoking and drinking,1999,18,6,769-793,Dee Alcohol dependence and the price of alcoholic beverages,2003,22,1,117-147,Farrell Are estimates of the value of a statistical life exaggerated?,2012,31,1,197-206,Giles Does information matter? The effect of the Meth Project on meth use among youths,2010,29,5,732-742,Anderson The value of a statistical life: A meta-analysis with a mixed effects regression model,2009,28,2,444-464,Bellavance A note on 'Economic conditions and alcohol problems',1999,18,5,661-670,Freeman The demand for alcohol: The differential response to price,1995,14,2,123-148,Manning Does drinking really decrease in bad times?,2002,21,4,659-678,Ruhm Alcohol advertising bans and alcohol abuse: Comment,1993,12,2,213-228,Young Effect of job loss due to plant closure on mortality and hospitalization,2012,31,4,599-616,Browning Does staying in school (and not working) prevent teen smoking and drinking?,2012,31,4,644-657,Jensen The impact of minimum legal drinking age laws on alcohol consumption smoking and marijuana use revisited,2013,32,2,477-479,Yörük The minimum legal drinking age and marijuana use: New estimates from the NLSY97,2013,32,2,474-476,Rees Alcohol and student performance: Estimating the effect of legal access,2012,32,1,22-32,Lindo Cash transfers and domestic violence,2012,32,1,304-319,Hidrobo Reducing underage alcohol and tobacco use: Evidence from the introduction of vertical identification cards,2012,32,2,353-366,Bellou Cannabis use and suicidal ideation,2013,32,3,524-537,Fergusson Do parental involvement laws deter risky teen sex?,2013,32,5,873-880,Dee Does HIV increase the risk of spousal violence in sub-Saharan Africa?,2013,32,5,997-1006,Chin Peer effects on risky behaviors: New evidence from college roommate assignments,2013,33C,,126-138,Eisenberg Did liberalising bar hours decrease traffic accidents?,2014,35C,,189-198,Green Can technology help to reduce underage drinking? Evidence from the false ID laws with scanner provision,2014,36C,,33-46,Yörük Bargaining for health: A case study of a collective agreement-based health program for manual workers,2014,37,,123-136,Pedersen Can health-insurance help prevent child labor? An impact evaluation from Pakistan,2014,39C,,51-59,Landmann Working conditions compensation and absenteeism,2005,24,1,161-188,Ose The effect of medical marijuana laws on adolescent and adult use of marijuana alcohol and other substances,2015,42,,64-80,Hockenberry The effects of merit-based financial aid on drinking in college,2015,44,,137-149,Cowan The price elasticity of demand for heroin: matched longitudinal and experimental evidence,2015,41,,59-71,Petry The fatality and morbidity components of the value of statistical life,2016,46,,90-99,Viscusi Assaults murders and walkers: the impact of violent crime on physical activity,2016,47,,34-49,Shields Safety regulation in professional football: empirical evidence of intended and unintended consequences,2017,53,,87-99,Hanson On the road to recovery: gasoline content regulations and child health,2017,54,,98-123,Marcus Legal access to alcohol and criminality,2018,57,,277-289,Waddell Can technology really help to reduce underage drinking? New evidence on the effects of false ID laws with scanner provisions,2017,57,,102-112,Zheng The impact of the false ID laws on alcohol consumption among young adults: new results from the NLSY97,2017,57,,191-194,Yörük Kingpin approaches to fighting crime and community violence: evidence from Mexico's drug war,2018,58,,253-268,Lindo Violence selection and infant mortality in Congo,2018,59,,153-177,Dagnelie Roads and the spread of HIV in Africa,2018,60,,118-141,Djemai Gun prevalence and suicide,2018,61,,163-177,Balestra Teen driver licensure provisions licensing and vehicular fatalities,2019,66,,54-70,Gilpin More sneezing less crime? Health shocks and the market for offenses,2019,68,,e102230,Chalfin The role of Mexican immigration to the United States in improved workplace safety for natives from 1980 to 2015,2019,70,,e102280,Dillender When the market drives you crazy: stock market returns and fatal car accidents,2020,70,,e102245,Giulietti Rationalizing self-defeating behaviors: theory and evidence,2020,76,,e102407,Lefgren Relative age for grade and adolescent risky health behavior,2021,76,,e102438,Johansen The political cycle of road traffic accidents,2021,76,,e102435,Bertoli Do ridesharing services increase alcohol consumption?,2021,77,,e102451,Teltser None for the road? Stricter drink driving laws and road accidents,2021,79,,e102487,James Terrorist attacks Islamophobia and newborns' health,2021,79,,e102510,Vall Castello Underage access to alcohol and its impact on teenage drinking and crime,2021,81,,e102555,Dehos Minimum legal drinking age and the social gradient in binge drinking,2021,81,,e102571,Halla Effects of violent media content: evidence from the rise of the UFC,2022,83,,e102623,Lindo Do cellphone bans save lives? Evidence from handheld laws on traffic fatalities,2022,85,,102659,Wright The kids aren't alright: the effects of medical marijuana market size on adolescents,2022,87,,e102700,Smart Intimate partner violence and help-seeking: the role of femicide news,2022,87,,e102722,Dragone Marijuana legalization and opioid deaths,2023,88,,e102728,Ruhm A drop of love? Rainfall shocks and spousal abuse: evidence from rural Peru,2023,89,,e102739,Díaz Conversion therapy suicidality and running away: an analysis of transgender youth in the U.S,2023,89,,e102750,Campbell Do risk time and prosocial preferences predict risky sexual behaviour of youths in a low-income high-risk setting?,2023,93,,e102845,Galizzi Born on the wrong side of the tracks: exploring the causal effects of segregation on infant health,2024,95,,e102876,Swan State mental health insurance parity laws and college educational outcomes,2022,86,,102675,Dasgupta Can Labor Market Policies Reduce Deaths of Despair?,2020,74,,e102372,Dow Temperature and mental health: Evidence from the spectrum of mental health outcomes,2019,68,,e102240,Mullins Long-Term Health Benefits of Occupational Licensing: Evidence from Midwifery Laws,2023,92,,e102807,Fletcher The effects of alcohol sale bans on children: the case of Russia,2024,97,,e102913,Petrusevich