Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Importance of evaluating clinical symptoms of alcoholic intoxication,1993,134,2,71-74,Varga Fire hazards of clothing especially of synthetic fibers,1971,112,35,2095-2097,Novak Drug-addicted students: instead of jail delay of driver's licence,1999,140,11,625,Szabo Assessment of suicidal behaviour in general practice,2006,147,6,263-268,Osvath Childhood accidents,1992,133,31,1937-1943,Kazár Classification of the condition of accidental injuries in children by grading,1991,132,46,2541-2 2545-6,Acs Acute toxicological cases during a ten-year period in our clinic,2002,143,2,71-76,Kovács Violence and drinking in the intimate partner relationships,2006,147,25,1171-1177,Bacskai Diagnostic and preventive factors in the background of attempted suicide--review of two-years results of the Pécs Center in the WHO/EURO Multicenter Study of Attempted Suicide,2000,141,45,2427-2431,Fekete Injuries during adolescence,1994,135,15,797-800,Kazár Accidents epidemic of our age,1974,115,14,783-789,Szántó Accidents during infancy,1971,112,43,2576-2579,Pintér Evaluation of fitness to drive--conclusions after a case report,2002,143,50,2781-2784,Becker The ski camp doctor's role in the the prevention of winter sport accidents,2007,148,34,1615-1619,Felkai Evaluation of syncope in medicolegal expertise,1994,135,46,2539-2541,Somogyi Frequency of drug consumption and falls in a one-year follow-up study among the inhabitants of nursing homes,2008,149,43,2053-2059,Bényi Murder in the fine arts,2008,149,6,271-278,Jakobovits Efficacy of the emergency unit's filter function in patients with psychiatric symptoms,2008,149,39,1853-1856,Ekler Are bicycle helmets necessary for children? Pros and cons,2009,150,24,1129-1133,Kiss Considerations of railway traffic safety in prescribing drugs,1970,111,9,504-507,Veress Introduction of the use of the Nagy-Zsigmond alcohol tube Pluralcol into general medical practice for the detection of drunken drivers,1970,111,9,498-503,Kapusz Conditions involving loss of consciousness and automobile driving,1970,111,9,496-497, Methods of preventing suicide,1970,111,28,1673,Kovács Attempted suicide with Carditoxin,1970,111,10,566-567,Fedor Suicide with digitalis,1970,111,36,2124-2126,Völgyi Suicides with hypnotics in Budapest during 1960-1967,1969,110,28,1597-1600,Kenyeres The problems of medical expertise in cases of automobile driver examination of epileptics,1969,110,10,531-533,Bakonyi Suicide with sodium silicofluoride,1968,109,30,1647-1648,Kovacs Suicide with isonicotinic acid hydrazide,1968,109,1,22-25,Kosa On the correct behavior of the physician in cases of life-threatening danger when the patient refuses to follow the physician's advice,1966,107,51,2424-2426,Nagy Ophthalmologic side effects of some drugs with special reference to traffic regulations in Hungary,1966,107,33,1559-1560,Márton The battered child syndrome,1965,106,41,1934-1937,Antoni Head protection and cranial injury in the middle ages,2006,147,32,1519-1521,Józsa "Da capo-crescendo" syndrome of poisoning with hypnotics in childhood,1971,112,2,87-88,Remsey Driving ability in old age,1971,112,48,2918,Bakonyi Suicide,1971,112,42,2556-2557,Szendei Suicide. IV. Possibilities and methods of prevention psychiatric care of potential suicides,1971,112,39,2327-2332,Buda Severe acute poisoning from a combination of antiparkinsonian drugs (L-dopa Parkan Aparkazin),1971,112,37,2225-2227,Molnár Suicide. 3. Psychological regularities,1971,112,33,1943-1946,Buda Suicide. II. Statistical data in Hungary general socio-psychological considerations,1971,112,29,1691-1695,Buda Difficulties of automobile driver examinations,1971,112,26,1550,Bonczos Current problems of the evaluation of automobile driving ability,1971,112,26,1503-1507,Bakonyi The role of the physician in the prevention of suicide,1971,112,22,1274-1276, Suicide I. Social factors statistical data,1971,112,22,1263-1267,Buda Neopol (barium polysulfide) poisoning,1971,112,9,503-504,Rengei Suicidal attempts based on the analysis of 820 cases,1972,113,41,2451-2457,Szücs Pulmonary changes cuased by aspiration of mineral oils,1972,113,21,1222-1226,Barzó Psychology of suicide,1972,113,2,109-110,Buda Therapeutic problems concerning suicide attempts at Miskolc,1973,114,39,2362-2365,Tass Suicide mortality in Budapest during 1961-1970. II,1973,114,36,2153-2159,Kenyeres Suicide mortality in Budapest during the 10-year period of 1961-1960. I,1973,114,35,2092-2095,Kenyeres Automobile driving,1973,114,33,1993-1995,Braun Suicide as a punishable crime,1973,114,7,411-412,Szücs Poisoning in childhood,1974,115,11,625-628,Kosa Letter: Difficulties and deficiencies of vertical integration,1975,116,40,2390,Deli The "battered child syndrome" and the "shaken infant syndrome",1976,117,42,2544-2547,Ilona 6000 cases of childhood poisoning,1976,117,33,1996-2000,Hornyak Psychotherapeutic methods for the management of persons after attempted suicide,1976,117,11,659-660,Tass Unusual form of suicide by nails driven into the skull,1977,118,50,3031-3032,Virágos The incidence of drug poisoning and attempted suicide by drugs at the Internal Medicine department of a hospital,1977,118,49,2969-2974,Borbola Relationship between age and selection of suicide form,1977,118,22,1283-1284,György Incidence of suicide by drugs,1977,118,11,637-639,Celkó New regulations regarding blood alcohol examinations,1980,121,35,2165,Major The battered child syndrome,1980,121,8,435-439,Pintér Are there any biological factors involved in suicidal tendencies?,1983,124,50,3045-3052,Bánki "Somogyi symptom" associated with retroperitoneal duodenal rupture caused by a safety belt,1983,124,35,2131-2132,Varga 20-years' experience at a pediatric poison control center,1983,124,16,937-941,Kovács Sanitary conditions of transportation in the past,1984,125,18,1084-1085,Nikodemusz Analysis of suicidal tendencies in twins,1984,125,15,918-919, Suicidal events in Baranya County in 1984,1986,127,20,1179-1182,Ozsváth The social background of people attempting suicide,1985,126,30,1843-6 1849-50,Boldizsár Attempted suicide with barbiturate after glue sniffing,1985,126,13,781-783,Sami Deviant behavior patterns in Hungary during the Monarchy,1985,126,2,95-99,Pisztora Suicidal behavior--from the clinician's view,1987,128,49,2565-2569,Ozsváth High rate of suicidal risk of the elderly in Budapest,1987,128,43,2261-2264,Somogyi Transportation trauma in neonates and premature infants,1987,128,41,2145-8 2151-2,Felkai Suicide attempt with Minipress,1987,128,33,1735-1736,Balogh Mental disorders in railroad workers during the heroic age of railroad development in Hungary (1846-1914),1987,128,22,1157-1160,Pisztora Analysis of the incidence of suicide in Nograd County (1970-80),1988,129,36,1923-1925,Zonda Basic value of psychological treatment in the management of poisoning "accidents" in suicidal patients,1988,129,27,1451,Tekeres Fracture of the penis,1988,129,16,835-836,Mészáros Retrospective psychiatric evaluation of suicides in Budapest,1988,129,4,177-8 181-3,Rihmer Attempted suicide with verapamil,1989,130,14,735-736,Pap Is religiosity a protective factor? Social epidemiological study of adolescent psychological health,2009,150,41,1903-1908,Pikó Fatal hospital cases from the viewpoint of the forensic medical expert,1991,132,31,1713-1715,Csatai The role of imitation in suicidal behavior,1992,133,1,25-28,Fekete Pathogenesis of sulfonamide poisoning and to the treatment of subsequent myopia,1950,91,27,839-841,Varga Histology of the central nervous system in experimental poisoning with barium chloride,1950,91,26,815-817,Fazekas Mass poisoning caused by bread made with ergotized flour,1950,91,25,793-796,Kiss For improved prevention of traffic accidents in Europe,1970,111,6,338-341, Eye injuries caused by coffee machine and champagne bottle cork,1969,110,36,2095-2096,Bölcs Rehabilitation of accidental injuries in aged rural patients,1968,109,21,1149-1151,Lelik The significance of traces of the primary collision site in medical expertise on victims of traffic accidents,1967,108,41,1960-1962,Farkas Rehabilitation center for injured agricultural workers,1967,108,19,884-886,Lelik Latent herniated disk in accidental injuries,1966,107,48,2286-2287,Moll Bilateral shoulder dislocation with wrist injury,1975,116,40,2363-2364,István Ankle injuries caused by bicycle spokes in childhood,1973,114,27,1620-1622,Szabo Childhood accidents,1972,113,35,2097-2102,Dankó Statistical data on 2597 cases of maxillofacial fractures,1972,113,6,303-306,Ackermann Forensic implications of skull injuries during states of alcoholic intoxication,1977,118,52,3159-3161,Pál Penetrating injury of the rectum and common iliac artery,1990,131,29,1589-1592,Kovács The nature of accidental childhood fractures (analysis of 5000 cases),1988,129,29,1525-1528,Lombay Rupture of the coronary vessels in a polytraumatized child,1986,127,43,2637-2639,Bugovics First traces of resuscitation attempts in ancient Egypt,1986,127,28,1709-1712,Felkai Traumatic rupture of the uterus associated with pelvic fracture,1985,126,32,1979-1980,Turcsányi Current questions concerning polytraumatization,1985,126,8,453-4 457-9,Széll Cooperation of various specialties in the management of accidental injuries,1981,122,2,93-95,Kazár Mycologic and chemical demonstration of drowning in various fluids,1951,92,38,1238-1239,Incze Resume of a salvarsan poisoning,1951,92,8,252-253,Issekutz The significance of blood alcohol determination in traffic accidents,1952,93,9,277-279,Gyongyosi Chemistry and histology of parenteral cupric sulfate poisoning; intrauterine injection of cupric sulfate in attempted abortion,1952,93,6,190-193,Fazekas Unusual occupational injury of the throat,1953,94,27,751,Petalas Craniocerebral injuries,1953,94,27,729-738,Hedri Caster bean poisoning,1953,94,23,634-636,Preisz Contribution to the problem of moderate routine executed toxicological tests,1953,94,22,602-604,Fekete Foreign body mass aspiration of a 17 month old child,1953,94,9,248,Falta Case of severe anemia due to karil poisoning; pathogenesis of the forms of anicteric hemolytic anemia,1954,95,40,1090-1092,Horanyi Thumbtack in the esophagus of a seven-week-old infant,1954,95,36,992-994,Csillag Attempted suicide with isonicotinic acid hydrazide,1954,95,18,502-503,Nemes Two cases of esophagus and aorta perforation caused by foreign body,1955,96,52,1450-1451,Foldvari Cyanide poisoning (hydrocyanic acid) consecutive to consumption of fruit pit,1955,96,38,1055-1057,Csiky Severe poisoning with nicotine vapors,1955,96,8,222-223,Bartosiewicz Data on manganese intoxication,1955,96,5,113-117,Szobor Appendix rupture caused by streetcar accident,1956,97,40,1117-1118,Forgacs Acute cupric sulfate poisonings; in connection with 2 fetal and 32 cured cases,1956,97,28,773-776,Csiky Fatal acute peroral poisoning by medobis,1957,98,42,1162-1163,Csiky Bilateral paralysis of the vocal cords after suicidal hanging,1957,98,41,1135-1136,Jurcsak Case of poisoning by propane-butane gas,1957,98,16,421-423,Papp Health conditions of automobile drivers as reflected by autopsy findings,1959,100,,1107-1114,Solymosi Foreign bodies in the air passages,1959,100,,1085-1087,Korosi Fatal acute alcohol poisoning in childhood,1959,100,13,483-484,Kaszas Effects of alcohol and accidents,1959,100,3,109-114,Ivanyi Differential diagnosis of child sexual abuse,2009,150,49,2222-2227,Csorba Hidden foreign bodies in the lower respiratory tract,1960,101,,1381-1383,Muller Drug poisoning in childhood,1960,101,,1261-1264,Kaszas Barium nitrate poisoning with respiratory paralysis,1960,101,,1140-1141,Dosa Poisoning of school children by Ricinus seeds,1960,101,,50-52,Kaszas Fatal accidents in children in Budapest and Pest regions from 1957 to 1959,1961,102,,1879-1882,Kenyeres Public health aspect of the treatment and prevention of poisoning in children,1961,102,,193-201,Torok What the effect is of some so-called "fashionable" drugs on the influence of alcohol,1963,104,,2233-2236,Horvath On the accidental death of chronic alcoholics,1963,104,,2041-2042,Tolnay Cyanide poisoning in childhood,1963,104,,1756-1757,Szamosi Data on the physiology and pathology of the so-called voluntary motor system of the nervous system,1963,104,,1539-1542,Horanyi On childhood accidents,1963,104,,1316-1320,Fülöp Fatal copper sulfate poisoning following ingestion of sprayed grapes,1965,106,45,2139-2142,Fazekas Alkylphosphate poisoning,1965,106,38,1795-1797,Papp Prolonged phenacetin causing lethal intoxication,1965,106,,1473-1474,Hermann An unusual case of aspiration of a foreign body,1965,106,,1325-1326,Antoni Suicidal digitalis poisoning. Recent therapeutic possibilities,1965,106,,891-894,Sari Accidentally inhaled foreign bodies in childhood,1965,106,,837-841,Kaszas Poisoning by a plant protecting insecticide containing dieldrin,1965,106,,457-458,Szamosi Fish poisoning of rare etiology,1965,106,,321-322,Nikodemusz Lethal "wofatox" poisoning,1964,105,,2335-2336,Rengei Arsenic poisoning in agriculture. Study of remote effects of arsenic in workers spraying apple orchards,1964,105,,2077-2082,Szego Cases of acute frenolon poisoning,1964,105,,1943-1946,Lázár Diabetes mellitus and automobile driving,1964,105,,1767,Held 3 cases of homicide (murder) with nicotine solution,1964,105,,1694-1697,Kosa Nautisan poisoning in childhood,1964,105,,1001-1003,Kemény Suicide by insulin,1964,105,,611-612,Richter Nautisan poisoning in children,1964,105,,512-514,Kemény Significance of color vision in driving,1962,103,,961-964,Gyorffy On intoxications in children according to the 5-year toxicological material of the Pal Heim Pediatric Hospital,1962,103,,549-552,Kutschera Observations on intoxications in infants and children,1962,103,,545-548,Kaiser Frenolon poisoning in childhood,1967,108,3,119,Hervei Blunt abdominal trauma in childhood,1967,108,3,109-112,Pintér Lightning injury of the acoustic organ,1967,108,15,696-698,Tolnay Acute isonicotinic acid hydrazide poisoning,1967,108,14,647-650,Huszka Poisoning by tranquilizers in childhood,1967,108,26,1222-1224,Szamosi Attempted suicide with bucarban,1966,107,13,604-605,Wórum Parathion poisoning,1966,107,50,2386-2387,Hun Poisoning caused by the use of Vilupal varnish,1966,107,43,2039-2040,Révai Successful treatment of a child with Wofatox poisoning,1966,107,42,2004-2006,Lányi 5 cases of Wofatox poisoning at our hospital,1966,107,42,1998-2000,Mihalecz Early diagnosis of civilization damages,1968,109,25,1345-1352,Sos An unusual form of penis strangulation,1968,109,34,1879,Váradi Basic principles of treatment of mass injuries,1968,109,39,2129-2137,Farádi Self-performed cesarean section,1993,134,28,1540-1541,Szabo Regional distribution of working physicians diagnosed cases of depression and suicide mortality in Hungary,1994,135,3,125-128,Rutz Suicide and alcoholism,1994,135,15,830,Meskó Accidents of the elderly,1996,137,23,1245-1249,Kazár Five-year follow up of patients with femoral neck fractures,1997,138,50,3173-3177,Kazár Punishment or benefit: chemical castration,2010,151,22,907-910,Gyuris Child sexual abuse,2004,145,5,223-227,Csorba Consequence of secondary complications during the rehabilitation of patients with severe brain injury,2009,150,4,165-169,Dénes Travel thrombosis 2008,2009,150,3,99-108,Sándor Microbial warfare and bioterrorism,2002,143,33,1935-1939,Ongrádi The history of ambulance services,1978,119,13,802-805,Pál Diaphragmatic injuries,1980,121,24,1439-1443,Radeczky Medical judgement on driving capability,2001,142,17,905-907,Darok From the history of ambulance and rescue squad services,1976,117,42,2557-2559,Bencze Episodes from the history of the Hungarian First Aid and Ambulance Service,1976,117,12,734-735, The double "Y" syndrome in a murderer of 5 persons,1969,110,22,1251-1254,Szabo Forensic-medical problems of mass Krezonit poisoning,1969,110,18,1023-1025,Varnai Psychiatric legal aspects of acute alcoholic intoxication,1969,110,7,351-354,Szobor Homosexuality,1969,110,37,2137-2145,Buda Characteristics of the choice of psychotropic drugs in suicide attempts,2003,144,3,121-124,Osvath Affective disorders in a district of Budapest,2000,141,26,1443-1447,Zonda Total gastrectomy with esophageal exclusion following corrosive injury to the upper gastrointestinal tract,1994,135,14,751-753,Péter From the intrauterine biological dialogue to the development of neurologic disorders,1986,127,12,707-712,Demcsákné Arrythmia and repolarization disorders in organic phosphate ester poisoning,1978,119,31,1905-1907,Fazekas Roentgen diagnosis of corrosive gastritis,1974,115,25,1457-1460,Garay Study of the digitalis level in cerebrospinal fluid. Data on the effect of digitalis glycosides on the nervous system,1972,113,14,804-805,Somogyi Successful respiration therapy in severe acute chloroquine (Delagil) poisoning,1971,112,8,436-438,Molnár Rehabilitation following toxic kidney failure,1969,110,33,1907-1910,Csata Acute renal failure caused by mercury compounds,1966,107,24,1118-1120,Csata Urofort anuria,1964,105,,2379,Csata The impact of the trial of the Tiszaeszlár ritual killing (the role of the Budapest university professors in the trial),1983,124,2,98-103,Somogyi 100 years after the Tiszaeszlár trial-eszter Solymosi was not killed but drowned in the Tisza River,1982,123,30,1870-1872,Fazekas Timing of attempted suicide by drug poisoning during pregnancy and pregnancy outcome,1997,138,39,2467-2470,Tímár Traumatic rupture of the descending aorta,1997,138,39,2461-2465,Kovács Hand-arm vibration syndrome in caisson miners,1997,138,27,1743-1746,Kákosy Hand and arm vibration syndrome caused by mechanical screw driver,1995,136,46,2507-2509,Martin Battered child syndrome mimicking acute appendicitis,2011,152,12,485-488,Papp Cerebral edema as a major cause of death in childhood burns,1970,111,3,143-144,Molnár Unusual sport injury,1970,111,10,571-572,Oroján False victimization syndrome,2011,152,14,559-568,Resch Jet lag,1994,135,32,1755-1757,Bálint Gábor From when to when is life protected?,1994,135,38,2117,Sáry Problems of psychiatric emergencies,1970,111,39,2283-2287,Hárdi Nutritional lead poisoning--a differential diagnostic problem in abdominal pain,1995,136,21,1113-1115,Györi An undying civilization damage: lead poisoning,1995,136,21,1091-1097,Kákosy Management of extensive potentially fatal pulmonary embolism,1995,136,20,1049-1054,Horváth Etiology and therapy of nocturnal paresthetic brachialgia,1971,112,8,433-435,Kómár Migrating projectile--migrating complaints,1971,112,14,806-808,Takács Pathology of malathion poisoning,1971,112,28,1651-1653,Varnai Prevention of fatal mushroom poisoning,1972,113,51,3109-3110,Lengyel The value of thioctacid therapy of mushroom poisoning,1972,113,51,3110,Horvath Chromosome damage caused by acute phosphoric acid ester (pesticide) poisoning (preliminary report),1972,113,43,2593-2595,Szabó Folk medicine for snake bite in Csik County,1972,113,40,2423-2424,Borsodi Genital injuries in childhood caused by rape,1972,113,37,2245-2246,Schafer Homicide and attempted homicide with nicotine solution mixed into beer,1972,113,32,1925-1927,Kosa Experiences with thioctacid in toadstool poisoning,1972,113,33,1997-1999,Horvath Aneurysm of the superior pancreatoduodenal artery rupturing into the duodenum with fatal outcome,1972,113,21,1240-1242,Schneider What caused the death of Alexander the Great?,1971,112,48,2902-2903,Szăllăsi Clinical aspects of severe poisonings with phosphate ester containing pesticides (based on statistical data from 1969),1971,112,47,2828-2833,Papp Problems of modern drug consumption,1971,112,46,2765-2766,Szodoray The effects of seasonal variations and weather conditions on the occurrence of heart attacks in Hungary between 2000-2004,2007,148,16,731-736,Kriszbacher Fatal acute liver damage caused by a therapeutic dose of paracetamol,1998,139,4,189-191,Könczöl Unusual electric injury in 3 children of a family,1979,120,4,218-221,Kaszas Trihexyphenidyl (Parkan) as hallucinogen,1973,114,45,2732-2733,Kuncz Lessons to be learned from fatal childhood poisonings,1974,115,12,685-687,Kosa Evaluation of phosphoric acid ester poisoning cases of 3 years,1974,115,38,2240-2242,Takáts Severe lead poisoning caused by an ingested fishing weight,1998,139,16,963-965,Kákosy Audiologic examination of caisson workers,1975,116,6,311-312,Rozsahegyi Gasoline petroleum and diesel oil poisonings in children in clinical practice,1975,116,21,1209-1212,Maria Cases of polyneuropathy following organic phosphate ester poisoning,1975,116,27,1572-1575,Iranyi Reflexions of the myth around Crown-Prince Rudolf in the psychopathology of the age of the Hapsburg Monarchy,1975,116,32,1894-1895,Pisztora Chronic bronchial foreign body in adult age,1975,116,45,2670-2671,Tarján A forgotten medieval disease,1975,116,46,2728-2730,Kapronczay Transient nonhemolytic nonconjugated hyperbilirubinemia following massive wasp stings,1975,116,46,2703-2706,István Death by asphyxia during glue sniffing,1976,117,9,538-540,Simon Additional comments on the toxicity of paracetamol (acetaminophen),1998,139,30,1830,Kornél Regional differences in suicide in Hungary in the light of registered cases of depression,1998,139,38,2249-2253,Zonda Snake bite injuries,2000,141,20,1067-1071,Zacher A case of datura stramonium poisoning--general problems of differential diagnosis,2000,141,3,133-136,Fekete Physical illness and suicidal behavior. Review of results at the Pécs Center of the WHO/EURO Multicenter Study of Parasuicide,2001,142,3,127-131,Fekete Statistics of suicide in Hungary 1970-1998,2001,142,7,370,Hanák Removal of a bottle from the rectum. 1865,2002,143,6,307-308,Szuper Epidemiologic parameters of mentally ill patients subjected to mandatory treatment,2003,144,7,335-339,Kalapos Regional distribution of depression and suicide mortality,1999,140,14,804; author reply 805,Bitter Regional distribution of depression and suicide mortality,1999,140,14,804; author reply 805,Füredi Regional distribution of depression and suicide mortality,1999,140,14,803-4; author reply 805,Túry Regional distribution of depression and suicide mortality,1999,140,14,803; author reply 805,Arato Regional distribution of depression and suicide mortality,1999,140,14,803; author reply 805,Kiss Regional distribution of depression and suicide mortality,1999,140,14,801-2; author reply 805,Bánki Regional distribution of depression and suicide mortality,1999,140,14,799-801; author reply 805,Rihmer Trauma: epidemic of our age. 1974,1999,140,50,2821-7; discussion 2827-8,Szántó Psychosis caused by hormonal contraceptives,1973,114,7,396-398,Kiss Clinical aspects of Amanita poisoning,1976,117,33,2003-2005,Fazekas Cases of glue sniffing at the psychiatric ward,1976,117,39,2365-2367,Arato Brown's incitability study on the faculty of medicine in Pest--Samuel Rácz and the Hungarian Brownists,2007,148,6,271-273,Kiss Hair analysis of abused and therapeutic drugs in forensic toxicology,2006,147,45,2181-2186,Klausz Embryopathy due to lightning,1963,104,,2284-2285,Kaszas Self perceived health as an indicator of psychological well-being: behavioural epidemiological analysis among the adolescent population,2012,153,47,1875-1882,Pikó Drug-related problems in the elderly,2012,153,49,1926-1936,Viola Epidemiologic study of the psychological health and risk behaviors of medical students,2004,145,3,123-129,Pikó The role of vitamin D deficiency in the pathogenesis of falls and fractures,2013,154,19,731-736,Salamon Embryopathy caused by insecticide,1966,107,42,2001-2004,Horváth Fatal Lyell syndrome caused by Meristin,1966,107,45,2133-2135,Haraszti Carbon monoxide poisoning associated with myoglobinuria and kidney failure,1966,107,50,2377-2379,Kobulniczky Comparative study of the sensitivity of various brands of alcohol probes used in the Widmark blood-alcohol determination test,1966,107,14,645-648,Fazekas Khat (Catha edulis): Is it "coffee" or "cocaine"?,2013,154,27,1055-1057,Bálint Effective cold-water treatment of burns,1977,118,11,659,Szönyi Complex chemical burns caused by phthalic acid anhydride treated by Panthenol spray foam floatation,1977,118,30,1787,Miklósy Dancing epidemics,1977,118,34,2037-2039,Kapronczay What motivates smoking and alcohol drinking of young people? A behavioural epidemiologic study,2014,155,3,100-105,Pikó The determination of the degree of alcohol influence by retrograde calculation,1978,119,6,314-316,Nagy Current data on eye injuries of athletic origin,1978,119,10,579-584,Bíró Ship physician pirates and marine accident insurance in the 17th century,1978,119,12,733-734,Lóránd Cause of Buddha's death,1978,119,20,1237,Máté Sandosten poisoning in childhood,1979,120,7,411-412,Dolinay Morbidity and prognosis of burns in Hungary,1980,121,12,687-691,Novak Psychiatric aspects of child maltreatment,2014,155,18,694-702,Kórász Hazards of hyperventilation during diving,1979,120,17,1041-1042,Petrányi Clinical problems of states following acute oxygen deficiency in infancy and childhood,1979,120,26,1555-1559,Szenasy Urgent cesarean section in a pregnant woman with carbon monoxide poisoning,2014,155,22,871-875,Zacher Unusual case of swallowed metal foreign bodies,1978,119,37,2271-2272,Bende Chromosome studies in acute drug poisoning,1978,119,48,2941-2942,Molnár Pseudoaneurysm of the internal carotid artery caused by injury,1985,126,5,279-282,Dzsinich Prof. Lorenz Böhler M.D. father of accident surgery (1885-1973),1985,126,10,591-592,Manninger Experience with lesions caused by ingestion of caustics in infancy,1982,123,25,1577,Szamosi Is profession associated with fear of death?,2014,155,31,1236-1240,Pilling Bilateral traumatic chylothorax,1980,121,48,2945-2948,Tóth The dilemma of depression,1981,122,41,2527-2529, Mortality of amanitin type mushroom poisoning,1981,122,48,2987,Szamosi Nil nocere! Medicinal ergometrin poisoning: St. Anthony's fire today,1981,122,46,2849-2850,Grynaeus Pathogenesis of amanitin-type mushroom poisoning and therapeutic possibilities,1981,122,33,2023-2027,Zulik High pressure injection injuries of the hand,1988,129,5,245-246,Cziffer Psychology of tourism and its effect on mental health--in the view of Sándor Ferenczi,1988,129,2,83-86,Pisztora Impact of animal-assisted intervention on rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury,2014,155,39,1549-1557,Zana A case of spider bite in Hungary,1989,130,5,243-245,Cseplák Physiopathology and therapy of hypovolemia caused by burns,1986,127,9,525-529,Novak Interpretation of the concept of 'medicinal product' in relation to herb- and cannabinoid-based products,2014,155,48,1902-1907,Ferge Delirium - a common complication of severe pathological conditions,2014,155,48,1895-1901,Szendi The chromosome-damaging effect of drug poisoning in pregnant and non-pregnant women,1988,129,10,491-493,Szentesi Frailty syndrome: an old new friend,2014,155,49,1935-1951,Kálmán Plankton determination in the blood and organs as a proof of drowning,1951,92,31,1003-1004,Tamaska The message of the heroin overdoses,2015,156,9,352-357,Hegedűs Healthcare aspects of domestic abuse,2015,156,10,383-392,Kórász Comparative analysis of attitudes regarding student ambulance officers and rescue workers death and dying,2015,156,40,1618-1624,Betlehem Hungarian Society for Sleep Medicine guideline for detecting drivers with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,2016,157,23,892-900,Torzsa Violent acts against health care providers,2016,157,28,1105-1109,Irinyi Insomnia and habits to help to fall asleep among adults,2016,157,49,1955-1959,Fusz Analysis of death certificates in postmortem examination waivers,2016,157,52,2082-2087,Papp Facilitating role of traumatic experiences in art,2017,158,17,668-677,Gerevich Social anxiety and self-esteem: Hungarian validation of the "Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale - Straightforward Items",2017,158,22,843-850,Perczel-Forintos Traumatic asphyxia with permanent visual loss. Case report,2017,158,22,864-868,Kántor The connection between maltreatment and preterm birth - in the light of psychomotor development at 2 years old,2017,158,25,976-983,Szele The investigation of attitudes toward health behaviour among high school and university students,2017,158,44,1754-1760,Nagy Concise history of toxicology - from empiric knowledge to science,2018,159,3,83-90,Tompa Foreign body aspiration of the lower airways in children - diagnosis in clinical practice,2018,159,51,2162-2166,Hajnal Analysis of medical diagnostic reports (constats) on dental injuries from terminological dental and forensic medical points of view,2018,159,51,2154-2161,Patonai Fear of falling among community-living older adults,2019,160,5,191-197,Kovacs Do we know the limits? Overview of cases related to acute alcohol intoxication in emergency department,2019,160,43,1698-1705,Betlehem The nationwide epidemiological and health insurance disease burden on knee and lower leg injuries in Hungary,2021,162,Suppl 1,54-60,Boncz Statistics on completed suicides committed in Hungary in the period between 2000 and 2019,2021,162,32,1283-1296,Rihmer Current issues in providing healthcare for sexual and gender minority individuals,2021,162,32,1267-1274,Somorjai Changes in suicide mortality of Hungary during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,162,41,1631-1636,Osvath Low cholesterol level as a possible suicide risk factor,2021,162,43,1732-1739,Dimény On the care and late complications of finger burn injuries in childhood,2022,163,14,564-568,Lőrincz Suicide mortality in Hungary during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,163,48,1895-1901,Osvath Introduction of a risk assessment tool to evaluate the risk of aggressive behavior during acute psychiatric admission,2023,164,8,293-299,Gazdag Changes of violent suicide attempts during the first two years of COVID-19 pandemic in Dr. Manninger Jenő National Traumatology Center Hungary,2023,164,26,1003-1011,Szilágyi Psychiatric disorders are associated with high mortality rates: somatic comorbidity and mortality in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia,2023,164,33,1287-1293,Czobor The impact of adverse childhood experiences on mental and somatic health in childhood and adolescence,2023,164,37,1447-1455,Kovács-Tóth Changes of violent suicide attempts during the first two years of COVID-19 pandemic in Dr. Manninger Jenő National Traumatology Center Hungary,2023,164,26,1003-1011,Szilágyi Relation between adverse childhood experiences and problematic alcohol consumption in adulthood,2023,164,41,1628-1636,Kurimay The archeology of suicide: Werther Esquirol Durkheim,2024,165,11,437-439,Osvath Lessons of an unpunished child abuse,2024,165,14,553-559,Simon [Influencing factors on depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among inflammatory bowel disease patients: Multicenter study],2020,161,42,1797-1805,Sánta [Labor ending in triple tragedy],1992,133,46,e2997,Iffy [Quality of life of post-colostomy patients],1995,136,37,1995-1998,Hajdú [Certain specific aspects of fear of death],1996,137,26,1419-1425,Temesváry [Regional distribution of depression and suicide mortality],1999,140,14,802-803; author reply 805,Nemeth [Suicidal behavior in the elderly. Review of results at the Pécs Center of the WHO/EURO Multicenter Study on Suicide],2001,142,22,1161-1164,Osváth [Treatment and long-term follow-up of post-anoxic myoclonus],2001,142,38,2091-2093,Halász [Psychiatric sequelae of interferon-alpha therapy],2002,143,38,2183-2187,Kovács [The cause of death of Atticus?],2006,147,19,e911,Federmayer [Review of Volkmann's ischaemic contracture],2009,150,1,11-17,Mészáros [Diagnosis and therapy of depression in family practice],2009,150,36,1684-1693,Torzsa [A journey round my wife -- Mrs. Karinthy Aranka Böhm MD (1893-1944)],2011,152,28,1137-1139,Kiss [Mandibular reconstruction with free osteocutaneous fibula flap using the occipital artery as recipient vessel],2011,152,16,642-645,Szentpétery [Prevention of perinatal depression and anxiety with periconceptional care],2011,152,23,903-908,Eros [Examination of the mortality data of patients treated by the "TÁMASZ" Addictological Out-patient Clinic in Józsefváros (in Budapest Hungary) who deceased in 2001-2018],2019,160,47,1864-1871,Kalapos [Childhood traumatization dissociation and nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior in borderline personality disorder],2017,158,19,740-747,Harmatta Clinical picture and differential diagnosis of depression in old age,2023,164,39,1537-1543,Perczel-Forintos