Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Alcoholism and the courts: experience with a traffic safety project,1977,28,1,333-335,Charalampous Community interventions for juvenile firesetters: a survey of two national programs,1988,39,9,973-979,Kolko A community-based program for juvenile firesetters,1985,36,5,529-533,Bumpass Violent behavior by individuals with serious mental illness,1994,45,7,653-662,Torrey Assessing the evidence of a link between mental illness and violence,1994,45,7,663-668,Mulvey Involuntary community treatment of people who are violent and mentally ill: A legal analysis,1994,45,7,685-689,Slobogin Clinical symptoms neurological impairment and prediction of violence in psychiatric inpatients,1994,45,7,700-705,Krakowski Homicidal behaviors among psychiatric outpatients,1994,45,2,127-132,van Praag The relationship between acute psychiatric symptoms diagnosis and short-term risk of violence,1994,45,2,133-137,McNiel Response of emergency rooms to victims of interpersonal violence,1994,45,2,142-146,Bell Guidelines for handling domestic violence cases in community mental health centers,1994,45,2,147-151,Walker Seclusion and restraint assaultiveness and patient performance in a token economy,1994,45,2,168-170,Dickerson Self-injurious behavior in a state psychiatric hospital,1994,45,2,170-172,Callias Types of weapons and patterns of use in a forensic hospital,1993,44,11,1082-1085,Hunter Pharmacological and behavioral treatments for aggressive psychiatric inpatients,1993,44,2,125-133,Corrigan Personality characteristics of men who physically abuse women,1993,44,1,54-58,Wonderlich The video violence debate,1993,44,4,347-351,Lande Violence toward family caregivers by mentally ill relatives,1993,44,4,385-387,McNiel A comparison of physically aggressive behavior in two VA nursing homes,1993,44,6,571-575,Rudman The cost of staff injuries from inpatient violence,1992,43,6,586-588,Carmel Reduction of aggressive behavior after removal of music television,1992,43,2,173-175,Hillbrand Violence against staff by mentally retarded inpatients,1992,43,5,503-504,Ghaziuddin A hierarchy of aggressive and violent behaviors among psychiatric inpatients,1992,43,5,505-506,Morrison When psychiatrists are liable: risk management and violent patients,1983,34,1,29-36,Kroll Minimizing violence,1994,45,8,830-831,Byrne Video violence,1993,44,9,892,Fink Suicides drugs and the open hospital,1966,17,7,196-199,Krieger Organizing and funding suicide prevention and crisis services,1972,23,11,346-348,Frederick A clinic's parent-performance training program for child abusers,1974,25,12,779 782,Hughes The use of volunteers in a suicide prevention program at a private psychiatric hospital,1974,25,10,643 651,Martz The psychological autopsy: a technique for investigating a hospital suicide,1974,25,1,33-36,Resnik Using mechanical restraints on acutely disturbed psychiatric patients,1975,26,11,757-759,Bursten Volunteers serve as an adjunct to treatment for child-abusing families,1975,26,3,136-137,Hinton A preliminary study of schizophrenic women who murdered their children,1975,26,2,71 75,Palmer The management and mismanagement of a suicidal patient,1976,27,6,411-413,Krieger Short-term treatment in a general hospital following a suicide attempt,1977,28,7,537-538,Davidson Anger provocation as a crisis intervention technique,1977,28,7,533-536,Brodsky High referral success rates in a crisis center,1977,28,7,530-532,Sawyer Conference report: handling the violent patient in the hospital,1978,29,7,463-467,Armstrong Managing the violent patient in a community mental health center,1978,29,7,460-462,Edelman A review board for determining the dangerousness of mentally ill offenders,1978,29,7,453-456,Dudley Dangerousness and the mentally ill offender: results of a pilot survey,1978,29,7,424-425,Dudley Primary prevention of child abuse: focus on the special child,1978,29,4,248-251,Friedrich Staff response to suicide of hospitalized psychiatric patients,1978,29,2,122-127,Schwartz The relation of age to assaultive behavior in mental patients,1979,30,10,709-711,Tardiff Expanding psychiatry's role in child abuse treatment,1979,30,10,702-705,Green Encouraging staff members to report cases of abuse,1979,30,9,636,Freedman Altruistic murder-suicide: a case report and clinical indications,1979,30,8,558-559,Roth Suicidal patients in the emergency room: a guide for evaluation and disposition,1979,30,6,407-411,Sletten Training for prevention of assaultive behavior in a psychiatric setting,1980,31,9,628-630,Gertz Basic interventions for violence in families,1980,31,8,547-551,Barnhill Clinical assessment of intrafamilial violence,1980,31,8,543-547,Barnhill Management precautions for surviving patients after a ward suicide,1980,31,5,348-349,Olin Knife-throwing incident brings sergeant to army psychiatrist,1981,32,12,830-831,Frances Patient's mood swings send him to prison then to hospital,1981,32,10,683-684,Tupin Emergency psychiatry: an update,1981,32,10,687-698,Slaby Underreporting of assaults on staff in a state hospital,1981,32,7,497-498,Lion Crisis intervention following severe psychological trauma in late pregnancy,1981,32,1,53-56,Gordon Pathological identification as a cause of suicide on an inpatient unit,1981,32,1,36-40,Eth Law and Psychiatry,1981,32,1,14-15,Appelbaum A suicide attempt by a seductive patient: what's the treatment plan?,1982,33,12,977-979,Frances Disruptive behavior by hospitalized patients following movie viewing,1982,33,12,1015-1017,Johnston Observations on suicide among hospitalized schizophrenic patients,1982,33,11,940-941,Salama Victims of childhood sexual abuse: a follow-up study of a noncompliant populations,1982,33,11,938-940,Valdiserri Perspectives on violence from animal research,1982,33,10,853-854,Flannelly A study of circumstances surrounding patient assaults on psychiatrists,1982,33,8,660-661,Weiss The use of medication for assaultive patients,1982,33,4,307-308,Tardiff Reliability and rationality in the prediction of suicide,1982,33,3,212-215,Kaplan Law and psychiatry. Death the expert witness and the dangers of going Barefoot,1983,34,11,1003-1004,Appelbaum Treatment planning. Dealing with the potentially violent patient who seeks help yet refuses hospitalization,1983,34,8,679-680,Weinstein The relationship between family violence and hospital recidivism,1983,34,6,552-553,Turkat Childhood sexual abuse,1983,34,5,459,Wilson The relationship between job loss and physical and mental illness,1983,34,5,438-441,Hagen Emergency involuntary commitment: a look at the decision-making process,1983,34,3,249-254,Miller Dealing with suicide on a psychiatric inpatient unit,1983,34,1,55-59,Potter The reactions of nursing staff to physical assault by a patient,1983,34,1,44-47,Lanza Training personnel in the prevention and management of violent behavior,1983,34,1,40-43,Clark The violent patient: a strategy for management and diagnosis,1983,34,1,37-40,Tupin Preventing assaults on a psychiatric inpatient ward,1984,35,12,1223-1226,Felthous Assaultive behavior in brain-damaged men,1984,35,7,731,Greendyke Police involvement and influence in involuntary civil commitment,1984,35,6,580-584,Pierce A follow-up study of nurses' reactions to physical assault,1984,35,5,492-494,Lanza Survey shows therapists misunderstand Tarasoff rule,1984,35,5,429-430,Runck Penile amputation by assault: the assailant and the victim,1984,35,4,384-385,Schroeder A near-fatal assault on a psychiatric unit,1984,35,2,168-169,LaBrash The expansion of liability for patients' violent acts,1984,35,1,13-14,Appelbaum The child as a witness,1986,37,12,1225-1229,Benedek Preventing murder,1986,37,11,1160,Selden Effects of a weapon screening procedure in a psychiatric emergency room,1986,37,8,837-838,McNiel Validation of a three-item measure of depressive and suicidal symptoms,1986,37,7,738-740,Ginzburg The evolution and effectiveness of telephone counseling services,1986,37,7,731-733,Hornblow Unforeseeable liability for patients' violent acts,1986,37,7,725-731,Rachlin Adolescent drug abuse,1986,37,6,596-607,Niven Affective disorders and violence in adolescents,1986,37,6,591-596,Miller Managing violence,1986,37,5,512,Thackrey NIMH report. Panel recommends comprehensive program for victims of violent crime,1986,37,5,437-8 445,Burgess Telephone helplines at a suicide site,1986,37,2,178-180,Glatt A study of offenses committed by psychotic inmates in a county jail,1986,37,2,163-166,Valdiserri Helping the employee victim of violence in hospitals,1986,37,2,159-162,Marsh Suicide: a review of new directions in research,1986,37,2,148-154,Hendin Assaults and injuries among staff with and without training in aggression control techniques,1985,36,12,1312-1314,Infantino Family violence: principles of intervention and prevention,1985,36,10,1074-1079,Goodwin Considering family versus other therapies after a teenager's suicide attempt,1985,36,10,1041-2 1046,Clarkin Staff reaction to an inpatient homicide,1985,36,6,664-666,Cournos Violent or fear-inducing behavior associated with hospital admission,1985,36,6,643-647,Jacobs Prosecuting psychiatric patients for assault,1985,36,6,581-582,Ryan Critical treatment issues in suicide among schizophrenics,1985,36,5,534-536,Drake Severity of emotional distress among sexually abused preschool school-age and adolescent children,1985,36,5,503-508,Gomes-Schwartz The medical evaluation of sexual abuse in children,1985,36,5,509-512,De Jong Mental health responses in a decade of disasters: Australia 1974-1983,1987,38,12,1331-1337,Raphael Reactions to the 1985 Mexican earthquake: case vignettes,1987,38,12,1327-1330,Gavalya Studies of victims of violence,1987,38,11,1143-1144,Sargent Adolescent suicide,1987,38,10,1119,Levy Avoiding negligent release: a risk-management strategy,1987,38,10,1051-1052,Poythress Limited confidentiality and the pedophile,1987,38,10,1046-1048,Kelly The patient on the ledge: evaluation and intervention,1987,38,9,992-994,Barker A community survey of self-injurious behavior among developmentally disabled children and adolescents,1987,38,9,959-963,Williams Redefining dangerousness for civil commitment,1987,38,8,884-886,Rachlin Training for battle: thoughts on managing aggressive patients,1987,38,8,882-884,Lion A rating scale for reporting violence on psychiatric wards,1987,38,7,769-770,Volavka Prosecuting patients,1987,38,6,673,Perlman A model for understanding and managing cycles of aggression among psychiatric inpatients,1987,38,5,520-524,Van Rybroek Child firesetters: a study of three populations,1987,38,5,495-501,Showers Weapon screening,1987,38,4,412-413,Bonner Predictive factors in repeated suicide attempts by adolescents,1987,38,4,390-393,Marsh The failure of routine assessment to detect histories of assault experienced by psychiatric patients,1987,38,4,386-389,Jacobson Liability for violent acts,1987,38,3,306-307,Goldstein Use of constant observation with potentially suicidal patients in general hospitals,1987,38,3,303-305,Goldberg Pathways and cycles of runaways: a model for understanding repetitive runaway behavior,1987,38,3,292-299,McCormack Weapon screening,1987,38,2,203, Suicide and stress,1987,38,2,202,Crumley Mediating retention or release of the potentially dangerous patient,1987,38,1,75-77,Schwartz Factors affecting the decision to prosecute mental patients for criminal behavior,1987,38,1,50-55,Miller The prosecution of psychiatric patients for assaults on staff: a preliminary empirical study,1987,38,1,44-49,Gutheil Reducing environmental stress for a suicidal ten-year-old,1987,38,1,22-24,Pfeffer Gold award. A regional resource for psychiatric treatment of victims of violence,1988,39,11,1192-1195, Institutional response to inpatients' threats against the President,1988,39,11,1166-1171,Griffith Psychiatrists' accuracy in predicting violent behavior on an inpatient unit,1988,39,10,1090-1094,Janofsky Nally II: further clarification of clergy malpractice,1988,39,10,1041-1043,Griffith Use of antidepressants in attempted suicide,1988,39,9,990-992,Harsch Predictors of suicide,1988,39,9,996-997,Gordon Dice therapy: deterring suicidal behavior by a borderline patient,1988,39,9,992-994,Kuhlman Multifaceted therapeutic interventions with the violent psychiatric inpatient,1988,39,8,867-869,Davis Characteristics of male spouse abusers consistent with personality disorders,1988,39,7,763-770,Hamberger Confidentiality and the new duty to protect: the therapist's dilemma,1988,39,6,607-609,Weinstock Predicting assaultiveness in psychiatric inpatients: a pilot study,1988,39,4,429-434,Meisner Increased drinking and the farm crisis: a preliminary report,1988,39,3,315-316,Cheng Guidelines for nonprofessionals who receive suicidal phone calls,1988,39,3,310-311,Green Prevalence of a history of sexual abuse among female psychiatric patients in a state hospital system,1988,39,3,300-304,Craine Characteristics of patients with serious suicidal intentions who ultimately commit suicide,1988,39,3,295-299,McGlashan The insanity defense for sex offenders: jury decisions after repeal of Wisconsin's Sex Crimes Law,1988,39,2,186-189,Miller Arrest rates among young adult psychiatric patients treated in inpatient and outpatient settings,1988,39,1,52-57,Holcomb Toward a rational pharmacotherapy for aggressive and violent behavior,1988,39,1,31-39,Eichelman The role of fantasies countertransference and psychological defenses in patient violence,1989,40,12,1280-1283,Dubin Women and firearms,1989,40,12,1302,Eilers The dangerousness standard,1989,40,9,964-965,Fariello Weapon carrying among patients in a psychiatric emergency room,1989,40,8,845-847,Anderson Women who shoot themselves,1989,40,8,841-843,Frierson Violent behavior and length of psychiatric hospitalization,1989,40,8,809-814,Greenfield Violent behavior and length of hospitalization,1989,40,8,781,Tardiff The bad-mad dilemma for public psychiatry,1989,40,7,677,Cohen Relationship between preadmission threats and later violent behavior by acute psychiatric inpatients,1989,40,6,605-608,McNiel Use of a holding technique to control the violent behavior of seriously disturbed adolescents,1989,40,5,520-524,Miller The tyranny of irresponsible freedom,1989,40,5,453,Maier Accusations of child abuse,1989,40,3,305,Abramson Urban psychiatric commitments: disability and dangerous behavior of black and white recent admissions,1989,40,3,286-294,Lindsey Do dangerousness-oriented commitment laws restrict hospitalization of patients who need treatment? A test,1989,40,3,266-271,Lidz Assessing the victimized psychiatric patient,1989,40,3,245-249,Westermeyer Staff injuries from inpatient violence,1989,40,1,41-46,Carmel Protecting child witnesses in sexual abuse cases,1989,40,1,13-14,Appelbaum Psychiatric responses to trauma,1989,40,1,68-74,Ursano Violent behavior and mental illness: perspectives on papers in this issue,1994,45,7,711-713,Bell The influence of social networks and social support on violence by persons with serious mental illness,1994,45,7,669-679,Estroff Characteristics of repeatedly assaultive psychiatric inpatients,1990,41,10,1112-1115,Volavka Inpatient suicide epidemics and suggestions for prevention,1990,41,8,922-924,Rissmiller Suicide among adolescents with mentally ill parents,1990,41,8,921-922,Drake Childhood sexual abuse,1990,41,7,807,Curry Whom do mobile crisis services serve?,1990,41,7,804-805,Gillig Precipitants of violence in a psychiatric inpatient setting,1990,41,7,776-780,Henrion Can prediction of violence among psychiatric inpatients be improved?,1990,41,7,771-775,Friis Violence and the unstructured psychiatric milieu,1990,41,7,721,Rosenbaum Violence and psychiatric disorder in the community: evidence from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area surveys,1990,41,7,761-770,Swanson Early dementia as a risk factor for suicide,1990,41,6,676-678,Margo Compliance with training in managing assaultive behavior and injuries from inpatient violence,1990,41,5,558-560,Carmel Data-based interventions to reduce assaults by geriatric inpatients,1990,41,4,447-449,Lion Dissociation and abuse among multiple-personality patients prostitutes and exotic dancers,1990,41,3,328-330,Norton The relevance of childhood sexual abuse to adult psychiatric inpatient care,1990,41,2,154-158,Jacobson Violence: probability versus prediction,1990,41,2,117,Fenn Tarasoff in the therapeutic setting,1990,41,1,88-89,Treadway Premature death among outpatients at a community mental health center,1991,42,12,1248-1251,Dramaix A model hospital policy on prosecuting patients for presumptively criminal acts,1991,42,12,1233-1237,Appelbaum Violence and ECA data,1991,42,9,954-955,Swanson Violence by psychiatric inpatients: a review,1991,42,6,585-590,Davis Intentional ingestion of foreign objects by male prison inmates,1991,42,5,533-535,Convit Characteristics of persons referred by police to the psychiatric emergency room,1991,42,4,425-427,McNiel Should drugs be legalized? Implications of the debate for the mental health field,1991,42,2,119-20 125,Frances Suicide contagion,1991,42,1,94-96,Fishbain Wife assault among VA alcohol rehabilitation patients,1991,42,1,74-79,Gondolf Chronic dyspnea and suicide in elderly men,1992,43,12,1198-1203,Clark Incidence of PTSD among staff victims of patient violence,1992,43,8,838-839,Caldwell Social issues in the management of released hostages,1992,43,8,825-828,McDuff Cultural influences in psychotherapy with refugee survivors of torture and trauma,1992,43,8,820-824,Morris Classification of amok in DSM-IV,1992,43,8,789-793,Gaw A replication study of staff injuries in a state hospital,1992,43,8,836-837,Hanson Management of the assaultive adolescent,1992,43,6,622-624,Marohn The tragedies in Madison,1992,43,4,404,Shore The tragedies in Madison,1992,43,4,404,Morrison The tragedies in Madison,1992,43,4,403-404,Maier The tragedies in Madison,1992,43,4,402-3; author reply 404-6,Greenley The tragedies in Madison,1992,43,4,401-2; author reply 404-6,Stein Increase in self-injuries on an inpatient psychiatric unit during evening hours,1992,43,4,394-395,Hemkendreis Assaults on staff,1992,43,3,286,Neathery Videos focusing on teenage mothers child sexual abuse and poverty,1992,43,2,111-112,Alger Unavoidable tragedies in Madison Wisconsin: a third view,1992,43,1,72-73,Kuhlman A question of abuse: where staff and patient rights collide,1979,30,5,348-351,Armstrong Safety and environmental factors in accreditation of facilities,1976,27,11,796-799,Barry Childhood abuse and neglect,1993,44,12,1193-1194,Fuchs Police referral to psychiatric emergency services and its effect on disposition decisions,1993,44,11,1085-1090,Newhill Using ECA survey data to examine the effect of job layoffs on violent behavior,1993,44,9,874-879,Wilson Mental and physical health of homeless persons who use emergency shelters in Vancouver,1993,44,9,854-857,Acorn Characteristics of children whose parents have been incarcerated,1993,44,7,656-660,Gabel Childhood abuse and neglect among women outpatients with chronic mental illness,1993,44,7,666-670,Ferber Recidivism on an acute psychiatric forensic service,1993,44,6,583-585,Greenberg Assessing psychiatric patients' competency to agree to treatment plans,1993,44,4,361-364,Galen Characteristics of suicides by inmates in an urban jail,1993,44,3,256-261,Marcus AIDS and child sexual abuse,1993,44,2,186,Gellert Godinez v. Moran: the U.S. Supreme Court considers competence to stand trial,1993,44,10,929-930,Appelbaum Self-mutilation,1993,44,10,1006-1007,Singh Diagnostic issues in self-mutilation,1993,44,2,134-140,Favazza Posttraumatic stress disorder in victims of motor vehicle accidents,1989,40,3,295-297,Burstein Elderly fallers,1985,36,10,1113,Ordway Accidental and homicidal death in a psychiatric emergency room population,1985,36,6,640-643,Johnson NIMH report. Study of 43 jails shows mental health services and inmate safety are compatible,1983,34,11,1007-1008,Runck Reducing childhood disability in the 80s,1983,34,6,507-514,Butler Patterns and major determinants of homicide in the United States,1985,36,6,632-639,Tardiff Crisis intervention and counseling by telephone,1974,25,4,248,Lester Hospital downsizing and increased frequency of assaults on staff,1994,45,4,378-380,Snyder Psychosocial background and behavioral and emotional disorders of homeless and runaway youth,1992,43,2,155-159,Feitel Psychological autopsies of hospital suicides,1968,19,7,218-220,Krieger Borderline personality disorder and impulsive sexual behavior,1993,44,10,1000-1002,Hull Moderate drinking among people with severe mental illness,1993,44,8,780-782,Drake Substance abuse comorbid psychiatric disorder and repeated traumatic injuries,1993,44,8,715-716,Cottrol Substance abuse and onset of psychotic illness,1993,44,6,567-571,Bromet Position statement on women and domestic violence among several approved by APA,1994,45,2,185-186, APA warns against dismissing as false emerging sexual abuse memories that cannot be verified,1994,45,2,184-185, Characteristics of outpatient suicides,1994,45,2,123-126,Earle A suicide attempt by blowing air into a heparin lock,1994,45,4,382-383,Yanowitch Neglect of religious issues in scale-based assessment of suicidal patients,1994,45,4,366-369,Gutheil An inpatient team's response to alleged sexual misconduct by an outpatient psychotherapist,1994,45,12,1231-1232,Pages Effects of alcohol on symptoms in alcoholic and nonalcoholic patients with schizophrenia,1994,45,12,1229-1230,Tsuang Childhood abuse and the positive symptoms of schizophrenia,1994,45,5,489-491,Clark Self-inflicted eye injuries: case presentations and a literature review,1994,45,5,470-474,Feldmann Exploring the relationship between a continuum of care and intrusiveness of children's mental health services,1992,43,1,44-48,Dore Assaults by patients on psychiatric residents at three training sites,1994,45,7,706-710,Compton Using intensive case management to reduce violence by mentally ill persons in the community,1994,45,7,679-684,Steadman The effects of smoking bans on extended care units at state psychiatric hospitals,1993,44,9,885-886,Parks Negative effects of a smoking ban on an inpatient psychiatry service,1991,42,4,408-412,Greeman Reducing staff injuries,1990,41,10,1141-1142,Green PTSD in the retarded,1990,41,1,97,Hudson The economic and social costs of panic disorder,1987,38,12,1277-9 1288,Edlund The 1974 APA achievement award winners. Gold award: A plan for minimizing psychiatric casualties in a disaster. Columbia Area Mental Health Center Columbia South Carolina,1974,25,10,665-668, Publicity and referrals,1988,39,10,1109-1110,Bumpass Firesetting in the adult psychiatric population,1987,38,5,501-506,Geller Life-styles adaptive strategies and sexual behaviors of homeless adolescents,1993,44,12,1177-1180,Greenblatt Emergency evaluation of adolescents,1992,43,6,617-621,Kalogerakis Problems with managed psychiatric care without a psychiatrist-manager,1991,42,12,1221-1224,Westermeyer A continuous-care model of crisis intervention for children and adolescents,1990,41,5,562-564,Stelzer Characteristics of perpetrators of family and nonfamily assaults,1990,41,2,191-193,Lidz Interactive videodiscs: suicide and chronic mental illness,1989,40,6,582-583,Alger The hospitalizable patient as commodity: selling in a bear market,1989,40,2,184-185,Greenberg A continuum of mental health care for children and adolescents,1988,39,8,870-873,McKelvey An anatomy of countertransference: staff reactions to difficult psychiatric hospital patients,1986,37,9,923-928,Colson Second opinions,1986,37,5,510-512, Treating a severely disturbed self-destructive adolescent with cold wet sheet packs,1986,37,3,287-288,Singh Highlights of the 37th Institute on Hospital and Community Psychiatry,1986,37,1,17-20,Rothschild Treating a young woman with a mix of affective and personality disorders,1986,37,4,331-333,Katz Anorexia nervosa and bulimia: a review of clinical issues,1985,36,10,1086-1092,Dickstein Patterns of staff perception of difficult patients in a long-term psychiatric hospital,1985,36,2,168-172,Colson Current issues in adolescent psychiatry,1983,34,6,514-521,Hodgman The new chronic patient and the system of community care,1981,32,7,475-478,Caton Sex education and mental health work with a female teen-age gang,1973,24,3,151-155,Jensen Hospital program uses nonmedical volunteers to talk down drug users,1973,24,6,387 passim,Termansen A community's answer to the cry for help,1970,21,9,296-297,Hoxworth Violence against families,1994,45,11,1146,DiRienzo-Callahan Applying social constructionism in the treatment of patients who are intractably aggressive,1994,45,6,597-600,Caldwell Brain dysfunction and violent behavior in a man with a congenital subarachnoid cyst,1994,45,7,714-716,Horn Neurobiological factors in aggressive behavior,1994,45,7,690-699,Garza-Treviño Putting violence in context,1994,45,7,633,Campbell Length of stay and recidivism on a psychiatric intensive care unit,1994,45,1,74-76,Citrome Clinical perspectives on the Rastafari movement,1994,45,1,49-53,Griffith A comparison study of patient falls in a psychiatric setting,1994,45,8,823-825,Caley Emergency mental health services in a general hospital,1970,21,3,81-84,Beahan Anxiety and other predictors of severity of suicidal intent in urban psychiatric inpatients,1994,45,7,716-718,Kaslow The relationship between admission symptoms and hospital assaults,1990,41,3,311-313,McNiel What do police officers really want from the mental health system?,1990,41,6,663-665,Hillard Patient aggression against clinical and nonclinical staff in a VA Medical Center,1990,41,2,195-197,Thackrey Factors related to length of hospitalization of children with mental disorders,1990,41,2,193-195,Taylor Subgroups in the population of frequent users of inpatient services,1990,41,2,189-191,Casper A program to help staff cope with psychological sequelae of assaults by patients,1991,42,9,935-938,Flannery Perceptions of childhood: exploring possible etiological factors in homelessness,1991,42,5,535-537,Zozus Antecedents and interventions for aggressive behavior of patients at a geropsychiatric state hospital,1991,42,3,287-292,Colenda Caffeine and aggression,1991,42,6,637-639,Carmel Changes in behaviors of inpatients after a ban on the sale of caffeinated drinks,1991,42,1,84-85,Zaslove Prosecuting assaultive psychiatric inpatients,1991,42,2,193-194,Zonana AIDS and victims of sexual assault,1992,43,5,447-448,Burgess Working with the media to destigmatize mental illness,1992,43,1,77-78,Mayer Posttraumatic stress disorder among homeless men and women,1992,43,10,1010-1016,Smith Multiple personality disorder presenting as postpartum depression,1992,43,12,1241-1243,Satel Factors complicating cost containment in the treatment of suicidal patients,1994,45,8,782-788,Rissmiller The "God of the dance": treating Nijinsky's manic excitement and catatonia,1994,45,10,981-985,Ostwald Outpatient suicides,1994,45,11,1147,Marcus A network of volunteers for community programs,1971,22,4,111-112,Oppliger Therapeutic camping for emotionally disturbed adolescents,1972,23,10,298-301,Hobbs The prevalence of physical disease in a large mental hospital and its implications for staffing,1972,23,5,148-151,Lansbury A small-group living program for Vietnam-era veterans,1972,23,5,141-144,Jackson Providing mental health information through a 24-hour telephone service,1972,23,5,139-141,Pederson Developing an extended program on an inpatient service,1972,23,5,152-154,Smith Crisis debriefing of a jury after a murder trial,1991,42,1,79-81,Feldmann Hospital fires: preparing staff before one starts,1973,24,1,36-37,Prickman Disaster-relief training and mental health,1977,28,1,30-32,Penick A study of referral failures for potentially suicidal patients: a method of medical care evaluation,1982,33,1,49-52,Knesper The risky professions,1983,34,1,5,Steadman A review of accreditation requirements for hospital safety,1973,24,5,341-342,Davis Psychiatric consultation with a police youth-aid unit,1973,24,5,326-329,Cohen A disaster drill for a psychiatric hospital,1973,24,5,314,Rock Developing behavior modification programs with emphasis on self-control,1973,24,6,410-416,Cheek Personal styles of program implementors: a case study in community mental health failure,1973,24,6,406-409,Mehr Youth services: a multifaceted community approach to drug abuse,1973,24,10,695-697,Liptzin Management-by-objectives for community mental health programs,1974,25,4,228-231,Robins A process to help community mental health boards plan programs and facilities,1974,25,4,239-241,Phillips Project Anchor: a study of an unsuccessful volunteer program to help former patients,1975,26,3,146-151,Watson Short-range hedonism: therapy for patients who cannot delay gratification,1975,26,3,133 136,Shinedling A program for deaf mental patients,1973,24,1,40-42,Robinson Beer and wine as incentives in a work therapy program,1973,24,2,99-101,Chien A survey of patients leaving a mental hospital against medical advice,1976,27,12,865-868,Planansky A time-limited treatment program for children and their families,1976,27,12,878-879,Ney Using videotapes and group discussion in the treatment of male chronic alcoholics,1976,27,12,847 51,Faia Another training film and manual showing staff how to handle potentially dangerous patients,1977,28,6,460-461,Samuels Outward bound: providing a therapeutic experience for troubled adolescents,1977,28,11,807-812,Kistler Psychotherapy for the rape victim: some treatment models,1978,29,5,309-312,Evans Suicide prevention in the hospital,1981,32,2,99-104,Farberow Developing a data file for rape prevention through interagency collaboration,1981,32,2,129-130,Forman The medical model and psychiatry's tasks,1981,32,6,387-392,Adler In the matter of PAAR: rape counseling and problems of confidentiality,1981,32,7,461-462,Roth Anticholinergic psychosis in children: a case report,1991,42,2,191-192,Hamdan-Allen Self-amputation of the breasts by a male with schizotypal personality disorder,1992,43,2,175-176,Coons Mental health consultation to a preschool following the murder of a mother and child,1985,36,1,73-76,Silverstein A six-month study of incidents involving patients at a state psychiatric center,1978,29,9,570-571,Damijonaitis A retrospective study of alcohol use by VA psychiatric inpatients,1985,36,3,287-290,Vogel The prison of mental disability,1985,36,3,229,Shuster The legal requirements,1982,33,6,437,Klein Threatening the President,1982,33,6,436-437,Menninger Confidentiality obligations: a second view,1982,33,6,435-436,Zusman The prevention and treatment of heatstroke in psychiatric patients,1982,33,6,474-476,Bark Repeat visitors in the psychiatric emergency service: a critical review of the data,1986,37,1,37-41,Barsky Ethical issues in computerized mental health data systems,1986,37,1,11-12 16,Lyon Alcoholism in Mexican-Americans: intervention and treatment,1987,38,2,180-183,Weddige Stress and coping in relatives of burn patients: a longitudinal study,1988,39,2,159-166,Cella Occupational therapy: functional assessment of the severity of mental disorders,1988,39,2,140-142,Allen Television puppet skits as a tool for modeling children's behavior,1980,31,10,706-707,Bull A psychiatric emergency kit for use by clinicians in emergency services,1981,32,10,726-727,Cross Using infrared scanning to decrease nighttime falls on a psychogeriatric unit,1988,39,1,79-81,Dubner Criminal activity among the homeless: a study of arrests in Baltimore,1988,39,1,46-51,Fischer Differences between men and women with multiple personality disorder,1989,40,2,186-188,Norton Warning third parties at risk of AIDS: APA's policy is a barrier to treatment,1989,40,2,158-161,Perry The expansion of psychiatric participation in social control,1989,40,3,240-242,Leong An emergency psychiatry update,1989,40,3,250-260,Ellison Medication refusal and the rehospitalized mentally ill inmate,1989,40,5,491-496,Smith Coordinating inpatient and outpatient treatment for a chronically suicidal woman,1989,40,5,468-470,Miller Protecting the president,1989,40,6,647-650, Compliance with less restrictive aggression-control procedures,1989,40,1,82-84,Glynn Policing sexuality in a modern state hospital,1989,40,1,75-79,Holbrook Psychodynamic treatment of panic: three case histories,1991,42,3,311-312,Shear Dementia research in the nursing home,1988,39,3,257-259,Abrams Variations in seclusion and restraint practices by hospital location,1988,39,4,418-423,Carpenter Children of psychiatrically ill parents: a prevention perspective,1989,40,12,1257-1265,Silverman Characteristics of women forensic patients in a federal hospital,1981,32,1,50-53,Baridon A psychogeriatric nursing home resocialization program,1981,32,12,862-865,Brown Hypnosis as emergency treatment for a teen-age rape victim,1982,33,9,767-769,Valdiserri Problems of front-line workers on psychiatric inpatient units,1982,33,10,852-853,Phillips Five-year outcome of children admitted to a state mental hospital,1982,33,10,847-848,Schain Effects of the urban crisis on the community general hospital,1982,33,6,477-480,Bluestone Recent developments in family therapy: a review,1982,33,7,550-556,Clarkin An overview of mental health services for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the 1990s,1992,43,3,257-261,McCoy A mobile crisis program: collaboration between emergency psychiatric services and police,1992,43,6,612-615,Zealberg Mental retardation and psychiatric illness,1992,43,5,494-499,Behar Long-term high-dose neuroleptic treatment: who gets it and why?,1993,44,7,640-644,Krakowski Criteria for hospital admission,1993,44,2,116-118,Sederer Residents' and nurses' perceptions of difficult-to-treat short-stay patients,1993,44,4,352-357,Gallop Outdated information,1993,44,4,392-393,Jenkins Mixed factitious disorder presenting as AIDS,1990,41,5,552-553,Bialer Suicide and cancer in late life,1990,41,12,1334-1339,Olsen Substance abuse and mental health status of homeless and domiciled low-income users of a medical clinic,1990,41,3,306-310,Gelberg The formal treatment contract in the inpatient management of borderline personality disorder,1990,41,9,985-987,Miller Comparison of outcomes for clients seeking and assigned to supported housing services,1991,42,11,1150-1153,Brown The problem with interpreters: communicating with Spanish-speaking patients,1991,42,2,163-165,Vásquez Federal Task Force on youth suicide calls for more data on risk factors improved prevention,1990,41,1,104-105, Psychiatric ward incidents (I: Reply),1990,41,9,e1025,Lee Suicide contagion (Reply),1991,42,1,95-96,Rissmiller Treatment of depressed patients in general hospitals with scatter beds cluster beds and psychiatric units,1990,41,10,1106-1111,Olfson 'Suicide contagion': Reply,1991,42,1,95-96,Rissmiller Suicide contagion,1991,42,1,94-95,Fishbain The problem with interpreters: Communicating with Spanish-speaking patients,1991,42,2,163-165,Vasquez Undetected abuse among intensive case management clients,1991,42,5,499-503,Rose Use of medical necessity scales in concurrent review of psychiatric inpatient care,1991,42,12,1199-1200,Glazer Bipolar disorder associated with an acoustic neurinoma,1991,42,12,1258-1260,Aizenberg