Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Crash proof kids? An overview of current motor vehicle child occupant safety strategies,2003,33,2,38-55,Ebel Sports injuries,2005,35,4,110-164,Anderson Munchausen by proxy,2004,34,3,126-143,Schreier Pediatric health disparities,2006,36,7,251-268,Oberg Adolescent suicide: risk factors and prevention strategies,2008,38,4,110-125,Oberg Child abuse and neglect,2009,39,2,31.e1-326,Palusci Adolescent suicide: risk factors and prevention strategies. Foreword,2008,38,4,109,Moyer Common Lower Extremity Injuries in the Skeletally Immature Athlete,2010,40,7,170-183,Goodman Concussion in the Adolescent Athlete,2010,40,7,154-169,Grady Issues in pediatric sexual abuse--what we think we know and where we need to go,2002,32,7,216-246,Girardet Childhood and adolescent depression: the role of primary care providers in diagnosis and treatment,2005,35,1,6-24,Richardson Child abuse and neglect. Foreword,2009,39,2,29-30,Fierman Children adolescents and the media,2004,34,2,54-113,Strasburger Childhood Poverty and the Social Safety Net,2010,40,10,237-262,Oberg Approaching the adolescent-headed family: a review of teen parenting,2009,39,9,216-233,Beers Childhood agricultural injuries: an update for clinicians,2013,43,2,20-44,Lee Housing and child health,2013,43,8,187-224,Jacobs Screening and brief intervention for risky alcohol use,2014,44,4,82-87,Zoorob Commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of children in the United States,2014,44,9,245-269,Greenbaum Aspects of abuse: recognizing and responding to child maltreatment,2015,45,3,58-70,Jackson Aspects of abuse: abusive head trauma,2015,45,3,71-79,Khademian Aspects of Abuse: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children,2015,45,3,80-85,Deye Aspects of abuse: consequences of childhood victimization,2015,45,3,86-93,Deye Foreword. Commercially sexually exploited children (CSEC),2014,44,9,243-244,Schapiro Screening for social determinants of health among children and families living in poverty: a guide for clinicians,2016,46,5,135-153,Garg Neurologic care in concussion and post-concussive encephalopathy,2016,46,2,52-57,Chadehumbe Child health disparities in the 21st century,2016,46,9,291-312,Oberg Evaluation and management of concussion in young athletes,2018,48,5-6,139-150,Feinstein Child welfare system interventions on behalf of children and families: highlighting the role of court appointed special advocates,2018,48,9,215-231,Gershun Social determinants of health and health disparities among immigrants and their children,2019,49,1,23-30,Chang All that glitters is not gold: mercury poisoning in a family mimicking an infectious illness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Geller The intersection of pediatrics climate change and structural racism: ensuring health equity through climate justice,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sheffield Child trafficking and exploitation: historical roots preventive policies and the pediatrician's role,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chisolm-Straker Credible messenger mentoring to promote the health of youth involved in the juvenile legal system: a narrative review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abrams Streamlining healthcare delivery for sex-trafficked adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raj Child adult relationship enhancement in primary care (PriCARE) theory of change: a promising intervention to reduce child maltreatment,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wood Foreword: Expanding horizons in child abuse pediatrics part 1,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bell FOREWORD: Expanding horizons in child abuse pediatrics part 2,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bell Development contributions and future directions of a multicenter child abuse research network,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Campbell Improving access to child abuse evaluations through innovation & telemedicine,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scribano Clinical facts & curios,2004,34,4,180-184,Stockman III Clinical facts & curios,2004,34,1,44-48,Stockman III Clinical Facts & Curios,2006,36,10,377-381,Stockman III Tailoring clinical services to address the unique needs of adolescents from the pregnancy test to parenthood,2013,43,4,71-95,Moriarty Daley Menstrual considerations for transgender male and gender diverse adolescents who were assigned female at birth,2022,52,8,101239,Weiselberg Utility of a psychosocial assessment during an acute care hospitalization,2021,51,5,e100998,Ewulonu Cultivating a way of being and doing: Individual strategies for physician well-being and resilience,2019,49,12,e100663,Gogo