Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Acceptance of hip protectors for hip fracture prevention in nursing homes,2001,12,9,794-799,Hubacher Acceptance and compliance with external hip protectors: a systematic review of the literature,2002,13,12,917-924,Bouter Place of residence and risk of fracture in older people: a population-based study of over 65-year-olds in Cardiff,2003,14,6,515-519,Richmond A risk profile for identifying community-dwelling elderly with a high risk of recurrent falling: results of a 3-year prospective study,2006,17,3,417-425,Bouter 65 ml/min is a risk factor for falls and fractures,2005,16,12,1683-1690,Schacht Balance disorder and increased risk of falls in osteoporosis and kyphosis: significance of kyphotic posture and muscle strength,2005,16,8,1004-1010,Larson A new significant and independent risk factor for falls in elderly men and women: a low creatinine clearance of less than 65 ml/min,2005,16,3,332-338,Dukas Is fall prevention by Vitamin D mediated by a change in postural or dynamic balance?,2006,17,5,656-663,Allum Community-dwelling seniors who present to the emergency department with a fall do not receive Guideline care and their fall risk profile worsens significantly: a 6-month prospective study,2006,17,5,672-683,Khan Epidemiology of hip fracture in Iran: results from the Iranian Multicenter Study on Accidental Injuries,2006,17,8,1252-1257,Abolhassani Balance training program is highly effective in improving functional status and reducing the risk of falls in elderly women with osteoporosis: a randomized controlled trial,2007,18,4,419-425,Madureira A simple protocol for preventing falls and fractures in elderly individuals with musculoskeletal disease,2007,18,5,611-619,Kawahara Influence of fall related factors and bone strength on fracture risk in the frail elderly,2007,18,5,603-610,Cameron Could a policy of provision of hip protectors to elderly nursing home residents result in cost savings in acute hip fracture care? The case of Ontario Canada,2007,18,6,819-827,Papaioannou Evaluation of a fall-prevention program in older people after femoral neck fracture: a one-year follow-up,2008,19,6,801-809,Gustafson Fracture mechanisms and fracture pattern in men and women aged 50 years and older: a study of a 12-year population-based injury register Umea Sweden,2008,19,9,1267-1273,Bjornstig Fall-related self-efficacy not balance and mobility performance is related to accidental falls in chronic stroke survivors with low bone mineral density,2008,19,7,919-927,Eng Predictors of falls among postmenopausal women: results from the National Osteoporosis Risk Assessment (NORA),2009,20,5,715-722,Barrett-Connor The health-related quality of life and cost implications of falls in elderly women,2009,20,6,869-878,Torgerson Preventative effect of exercise against falls in the elderly: a randomized controlled trial,2008,20,7,1233-1240,Takeda External hip protectors are effective for the elderly with higher-than-average risk factors for hip fractures,2009,20,9,1613-1620,Takaoka Spatial temporal modeling of hospitalizations for fall-related hip fractures in older people,2009,20,9,1479-1485,Finch Lifestyle predicts falls independent of physical risk factors,2009,20,12,2025-2034,Landsittel Self-reported preclinical mobility limitation and fall history as predictors of future falls in older women: prospective cohort study,2010,21,4,689-693,Heinonen Can fall risk be incorporated into fracture risk assessment algorithms: a pilot study of responsiveness to clodronate,2009,20,12,2055-2061,Kanis Martial arts fall training to prevent hip fractures in the elderly,2010,21,2,215-221,Weerdesteyn Is there a U-shaped association between physical activity and falling in older persons?,2010,21,7,1189-1195,van Schoor Independent from muscle power and balance performance a creatinine clearance below 65 ml/min is a significant and independent risk factor for falls and fall-related fractures in elderly men and women diagnosed with osteoporosis,2010,21,7,1237-1245,Runge Hip protectors: recommendations for biomechanical testing-an international consensus statement (part I),2009,20,12,1977-1988,Minns Cost of falls in old age: a systematic review,2010,21,6,891-902,Becker Positive effects of exercise on falls and fracture risk in osteopenic women,2008,19,7,1077-1086,Wong Uptake and adherence with soft- and hard-shelled hip protectors in Norwegian nursing homes: a cluster randomised trial,2008,19,1,101-111,Forsen Incidence and risk factors of falling in ambulatory patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective 1-year study,2010,21,11,1825-1833,Hagino Functional data modelling approach for analysing and predicting trends in incidence rates-an application to falls injury,2010,21,12,2125-2134,Finch Age cohort and period effects on hip fracture incidence: analysis and predictions from New Zealand data 1974-2007,2011,22,1,105-111,Langley The effect of socioeconomic deprivation on fracture incidence in the United Kingdom,2004,15,7,520-524,Lyons Socioeconomic status marital status and hip fracture risk: a population-based case-control study,2000,11,9,803-808,Baron Air temperature and the incidence of fall-related hip fracture hospitalisations in older people,2011,22,4,1183-1189,Finch The relationship of fall-related fractures to social deprivation,2011,22,4,1211-1218,Court-Brown Incidence of hip fracture: an Italian survey,1993,3,Suppl 1,8-9,Mazzuoli Risk factors for hip fracture in elderly Japanese women in Tottori Prefecture Japan,1993,3,Suppl 1,48-50,Nakamura Risk factors for osteoporosis,1993,3,Suppl 1,40-43,Young Epidemiology and prevention of osteoporosis in urbanized Asian populations,1993,3,Suppl 1,23-26,Cooper Influence of age sex and diet on bone mass and fracture rate,1993,3,Suppl 1,20-22,Hsieh Epidemiology of hip fractures in the elderly: a cross-national analysis of mortality rates for femoral neck fractures,1993,3,Suppl 1,16-19,Heyse The incidence of hip fracture in Europe,1993,3,Suppl 1,10-15,Kanis Bone mass bone loss bone density and fractures,1993,3,Suppl 1,1-7,Nordin Fractures of the proximal femur in Picardy France in 1987,1993,3,1,43-49,Baudoin Design of the Fracture Intervention Trial,1993,3 ,Suppl 3,S29-S39,Nevitt Fracture risk in children with a forearm injury is associated with volumetric bone density and cortical area (by peripheral QCT) and areal bone density (by DXA),2011,22,2,607-616,Kalkwarf Clinical and demographic factors associated with fractures among older Americans,2011,22,4,1263-1274,Matthews Parity lactation and hip fracture,1993,3,4,171-176,O'Brien The incidence of hip fractures in independent and institutionalized elderly people,1994,4,1,6-10,Bouter Spine fracture risk is predicted by non-spine fractures,1994,4,1,1-5,Davis Can we stop bone loss and prevent hip fractures in the elderly?,1994,4,Suppl 1,71-76,Meunier Non-skeletal determinants of fractures: the potential importance of the mechanics of falls. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group,1994,4,Suppl 1,67-70,Nevitt Direct costs of osteoporosis and hip fracture: an analysis for the Mexican healthcare system,2008,19,3,269-276,Clark An association between socioeconomic health and health behavioural indicators and fractures in young adult males,2007,18,12,1609-1615,Mattila Fractures during growth: potential role of a milk-free diet,2007,18,12,1601-1607,Seeman Femoral and spinal bone mineral density in Japanese osteoporotics with hip fracture,1994,4,3,144-148,Sugimoto Bone mineral density in female junior senior and former football players,1996,6,6,437-441,Johnell Discrepancies in normative data between Lunar and Hologic DXA systems,1996,6,6,432-436,Roberts Different risk profiles for hip fractures and distal forearm fractures: a prospective study,1996,6,6,427-431,Bouter Prognosis and rehabilitation after hip fracture,1996,6,Suppl 3,52-55,Obrant Hip fractures in men,1996,6,Suppl 3,48-51,Ringe Vitamin D insufficiency as a determinant of hip fractures,1996,6,Suppl 3,42-47,Alonso Calcium insufficiency and fracture risk,1996,6,Suppl 3,37-41,Dawson-Hughes Geometric characteristics of the proximal femur and hip fracture risk,1996,6,Suppl 3,27-30,Geusens Femoral neck bone density and fracture risk,1996,6,Suppl 3,24-26,Cooper The epidemiology of hip fracture in Asia: an update,1996,6,Suppl 3,19-23,Lau The European Prospective Osteoporosis Study,1996,6,Suppl 3,16-18,Reeve Epidemiology of hip fracture: the MEDOS study. Mediterranean Osteoporosis Study,1996,6,Suppl 3,11-15,Lyritis Hip fractures in France: the magnitude and perspective of the problem,1996,6,Suppl 3,1-10,Juvin The effects of a community exercise program on fracture risk factors in older women,1996,6,5,361-367,Williams The cost of treating hip fractures in the twenty-first century: short report,1996,6,Suppl 2,13-15,Parker Rationale and clinical indications for bone density measurements,1996,6,Suppl 2,6-8,Cooper International comparison of hip fracture rates in 1988-89,1996,6,1,69-75,Bacon The impact of degenerative conditions in the spine on bone mineral density and fracture risk prediction,1996,6,1,43-49,von der Recke Racial differences in femoral dimensions and their relation to hip fracture,1996,6,1,22-24,Mikhail Practical guide for the use of bone mineral measurements in the assessment of treatment of osteoporosis: a position paper of the European foundation for osteoporosis and bone disease. The Scientific Advisory Board and the Board of National Societies,1996,6,3,256-261,Kanis Consequences of a hip fracture: a prospective study over 1 year,1993,3,3,148-153,Johnell Radial and humeral fractures as predictors of subsequent hip radial or humeral fractures in women and their seasonal variation,1993,3,3,133-137,McNair Changing incidence and residual lifetime risk of common osteoporosis-related fractures,1993,3,3,127-132,McNair Ethnic differences in femur geometry in the women's health initiative observational study,2011,22,5,1377-1388,Lewis Risk factors for peripheral fractures vary by age in older men-the prospective MINOS study,2011,22,6,1755-1764,Delmas Correlates of bone mineral density in men of African ancestry: the Tobago bone health study,2008,19,2,227-234,Cauley Incidence of second hip fractures. A population-based study,2007,18,9,1279-1285,Kautiainen Effect of seasonality and weather on fracture risk in individuals 65 years and older,2007,18,9,1225-1233,Barrett Epidemiology of osteoporosis related fractures in Hungary from the nationwide health insurance database 1999-2003,2008,19,2,243-249,Péntek Development of a nomogram for individualizing hip fracture risk in men and women,2007,18,8,1109-1117,Nguyen Urban-rural differences in distal forearm fractures: Cohort Norway,2007,18,8,1063-1072,Schei Multifactorial evaluation and treatment of persons with a high risk of recurrent falling was not cost-effective,2011,22,7,2187-2196,Bouter Fall mechanisms bone strength and hip fractures in elderly men and women in Taiwan,2011,22,8,2385-2393,Hwang Hip fracture incidence in Lebanon: a national registry-based study with reference to standardized rates worldwide,2011,22,9,2499-2506,Harb Secular decreases in fracture rates 1986-2006 for Manitoba Canada: a population-based analysis,2011,22,7,2137-2143,Metge Hip fracture audit: the Nottingham experience,2010,21,Suppl 4,S647-53,Moran Guidelines for conducting and reporting economic evaluation of fall prevention strategies,2011,22,9,2449-2459,Robertson Conflicting trends in fall-related injury hospitalisations among older people: variations by injury type,2011,22,10,2623-2631,Watson Bone mineral density enhances use of clinical risk factors in predicting ten-year risk of osteoporotic fractures in Chinese men: the Hong Kong Osteoporosis Study,2011,22,11,2799-2807,Bow Hip fractures in a city in Northern Norway over 15 years: time trends seasonal variation and mortality : The Harstad Injury Prevention Study,2011,22,10,2603-2610,Ytterstad The factor-of-risk biomechanical approach predicts hip fracture in men and women: the Framingham Study,2012,23,2,513-520,Dufour Physical activity and predisposition for hip fractures: a review,1997,7,6,503-513,Joakimsen Steroid-induced osteoporosis,1997,7,Suppl 3,S213-6,Reid Treatment of osteoporosis with vitamin D,1997,7,Suppl 3,S140-6,Bernard Epidemiology of osteoporosis in Japan,1997,7,Suppl 3,S99-102,Hashimoto Epidemiology of osteoporosis in Taiwan,1997,7,Suppl 3,S96-8,Tsai Epidemiology of osteoporosis in urbanized Asian populations,1997,7,Suppl 3,S91-5,Lau Epidemiology of osteoporosis in Korea,1997,7,Suppl 3,S88-90,Rowe Epidemiology of primary osteoporosis in China,1997,7,Suppl 3,S84-7,Zhou Epidemiology of Osteoporotic Fractures in Europe: towards biologic mechanisms. The European Prospective Osteoporosis Study Group,1997,7,Suppl 3,S78-83,Reeve Epidemiology of osteoporosis in South America,1997,7,Suppl 3,S73-7,Pumarino Epidemiology of osteoporosis in the United States of America,1997,7,Suppl 3,S68-72,Wasnich Material properties of bone from the femoral neck and calcar femorale of patients with osteoporosis or osteoarthritis,1997,7,5,450-456,Li Incidence and direct medical costs of hospitalizations due to osteoporotic fractures in Switzerland,1997,7,5,414-425,Jaeger World-wide projections for hip fracture,1997,7,5,407-413,Gullberg The number and incidence of minor trauma knee fractures are increasing in elderly women but not in elderly men,1997,7,2,149-154,Jarvinen Trend in hip fracture epidemiology over a 14-year period in a Spanish population,2006,17,3,464-470,Llorca Fracture incidence in Olmsted County Minnesota: comparison of urban with rural rates and changes in urban rates over time,1999,9,1,29-37,O'Fallon Risk factors for fracture in elderly men: a population-based prospective study,2012,23,2,521-531,Frost Bone density measurements by computed tomography in osteogenesis imperfecta type I,1999,9,5,427-432,Miller Association between body mass index and the risk of falls: a nationwide population-based study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Symptomatic fracture incidence in elderly men and women: the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study (DOES),1994,4,5,277-282,Nguyen The variable incidence of hip fracture in southern Europe: the MEDOS Study,1994,4,5,253-263,Allander Assessment of fracture risk and its application to screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis: synopsis of a WHO report. WHO Study Group,1994,4,6,368-381,Kanis Epidemiology of hip fractures in an urban population of central Argentina,1994,4,6,332-335,Mautalen Risk factors for fractures of the distal forearm: a population-based case-control study,1994,4,6,298-304,Mallmin Cost-effectiveness of fracture prevention in established osteoporosis,1995,5,2,136-142,Johnell Hip fracture incidence in the canton of Vaud Switzerland 1986-1991,1995,5,3,191-195,Paccaud Changing views about 'Osteoporoses' (a 1998 overview),1999,10,5,345-352,Frost Risk factors for hip fracture not related to bone mass and their therapeutic implications,1999,9,Suppl 2,S9-S16,Allolio Survival after hip fracture: short- and long-term excess mortality according to age and gender,1999,10,1,73-78,Kopjar Incremental cost of medical care after hip fracture and first vertebral fracture: the Rotterdam study,1999,10,1,66-72,Burger Total body and regional bone mineral density in men: effect of age,1999,10,1,59-65,Eastell Time since vertebral fracture: an important variable concerning quality of life in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis,1999,10,1,26-33,Pfeifer International variation in the incidence of hip fractures: cross-national project on osteoporosis for the World Health Organization Program for Research on Aging,1999,9,3,242-253,Maggi A secular trend in hip fracture incidence in East Germany,1999,9,2,144-150,Bergmann Risk factors for hip fracture in men from southern Europe: the MEDOS study. Mediterranean Osteoporosis Study,1999,9,1,45-54,Allander The cost of treating osteoporotic fractures in the United Kingdom female population,1998,8,6,611-617,Torgerson Lifetime risk of hip fractures is underestimated,1998,8,6,599-603,Johnell Do markers of bone resorption add to bone mineral density and ultrasonographic heel measurement for the prediction of hip fracture in elderly women? The EPIDOS prospective study,1998,8,6,563-569,Schott Family history and risk of osteoporotic fracture. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group,1998,8,6,557-562,Fox Serum albumin and bone mineral density in healthy older men and women: the Rancho Bernardo Study,1998,8,6,547-551,Barrett-Connor Variation in the efficacy of hormone replacement therapy in the prevention of hip fracture. Swedish Hip Fracture Study Group,1998,8,6,540-546,Johnell Report on osteoporosis in the European Community: current status and recommendations for the future. Working Party from European Union Member States,1998,8,6,531-534,Compston Vitamin D deficiency and osteopathies,1998,8,Suppl 2,S35-9,Ringe Calcium and vitamin D are effective in preventing fractures in elderly people by reversing senile secondary hyperparathyroidism,1998,8,Suppl 2,S1-2,Meunier The prevalence and impact of self-reported hip fracture in elderly community-dwelling women: the Women's Health and Aging Study,1998,8,4,385-389,Fried Weight variability weight change and the incidence of hip fracture: a prospective study of 39000 middle-aged Norwegians,1998,8,4,373-378,Tverdal Increased incidence of fractures in middle-aged and elderly men with low intakes of phosphorus and zinc,1998,8,4,333-340,Gullberg The Tromsø Study: body height body mass index and fractures,1998,8,5,436-442,Joakimsen Characteristics of falls and risk of hip fracture in elderly men,1998,8,3,240-246,Sidney Long-term trends in hip fracture prevalence: the influence of hip fracture incidence and survival,1998,8,1,68-74,Melton Black-white differences in hip geometry. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group,1998,8,1,61-67,Bunker Relationships between risk factors and fractures differ by type of fracture: a population-based study of 12192 perimenopausal women,1998,8,1,25-31,Honkanen Targeting high-risk populations,1998,8,Suppl 1,S13-6,Jonsson Prevention of hip fractures in older women: a population-based perspective,1998,8,Suppl 1,S8-12,Cummings Prevention of osteoporotic hip fracture: global versus high-risk strategies,1998,8,Suppl 1,S2-7,Barrett-Connor Are annual fluctuations in hip fracture incidence dependent upon the underlying mortality rate?,1998,8,2,192-195,Johnell Self-reported ballet classes undertaken at age 10-12 years and hip bone mineral density in later life,1998,8,2,165-173,Hopper The cost of fall related presentations to the ED: A prospective in-person patient-tracking analysis of health resource utilization,2011,23,5,1513-1519,Marra Hip axis length variation: its correlation with anthropometric measurements in women from three ethnic groups,2008,19,9,1301-1306,Barrett-Connor The association of Parkinson's disease with bone mineral density and fracture in older women,2008,19,7,1093-1097,Cummings Tai chi for osteoporosis: a systematic review,2008,19,2,139-146,Ernst Skeletal consequences of thiazolidinedione therapy,2008,19,2,129-137,Grey Which bone mass measures discriminate adolescents who have fractured from those who have not?,2008,19,2,251-255,Jones Hip and other osteoporotic fractures increase the risk of subsequent fractures in nursing home residents,2008,19,8,1225-1233,Lyles Effect of calcium supplementation on hip fractures,2008,19,8,1119-1123,Grey Bone mineral density hip axis length and risk of hip fracture in men: results from the Cornwall Hip Fracture Study,2000,11,10,866-870,Pritchard Predicting fractures using bone mineral density: a prospective study of long-term care residents,2000,11,9,765-771,Cupples Femoral bone mineral density neck-shaft angle and mean femoral neck width as predictors of hip fracture in men and women. Multicenter Project for Research in Osteoporosis,2000,11,8,714-720,Alonso Determinants of bone mineral density in middle aged men: a population-based study,2000,11,8,702-708,Bouchard Long-term risk of osteoporotic fracture in Malmö,2000,11,8,669-674,Johnell Fracture risk associated with a fall according to type of fall among the elderly,2000,11,7,631-634,Honkanen Risk of mortality following clinical fractures,2000,11,7,556-561,Scott The cost of treating osteoporotic fractures in the United Kingdom female population,2000,11,6,551-552,Johansen Deterioration in quality of life following hip fracture: a prospective study,2000,11,5,460-466,Silverman Epidemiology of osteoporotic pelvic fractures in elderly people in Finland: sharp increase in 1970-1997 and alarming projections for the new millennium,2000,11,5,443-448,Jarvinen Costs induced by hip fractures: a prospective controlled study in Belgium. Belgian Hip Fracture Study Group,2000,11,5,373-380,Haentjens Risk factors for perimenopausal distal forearm fracture,2000,11,3,265-270,Kroger Validity of self-report of fractures: results from a prospective study in men and women across Europe. EPOS Study Group. European Prospective Osteoporosis Study Group,2000,11,3,248-254,Johnell Factors associated with mortality after hip fracture,2000,11,3,228-232,Falch Risk factors for perimenopausal fractures: a prospective study,2000,11,3,219-227,Honkanen Do men and women fracture bones at similar bone densities?,2000,11,2,153-157,Adams Predictors of fractures in elderly women,2000,11,2,134-140,Ooms Risk of hip fracture derived from relative risks: an analysis applied to the population of Sweden,2000,11,2,120-127,Johnell Loss of bone density and lean body mass after hip fracture,2000,11,1,31-35,Hebel Risk factors for osteoporosis related to their outcome: fractures,2001,12,8,630-638,Geusens Determinants of bone mineral density and spinal fracture risk in postmenopausal Japanese women,2001,12,7,548-554,Kaji Responding to Meyer et al. Factors associated with mortality after hip fracture. Osteoporos Int 2000; 11:228-32,2001,12,6,516-517,Magaziner Cost-effectiveness of preventing hip fracture in the general female population,2001,12,5,356-361,Johnell Hip fracture incidence rates in Singapore 1991-1998,2001,12,4,311-318,Lee Economic implications of hip fracture: health service use institutional care and cost in Canada,2001,12,4,271-278,Papaioannou Physical activity and risk factors for hip fractures in Thai women,2001,12,3,244-248,Wanvarie The incidence of hip fracture in four Asian countries: the Asian Osteoporosis Study (AOS),2001,12,3,239-243,Lau Hip fracture prevention trial using hip protectors in Japanese nursing homes,2001,12,3,215-221,Niino The impact of lifestyle factors on stress fractures in female Army recruits,2001,12,1,35-42,Stegman Lifetime and five-year age-specific risks of first and subsequent osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women,2001,12,1,16-23,Kotowicz Risk factors for ankle fracture,2001,12,2,97-103,Eastell Hip fracture incidence in east and west germany: reassessement ten years after unification,2001,12,2,136-139,Clark A population-based study of fracture incidence in southern Tasmania: lifetime fracture risk and evidence for geographic variations within the same country,2001,12,2,124-130,Cooley Incidence and risk factors for a second hip fracture in elderly women. The Study of Osteoporotic Fractures,2003,14,2,130-136,Stone Osteoporosis disease management in a rural health care population: hip fracture reduction and reduced costs in postmenopausal women after 5 years,2003,14,2,146-151,Newman Are inhaled corticosteroids associated with an increased risk of fracture in children?,2004,15,10,785-791,van Staa Predictors of functional recovery for hip fractured elders during 12 months following hospital discharge: a prospective study on a Taiwanese sample,2004,15,6,475-482,Chen Hip fracture risk in statin users--a population-based Danish case-control study,2004,15,6,452-458,Vestergaard Changes in quality of life among elderly patients with hip fracture in Taiwan,2004,15,2,95-102,Chen Functional outcome and quality of life following hip fracture in elderly women: a prospective controlled study,2004,15,2,87-94,Lips Assessment of risk factors for second hip fractures in Japanese elderly,2005,16,10,1239-1246,Yamanashi Can peripheral DXA measurements be used to predict fractures in elderly women living in the community?,2005,16,10,1177-1183,Barr Evaluation of hip fracture risk in relation to fall direction,2005,16,11,1315-1320,Tsuboyama Contributions of bone density and structure to fracture risk assessment in men and women,2005,16,5,460-467,Amin Fracture risk in patients with prostate cancer on androgen deprivation therapy,2005,16,6,707-711,Riancho The burden of hospitalised fractures in Sweden,2005,16,2,222-228,Johnell Osteoporosis is markedly underdiagnosed: a nationwide study from Denmark,2005,16,2,134-141,Vestergaard Prediction of incident osteoporotic fractures in elderly women using the free estradiol index,2005,16,2,216-221,Dick Risk factors for hip fracture in women with high BMD: EPIDOS study,2005,16,2,149-154,Schott Children who experience their first fracture at a young age have high rates of fracture,2006,17,2,267-272,Williams Ten-year prediction of osteoporosis from baseline bone mineral density: development of prognostic thresholds in healthy postmenopausal women. The Danish Osteoporosis Prevention Study,2006,17,2,245-251,Rejnmark Structural determinants of hip fracture in elderly women: re-analysis of the data from the EPIDOS study,2006,17,2,231-236,Schott Seasonality of hip fractures and estimates of season-attributable effects: a multivariate ARIMA analysis of population-based data,2006,17,6,795-806,Lin Situational risk factors for fall-related vertebral fractures in older men and women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Poor bone microarchitecture in older men with impaired physical performance-the STRAMBO study,2012,23,12,2785-2796,Szulc Patients reject the concept of fragility fracture-a new understanding based on fracture patients' communication,2012,23,12,2829-2834,Frankel A decreasing trend in fall-related hip fracture incidence in Victoria Australia,2013,24,1,99-109,Cassell Physical performance bone and joint diseases and incidence of falls in Japanese men and women: a longitudinal cohort study,2013,24,2,459-466,Yoshida Recent decline in heavy outdoor work activity predicts occurrence of fractures among the home-dwelling elderly,2002,13,1,42-47,Honkanen Changes in hip fracture epidemiology: redistribution between ages genders and fracture types,2002,13,1,18-25,Berglund The burden of osteoporosis in California 1998,2002,13,6,493-500,Rice Health-related predictors of falls and fractures in women over 40,2013,24,2,613-621,Khan Examining the relationship between specific cognitive processes and falls risk in older adults: a systematic review,2012,23,10,2409-2424,Davis The diabetes-fracture association in women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes is partially mediated by falls: a 15-year longitudinal study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teede Combined calcium and vitamin D3 supplementation in elderly women: confirmation of reversal of secondary hyperparathyroidism and hip fracture risk: the Decalyos II study,2002,13,3,257-264,Chapuy Women's willingness to pay out-of-pocket for drug treatment for osteoporosis before and after the enactment of regulations providing public funding: evidence from a natural experiment in Israel,2002,13,3,228-234,Werner Evaluation of osteoporosis treatment in seniors after hip fracture,2002,13,3,205-210,Juby Vitamin D and muscle function,2002,13,3,187-194,Pfeifer Cost-effectiveness of a multifactorial fall prevention program in nursing homes,2013,24,4,1215-1223,Rissmann Corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis prevention: longitudinal practice patterns in The Netherlands 2001-2005,2007,18,10,1429-1433,Duyvendak Alcohol consumption bone density and hip fracture among older adults: the cardiovascular health study,2007,18,5,593-602,Mukamal Unmet needs in fracture prevention: new European guidelines for the investigation and registration of therapeutic agents,2007,18,5,569-573,Seeman Preventing fractures among older people living in institutional care: a pragmatic randomised double blind placebo controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation,2007,18,6,811-818,Lyons Quantitative ultrasound predicts hip and non-spine fracture in men: the MrOS study,2007,18,6,771-777,Bauer Vitamin K2 supplementation improves hip bone geometry and bone strength indices in postmenopausal women,2007,18,7,963-972,Knapen Anti-epileptic medication and bone health,2007,18,2,129-142,Petty Incidence and costs of hip fractures compared to acute myocardial infarction in the Italian population: a 4-year survey,2007,18,2,211-219,Adami A multidisciplinary multifactorial intervention program reduces postoperative falls and injuries after femoral neck fracture,2007,18,2,167-175,Nyberg Adherence of academic geriatric practitioners to osteoporosis screening guidelines,2007,18,2,177-183,McNally Which screening strategy using BMD measurements would be most cost effective for hip fracture prevention in elderly women? A decision analysis based on a Markov model,2007,18,2,143-151,Meunier The importance of communication in secondary fragility fracture treatment and prevention,2007,18,2,159-166,Meadows Impaired geometric properties of tibia in older women with hip fracture history,2007,18,8,1083-1090,Heinonen Estimates of fracture probability in Denmark,2007,18,8,1141-3; author reply 1145-6,Johansson An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures,2006,17,12,1726-1733,Johnell Using computers to identify non-compliant people at increased risk of osteoporotic fractures in general practice: a cross-sectional study,2006,17,12,1808-1814,de Lusignan Calcium-PTH-vitamin D axis in older patients with hip fracture,2007,18,5,693-5; author reply 697,Fisher Bone density in relation to alcohol intake among men and women in the United States,2007,18,3,391-400,Wosje Latitude socioeconomic prosperity mobile phones and hip fracture risk,2007,18,3,333-337,Kanis The role of community pharmacists in the prevention and management of osteoporosis and the risk of falls: results of a cross-sectional study and qualitative interviews,2013,24,6,1803-1815,Laliberté Assessing the relative and absolute reliability of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International questionnaire in elderly individuals with increased fall risk and the questionnaire's convergent validity in elderly women with osteoporosis,2013,24,6,1853-1858,Halvarsson Risk-taking coordination and upper limb fractures in children: a population based case-control study,2004,15,8,633-638,Jones Hip fracture risk assessment using composite indices of femoral neck strength: the Rancho Bernardo study,2004,15,1,62-70,Barrett-Connor Prevention of falls in the elderly-a review,2013,24,3,747-762,Rosengren Effects of exercise on fracture reduction in older adults : A systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,24,7,1937-1950,von Stengel Functional limitations and poor physical performance as independent risk factors for self-reported fractures in older persons,2004,15,9,742-750,Deeg Randomized controlled trial of hip protectors among women living in the community,2004,15,9,701-706,Birks Case-control study of risk factors for fractures of the distal radius and proximal humerus among the Japanese population,2004,15,3,226-230,Hagino Increasing hip fracture incidence in California Hispanics 1983 to 2000,2004,15,8,603-610,Melton Does frailty predict increased risk of falls and fractures? A prospective population-based study,2013,24,9,2397-2403,Deeg Cost-effectiveness of hip protectors in frail institutionalized elderly,2004,15,12,964-969,Bouter Oral glucocorticoid use is associated with an increased risk of fracture,2004,15,4,323-328,Steinbuch Combination of bone mineral density and upper femur geometry improves the prediction of hip fracture,2004,15,4,274-280,Jämsä Efficacy of alphacalcidol and calcitriol in primary and corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis: a meta-analysis of their effects on bone mineral density and fracture rate,2004,15,4,301-310,Reginster Awareness of osteoporosis among physicians in China,2004,15,4,329-334,Kung When and where do hip fractures occur? A population-based study,2013,24,9,2387-2396,Aberg Epidemiology of proximal humeral fractures in Austria between 1989 and 2008,2013,24,9,2413-2421,Resch The risk of falls on initiation of antihypertensive drugs in the elderly,2013,24,10,2649-2657,Butt Fear of falling fracture history and comorbidities are associated with health-related quality of life among European and US women with osteoporosis in a large international study,2013,24,12,3001-3010,Cooper Discontinuation of leisure time impact-loading exercise is related to reduction of a calcaneus quantitative ultrasound parameter in young adult Japanese females: a 3-year follow-up study,2014,25,2,485-495,Ono Operational definitions of sarcopenia and their associations with 5-year changes in falls risk in community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults,2014,25,1,187-193,Ebeling Physical activity as determinant of femoral neck strength relative to load in adult women: findings from the hip strength across the menopause transition study,2014,25,1,265-272,Mori Self-reported diseases and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: the Tromsø study,2006,17,1,46-53,Joakimsen Incidence of hip fractures in the city of Rosario Argentina,2005,16,11,1339-1344,Morosano Incidence of hip fracture in Shiraz Iran,2005,16,11,1412-1416,Soveid Increased bone density and decreased bone turnover but no evident alteration of fracture susceptibility in elderly women with diabetes mellitus,2005,16,12,1506-1512,Akesson Epidemiology of fractures in people with severe and profound developmental disabilities,2005,16,4,389-396,Glick A study of bone mineral density in women with forearm fracture in Northern Ireland,2005,16,4,430-434,Beringer Disease-specific perception of fracture risk and incident fracture rates: GLOW cohort study,2014,25,1,85-95,Adachi Scores on the Safe Functional Motion test predict incident vertebral compression fracture,2014,25,2,543-550,Macintyre Age-period-cohort effects in the incidence of hip fractures: Political and economic events are coincident with changes in risk,2014,25,2,711-720,Alves Prospective evaluation of renal function serum vitamin D level and risk of fall and fracture in community-dwelling elderly subjects,2014,25,3,923-932,Rapp Relations of osteoporosis and follow-up duration to recurrent falls in older men and women,2014,25,3,863-871,Hwang Erratum to: Relations of osteoporosis and follow-up duration to recurrent falls in older men and women,2014,25,3,873,Hwang Antidepressant use and 10-year incident fracture risk: the population-based Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMoS),2014,25,5,1473-1481,Adachi Does inadequate diet during childhood explain the higher high fracture rates in the Southern United States?,2010,21,3,417-423,Paulozzi Fall-related risk factors and heel quantitative ultrasound in the assessment of hip fracture risk: a 10-year follow-up of a nationally representative adult population sample,2014,25,6,1685-1695,Heliövaara Effects of 18-month low-magnitude high-frequency vibration on fall rate and fracture risks in 710 community elderly-a cluster-randomized controlled trial,2014,25,6,1785-1795,Leung The impact of common co-morbidities (as measured using the Charlson index) on hip fracture risk in elderly men: a population-based cohort study,2014,25,6,1751-1758,Cooper The effect of exercise and education on fear of falling in elderly women with osteoporosis and a history of vertebral fracture: results of a randomized controlled trial,2014,25,8,2017-2025,Bergland Skeletal and nonskeletal effects of vitamin D: is vitamin D a tonic for bone and other tissues?,2014,25,10,2347-2357,Reid Describing variation in the delivery of secondary fracture prevention after hip fracture: an overview of 11 hospitals within one regional area in England,2014,25,10,2427-2433,Cooper Magnitude of fragility fracture risk in the very old-are we meeting their needs? The Newcastle 85+ Study,2014,26,1,123-130,Duncan Beneficial effects of vitamin D on falls and fractures: is cognition rather than bone or muscle behind these benefits?,2014,26,1,1-10,Dargent-Molina Trends in fall-related hospitalisations in older people living in aged care facilities,2014,26,3,1219-1224,Russell Bone quality in osteopenic postmenopausal women is not improved after 12 months of whole-body vibration training,2015,26,3,911-920,Boyd Persistent hypovitaminosis D and loss of hip bone mineral density over time as additional risk factors for recurrent falls in a population-based prospective cohort of elderly persons living in the community. The São Paulo Ageing & Health (SPAH) Study,2015,26,5,1535-1542,Menezes Fracture predictive ability of physical performance tests and history of falls in elderly women: a 10-year prospective study,2015,26,8,2101-2109,Gerdhem Poor nutritional status is associated with a higher risk of falling and fracture in elderly people living at home in France: the Three-City cohort study,2015,26,8,2157-2164,Letenneur Meeting international standards of secondary fracture prevention: a survey on Fracture Liaison Services in the Netherlands,2015,26,9,2257-2263,Geusens Risk factors associated with the occurrence of hip fracture in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective observational cohort study,2013,24,4,1257-1265,Hosoi Age-associated declines in muscle mass strength power and physical performance: impact on fear of falling and quality of life,2015,27,2,463-471,Hars Assessment of the quality of fall detection and management in primary care in the Netherlands based on the ACOVE quality indicators,2015,27,2,569-576,de Rooij Risk factors for hip impact during real-life falls captured on video in long-term care,2015,27,2,537-547,Robinovitch Validity of parental recall of children's fracture: implications for investigation of childhood osteoporosis,2015,27,2,809-813,Lim Smoking smoking cessation and fracture risk in elderly women followed for 10 years,2015,27,1,249-255,Gerdhem FRAX predicts incident falls in elderly men: findings from MrOs Sweden,2015,27,1,267-274,Kanis Left-right differences in the proximal femur's strength of post-menopausal women: a multicentric finite element study,2015,27,4,1519-1528,Sigurdsson Erratum to: Assessment of the quality of fall detection and management in primary care in the Netherlands based on the ACOVE quality indicators,2016,27,2,577,de Rooij Proton pump inhibitors and fracture: they impair bone quality and increase fall risk?,2016,27,4,1675-1676,Oda Lower leg muscle density is independently associated with fall status in community-dwelling older adults,2016,27,7,2231-2240,Olszynski The association between glucose metabolism status diabetes severity and a history of fractures and recent falls in participants of 50 years and older-the Maastricht Study,2016,27,11,3207-3216,Kohler Patterns of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use and risk of falls and fractures in community-dwelling elderly people: the Three-City cohort,2016,27,11,3187-3195,Carriere Sex-specific association between obesity and self-reported falls and injuries among community-dwelling Canadians aged 65 years and older,2016,28,2,483-494,Teasdale Cut-points for associations between vitamin D status and multiple musculoskeletal outcomes in middle-aged women,2016,28,2,505-515,Wills Cost-effectiveness of combined oral bisphosphonate therapy and falls prevention exercise for fracture prevention in the USA,2016,28,2,585-595,Mori High mortality in younger patients with major osteoporotic fractures,2016,28,3,1047-1052,Ray Hip fracture registries: utility description and comparison,2016,28,4,1157-1166,González-Montalvo Imminent fracture risk,2017,28,6,1765-1769,Roux The relationship between cumulative lifetime ultraviolet radiation exposure bone mineral density falls risk and fractures in older adults,2017,28,7,2061-2068,Jones Acute bone changes after lower limb amputation resulting from traumatic injury,2017,28,7,2177-2186,Bemben Is the association between hip fractures and seasonality modified by influenza vaccination? An ecological study,2017,28,9,2611-2617,Fraenkel Validation of FRAX and the impact of self-reported falls among elderly in a general population: the HUNT study Norway,2017,28,10,2935-2944,Meyer Patterns of alcohol consumption and risk of falls in older adults: a prospective cohort study,2017,28,11,3143-3152,Rodríguez-Artalejo Diversity in fall characteristics hampers effective prevention: the precipitants the environment the fall and the injury,2017,28,10,3005-3015,Lim Sideways fall-induced impact force and its effect on hip fracture risk: a review,2017,28,10,2759-2780,Luo Rest-activity patterns and falls and fractures in older men,2017,28,4,1313-1322,Cawthon Hip fracture risk in patients with burn injury: a retrospective cohort study in Taiwan,2017,28,12,3415-3420,Lin Kyphosis and incident falls among community-dwelling older adults,2018,29,1,163-169,Davis The role of previous falls in major osteoporotic fracture prediction in conjunction with FRAX in older Chinese men and women: the Mr. OS and Ms. OS cohort study in Hong Kong,2018,29,2,355-363,Leung The epidemiology of wrist fractures in older men: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) study,2018,29,4,859-870,Orwoll The role of previous falls in major osteoporotic fracture prediction in conjunction with FRAX in older Chinese men and women: the Mr. OS and Ms. OS cohort study in Hong Kong,2018,29,6,1469,Leung The association between alcohol consumption and risk of hip fracture differs by age and gender in Cohort of Norway: a NOREPOS study,2018,29,11,2457-2467,Meyer Role of musculoskeletal disorders in falls of postmenopausal women,2018,29,11,2419-2426,Honkanen Antihistamine use and the risk of injurious falls or fracture in elderly patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,29,10,2163-2170,Cho Arthritis in adults socioeconomic factors and the moderating role of childhood maltreatment: cross-sectional data from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2019,30,2,363-373,Afifi Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and incident falls in older women,2019,30,1,93-101,Sievanen Incidence and risk factors for hip fracture in elderly patients undergoing lumbar spine surgery: a nationwide database study with 11-year follow-up,2018,29,12,2717-2723,Li Patients with prostate cancer and androgen deprivation therapy have increased risk of fractures-a study from the fractures and fall injuries in the elderly cohort (FRAILCO),2019,30,1,115-125,Wallander Utility of four sarcopenia criteria for the prediction of falls-related hospitalization in older Australian women,2019,30,1,167-176,Sim Comparison of hospitalised trends treatment cost and health outcomes of fall-related hip fracture for people aged ≥ 65 years living in residential aged care and the community,2019,30,2,311-321,Mitchell Risk of osteoporosis and fracture in victims with burn injury,2019,30,4,837-843,Lin Risk of institutionalization following fragility fractures in older people,2019,30,7,1363-1370,Bauer Discharge destination following hip fracture in Canada among previously community-dwelling older adults 2004-2012: database study,2019,30,7,1383-1394,Harvey A comprehensive assessment of risk factors for falls in middle-aged adults: co-ordinated analyses of cohort studies in four countries,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kenny Future hospital service utilisation in older adults living in long-term residential aged care or the community hospitalised with a fall-related injury,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Driscoll Fracture prediction from self-reported falls in routine clinical practice: a registry-based cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kanis Influence of fall environment and fall direction on risk of injury among pre-frail and frail adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kanis Practical tips for prescribing exercise for fall prevention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giangregorio The association between chronic kidney disease falls and fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Emmelot-Vonk A fall in the previous 12 months predicts fracture in the subsequent 5 years in postmenopausal women,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Honkanen Effects of a resistance and balance exercise programme on physical fitness health-related quality of life and fear of falling in older women with osteoporosis and vertebral fracture: a randomized controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Skelton Incidental bilateral calcaneal fractures following overground walking with a wearable robotic exoskeleton in a wheelchair user with a chronic spinal cord injury: is zero risk possible?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bass Screening for high hip fracture risk does not impact on falls risk: a post hoc analysis from the SCOOP study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howe Kyphosis and 3-year fall risk in community-dwelling older men,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nichols Depression falls and fractures,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Honkanen Depression falls and osteoporotic fractures,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou Correction to: Effects of a resistance and balance exercise programme on physical fitness health-related quality of life and fear of falling in older women with osteoporosis and vertebral fracture: a randomized controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Skelton Effect of fall characteristics on the severity of hip impact during a fall on the ground from standing height,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choi Traumatic fractures in China from 2012 to 2014: a National Survey of 512187 individuals,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Identification of risk factors for falls in postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu A comparison of floor surfaces for injury prevention in care settings: impact forces and horizontal pulling force required to move wheeled equipment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evans Characteristics of incidence hip fracture cases in older adults participating in the longitudinal AGES-Reykjavik study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sigurdsson Incidence and circumstances of falls among middle-aged women: a cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Trends in hip fracture care in the Republic of Ireland from 2013 to 2018: results from the Irish Hip Fracture Database,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walsh The timed up and go test predicts fracture risk in older women independently of clinical risk factors and bone mineral density,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johansson The analysis of osteosarcopenia as a risk factor for fractures mortality and falls,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lu Excess mortality after hip fracture: fracture or pre-fall comorbidity?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kramer Lifetime risks of hip fracture in patients with type 2 diabetic: Taiwan Diabetes Study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lin "Fear of falling serves as protection and signifies potential danger": a qualitative study to conceptualise the phrase "fear of falling" in women with osteoporosis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Halvarsson Survival bias may explain the appearance of the obesity paradox in hip fracture patients,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Amin Fractures and fall injuries after hospitalization for seasonal influenza-a national retrospective cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Axelsson Epidemiology and economic burden of fragility fractures in Austria,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hummer Patient preferences for lifestyle behaviours in osteoporotic fracture prevention: a cross-European discrete choice experiment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roux Eating disorders are associated with increased risk of fall injury and fracture in Swedish men and women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,King Effect of a home-based resistance exercise program in elderly participants with osteoporosis: a randomized controlled trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Su Characteristics of fallers who later sustain a hip fracture: a NOREPOS study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holvik The association between peripheral arterial disease and risk for hip fractures in elderly men is not explained by low hip bone mineral density. Results from the MrOS Sweden study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mellström Race/ethnic differences in the prevalence of osteoporosis falls and fractures: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rahme Fracture risk in Parkinson's disease according to its severity and duration,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shin Association of covert brain infarcts and white matter hyperintensities with risk of hip fracture in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cauley Adjusting conventional FRAX estimates of fracture probability according to the number of prior falls in the preceding year,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leslie Are there specific clinical risk factors for the occurrence of multiple fractures? The FRISBEE study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Charles Effects of intermittent or single high-dose vitamin D supplementation on risk of falls and fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myung Global burden of hip fracture: the Global Burden of Disease Study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhan Effectiveness of exercise rehabilitation interventions on depressive symptoms in older adults post hip fracture: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guerra Patients' preferences for fracture risk communication: the Risk Communication in Osteoporosis (RICO) study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adachi Geographic variation in bone mineral density and prevalent fractures in the Canadian longitudinal study on aging,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Papaioannou A meta-analysis of previous falls and subsequent fracture risk in cohort studies,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Schoor Association of depressive symptoms with incident fractures: the Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study for the Next Generation (JPHC-NEXT),2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tsugane Development and validation of a prediction model for falls among older people using community-based data,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Okano Sarcopenia definitions and their association with injurious falls in older Swedish women from the Sahlgrenska University Hospital Prospective Evaluation of Risk of Bone fractures (SUPERB) study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vandenput