Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Rollerblading injuries in children attending an accident and emergency department: should the use of wrist splints be compulsory?,2001,46,4,102-103,Boyce Death by suicide in Grampian 1991-1999: comparison with a previous study,2004,49,2,44-47,Nicoll Acute sporting injuries to the hand and wrist in the general population,2006,51,2,25-26,Simpson Road traffic accident related morbidity as seen in an accident and emergency department,1981,26,2,121-124,Galloway A review of injuries to professional footballers in a premier football team (1990-93),1995,40,1,16-18,McGregor A three year review of injuries to professional footballers (1995-98) and comparison with previous observations (1990-93),2000,45,1,17-19,McGregor Frequent deliberate self-harm: repetition suicide and cost after three or more years,1995,40,1,10-12,Rodger Injury prevention in Scotland--the case for a national strategy,2000,45,5,147-149,Stone The effect of catalytic converter legislation on suicide rates in Grampian and Scotland 1980-2003,2008,53,4,3-6,Watt Prevention of skateboard injuries,1980,25,1,39-40,Galloway Neonatal head injuries revisited,2009,54,2,34-36,Haddock Mortality among psychiatric patients,1970,15,4,143-148,Innes Psychiatric illness in Edinburgh teenagers,1966,11,8,277-281,Henderson Self poisoning,1971,16,8,362-363,Matthew Chlorpropamide poisoning in non-diabetics,1972,17,9,305-309,Dowell Self-poisoning: a 10-year review of patients admitted to Stracathro Hospital,1972,17,8,278-281,Tulloch The hazards of ocean cruises for the elderly and infirm,1972,17,5,169-171,Cameron severe self-poisoning--a ten year experience in the Glasgow area,1974,19,6,279-285,Campbell The problem of self-poisoning,1974,19,6,249-250,Sclare Social and environmental aspects of self-poisoning,1974,19,1,13-19,Mitchell Self poisoning in a rural district general hospital,1982,27,4,323-324,Tulloch Self poisoning. A review of patients seen in the Victoria Infirmary Glasgow,1985,30,4,220-224,Willox Sports injuries as seen at an accident and emergency department,1988,33,4,296-297,Patel Mortality and increasing drug use in Edinburgh: implications for HIV epidemic,1990,35,4,100-102,Robertson The field management of hypothermic casualties arising from Scottish mountain accidents,1993,38,4,99-103,Snadden Acute barbiturate poisoning: a review of seventy-five cases,1959,4,4,177-181,Pirrie Barbiturate poisoning,1959,4,4,163-176,Lowther Attempted suicide in Edinburgh,1962,7,,130-135,Kessel Acute caffeine ingestion: clinical features in patients attending the emergency department and Scottish poison centre enquiries between 2000 and 2008,2009,54,4,3-6,Good Deaths among Edinburgh school children 1901-61,1962,7,,425-430,Tait Injury by stabbing,1967,12,7,251-255,Batey Acute poisoning,1966,11,1,1-6,Matthew Eye injuries in sport,2010,55,2,22-24,McLatchie An update on injuries to the spine in sport,2010,55,2,16-18,Dunbar Head injury,2010,55,2,12-15,McLatchie Psychiatric service in 1967 at the Royal Infirmary of Endiburgh,1968,13,11,388-393,Aitken Psychosis and substance abuse: cause effect or coincidence?,1995,40,6,174-176,Lawrie Use of drugs at 'raves',1995,40,6,168-171,Simpson Defibrillation--a burning issue in coronary care units!,1996,41,2,47-48,Wyatt Seasonality of birth in sudden infant death syndrome,1996,41,2,39-43,Alexander Hospital management of attempted suicide in edinburgh,1964,9,,333-334,Kessel Associations between road traffic accidents and socio-economic deprivation on Scotland's west coast,1998,43,5,135-138,Chichester The management of epilepsy,1976,21,1,11-22,Grant The changing pattern of mortality in young adults aged 15 to 34 in Scotland between 1972 and 1992,1994,39,5,144-145,Smith A psychiatric liaison service in a general hospital. Referrals and their appropriateness,1994,39,5,141-144,Hall Admissions of drug addicts to a general hospital: a retrospective study in the northern district of Glasgow,1987,32,2,41-45,Forrest Emergency psychiatric referrals to the casualty department of a general hospital,1968,13,9,306-311,Reid Hypoglycaemia due to chlorpropamide,1967,12,11,403-404,Conway Some problems in Huntington's chorea,1967,12,4,152-156,Cameron Organophosphate poisoning in Scotland,1997,42,2,36,Ilbery Assessment and referral patterns of patients admitted after deliberate self-poisoning,1995,40,5,144-146,Brown Ski injuries in Scotland. A review of statistics from Cairngorm ski area winter 1993/94,1996,41,6,169-172,Langran Nail gun injury to the brain: an unusual case of suicide,1994,39,3,83,Macarthur A retrospective epidemiological analysis of non-accidental head injury in children in Scotland over a 15 year period,1998,43,4,112-114,Milne The role of the dental team in child protection--a review,2009,54,2,37-40,Welbury The Football World Cup 1998: an analysis of related attendances to an accident and emergency department,1999,44,3,75-76,Mattick The dangers of taking 'T in the Park',1996,41,6,165-166,Kerr The development of aviation medicine: towards greater passenger safety,1999,44,6,174-175,Johnston The itching patient. A review of the causes of pruritus,1972,17,10,334-337,Lyell Self-poisoning with digoxin,1972,17,8,263-264, Dermatitis artefacta and self-inflicted disease,1972,17,5,187-196,Lyell Alcoholism,1971,16,8,357-361,Parry Golf related head injuries in children: the little tigers,1998,43,5,139-140,Hall Demise of mercury manometer,1998,43,5,133,Ide The relationship between body mass index and number of days spent in hospital in Scotland,2011,56,3,135-140,Wulff Epilepsy after non-missile head injuries,1973,18,1,8-13,Jennett Cranio-facial injuries,1978,23,1,99-100,Hide Experimental models of head injury,1978,23,1,98-99,Miller Medical management of severe acute head injury,1978,23,1,98,McDowall Pathology and cause of death,1978,23,1,96,Adams Pathophysiology of diffuse brain injury,1978,23,1,93,Miller Epidemiology of head injuries,1978,23,1,92,Hawthorne The clinical problem posed by head injuries,1978,23,1,91,Jennett New statistical approaches to prediction,1978,23,1,109-110,Knill-Jones Data bank of head injuries in three countries,1978,23,1,107-108,Braakman Psychological sequelae of head injury,1978,23,1,104,Brooks Post-concussional syndrome,1978,23,1,103,Cartlidge Problems for accident and emergency departments,1978,23,1,102,Patel Post-traumatic epilepsy,1978,23,1,102,Jennett The description of 'conscious level': a case for the Glasgow Coma Scale,1982,27,1,7-9,Gentleman Colonic rupture after blunt trauma,1983,28,1,67-68,Maguire Freezing to death--the treatment of accidental hypothermia in the Scottish mountains,1998,43,2,36-37,Grant Editiorial: Activated charcoal--black magic?,1976,21,2,47-48,Winchester The dangers of taking 'T in the country',1998,43,4,107-108,Kerr Sledging is still a seasonal source of serious injury in Scottish children,2011,56,4,188-190,Regan "And afterwards your body to be given for public dissection": a history of the murderers dissected in Glasgow and the west of Scotland,2001,46,1,20-24,Kennedy Can alcohol intoxication be excluded as the cause of confusion following head injury?,2005,50,1,24-26,Hall Fingertip trauma in children from doors,1999,44,4,114-115,Macgregor Emergency psychiatric detentions: inter regional comparison of sections 24 and 25 of the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984,1999,44,4,111-113,Stevenson Alcohol and drug misuse risk of re-admission to a general hospital and psychiatric contact,2012,57,1,60,Sanderson Potentiation by previous drug therapy of hepatotoxicity following paracetamol overdosage,1973,18,2,56-58,Prescott The medico-social aspects of liquor licensing,1976,21,4,175-181,Clayson Howison the Cramond Murderer and last person to be hanged and dissected,2000,45,1,28-30,Kaufman Disc battery swallowers--two contrasting cases,1990,35,2,51-52,Lawson Paediatric head injury admissions over a 10-year period in a regional neurosurgical unit,2012,57,3,152-156,Phang Paediatric forearm fractures in the west of Scotland,2012,57,3,139-143,Bell Childhood self-poisoning: a one-year review,2012,57,4,196-199,Neilson Oral fluid testing as an alternative to urine testing for drugs of abuse in inpatient forensic settings: giving patients choice,2013,58,2,99-103,Maccall The epidemiology and management of adult poisonings admitted to the short-stay ward of a large Scottish emergency department,2013,58,3,149-153,Teo The high cost to health and social care of managing falls in older adults living in the community in Scotland,2013,58,4,198-203,Clark Head injury admissions to a teaching hospital,1977,22,2,129-132,Galbraith Changing epidemiology of adult fractures in Scotland,2014,59,1,30-34,Court-Brown Caseload of a land-based trauma team,2014,59,1,45-49,Maddock Assessment of outcome following severe closed head injury,1978,23,1,105-106,Bond Extracranial injuries and complications,1978,23,1,101,Ledingham It is worth taking time to consider the scale and nature of falls among older people,2014,59,1,1-2,Murray Severe fat embolism: a review of 24 cases,1978,23,2,141-148,Masson Venous bullet embolism: a complication of airgun pellet injuries,1991,36,1,16-17,Colquhoun Severe psychological disturbance resulting from abuse of nasal decongestants,1982,27,2,175-176,Blackwood The danger of hallucinogenic mushrooms,1979,24,4,316-317,Mills Brain damage in fatal non-missile head injury in relation to age and type of injury,1989,34,1,399-401,Doyle Scottish head injury rehabilitation: an historical account,1989,34,1,411-412,Pentland The impact of violence reduction initiatives on emergency department attendance,2015,60,2,90-94,Simpson Surgical and psychiatric profile of patients who self-harm by burning in a regional burn unit over an 11-year period,2016,61,1,17-25,Aditya Eye trauma in Laurel and Hardy movies - another nice mess,2016,61,4,207-212,Zegers The speedboat vertebral fracture: a hazard of holiday watersports,2019,64,2,42-48,Maempel Self-inflicted bilateral ocular and eyelid injuries in an unsuspected individual,2019,64,2,78-82,Samia-Aly Patterns of injury following equine trauma: a non-trauma centre experience,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green Rollerblading injuries in children attending an accident & emergency department: should the use of wrist splints be compulsory?,2001,46,4,102-103,Boyce To which neurotic patients do psychiatrists prescribe medication?,1990,35,3,77-80,Alexander Improving the physical health of patients with schizophrenia: therapeutic nihilism or realism?,2001,46,1,11-13,Le Fevre Emergency presentation of an elderly female patient with profound hypoglycaemia,2004,49,3,105-107,Waring Toxic alcohol but not intoxicated--a case report,2005,50,3,129-130,Klaassen