Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Wheelchair integrated occupant restraints: feasibility in frontal impact,2001,23,10,687-698,Bertocci Wheelchairs used as motor vehicle seats: seat loading in frontal impact sled testing,2001,23,10,679-685,Manary Evaluation of wheelchair drop seat crashworthiness,2001,23,4,249-257,Ha Evaluation of wheelchair sling seat and sling back crashworthiness,2002,24,6,441-448,Ha Distinguishing fall activities from normal activities by angular rate characteristics and high-speed camera characterization,2006,28,8,842-849,Nyan Influence of wet surfaces and fall height on pediatric injury risk in feet-first freefalls as predicted using a test dummy,2005,27,1,31-39,Pierce Concept of a platform-based impact isolation system for protection of wheelchair occupants from injuries in vehicle crashes,2007,30,2,258 - 267,Shaw Anterior longitudinal ligament injuries in whiplash may lead to cervical instability,2006,28,6,515-524,Stemper Finite element analysis of head-neck kinematics during motor vehicle accidents: analysis in multiple planes,2007,29,1,54-60,Zhang Characterization of pediatric wheelchair kinematics and wheelchair tiedown and occupant restraint system loading during rear impact,2010,32,3,280-286,Bertocci Retrospective review of adverse incidents involving passengers seated in wheeled mobility devices while traveling in large accessible transit vehicles,2010,32,3,230-236,Bertocci Injuries in special transport services-Situations and risk levels involving wheelchair users,2010,32,3,248-253,Falkmer Reducing non-collision injuries in special transportation services by enhanced safety culture,2010,32,3,254-262,Falkmer A threshold-based fall-detection algorithm using a bi-axial gyroscope sensor,2008,30,1,84-90,Bourke Wheelchair transportation safety - Introduction,2010,32,3,229,Bertocci Development and validation of a computer crash simulation model of an occupied adult manual wheelchair subjected to a frontal impact,2010,32,3,272-279,Bertocci Using in-depth investigations to identify transportation safety issues for wheelchair-seated occupants of motor vehicles,2010,32,3,237-247,Schneider WC19: A wheelchair transportation safety standard--Experience to date and future directions,2010,32,3,263-271,Schneider Development and validation of rear impact computer simulation model of an adult manual transit wheelchair with a seated occupant,2010,32,1,66-75,Bertocci Injury risk of a 6-year-old wheelchair-seated occupant in a frontal motor vehicle impact--'ANSI/RESNA WC-19' sled testing analysis,2007,29,7,729-738,Ha Finite element models of rib as an inhomogeneous beam structure under high-speed impacts,2007,29,7,788-798,Stuhmiller In vitro technique in estimation of passive mechanical properties of bovine heart part II. Constitutive relation and finite element analysis,2009,31,1,83-91,Ghaemi Dynamic 3D FE modelling of the human temporomandibular joint during whiplash,2008,30,6,700-709,Doblaré Comparison of acceleration signals of simulated and real-world backward falls,2011,33,3,368-373,Becker A stiffness-varying model of human gait,1997,19,6,518-524,Duan Detecting falls with 3D range camera in ambient assisted living applications: A preliminary study,2011,33,6,770-781,Leone A mathematical model of the impact response of the seated subject,1996,18,5,410-419,Pope Model prediction of vibration effects on human subject seated on various cushions,1996,18,5,350-358,Qassem Finite element modeling of a 3D coupled foot-boot model,2011,33,10,1228-1233,Lei Cervical spine response in frontal crash,2011,33,9,1147-1159,Panzer Sliding performance of unilateral external fixators for tibia,1998,20,1,66-69,Kurokawa Measurement of impact force simulation of fall and hip fracture,1998,20,1,57-65,Simpson Age and height effects on the center of mass and center of pressure inclination angles during obstacle-crossing,2008,30,8,968-975,Huang Balance control during gait in athletes and non-athletes following concussion,2008,30,8,959-967,Parker Classification of waist-acceleration signals in a continuous walking record,2000,22,4,285-291,Fukui Falling-incident detection and throughput enhancement in a multi-camera video-surveillance system,2012,34,7,954-963,Shieh Characterization of the protective capacity of flooring systems using force-deflection profiling,2013,35,1,108-115,Callaghan A fundamental model of quasi-static wheelchair biomechanics,2012,34,9,1278-1286,Leary Effects of a multi-sensory environment on brain-injured patients: Assessment of spectral patterns,2013,35,3,365-375,Poza Determination of peak deflections from human surrogates using chestbands in side impact tests,2013,35,8,1181-1187,Pintar Assessment of gait sensitivity norm as a predictor of risk of falling during walking in a neuromusculoskeletal model,2013,35,10,1483-1489,Balasubramanian Methodology to determine skull bone and brain responses from ballistic helmet-to-head contact loading using experiments and finite element analysis,2013,35,11,1682-1687,Pintar Nintendo® Wii Fit based sleepiness tester detects impairment of postural steadiness due to 24h of wakefulness,2013,35,12,1850-1853,Tietäväinen Pediatric bed fall computer simulation model: Parametric sensitivity analysis,2014,36,1,110-118,Bertocci Multidirectional quantification of trunk stiffness and damping during unloaded natural sitting,2014,36,1,102-109,Masani Development of a balanced experimental-computational approach to understanding the mechanics of proximal femur fractures,2014,36,6,793-799,Cripton Walking speed estimation using foot-mounted inertial sensors: comparing machine learning and strap-down integration methods,2014,36,10,1312-1321,Sabatini A novel in vivo impact device for evaluation of sudden limb loading response,2014,37,1,151-155,Boutwell A robust real-time gait event detection using wireless gyroscope and its application on normal and altered gaits,2015,37,2,219-225,Gouwanda Unobtrusive monitoring and identification of fall accidents,2015,37,5,499-504,Clifford Incorporating in vivo fall assessments in the simulation of femoral fractures with finite element models,2015,37,6,593-598,Nienhuis A comparison of public datasets for acceleration-based fall detection,2015,37,9,870-878,Igual A review of the functionalities of smart walkers,2015,37,10,917-928,Martins Rolling resistance and propulsion efficiency of manual and power-assisted wheelchairs,2015,37,11,1105-1110,Buurke Towards the assessment of local dynamic stability of level-grounded walking in an older population,2015,37,12,1152-1155,Hamacher Design and evaluation of a seat orientation controller during uneven terrain driving,2016,38,3,241-247,Cooper Staying in dynamic balance on a prosthetic limb: A leg to stand on?,2016,38,6,576-580,Hof Can a single lower trunk body-fixed sensor differentiate between level-walking and stair descent and ascent in older adults? Preliminary findings,2016,38,10,1146-1151,Giladi A novel motion sensor-driven control system for FES-assisted walking after spinal cord injury: a pilot study,2016,38,11,1223-1231,Smith Review of fall detection techniques: a data availability perspective,2016,39,,12-22,Khan The application of physiological loading using a dynamic multi-axis spine simulator,2016,41,,74-80,Holsgrove A generalisable methodology for stability assessment of walking aid users,2017,47,,167-175,Howard Reconstruction of body motion during self-reported losses of balance in community-dwelling older adults,2019,64,,86-92,Alexander Kinematic comparison of Hybrid II test dummy to wheelchair user,2001,23,4,239-247,Fitzgerald Mechanical efficiency and user power requirement with a pushrim activated power assisted wheelchair,2001,23,10,699-705,Fitzgerald Comparison of virtual and real electric powered wheelchair driving using a position sensing joystick and an isometric joystick,2002,24,10,703-708,Fitzgerald Use of a smart electrically assisted bicycle (VELIS) in the health field -Proof of concept,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bosson Gait-cycle segmentation method based on lower-trunk acceleration signals and dynamic time warping,2020,82,,70-77,Ghersi Kinematics and kinetics of lower-extremity joints in parachuting landing with backpack and knee brace,2020,86,,1-7,Wang Three dimensional validation of an instrumented handrail for stair gait,2020,86,,16-19,Richard Defining blast loading 'zones of relevance' for primary blast injury research: a consensus of injury criteria for idealised explosive scenarios,2021,93,,83-92,Denny Estimation of a statistical geometric model for the cervical vertebrae of children aged 10-18 years,2021,94,,41-50,Jiang Evaluation of an adjustable ankle-foot orthosis impact on walking stability during gait transitional phases,2022,100,,e103720,Dehghani-Sanij Mechanism of the traumatic brain injury induced by blast wave using the energy assessment method,2022,101,,e103767,Shao Improvement of postural control in the frail older adults through foot care: a pre- and post-intervention study,2024,125,,e104115,Yamashita Effect of blast orientation multi-point blasts and repetitive blasts on brain injury,2024,127,,e104163,Zhang iVOMS: Instrumented Vestibular / Ocular motor screen in healthy controls and mild traumatic brain injury,2024,129,,e104180,King