Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Traumatic bilateral internal carotid artery dissection following airbag deployment in a patient with fibromuscular dysplasia,2000,85,3,476-478,Duncan Blood alcohol concentration and psychomotor effects,2000,85,3,401-406,Grant Human factors in accidents,1987,59,7,856-864,Allnutt Blood propofol concentration and psychomotor effects on driving skills,2000,85,3,396-400,Grant Presenting and Labelling of Drugs - Important Safety Measures,1964,36,6,325,No Author(s) Listed Skills related to driving after intravenous diazepam flunitrazepam or droperidol,1974,46,12,961-969,Linnoila Atropine toxicity in a neonate,1974,46,10,793-794,Gillick Recovery and skills related to driving after intravenous sedation: dose-response relationship with diazepam,1975,47,4,457-463,Linnoila A possible means of rapid cooling in the emergency treatment of malignant hyperpyrexia,1976,48,5,469-473,Gjessing Transport of the injured patient--past present and future,1977,49,7,651-658,Snook Planning for major disasters,1977,49,7,643-649,Moles Trauma and immediate care,1977,49,7,641-642,Norman Fitness to drive after anaesthesia,1979,51,8,810,Baskett Fires and explosions with compressed gases; report of an accident,1965,37,,140-141,Ito An easily missed foreign body in the respiratory passages,1975,47,5,628-629,Khan Rupture of the cervical trachea following a road traffic accident. Case report,1973,45,8,909-911,Clark A case of total rupture of the right main bronchus after closed chest injury,1971,43,4,407-409,Murray Electrocution hazards in the operating theatre,1978,50,7,647-657,Hull Fire and explosion hazards in operating theatres,1978,50,7,659-664,Vickers No fault compensation for personal injury in New Zealand: some implications for anaesthetists,1987,59,7,865-869,Gibbs Accidental strychnine poisoning: a case report,1963,35,,54-56,Boyle The nature and management of electric shock,1964,36,,572-580,Lee The physiopathology and treatment of drowning,1964,36,,557-562,Pask An unusual case of live fish obstructing the airway.A case report,1966,38,6,492-493,Rajendran Orphenadrine poisoning. A case report,1968,40,10,789-790,Wynne A brief historical review of non-anaesthetic causes of fires and explosions in the operating room,1994,73,6,847-856,Macdonald Fires and explosions with anaesthetics,1995,75,6,821-822,Alvarez Incidence and risk factors for fatal pulmonary embolism after major trauma: a nested cohort study,2010,105,5,596-602,Rao Propofol and epilepsy,1999,82,6,952-953,Huggins Editorial: Major accidents,1976,48,6,507-508, Fatal nefopam overdose,1999,83,3,501-502,Urwin Editorial II: not waving but drowning,2004,92,6,784-786,McKeown Immersion near-drowning and drowning,1997,79,2,214-225,Tipton Treatment of a case of near-drowning in chlorinated fresh water,1972,44,6,616-619,Toland Fires and explosions,1995,74,1,109-110,Morris Fires and explosions,1995,75,5,666-667,Goerig A short history of fires and explosions caused by anaesthetic agents,1994,72,6,710-722,Macdonald ICU fire evacuation preparedness in London: a cross-sectional study,2011,106,5,695-698,Murphy Drug-induced immunological effects on the liver,1972,44,9,941-945,Davies Atropine overdose in three children,1972,44,7,750,Greenblatt Post-traumatic acute renal failure,1972,44,3,283-290,Kerr Laryngotracheal separation after attempted hanging,1998,81,4,612-614,Deshpande An unusual cause of respiratory obstruction,1978,50,1,85,Singh Assessment of performance in studies of anaesthetic agents,1978,50,1,33-38,Herbert Metabolic changes after injury,1973,45,3,235-236,Cuthbertson The effects of trauma on carbohydrate metabolism,1973,45,3,244-251,Heath The metabolic and endocrine response to injury: a review,1973,45,3,252-255,Johnston Elapid snake bite. A report of two cases,1974,46,2,162,Casale Pulmonary complications following smoke inhalation,1975,47,5,618-623,McArdle A case of severely cut throat,1975,47,12,1327-1329,Duncan What comes first? The dynamics of cerebral oxygenation and blood flow in response to changes in arterial pressure and intracranial pressure after head injury,2011,108,1,89-99,Menon Severe carbon monoxide poisoning: outcome after hyperbaric oxygen therapy,2000,84,5,584-586,Hawkins Confidential enquiries into maternal deaths 1997-1999,2003,90,2,257; author reply 257-8,Wildsmith Double respiratory sequelae of head injury: subglottic stenosis and bilateral pneumothoraces,2003,90,1,94-96,Millard Reduction in mortality from severe head injury following introduction of a protocol for intensive care management,2005,94,4,543; author reply 543,Young Higher oxides of nitrogen as an impurity in nitrous oxide,1967,39,5,343-344, Principles of treatment of poisoning by higher oxides of nitrogen,1967,39,5,432-439,Prys-Roberts Blunt trauma to the trachea,1976,48,11,1113-1114,Donchin Immediate hospital care of the injured,1977,49,7,673-679,Campbell The hazards of anaesthesia in the injured patient,1977,49,7,707-720,Walters Temperature alarm and cut-out system for use with heated water humidifiers,1980,52,5,557-558,Whitehurst Halothane hepatitis in a young child,1982,54,3,349-354,Blair Toxicity of inhalation anaesthetic agents,1978,50,7,665-675,Cohen Specific problems of drug intoxication,1986,58,2,223-233,Henry Prolonged suxamethonium-induced neuromuscular block associated with organophosphate poisoning,1989,62,2,237,Weeks Elapid snake bite,1987,59,3,385-387,Singh "Oh excellent air bag" under the influence of nitrous oxide 1799-1920,2016,117,6,e836,Hunter Fibrinogen in the initial resuscitation of severe trauma (FiiRST): a randomized feasibility trial,2016,117,6,775-782,Beckett Primary blast lung injury - a review,2017,118,3,311-316,Gibb Organophosphorus nerve agent poisoning: managing the poisoned patient,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hulse Visualising the pressure-time burden of elevated intracranial pressure after severe traumatic brain injury: a retrospective confirmatory study (comment),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Depreitere Association between opioid-related deaths and prescribed opioid dose and psychotropic medicines in England: a case-crossover study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Adaptations to practice and resilience in a paediatric major trauma centre during a mass casualty incident,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slater Mass casualty intentional vehicular trauma and anaesthesia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moloney Learning from terrorist mass casualty incidents: a global survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Einav Injury scoring systems for blast injuries: a narrative review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bull Implications for trauma system development in a low- and middle-income country: the Sri Lanka 2019 Easter Sunday terrorist attack,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ratnayake Chemical biological radiological and nuclear mass casualty medicine: a review of lessons from the Salisbury and Amesbury Novichok nerve agent incidents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blain Paediatric patients in mass casualty incidents: a comprehensive review and call to action,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Desmond Review of the requirements for effective mass casualty preparedness for trauma systems. a disaster waiting to happen?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Curtis Improving mass casualty planning in low resource settings: Médecins Sans Frontières and International Committee of the Red Cross perspective,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chu Experimental asynchrony to study self-inflicted lung injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cronin Development and evaluation of a mass casualty medicine simulation method using figurines,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gachet Provision of pre-hospital medical care for terrorist attacks,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park Mass casualty medicine: time for a 21st century refresh,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brohi Simulation to minimise patient self-inflicted lung injury: are we almost there?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tsolaki Torture mechanisms and chronic somatic pain in US refugees [letter],2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Milewski Lessons from aviation safety: pilot monitoring the sterile flight deck rule and aviation-style computerised checklists in the operating room,2023,131,5,796-801,Boorman Pain after combat injury in male UK military personnel deployed to Afghanistan,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fear Severe lactic acidosis and rhabdomyolysis following metformin and ramipril overdose,2007,98,2,213-215,White Enhanced elimination of phenobarbital using charcoal haemoperfusion in a patient with severe poisoning,2011,107,5,820-821,Nair Fatal drug overdoses in individuals treated pharmacologically for chronic pain: a nationwide register-based study,2024,132,1,86-95,Skurtveit Safety improvement requires data: the case for automation and artificial intelligence during incident reporting,2024,133,3,491-493,Webster