Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Neck sprain after motor vehicle accidents in drivers and passengers,2000,9,6,547-552,ten Duis Do "whiplash injuries" occur in low-speed rear impacts?,1997,6,6,366-375,Castro Spine fractures caused by horse riding,2006,15,4,465-471,Patka Factors predicting outcome after whiplash injury in subjects pursuing litigation,2006,15,6,902-907,Gargan Neck pain and disability following motor vehicle accidents--a cohort study,2005,14,1,84-89,Carlsson In vitro low-speed side collisions cause injury to the lower cervical spine but do not damage alar ligaments,2004,13,7,590-597,Kinzl Pediatric seatbelt injuries: unusual Chance's fracture associated with intra-abdominal lesions in a child,2004,13,2,167-171,Lironi Spinal canal narrowing during simulated frontal impact,2006,15,6,891-901,Panjabi Whiplash injuries in Finland: the situation 3 years later,2004,13,5,415-418,Airaksinen Evaluation of morbidity mortality and outcome following cervical spine injuries in elderly patients,2008,17,4,585-591,Connolly Number and cost of claims linked to minor cervical trauma in Europe: results from the comparative study by CEA AREDOC and CEREDOC,2008,17,10,1350-1357,Chappuis Evaluation of morbidity mortality and outcome following cervical spine injuries in elderly patients,2008,17,11,1538-1539,Hosman Whiplash injuries and associated disorders: new insights into an old problem,2008,17,Suppl 3,S359-416,Aebi Demographics of acute admissions to a National Spinal Injuries Unit,2009,18,7,938-942,McCormack Does expecting mean achieving? 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A prospective study on 186 consecutive patients,2008,17,7,930-935,Kivioja Effectiveness of posterior tension band fixation in the thoracolumbar seat-belt type injuries of the young population,2009,18,Suppl 1,89-94,Raco Neck sprain in patients injured in car accidents: a retrospective study covering the period 1970-1994,1998,7,3,195-200,ten Duis Traumatic lesions of the lower cervical spine in Poland,1993,2,1,42-45,Kiwerski Acceleration injury of the cervical spine by hypertranslation of the head. Part II. Effect of hypertranslation of the head on cervical spine motion: discussion of literature data,1992,1,1,13-19,Penning The relation between initial symptoms and signs and the prognosis of whiplash,2001,10,1,44-49,Suissa Soccer causes degenerative changes in the cervical spine,2004,13,1,76-82,Kartal 1136 whiplash victims who were asked to complete a questionnaire,2001,10,2,177-180,Ferrari Epidemiology and predictors of spinal injury in adult major trauma patients: European cohort study,2011,20,12,2174-2180,Exadaktylos Whiplash-type neck distortion in restrained car drivers: frequency causes and long-term results,2000,9,2,109-117,Otte Cervical electromyographic activity during low-speed rear impact,1999,8,2,118-125,Pope Whiplash injuries and the potential for mechanical instability,1998,7,6,484-492,Cholewicki Comment on the paper of Nibu K et al (1997). Dynamic elongation of the vertebral artery during an in vitro whiplash simulation. 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Rentfrow R. Vaidya C. Elia A. Sethi doi:10.1007/s00586-013-2805-6),2013,22,11,2358-2359,Bellabarba Limitation of previous Allen classification and subaxial cervical spine injury classification (SLIC) system in distractive-extension injury of cervical spine: proposal of modified classification system,2015,25,1,74-79,Song Does usage of a parachute in contrast to free fall prevent major trauma? A prospective randomised-controlled trial in rag dolls,2016,25,5,1349-1354,Matschke Cervical spine injuries mechanisms stability and AIS scores from vertical loading applied to military environments,2016,25,7,2193-2201,Pintar The role of specialist units to provide focused care and complication avoidance following traumatic spinal cord injury: a systematic review,2016,25,6,1813-1820,Maharaj Spinal cord injury: a review of the most-cited publications,2016,26,1,28-39,Nowrouzi Predicting nonrecovery among whiplash patients in the emergency room and in an insurance company setting,2016,26,4,1254-1261,Ottosson Influence of high-heeled shoes on the sagittal balance of the spine and the whole body,2016,25,11,3658-3665,Simmen Letter to the Editor concerning "Multiple revisions of a L2 burst fracture in a suicide jumper: a retrospective analysis of what went wrong" by Gahr P Tschöke SK Haschtmann D Heyde CE (Eur Spine J (2009) 18(7):927-34),2016,26,1,289-290,Nigro Answer to the letter to the editor of S. 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