Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Evaluation on intervening efficacy of health education on accidental suffocation and drowning of children aged 0 - 4 in countryside,2003,41,7,497-500,Zhang Prevention of unintentional child injuries,2003,41,11,876-879,Xiang Childhood sexual abuses among 1307 adult students and analysis on results of symptom checklist-90 test,2006,44,1,21-25,Sun Characterization of injured child psychology-a case-control study,2004,42,1,35-38,Jiang Child sexual abuse: a study among 892 female students of a medical school,2004,42,1,39-43,Dunne A brief description of the 6th Asian regional conference on prevention of child abuse and neglect,2006,44,8,636-637,Jiao Review of prior research in China: child abuse and its impact on the victims,2006,44,8,625-628,Chen Correlation between psychopathological symptoms coping style in adolescent and childhood repeated physical emotional maltreatment,2006,44,9,688-693,Kim Risk factors for the occurrence and severity of crush syndrome in pediatric trauma victims after earthquake,2009,47,5,328-331,Wang 2 case reports of acute poisoning by young potato sprouts,1960,11,,147,Chen A report of 2 cases of poisoning with chlorine-treated peaches,1960,11,,68-71,Chang Pay special attention to child abuse and neglect in China,2004,42,1,4-6,Jing A brief description of the 15th International Conference on Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect,2005,43,7,551-554,Jiao A retrospective survey of childhood corporal punishment by school teachers in students,2006,44,1,26-30,Dunne Investigation and analysis of child neglect in 1163 urban children aged 3 - 6 years,2003,41,7,501-507,Pan A brief description of the 18th International Conference on Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect,2011,49,5,349-350,Jiao Neostigmine poisoning caused by mistakenly swallowing in a child,2011,49,9,707,Ben Epidemiology and treatment analysis of children with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest,2013,51,2,141-144,Zhang Correlation between walking ability and postural control in sitting crawling position in children with cerebral palsy,2005,43,4,305-307,Wang Impact of maternal risky behaviors on the behaviors of children born to adolescent and young mothers,2018,56,2,116-121,Wong Effectiveness of integrated early childhood development intervention on nurturing care for children aged 0-35 months in rural China,2018,56,2,110-115,Zhou Early childhood development and risk factors in rural China: a cohort study,2018,56,2,103-109,Tang Characteristics of disturbance coefficient in children without craniocerebral injury at different ages,2020,58,4,290-294,Fang Influence of sleep fragmentation in infancy and toddler period on emotional and behavioral problem at the age of 6 years: a birth cohort study,2023,61,5,418-424,Zhang Child sexual abuse: a study among 892 female students of a medical school,2004,,12,39-43,Han