Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Baby walkers,1990,27,5,512-513,Ahuja Drowning in childhood: a population based study,2000,37,1,80-83,Bose Deliberate self-poisoning in children,2005,42,6,582-586,Krishnakumar A retrospective descriptive study of pediatric trauma in a desert country,1997,34,12,1111-1114,Bener Adolescent violence exposure gender issues and impact,2006,43,7,607-612,Malhi Predictors of Outcome in Children with Hydrocarbon Poisoning Receiving Intensive Care,2006,43,8,715-719,Gupta Changing pattern of childhood poisoning (1970-1989): experience of a large north Indian hospital,1995,32,3,331-336,Singh Study of dog bite in children,1984,21,7,549-554,Joseph Child abuse where do we stand today?,2005,42,12,1251,Gupta Bullying in Schools: Prevalence and Short-term Impact,2007,44,1,25-28,Agarwal Child abuse and neglect (CAN) practices in Durg District of Madhya Pradesh,1982,19,11,905-912,Dave Suicides in children,2007,44,4,312,Nandi Cassia occidentalis poisoning causes fatal coma in children in western Uttar Pradesh,2007,44,7,522-525,Kumar A bizzare case of battered child syndrome,1995,32,12,1325-1326,Sarin Impact of television on children,1994,31,10,1293-1295,Shetti Profile of accidents in children,1993,30,6,765-769,Tandon Child Abuse: Inflicted Traumatic Brain Injury,2007,44,10,783-784,Kumar Neem oil poisoning,2008,45,1,56-57,Dhongade Cassia occidentalis poisoning causes fatal coma in children in Western Uttar Pradesh,2008,45,5,424,Gupta Child Friendly School Initiative at Karkala Taluk Karnataka,2008,45,5,407-409,Hegde Cassia poisoning behind mysterious disease in children in Uttarakhand,2008,45,5,423,Kumar World disasters report 2008 acknowledging a disease as a disaster,2008,45,11,911-912,Vashishtha World report on child injury prevention an ignored component of child survival,2009,46,2,152-153,Vashishtha Forensic investigation of child victim with sexual abuse,2009,46,2,144-151,Papadodima Childhood Trauma Profile at a Tertiary Care Hospital in India,2009,46,2,168-171,Verma Minor Injuries Among Under-Fives in a South Indian Village,2009,46,7,621-623,Nath Child disciplining practices in Kerala,2009,46,,s83-5,Nair Child soldiers global report 2008: a timely reminder,2008,45,8,679-680,Vashishtha TV coverage of tragedies: what is the impact on children?,2008,45,8,629-634,Joshi Domestic child labor,2007,44,4,291-292,Mishra Battered child syndrome: a review with a report of two siblings,1967,4,4,186-194,Bhattacharyya Correlates of the self-concept in child-abusing parents,1983,20,11,827-835,Anderson Child abuse and neglect (CAN): Indian perspective,1983,20,11,803-810,Bhattacharyya Burns,1986,23,Suppl ,199-207,Srivastava Electric shock,1986,23,Suppl,195-198,Mathur Drowning and near-drowning,1986,23,Suppl,189-194,Mathur Kerosene poisoning,1986,23,Suppl,178-179,Kumar Dhatura poisoning,1986,23,Suppl,176-178,Mathur Acute naphthalene poisoning,1986,23,Suppl,175-176,Kumar Corrosive poisoning,1986,23,Suppl,173-175,Singh Opium and barbiturate poisoning,1986,23,Suppl,169-172,Mukherjee Organophosphorus poisoning,1986,23,Suppl,161-164,Thilothammal Snake-bites and scorpion sting,1986,23,Suppl,181-188,Philip Aspirin poisoning,1986,23,Suppl,164-168,Bhandari Heat stroke,1986,23,Suppl,155-160,Mittal Phenothiazine poisoning,1986,23,Suppl,172-173,Singh Discrimination begins at birth,1986,23,1,9-15,Ghosh A newcomer in the field of accidental poisonings in Indian children,1969,6,5,346-347,Jadhav Accidents in infancy and childhood,1966,3,1,15-19,Mukherji Accidental poisonings in children,1974,11,9,617-621,Gupta Incidence and prevention of burn accidents among children,1972,9,11,707-709,Satapathy Kerosene oil poisoning--a childhood menace,1992,29,8,979-984,Sharma Accidental poisoning in south west Maharashtra,1991,28,7,731-735,Kumar Adolescent injuries,1990,27,12,1261-1267,Chaudhuri School bag--a potential killer,1990,27,1,91,Kulkarni National Seminar on Prevention of Childhood Accidents,1988,25,6,559-565,Paul Accidental poisoning,1988,25,4,350-353,Kumar Accidents in infancy and childhood,1985,22,11,815-818,Saxena Accidental poisoning in children,1985,22,10,757-760,Saxena Your accident?,1982,19,2,119-122,Aluwihare Accidental poisoning in children: 10 years experience,1981,18,3,163-166,Singh Accidental poisoning in children,1981,18,3,157-162,Banerjee Accidental poisoning in children,1981,18,3,153-155,Bhandari Drowning in concentrated syrup,2009,46,4,352-353,Talwar Whole time domestic child labor in metropolitan city of Kolkata,2008,45,7,579-582,Banerjee Television and suicidal behavior,2005,42,8,837-838,Krishnakumar Indian Academy of Pediatrics and child abuse and neglect and child labour,2003,40,12,1127-1129,Srivastava Physical abuse of street and slum children of Kolkata,2001,38,10,1163-1170,Banerjee Prevalence of minor injuries among under-fives in a Chandigarh slum,2000,37,7,755-758,Singh Sexually transmitted diseases in children,1995,32,1,27-30,Khanna Acute digoxin toxicity in a neonate,1993,30,1,81-83,Sakhalkar Pattern of childhood trauma. Indian perspective,1993,30,1,57-60,Sharma Scorpion sting envenomation: complications and management,1993,30,8,1055-1059,Biswal An unusual case of kerosene oil poisoning,1994,31,1,67-68,Biswas Psychosocial development of urban children (below 2 years) using culture appropriate indicators of development,1994,31,2,155-159,Dixit Accidental poisoning,1994,31,12,1555-1557,Khadgawat Recommendations on Recognition and Response to Child Abuse and Neglect in the Indian Setting,2010,47,6,493-504,Prasad Effect of electronic media on children,2010,47,7,561-568,Ray Accidental poisoning in children,1996,33,1,39-41,Singh Minor injuries in ninth class school children of Chandigarh and rural Haryana,1996,33,1,25-30,Singh Are these cases of heat stroke?,1996,33,5,434-435,Thacker Severe organophosphate poisoning in a neonate,1996,33,6,517-519,Kaur Is female infanticide spreading to Karnataka?,1996,33,6,525-526,Kulkarni Snake bite: an unusual cause of acute abdominal pain,2007,44,11,852-853,Kohli Child abuse,2004,41,4,319-320,Nair Deliberate Self Harm in Children,2011,48,5,367-371,Krishnakumar Magnitude of unintentional injuries: record based hospital study,2009,46,5,439,Sachdeva Antisnake Venom in a Neonate with Snake bite,2010,47,9,813,Adhisivam Antisnake Venom in a Neonate with Snake bite-Reply,2010,47,9,813-814,Jindal Acrodynia: report of a case,1969,6,6,437-440,Saxena Cardiac and behavioral effects of scorpion venom in experimental animals,1969,6,3,95-101,Purshowtham Rao Poisoning in children: a study of 303 cases,1969,6,3,141-145,Buhariwalla Behavioral Correlates of Television Viewing inYoung Adolescents in Turkey,2011,48,3,229-231,Ozmert Snake venom poisoning: experience with 633 cases,1994,31,10,1239-1243,Kulkarni Accidental dapsone poisoning in children,1994,31,9,1123-1125,Gupta Mode presentation CT findings and outcome of pediatric head injury,1994,31,6,733-739,Sharma Substance use among street children and other children and youth in especially difficult circumstances,1997,34,9,859-861, Airway foreign bodies in children,1995,32,8,890-897,Singhi Hair coil strangulation of the penis,2011,48,2,150,Chattopadhyay Snakebite envenomation in India: a rural medical emergency,2006,43,6,553-554,Adhisivam Acute iron poisoning: management guidelines,2003,40,6,534-540,Baranwal Impact of maternal and child health strategy on child survival in a rural community of Pondicherry,1997,34,9,785-792,Srinivasa Acute isoniazid intoxication. (A case report),1970,7,4,231-232,Saxena The shaken baby syndrome,1994,31,6,715-718,Shivanand Poisoning with writing ink,1994,31,7,856-857,Sarangi Sexual abuse of street children brought to an observation home,2005,42,2,134-1139,Singh Genital injuries in sexually abused young girls,1998,35,12,1218-1220,Agarwal Domestic child labor in India reasons and responses,2009,46,3,266,Mishra Shaken baby syndrome,2004,41,3,280-282,Jayakumar Multiple foreign bodies in a neonate,2008,45,11,928-930,Medatwal Snake envenomation,1994,31,10,1309-1313,Aggarwal Oral aluminium phosphide poisoning,1995,32,3,339-342,Sharma Deliberate self-harm in children- a growing problem,2011,48,5,361-362,Varma Md Acute renal failure following multiple stings by honeybees,1996,33,9,781-783,Deshmukh Snake envenomation: 5 years experience in a referral hospital,1996,33,11,972-973,Jose Risks of high altitude trekking,1998,35,12,1254-1255,Gupta Etiological factors in mental retardation: a study of 470 cases,1972,9,7,391-396,Sinclair Child abuse,1979,16,1,57-60,Santhanakrishnan PITS syndrome,1973,10,2,97-100,Santhanakrishnan Foreign body in tracheo-bronchial tree in infancy and child hood,1973,10,3,187-189,Tandon Foreign bodies in the air and food-passages in children (report of four cases),1973,10,3,183-185,David Hemiplegia following scorpion sting. A case report,1973,10,5,337-338,Jammihal A study of heat hyperpyrexia in infants and children ,1974,11,9,623-627,Mittal Rapunzel syndrome,1998,35,7,682-683,Sarin Cognitive abilities of asphyxiated survivors beyond 5 years of age,1998,35,7,605-612,Goyal Bronchial foreign bodies: review of 56 cases,1975,12,9,895-898,Shetty Childhood poisoning,1975,12,12,1257-1259,Sinclair A clinical study of foreign bodies in air passages,1973,10,7,448-452,Sharma Pattern of hand injuries,1998,35,8,763-765,Thomas Scorpion sting,2000,37,5,504-514,Mahadevan Poisoning in children,2001,38,2,208,Ganga Violence-Related Behaviors and Self-inflicted Injuries Among 15-18 Year Old Iranian Adolescents,2011,48,12,984-985,Nedjat Child abuse and neglect Asia pacific conference and the Delhi Declaration,2012,49,1,11-12,Srivastava Deaths due to poisoning in children,1999,36,4,415-416,Agarwal Pediatric emergencies in otolaryngology in a metropolitan city,1999,36,12,1256-1258,Kumar Childhood deaths in India the invisible disasters,2012,49,3,249,Adhisivam Poisoning due to accidental ingestion of dieffenbachia plant (dumb cane),2012,49,3,247-248,Adhikari Hemothorax following snakebite,2012,49,3,242-243,Singh Anaphylaxis due to Red Fire Ant Bite,2012,49,3,237-238,Havaldar Foreign body in the larynx of a one-day-old baby presenting on day 15 of life,2002,39,3,314-315,Singh Accidental poisoning in Benghazi Libya,1990,27,4,390-393,Banerjee An unusual case of lightning injury,2000,37,7,802-803,Sheela Barium toxicity a rare presentation of fireworks ingestion,2012,49,9,762,Deepthiraju Recurrent neonatal organophoshorus poisoning,2012,49,9,752-753,Parvez Camphor poisoning,2012,49,10,841-842,Sahana A case of carbon monoxide poisoning,2004,41,3,291-292,Menon Empyema following kerosene poisoning,2005,42,4,399,Ratageri Forgiveness as a moderator of the association between victimization and suicidal ideation,2013,50,7,685-688,Liu Foreign bodies in the tracheobronchial tree,1977,14,2,133-134,Khanna Locked-in Syndrome as a Presentation of Snakebite,2013,50,7,695-697,Jat Effectiveness of anti-scorpion venom for red scorpion envenomation,2014,51,2,131-133,Pandurang Changing pattern of poisoning in children,1977,14,4,295-301,Gaind Isoniazid hepatotoxicity: report of two cases,1977,14,10,859-860,Bhandari Visuo motor coordination time in normal children,1980,17,3,275-278,Skandhan Snake bite poisoning in children,1981,18,3,193-197,Gupta Heat illnesses in children,1981,18,6,401-404,Mittal Mosquito repellent vaporizer poisoning - is the culprit transfluthrin or kerosene?,2014,51,4,319,Dubey Early behavioural diagnosis,1979,16,4,297-302,Pohl An unusual foreign body in the esophagus of an infant,1989,26,6,594-596,Patel Retinal hemorrhages in newborn--fetal causative factors,1989,26,6,558-565,Singh Severe lead intoxication in a family caused by use of residential premises for battery manufacturing,1989,26,7,718-720,Singh Rights of the consumer and the role of consumer societies,1991,28,3,223-226,Anand Chloroquine induced psychosis,1988,25,3,258-262,Bhatia Child protection during disasters,2015,52,6,467-468,Kamath Russells viper envenomation-associated acute kidney injury in children in southern India,2015,52,7,583-586,Krishnamurthy Snakebite and acute kidney injury: we must do better!,2015,52,7,570-571,Sharma Poisoning by polyethylene glycol an adjuvant for insecticides,2016,53,1,73-74,Revanna Prevalence and type of psycho-pathology among children of parents with chronic psychiatric disorders in comparison with the general population,2001,38,12,1397-1401,John Validation of Home Screening Questionnaire (HSQ) against Home Observation for the Measurement of Environment (HOME),2009,46,Suppl,s55-s58,Nair Chemical burn in a neonate,2016,53,3,269,Mohebbi Injuries in children with epilepsy: a hospital based study,2016,53,10,883-885,Aneja Profile of children hospitalized with acute poisoning in New Delhi,2017,54,3,246-247,Roy Life-threatening child abuse: penetrating injury of abdomen with sewing needles,2017,54,6,e514,Gupta Acquired methemoglobinemia - a sporadic Holi disaster,2017,54,6,473-475,Mauskar Profile of bullies and victims among urban school - going adolescent in Gujarat,2017,54,10,841-843,Patel Maternal pseudo-bartter syndrome associated with severe perinatal brain injury,2017,54,9,771-773,Vora Cyberbullying and cyber- victimization: from online suicide groups to 'blue whale' menace,2017,54,12,1056,Siddiqui Pediatric trauma - an emerging epidemic,2018,55,3,259,Jagdish Unintentional poisoning and bites during childhood in Ujjain Madhya Pradesh,2019,56,4,329-330,Mathur Children at work child labor and modern slavery in India: an overview,2019,56,8,633-638,Srivastava Violence against doctors,2019,56,8,629-631,Shastri Conveyor belt entrapment trauma in children: an unreported menace,2020,57,1,66-68,Kumar Electrical injury causing facial nerve palsy in a toddler,2020,57,1,76-77,Reddy Digestive tract injuries caused by ingested foreign bodies containing magnets,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Single magnet ingestion- individualizing the algorithm,2015,52,6,536,Biswal Interpersonal violence against children and adolescents: a forensic study from Greece,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Spiliopoulou Unintentional injuries among under-five children in a rural area in Delhi,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garg Profile of injuries in children: report from a Level I trauma centre,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gupta Epidemiology of ocular trauma in a pediatric referral unit at Sao Paulo Brazil,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pereira Effectiveness of child-to-child approach in preventing unintentional childhood injuries and their consequences: a non-randomized cluster-controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ingle Effectiveness of school-based interventions in reducing unintentional childhood injuries-a cluster randomized trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kulkarni Effect of a home safety supervisory program on occurrence of childhood injuries: a cluster randomized controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Renu Cerebral abscess: a delayed complication of electrical burns,2021,58,5,497,Dewan Integrating child protection and mental health concerns in the early childhood care and development program in India,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cg Prevention of childhood injuries,2021,58,6,515-516,Gupta Descriptive epidemiology of unintentional childhood injuries in India: an ICMR Taskforce Multisite Study,2021,58,6,517-524,Mohan Effectiveness of an educational school-based intervention on knowledge of unintentional injury prevention and first aid among students in Ujjain India,2021,58,6,532-536,Mathur Effect of a home safety supervisory program on occurrence of childhood injuries: a cluster randomized controlled trial,2021,58,6,548-552,Renu Spectrum of self-reported childhood sexual abuse among medical students: a single center experience,2021,58,6,564-567,Singh Role of pediatricians in early childhood nurturing care related to safety and security,2021,58,Suppl 1,S80-S84,Srivastava Bicycle handlebar injuries in children during the CoViD-19 pandemic,2022,59,3,254-255,Kumar Indian Academy of Pediatrics Consensus Guidelines on Prevention and Management of Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rao Drowning in home environment: a little recognized mode of fatal injury in indian infants and toddlers,2022,59,8,659,Siddiqui Clinical features and adverse prognostic indicators in datura poisoning in children,2022,59,8,652-653,Islam Profile of children with child abuse from Serbia,2022,59,9,707-709,Zecevic Foreign body ingestion in children: the menace continues,2022,59,9,716-717,Poddar Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of child sexual abuse cases reported to an urban public hospital in southern India 2019-22,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kumar Risk factors of cooking-related burn injury among under-four children in northwest Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study,2023,60,1,119-122,Shibabaw Pattern of psychiatric emergencies in children and adolescents at a tertiary care centre after onset of COVID-19 pandemic,2023,60,1,127-131,Sagar Active bleeding control - can pediatricians stem the tide of lives lost from trauma through 'Stop the Bleed' training?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nadkarni Clinical characteristics and interventions for ingested magnetic foreign bodies in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Kite string (manjha) injuries among children: single center experience over four years,2023,60,11,954-955,Tiwari Addressing violence against children in India,2023,60,12,979-980,Kinjawadekar Child health during war and disasters: building resilience,2024,61,3,277-280,Guha-Sapir Translation and validation of Hindi version of adolescent peer relation instrument for bullying victimization,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sethi Clinical profile of depressive disorder in children,2006,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krishnakumar Deliberate Self Harm in Children,2011,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krishnakumar Suicides in children,2007,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nandi Television and suicidal behavior,2005,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krishnakumar Indian Academy of Pediatrics Consensus Guidelines on Prevention and Management of Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents,2022,59,,,Rao Pediatric Psychiatric Emergencies at a Tertiary Care Center in India,2020,57,12,1124-1126,Kumar Changing pattern of childhood poisoning (1970-1989): experience of a large north Indian hospital,1995,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sood Clinical profile of depressive disorder in children,2006,43,6,521-526,Krishnakumar Hypocalcemia in Cleistanthus collinus poisoning,2011,48,9,e741,Adhisivam