Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Influence of infant-walkers on motor development: mimicking spastic diplegia?,1999,3,6,273-275,Engelbert Developmental coordination disorder: A review and update,2012,16,6,573-581,Harris Depressive disorder in children and adolescents,1998,2,6,287-295,Masi Spectrum of gross motor and cognitive functions in children with cerebral palsy: Gender differences,2011,15,1,53-58,Romeo Nerve growth factor expression correlates with severity and outcome of traumatic brain injury in children,2008,12,3,195-204,Chiaretti Comparison of 3 instruments to measure muscle strength in children: A prospective study,2011,15,6,512-518,Verbeek The incidence of traumatic brain injury in young people in the catchment area of the University Hospital Rotterdam The Netherlands,2011,15,6,519-526,Daniëlle van Pelt Behavioural problems in school age children with cerebral palsy,2011,16,1,35-41,Rosenbaum Extra-pyramidal parkinsonism complicating organophosphate insecticide poisoning,2001,5,6,261-264,Shahar Subdural haematoma non-accidental head injury or ...?,2001,5,4,175-176,Menkes Acute paediatric paraplegia: A case series review,2013,17,6,620-624,Forsyth Mortality and causes of death in children referred to a tertiary epilepsy center,2014,18,1,66-71,Grønborg Psychological and social outcome of epilepsy in well-functioning children and adolescents. A 10-year follow-up study,2014,18,3,381-390,Eeg-Olofsson Health-related quality of life in children and youth with acquired brain injury: two years after injury,2015,20,1,131-139,Hilberink Subdural hematoma in a teenager related to roller-coaster ride,2006,10,4,194-196,Roldan-Valadez A pseudoencephalitis presentation of a pediatric non-intentional intoxication,2016,20,3,418-420,Claudet Prevalence of sleep disorders and their relationship with core symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2016,20,6,925-937,Guillen-Grima The juvenile head trauma syndrome - deterioration after mild TBI: diagnosis and clinical presentation at the emergency department,2016,21,2,344-349,van der Naalt Pediatric TBI in Finland: an examination of hospital discharges (1998-2012),2016,21,2,374-381,Tenovuo Evaluation of a follow-up program for mild traumatic brain injury in schoolchildren,2016,21,2,382-387,Nowacki Characteristics of sleep in socially vulnerable adolescents,2017,21,4,627-634,Nunes The challenge of triaging apparently mild paediatric traumatic brain injury in the emergency room: We're not there yet,2017,21,6,799-800,Forsyth The neuroimaging mimics of abusive head trauma,2019,23,1,19-30,Mankad Physical activity after mild traumatic brain injury: what are the relationships with fatigue and sleep quality? Is physical activity a key to prevention of post-concussive symptoms?,2019,23,1,4-5,Catsman-Berrevoets Incidence and mortality of moderate and severe traumatic brain injury in children: a ten year population-based cohort study in Norway,2019,23,3,500-506,Skandsen Physical activity fatigue and sleep quality at least 6 months after mild traumatic brain injury in adolescents and young adults: A comparison with orthopedic injury controls,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peeters Predictors of activities and participation six months after mild traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van de Port Prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: Danish nationwide follow-up study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bilenberg The feasibility of fNIRS as a diagnostic tool for pediatric TBI: a pilot study,2020,30,,22-24,van der Naalt Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury in children 15 years and younger in South-Eastern Norway in 2015-16. Implications for prevention and follow-up needs,2021,31,,70-77,Hestnes Epidemiology of paediatric moderate and severe traumatic brain injury in the Netherlands,2021,35,,123-129,van Heijl Incidence and factors associated with moderate/severe pediatric traumatic brain injury in children aged 5-15 years in western Mexico,2024,49,,6-12,Villaseñor-Cabrera Different trajectories of post-concussive symptom subscales after pediatric mild traumatic brain injury: data from a prospective longitudinal study,2024,51,,9-16,Studer Deep brain stimulation in the management of paediatric neuropsychiatric conditions: Current evidence and future directions,2021,33,,146-158,Ashkan Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita and bilateral mid-brain infarction following maternal overdose of co-proxamol,1997,1,5-6,183-186,Battin