Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Social support and homicide in transitional Russia,2005,33,6,561-572,Pridemore What methods are most frequently used in research in criminology and criminal justice?,2006,34,2,147-152,Kleck Defensive gun use: vengeful vigilante imagery versus reality: results from the national self-defense survey,1998,26,3,251-258,Kovandzic Self-defense with guns: the consequences,2000,28,5,351-370,Southwick Alcohol addiction and perceived sanction risks: deterring drinking drivers,2006,34,2,165-174,Yu Treatment of Chronic Drunk Drivers - the Turning-Point Project,1993,21,3,265-276,Langworthy Treatment of chronic drunk drivers: A four-year follow-up of the Turning Point project,1996,24,3,273-281,Latessa Drunk driving and the ecological fallacy: Comments on a paper by Phillips Ray and Votey,1987,15,5,413-416,Maltz Organizational Determinants of Police Discretion - the Case of Drinking-Driving,1987,15,5,387-402,Mastrofski Drunk drivers in the courts: Legal and extra-legal factors affecting pleas and sentences,1997,25,2,155-163,Meyer Discretionary Leniency in Police Enforcement of Laws Against Drinking and Driving - 2 Examples from the State of Maine USA,1989,17,3,179-186,Hingson A response to "drunk driving and the ecological fallacy: Comments on a paper by Phillips Ray and Votey" by Michael D. Maltz,1987,15,5,417-419,Votey Drinking and driving: Detecting the "dark figure" of compliance,1986,14,6,475-489,Berger Drinking Driving Compliance in Great Britain -- the Role of Law As A Threat and As A Moral Eye-Opener,1990,18,6,479-499,Snortum Police Documentation of Drunk-Driving Arrests: Jury Verdicts and Guilty Pleas As A Function of Quantity and Quality of Evidence,1990,18,2,99-116,Mangione On preventing drunk driving recidivism: An examination of rehabilitation and punishment approaches,1998,26,2,129-143,Piquero Punishment Celerity and Severity - Testing A Specific Deterrence Model on Drunk Driving Recidivism,1994,22,4,355-366,Yu Punishment and alcohol problems - Recidivism among drinking-driving offenders,2000,28,4,261-270,Yu The deterrent effect of executions: A meta-analysis thirty years after Ehrlich,2008,36,5,453-460,Lester Differences in female and male involvement in lethal violence in Russia,2009,37,1,55-64,Pridemore Why do people support gun control? Alternative explanations of support for handgun bans,2009,37,5,496-504,Kleck A cognitive therapy treatment program for repeat DUI offenders,2008,36,6,539-545,Harrison A comment on methodological concerns: A rejoinder,1984,12,2,155-160,Votey A comparative analysis of crime coverage in newspapers in the United States and other countries from 1960-1989: A review of the literature,1991,19,1,67-79,Marsh A comparative analysis of nations with low and high levels of violent crime,1999,27,3,259-274,Neapolitan A comparative exploration of prison discipline,1979,7,1,21-36,Shichor A comparison of confidence in the police in China and in the United States,2001,29,2,87-99,Cao A comparison of factors associated with uninformed and informed death penalty opinions,1994,22,2,125-143,Vogel A comparison of recidivism measures,1978,6,3,247-252,Griswold A competency analysis of law enforcement training and its linkage to recreation as intervention in youth crime prevention,2000,28,3,215-226,Knapp A consideration of telescoping and memory decay biases in victimization surveys,1977,5,3,205-216,Hindelang A content analysis of police civil liability cases: Decisions of the Federal District Courts 1978-1990,1993,21,4,325-337,Kappeler A crime index with Thurstone's scaling of crime severity,2000,28,3,237-244,Kwan A critique on Brown's "Police responses to wife beating: Neglect of a crime of violence.",1990,18,5,455-458,Choi A deterrence study of the death penalty in Illinois 1933-1980,1984,12,4,367-377,Decker A double jeopardy analysis of the Medgar Evers murder case,1995,23,1,41-51,Hickey A general model for criminal justice planning,1974,2,4,345-355,Nanus "A general theory of crime" and patterns of crime in Nigeria: An exploration of methodological assumptions,1995,23,6,501-518,Reisig A log-linear analysis of abused wives' decisions to call the police in domestic-violence disputes,1990,18,2,147-159,Johnson A methodology for assessing citizen perceptions of police,1974,2,3,219-233,Klyman A multimethod approach to community evaluation of police performance,1981,9,3,227-234,Carlson A national police survey on the use of juvenile curfews,2001,29,3,233-240,Schafer A national survey of pursuits and the use of police force: Data from law enforcement agencies,1997,25,4,315-323,Kenney A new training approach to complex decision making for police officers in potentially dangerous interventions,1999,27,5,395-410,Helsen A note on quetelet and the development of criminological statistics,1986,14,5,459-462,Beirne A planning-oriented measure of crime and delinquency,1973,1,3,259-263,Perry A profile of the citizen crime prevention activist,1986,14,3,211-228,Shernock A scale for the measurement of attitudes toward handgun control,1985,13,4,373-379,Teske A sociolegal analysis of Canadian youth justice: The impact of offender's race on judicial decisions,1993,21,6,533-552,Schissel A study of drug abuse and other causes of homicide in New York,2002,30,4,317-325,Marzuk A study of the outcomes of probation officers and risk-screening instruments classifications,1994,22,6,495-502,Sigler A study of traffic pattern modifications in an urban crime prevention program,1997,25,1,19-30,Wagner A taxonomy of law enforcement decision support systems,1980,8,5,299-307,Paddock A test of recent subcultural explanations of White violence in the United States,2006,34,1,1-16,Pridemore Abandoned buildings: Magnets for crime?,1993,21,5,481-495,Spelman Addressing key features of gang membership: Measuring the involvement of young members,2000,28,6,473-482,Curry Administrative determinants of inmate violence: A multilevel analysis,2003,31,2,107-117,Huebner Administrative interventions on police shooting discretion: An empirical examination,1979,7,4,309-323,Fyfe Administrative legal and ethical practices in the psychological testing of law enforcement officers,1985,13,4,367-372,Inwald Adolescent maltreatment negative emotion and delinquency: An assessment of general strain theory and family-based strain,2009,37,4,379-387,Hollist Adolescents as offenders social order and the morality of work in a postindustrial society: The Australian experience,1996,24,6,523-535,Bessant Adult sexual assault: The role of racial/ethnic composition in prosecution and sentencing,1998,26,5,359-371,Cummings Age at first court intervention and the likelihood of recidivism among less serious juvenile offenders,1991,19,6,515-523,Wooldredge Age of greatest risk for victimization by forced sexual intercourse: Vulnerability of high school women,2007,35,6,622-629,Sigler Age self-control and adults' offending behaviors: A research note assessing A general theory of crime,1999,27,1,45-54,Cullen Alcohol and aggression: An integration of findings from experimental studies,2006,34,2,131-145,Exum Alcohol cocaine and criminality: specifying an interaction effect model,1998,26,3,237-249,Yu Alcohol drugs and murder: A study of convicted homicide offenders,1990,18,3,217-227,Wieczorek Alienation-reduction as a paradigm for delinquency reduction,1976,4,2,123-131,Sarata Ambiguity and conflict in sentencing research: Partial resolution through crime-specific analysis,1985,13,2,155-169,McCarthy American Indians and sentencing disparity: An Arizona test,1996,24,6,549-561,Alvarez American police and subcultural support for the use of excessive force,2005,33,5,487-500,Micucci An analysis of citations in introductory criminology textbooks: A research note,1982,10,3,231-237,Shichor An analysis of the prosecutory effects of a child sexual abuse victim-witness program,1993,21,1,79-85,Teske An assessment of the relative impact of criminal justice and criminology journals,2009,37,5,505-511,Sorensen An economic analysis of guns crime and gun control,1999,27,1,11-19,McDonald An empirical assessment of competing styles of social control,1986,14,3,195-209,Ford An empirical test of the social threat phenomenon: Using 1990 census and uniform crime reports,2001,29,2,157-166,Cureton An epidemiologic study of alcohol and suicide risk in Ohio jails and lockups 1975-1984,1993,21,3,277-283,Davis An exploratory study of role distance as a police response to stress,1986,14,4,363-373,Moyer An impact of community policing: Reported stressors social support and strain among police officers in a changing police department,1996,24,6,503-522,Lord An integrated understanding of elder abuse and neglect,2002,30,6,535-547,Payne Analysis of crime control strategies,1973,1,4,339-346,Gray Analyzing the nature of police involvements: A research note concerning the effects of forms of police mobilization,1975,3,2,141-145,Meyer Anger management training for law enforcement personnel,1994,22,5,459-466,Cox Applications of crime seriousness information in police departments,1973,1,3,241-253,Heller Applying computer simulation to forecast homicide rates,1993,21,5,467-479,Carter Appraising the performance of police patrol officers: The Florida experience,1992,20,5,413-428,Gianakis Apprehension productivity of police in large U. S. cities,1977,5,4,271-278,Riccio Are crime waves in the United States regional or national?,1993,21,5,517-520,Winsberg Are members of the public tough on crime?: The dimensions of public "punitiveness",1999,27,5,467-474,Sprott Armed self-defense: The Canadian case,1996,24,5,393-406,Mauser Assessing the impact of psychiatric impairment on prison violence,1991,19,3,271-280,Steadman Assessing the impediments to organizational change: A view of community policing,2002,30,6,511-517,Allen Assessing the relationships between gender chronicity seriousness and offense skewness in criminal offending,2000,28,2,103-115,Piquero Assessment of retardation among mentally retarded criminal offenders: An examination of racial disparity,1996,24,4,337-350,Ho Attitudes of police officers toward their professional ethics,1984,12,3,211-220,Felkenes Attitudes of police recruits towards domestic disturbances: An evaluation of family crisis intervention training,1985,13,6,561-572,Buchanan Attitudes toward hate crime laws,2003,31,3,227-235,Johnson Attitudinal determinants of public opinions toward legalized pornography,1993,21,1,13-27,Wu Authoritarianism religiosity and reactions to deviance,1974,2,3,249-259,Newman Battered wives lawyers and district attorneys: An examination of law in action,1983,11,5,403-412,Bowker Beyond parenting: An examination of the etiology of self-control,2008,36,3,244-251,Meldrum Biasing effects of pretrial publicity on judicial decisions,1974,2,2,163-171,Gilbert Binge drinking and negative alcohol-related behaviors: A test of self-control theory,2004,32,5,411-420,Miller Boot camps and traditional correctional facilities for juveniles A comparison of the participants daily activities and environments,2000,28,1,53-68,Gover Boozing and brawling on campus: A national study of violent problems associated with drinking over the past decade,1994,22,2,171-180,Engs Breaking the chain: Confronting issueless college town disturbances and riots,2005,33,6,549-560,Thomas Broken windows crumpled fenders and crime,2000,28,5,397-405,Giacopassi Calling the cops: Police telephone operators and citizen calls for service,1981,9,2,165-180,Antunes Campus crime: A victimization study,1999,27,4,295-307,Henson Can information change public opinion? Another test of the Marshall hypotheses,2005,33,6,573-584,Cochran Capital punishment preferences for special offender populations,2003,31,6,553-565,Cochran Carrying weapons to school for protection: An analysis of the 2001 school crime supplement data,2008,36,2,154-164,Zhang Case processing in the Harris county Texas criminal justice system: A comparison across crime types,1994,22,1,13-26,Miller Causes of police behavior revisited,1993,21,4,353-382,Chermak Cesare Beccaria: Utilitarian or retributivist?,1983,11,4,317-326,Young Challenges responding to sexual violence: Differences between college campuses and communities,2008,36,3,224-230,Payne Change and influence in popular criminology: Public attributions of crime causation,1987,15,3,231-243,Flanagan Changes in the drinking age and crime,1993,21,3,209-221,Joksch Citations in introductory criminology textbooks: A response to Allen's comment,1983,11,2,179-179,Shichor Citizen complaints and problem officers: Examining officer behavior,2002,30,2,143-155,Terrill Citizen preferences and perceptions concerning police pursuit policies,1994,22,5,425-435,Homant Class and self-reported juvenile delinquency: Evidence from Turkey,2006,34,3,237-249,zbay Clinical assessment and the detention disposition and treatment of emotionally disturbed delinquent youths,1978,6,4,315-327,Kelley Cohort size and juvenile delinquency in England and Wales,1986,14,6,491-499,Maxim College students' alcohol-related problems: A test of competing theories,2008,36,6,554-562,Sun Columbine and student perceptions of safety: A quasi-experimental study,2001,29,5,429-443,Hogan Combating crime and citizen attitudes: A study of the corresponding reality,1979,7,1,71-79,Lewis Combatting the crime of arson: Detection arrest and conviction,1983,11,4,359-368,Kenney Comment: A reaction to,1983,11,2,177-178,Allen Community attitudes: A study of definitions and punishment of spouse abusers and child abusers,1995,23,5,477-487,Johnson Community characteristics and in-school criminal victimization,2000,28,1,33-42,Lab Community crime prevention: Addressing background and foreground causes of criminal behavior,1997,25,1,1-18,Ward Comparing detrended UCR and NCS crime rates over time: 1973-1986,1990,18,3,229-238,O'Brien Comparison of the criminal statistics of the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany,1982,10,5,359-374,Teske Complaints about police officers: A comparison among types and agencies,1991,19,2,165-171,Dugan Complaints against the police: Predicting dispositions,1994,22,3,215-221,Griswold Confidence in the police in Latin America,2005,33,5,403-412,Cao Conflict theory and racial profiling: An empirical analysis of police traffic stop data,2003,31,1,1-11,Piquero Congress and criminal justice policy making: The impact of interest groups and symbolic politics,1985,13,4,307-319,Stolz Considering the efficacy of situational crime prevention in schools,2007,35,5,511-523,O'Neill Constructing crime: Neighborhood characteristics and police recording behavior,2009,37,6,553-563,Schafer Contemporary technology in the development of an optimal juvenile investigation,1974,2,4,305-316,Vondracek Control of drunken driving accidents in Norway: An econometric evaluation of behavior under uncertainty,1983,11,2,153-166,Votey Controlling the alcohol-impaired driver in Scandinavia and the United States: Simple deterrence and beyond,1984,12,2,131-148,Snortum Convicting and incarcerating felony offenders of intimate assault and the odds of new assault charges,2007,35,4,379-389,Wooldredge Convinience store robberies: Security measures and store robbery incidents,1992,20,6,553-566,Calder Cops and drivers: Police discretion and the enforcement of Maine's 1981 DUI law,1987,15,5,361-368,Hingson Correctional officer attitudes toward inmates and working with inmates in a “get tough” era,1999,27,6,495-506,Farkas Correctional officers' definitions of rape in male prisons,2000,28,5,435-449,Eigenberg Cost effectiveness in victim-witness advocate programs: A case study,1980,8,2,97-109,Brewster Crime and capital punishment: Some recent studies,1978,6,4,291-303,Barnett Crime and punishment: A social welfare analysis,1987,15,3,245-254,McDonald Crime control and harassment of the innocent,1997,25,4,325-334,Dacey Crime in Indian country: Another,1987,15,6,485-494,Spencer Crime in the country: The vulnerability and victimization of rural citizens,1982,10,4,271-282,Smith Crime prevention and the attitude toward the criminal justice system: The effects of a multimedia campaign,1998,26,6,441-452,Wiegman Crime prevention through mass media: Prospects and problems,1982,10,4,257-269,Silverman Crime seriousness scales: Public perception and feedback to criminal justice policymakers,1986,14,5,413-431,Hoffman Crime statistics: A mathematical perspective,1975,3,3,177-194,Maltz Crime trends and the effect of mandated drug treatment: Evidence from California's Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act,2009,37,2,109-113,Du Crime victimization alcohol consumption and drug use in Canadian public housing,2003,31,4,383-396,Alvi Crime neighborhood perceptions and the underclass: The relationship between fear of crime and class position,1995,23,2,163-176,McGrath Crimes of the Big Four motorcycle gangs,2009,37,2,174-179,Barker Crimes arrests and elections: Predicting winners and losers,1985,13,4,321-327,Surette Crime-victim evaluation of police investigative performance,1991,19,2,109-121,Horvath Crime-victim evaluation of police investigative performance,1991,19,3,293-305,Horvath Criminal justice and ethical ideology: an exploration of a loyalty-truthfulness dilemma,1997,25,6,527-540,Byers Criminal justice and the Cretan liar: Unmasking strategies of dissimulation and deception,1988,16,1,61-72,Kelly Criminal justice history as a field of research: A review of the literature 1960-1975,1977,5,1,13-28,Conley Criminal justice law and policy in Indian country: A historical perspective,1989,17,5,393-407,Peak Cross-cultural research and the role of anthropology in criminal justice,1981,9,5,383-388,Miracle Cultural diversity and social order: Rethinking the role of community policing,1996,24,6,491-502,Lynes Culture conflict and crime in Alaskan Native villages,1995,23,2,177-189,Lee Cumulative exposure to stressful life events and male gang membership,2004,32,2,95-111,Eitle Damned on arrival: A preliminary study of the relationship between homicide emergency medical care and race,1995,23,4,313-323,Hanke "Dangerousness" within a juvenile institution,1978,6,4,329-345,Tennenbaum Dangers of police professionalization: An empirical analysis,1978,6,3,199-216,Smith Data set comparability and short-term trends in crime and delinquency,1993,21,5,433-445,Menard Dating and sexual victimization: An analysis of risk factors among precollege women,1995,23,2,153-162,Himelein Death in detension: An analysis of police liability for negligent failure to prevent suicide,1991,19,4,381-393,Vaughn Death penalty in China: The law and the practice,2005,33,4,367-376,Zhang Defining and classifying serial murder in the context of perpetrator motivation,2003,31,3,287-292,Ferguson Definitions of a gang and impacts on public policy,2000,28,2,139-149,Petersen Demeanor sex and race in police processing,1981,9,3,235-246,Moyer Denial of handgun purchase: A description of the affected population and a controlled study of their handgun preferences,1999,27,1,21-31,Wintemute Detention and desistance from crime: Evaluating the influence of a new generation jail on recidivism,1999,27,6,539-548,Applegate Determinants of black and white attitudes toward gun regulation: A research note,1983,11,1,77-81,McClain Determinants of citizen complaints against police abuse of power,2000,28,3,203-213,Huang Determining the correlates of police victimization: An analysis of organizational level factors on injurious assaults,2008,36,5,461-468,Zhao Deterrence and social control: Rethinking the relationship,1985,13,2,141-151,Williams Detrended UCR and NCS crime rates: Their utility and meaning,1991,19,6,569-574,O'Brien Development and crime in Africa: A test of modernization theory,1991,19,6,499-513,Arthur Developments in juvenile justice during the decade of the 70s: Juvenile detention facilities,1984,12,4,325-333,Reuterman Deviant lifestyle and crime victimization,2001,29,2,133-143,Wieczorek Deviation from sentencing guidelines: The issue of unwarranted disparity,1987,15,4,317-329,Griswold Differential association in group and solo offending,2002,30,6,559-566,Copes Differential effects of an offender-focused crime prevention media campaign,2009,37,6,608-616,Flexon Differential indicators of defensive weapon ownership: a comparison by genderPublications received,1997,25,6,517-526,Dejong Digital photographic evidence and the adjudication of domestic violence cases,2003,31,6,579-587,Garcia Dimensions of racial segregation hypersegregation and Black homicide rates,2009,37,1,28-36,Eitle Direct deterrence–An analysis of the effectiveness of police patrol and other crime prevention technologies,1974,2,3,207-217,Riccio Discriminators of types of recidivism among boot camp graduates in a five-year follow-up study,2003,31,6,539-551,Benda Do casinos enhance crime?,1989,17,5,409-416,Hakim Do lesser pleas pay? Accommodations in the sentencing and parole processes,1973,1,1,27-42,Shin Does social capital deter youth from cheating alcohol use and violence in Turkey?,2008,36,5,403-415,zbay Domestic violence and criminal justice training needs of social services workers,2008,36,2,190-197,Payne Domestic violence: A comparative study of perceptions and attitudes toward domestic abuse cases among social service and criminal justice professionals,1994,22,3,237-248,Johnson Domestic violence: Victimization police intervention and disposition,1985,13,6,525-534,Bell "Down home" criminology: The place of indigenous theories of crime,1999,27,3,227-238,LaGrange Drinking and drug use by college students: Comparing criminal justice majors and non-majors,2009,37,3,234-240,Brown Drinking in violent and nonviolent events leading to arrest: Evidence from a survey of arrestees,1995,23,5,461-476,Weisner "Drop the clipboard and help me!": The determinants of observer behavior in police encounters with suspects,2006,34,6,619-629,Reisig Drug-related corruption of police officers: A contemporary typology,1990,18,2,85-98,Carter Duration of the time to reconviction: Evidence from UK prisoner discharge data,2007,35,4,365-378,Bowles Early onset offending and later violent and gun outcomes in a contemporary youth cohort,2006,34,5,531-541,McCluskey Ecological considerations in victim reporting to the police,1981,9,6,419-430,Laub Effects of a mandatory death penalty on the decisions of simulated jurors as a function of heinousness of the crime,1973,1,4,319-326,Smith Effects of increased security on prison violence,1975,3,1,33-45,Bidna Elder abuse in nursing homes: Prevention and resolution strategies and barriers,2005,33,2,119-125,Payne Elite versus citizen attitudes on capital punishment: Incongruity between the public and policymakers,1999,27,3,249-258,Wright Emotions and terrorism research: A case for a social-psychological agenda,2009,37,3,248-255,Rice Erratum to 'Social support and homicide in transitional Russia' (J. Crim. Just. 33 (2005) 561–572),2006,34,1,115-115,Pridemore Establishing the statistical relationship between population size and UCR crime rate: Its impact and implications,2004,32,6,547-555,Nolan Estimating the number of stranger-abduction homicides of children: A review of available evidence,1990,18,5,385-399,Finkelhor Ethnic and immigrant residential concentration and crime rates,2009,37,5,427-434,Herzog Ethnic differences in property violent and sex offending for abused and nonabused adolescents,2001,29,5,407-417,Prez Evaluating criminal justice programs: Establishing criteria,1990,18,1,33-41,Blackburn Evaluating the use of social skills training and employment with delinquent youth,1995,23,2,127-141,Leiber Evaluations of police performance in an African American sample,1999,27,5,457-465,Priest Even criminals take a holiday: Instrumental and expressive crimes on major and minor holidays,2003,31,4,351-360,Cohn Examining the effect of work-home conflict on work-related stress among correctional officers,1999,27,4,371-385,Scarborough Examining the empirical relationship between prison crowding and inmate misconduct: A meta-analysis of conflicting research results,2006,34,4,401-412,Pratt Explaining criminal victimization in Taiwan: A lifestyle approach,2009,37,5,461-471,Cuvelier Explaining gang homicides in Newark New Jersey: Collective behavior or social disorganization?,2006,34,2,195-207,McGloin Explaining the absence of violent crime among the Semai of Malaysia: Is criminological theory up to the task?,1997,25,3,177-194,Moss Exploring officers' acceptance of community policing: Implications for policy implementation,2003,31,1,57-71,Alarid Exploring the utility of general strain theory in explaining problematic alcohol consumption by police officers,2007,35,6,596-611,Gibson Extreme value theory applied to police performance analysis,1977,5,4,287-300,Kelly Family social capital and delinquent involvement,2001,29,1,1-9,Cullen Family structure and race in a sample of criminal offenders,1999,27,4,309-320,Bumphus Family welfare and delinquency,2004,32,6,565-576,Cao Fear of crime among Canadians: A multi-variate analysis,1986,14,3,249-258,Gomme Fear of crime and criminal victimization: Gender-based contrasts,2006,34,3,285-301,Schafer Fear of crime in a nonurban setting,2003,31,3,249-263,Heck Fear of crime in two post-socialist capital cities - Ljubljana Slovenia and Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina,2008,36,6,546-553,Mesko Fear of crime: Who is most vulnerable?,1982,10,3,199-209,Toseland Fear of punishment and the willingness to engage in criminal behavior: A research note,1995,23,4,377-384,Gertz Felony court processing in an urban county: Coping with a “limited capacity to punish”,1991,19,5,421-438,Golden Felony plea bargaining and probation: A growing judicial and prosecutorial dilemma,1988,16,4,291-301,Champion Female-perpetrated spousal homicides The case of Fiji,2000,28,2,151-161,Adinkrah Few convictions in rape cases: Empirical evidence concerning some alternative explanations,1981,9,1,29-39,Williams "Fifth business": The librarian the criminal justice scholar and the search for primary sources,1983,11,4,339-349,Simpson Firearms and fido: Ownership of injurious means of protection,1994,22,2,159-170,Cullen First-time and multiple-DWI offenders: A comparison of criminal history records and BAC levels,1992,20,6,527-539,Gould Flawed arrest,1983,11,2,167-171,Steffensmeier Forecasting highway casualties: The British road safety act and a sense of dja vu,1984,12,2,101-114,Votey Free press-fair trial in Britain and America,1982,10,5,341-358,Giglio Free will determinism and criminality: The self-perception of prison inmates,1990,18,1,43-53,Unnithan From sociology of deviance to sociology of risk: Youth homelessness and the problem of empiricism,2001,29,1,31-43,Bessant From status to delinquent offenses: Escalation?,1985,13,2,171-180,Wells From victim to political activist: An empirical examination of a statewide victims' rights movement,1992,20,3,201-215,Smith Further findings on the deterrence question and strategies for future research,1976,4,3,175-189,Gibbs Gang crime and its punishment in China,1997,25,4,289-302,Messner Gang homicides in California: A discriminant analysis,1994,22,3,267-275,Unnithan Gangs gang homicides and gang loyalty:: Organized crimes or disorganized criminals,2002,30,4,343-352,Curry Gender bias and pretrial release: More pieces of the puzzle,1990,18,5,417-432,Steury Gender convergence in crime: Evidence from Canadian adult offense charge data,2004,32,6,593-606,Chen Gender differences in perceptions for women's participation in unwanted sexual intercourse,2006,34,5,515-522,Sigler Gender differences in police officers' attitudes: Assessing current empirical evidence,2009,37,5,512-522,Sun Gender equity traditional masculine culture and female homicide victimization,2005,33,3,213-223,Pridemore General strain theory situational anger and social networks: An assessment of conditioning influences,2001,29,5,445-461,Piquero Girls guys and gangs: Convergence or divergence in the gendered construction of gangs and groups,2003,31,5,423-433,Decker Going it alone: Unreported crime and individual self-help,1988,16,5,403-412,Kennedy Grave doubts about 'reasonable doubt': Confusion in state and federal courts,1997,25,3,231-254,Scarborough Group and solo robberies: Do accomplices shape criminal form?,2009,37,1,1-9,Alarid Gun violence and police problem solving: A research note examining alternative data sources,2002,30,6,567-574,Decker Heroin addiction crime and economic cost: A critical analysis,1978,6,4,305-313,Gillespie Higher education and police use of deadly force,1981,9,4,317-331,Sherman Hispanic perception of police performance: An empirical assessment,1985,13,6,487-500,Carter Hispanics and the death penalty: Discriminatory charging practices in San Joaquin County California,2007,35,1,17-27,Lee How dangerous are routine police-citizen traffic stops?: A research note,2001,29,5,419-428,Smith How does reactivity affect police behavior? Describing and quantifying the impact of reactivity as behavioral change in a large-scale observational study of police,2007,35,4,453-465,Spano How just is the guilty but mentally ill verdict? An exploration into personality and intellectual factors,1991,19,5,471-479,Portes How kids view cops The nature of juvenile attitudes toward the police,2000,28,3,189-202,Frank Ideology and crime control policy positions in a state legislature,1989,17,2,87-101,Lizotte Ideology as determinant of views on the insanity defense,1986,14,1,37-46,Kelly Images of crime and justice: Murder and the "true crime" genre,1995,23,2,143-152,Kinkade Immigrants assimilation and perceived school disorder: An examination of the 'other' ethnicities,2009,37,6,627-635,Watkins Impact of casinos on crime: The case of Biloxi Mississippi,1996,24,5,431-436,Chang Importation deprivation and varieties of serving time: An integrated-lifestyle-exposure model of prison offending,2005,33,3,257-266,DeLisi Imprisonment as rehabilitation: Offenders' assessment of why it does not work,1996,24,4,323-335,Kolstad Improving citizen perceptions of the police: "Back to the basics" with a community policing strategy,1992,20,1,25-40,Peak Improving the linkages between domestic violence referral agencies and the police: A research note,1982,10,6,493-503,Hanewicz In the line of duty: A descriptive analysis of police assaults and accidents,1996,24,3,255-264,Brandl Incarceration rates and demographic changes: A test of the demographic change hypothesis,1988,16,3,241-253,Williams Incidents of police misconduct and public opinion,2002,30,5,397-408,Weitzer Incivilities in nonmetropolitan communities: The effects of structural constraints social conditions and crime,2004,32,1,15-29,Reisig Incompetency to stand trial: As status as label and as potential source of sentencing disparity,1982,10,3,191-198,Heininger Individual and contextual influences on delinquency: the role of the single-parent family,2002,30,6,575-587,Anderson Individual rights vs. social utility: The search for the golden zigzag between conflicting fundamental values,1987,15,2,121-136,Spader Inevitable influential or unnecessary? Exploring the utility of genetic explanation for delinquent behavior,2007,35,2,219-233,McCartan Inferring the criminal mind: Toward a bridge between legal doctrine and psychological understanding,1992,20,2,107-120,Loftus Information apprehension and deterrence: Exploring the limits of police productivity,1979,7,3,217-241,Skogan Inmate crime and victimization in a southwestern correctional facility,1994,22,4,367-381,Wooldredge Internal colonization folk justice and murder in Appalachia: The case of Kentucky,2003,31,3,279-286,Schwaner Interpersonal violent crime in Ghana: The case of assault in Accra,2007,35,4,419-431,Appiahene-Gyamfi Investigating latent trait and life course theories as predictors of recidivism among an offender sample,2003,31,5,455-467,O'Connell Investigating the impact of extended bar closing times on police stops for DUI,2007,35,5,537-545,Bouffard Is child saving dead? Attitudes toward juvenile rehabilitation in Illinois,1983,11,1,1-13,Cullen Is crime a man's world? Issues in the exploration of criminality,1975,3,2,131-139,Wilson Is rehabilitation dead? The myth of the punitive public,1988,16,4,303-317,Cullen Is there a distinct profile of police officers accused of violence? The Israeli case,2000,28,6,457-471,Herzog Is there a place for economics in criminology and criminal justice?,1983,11,5,391-401,Orsagh Islam modernization and crime: A test of the religious ecology thesis,1987,15,6,495-503,Newman Joining anthropology and law enforcement,1983,11,6,495-504,Kania Judgements of appropriate punishment: The effects of question type,1989,17,2,75-85,Durham Judges juries and the decision to convict,1981,9,4,289-303,Myers Judicial and prosecutorial endorsement of innovative techniques in the trial of domestic abuse cases,1990,18,5,443-453,Sigler Judicial attitudes in assault cases involving alcohol or other drugs,1999,27,3,275-286,MacDonald Judicial discretion and sentencing disparity in adult felony courts in Israel,1985,13,2,99-115,Fishman Juror honesty during the voir dire,1991,19,5,451-462,Seltzer Justifiable use of measures in research on deadly force,1989,17,3,157-165,Fridell Juvenile attitudes towards the police: The importance of subcultural involvement and community ties,2009,37,5,488-495,Esbensen Juvenile diversion and the constitution,1982,10,1,1-24,Binder Juvenile recidivism and length of stay,2008,36,2,126-137,Smith Juveniles' experiences of incarceration: The role of correctional staff in peer violence,2002,30,1,41-49,Peterson-Badali Knowledge and death penalty opinion: A panel study,1993,21,1,29-45,Vogel Knowledge of police and court procedures and respect for the law a survey,1977,5,4,329-337,Gross Law 'n' order: some ecological and linguistic aspects of rationality and morality,1973,1,1,1-6,Wilkins Law enforcement partnership in community corrections: An evaluation of juvenile offender curfew checks,2002,30,3,245-256,Sigler Law reform and social change: A time-series analysis of sexual assault in Canada,1996,24,2,123-138,Schissel Learning to live with homicide: A research note,1982,10,1,69-72,Barnett Legal and racial elements of public willingness to transfer juvenile offenders to adult court,1999,27,1,55-64,Sheley Liberal versus conservative public policies on crime: What was the comparative track record during the 1990s?,2008,36,4,316-325,Lovrich Lifestyles of the old and not so fearful: Life situation and older persons' fear of crime,1996,24,3,191-205,Cullen Linking crime rates to relationship factors: The use of gender-specific data,2006,34,3,317-329,Zhong Linking exposure to strain with anger: an investigation of deviant adaptations,1998,26,3,195-211,Piquero Linking juvenile and adult patterns of criminal activity in the Providence cohort of the National Collaborative Perinatal Project,2002,30,4,259-272,Buka Local law enforcement terrorism prevention efforts: A state level case study,2007,35,3,313-321,Jr Lone versus multiple offending in homicide: Differences in situational context,1995,23,5,451-460,Clark Maintaining legitimacy using external communication strategies: An analysis of police-media relations,2005,33,5,501-512,Weiss Maladaptive behaviors among military police personnel and implications for administrative policy,1986,14,4,307-317,Smith Male and female reasoning biases and offending behavior,2003,31,6,497-509,Harris Management research in criminal justice: Exploring ethical issues,1981,9,1,41-49,Roberg Masculinity and violent crime: A response to Steffensmeier's comment,1983,11,2,173-176,Wilson Matching police-community expectations: A method of determining policing models,1998,26,4,291-306,Jiao Measuring crime seriousness perceptions: What have we learned and what else do we want to know,2003,31,1,37-56,Stylianou Measuring media oriented terrorism,2009,37,4,360-370,Hansen Media trials,1989,17,4,293-308,Surette Men guarding women: An analysis of the employment of male correction officers in prisons for women,1992,20,4,297-309,Zupan Methamphetamine use and violence among young adults,2006,34,6,661-674,Baskin-Sommers Metropolitan gang influence and the emergence of group delinquency in a regional community,1992,20,2,93-106,Zevitz More than ten years after: The long-term stability of informed death penalty opinions,2004,32,4,307-327,Bohm Multiple parties in domestic violence situations and arrest,2000,28,3,181-188,Connolly Murdered children: A comparison of racial differences across two jurisdictions,1990,18,5,401-416,Riedel Negativistic delinquency revisited a behavioral analysis,1977,5,4,301-309,Martin Neighborhood structure differences between homicide victims and non-victims,2005,33,2,137-143,Price Niederhoffer's cynicism scale: Reliability and beyond,1986,14,4,295-305,Sherman Not guilty by reason of insanity evaluations: A study of defendants and examiners,1989,17,1,39-45,Mack Observations on stranger homicide,1993,21,6,573-582,Polk Of battered wives self-defense and double standards of justice : A research note,1981,9,5,389-395,Rittenmeyer Officer force versus suspect resistance: A gendered analysis of patrol officers in an urban police department,2007,35,2,183-192,Lersch Official crime rates and victim surveys: An empirical comparison,1977,5,1,47-54,Decker On assessing the mood of the public toward the police: Some conceptual issues,1982,10,3,211-230,White On classifying driving-while-intoxicated offenders The experiences of a citywide DWI drug court,2000,28,1,13-21,Winfree On the relationship between cognitive abilities and life-course-persistent offending among a sample of African Americans: A longitudinal test of Moffitt's hypothesis,2003,31,5,399-409,Piquero On the relationships between gender early onset and the seriousness of offending,2001,29,3,189-206,Piquero On the relationships between gender power control self-control and crime,2005,33,1,1-17,Piquero On urban homicide: A statistical analysis,1975,3,2,85-110,Larson One- and two-person patrols: A review,1992,20,5,443-454,Wilson Operationalizing risk: The influence of measurement choice on the prevalence and correlates of prison violence among incarcerated murderers,2007,35,5,546-555,Cunningham Organized crime control: The limits of government intervention,1986,14,3,239-247,Martens Organizing crime: A classificatory scheme based on offense transitions,1975,3,4,321-332,Gottfredson Parental child abduction: The law family dynamics and legal system responses,1990,18,5,433-442,Barrett Parenthood and adult criminal offending: The importance of relationship quality,2007,35,6,630-643,Agnew Parenting on trial: state wards' and governments' accountability in australia,1998,26,2,145-157,Bessant Parole release decisions revisited: An analysis of parole release decisions for violent inmates in a southeastern state,2005,33,3,277-287,Smith Patrol police officer conflict resolution processes,1997,25,2,87-101,Cooper Patterns of arrest in domestic violence encounters: Identifying a police decision-making model,1999,27,1,65-79,Kane Patterns of discrimination in assessments of the death penalty: The case of Louisiana,1987,15,4,279-286,Smith Perceived crime seriousness: Consensus and disparity,2002,30,6,623-632,Kwan Perception of crowding racial antagonism and aggression in a custodial prison,1988,16,3,167-181,Leger Perceptions of crime seriousness in the african american community: exploring the presence of consensus,1998,26,3,227-236,Vogel Personality and criminality a summary and implications of the literature,1977,5,3,225-235,Tennenbaum Plea bargaining: Its pervasiveness on the judicial system,1976,4,2,133-145,Felkenes Police and tragic events: The management of emotions,1991,19,4,395-403,Pogrebin Police civil liability for abandonment in high crime areas and other high risk situations,1994,22,5,407-424,Vaughn Police civil liability for inappropriate response to domestic assault victims,2003,31,2,129-146,Blackwell Police civil liability under section 1983: When do police officers act under color of law?,1995,23,5,395-415,Vaughn Police corruption and organizational structures: An ethicist's view,1984,12,3,235-245,Muscari Police departments under social science scrutiny,1977,5,2,105-118,Guyot Police discretion and elder mistreatment: A nested model of observation reporting and satisfaction,1999,27,3,209-225,Formby Police ethics: A critical perspective,1993,21,4,339-352,Donahue Police handling of domestic calls: The importance of offender's presence in the arrest decision,1996,24,6,481-490,Feder Police handling of the mentally ill: Sharing responsibility with the mental health system,1989,17,1,1-14,Finn Police leniency in traffic enforcement encounters: Exploratory findings from observations and interviews,2005,33,3,225-238,Schafer Police levels and crime rates revisited: A county-level analysis from Florida (1980-1998),2002,30,1,65-76,Kovandzic Police occupational solidarity: Probing a determinant in the deterioration of police/citizen relations,1980,8,2,111-122,Bennett Police officer characteristics and internal affairs investigations for use of force allegations,2004,32,3,265-279,Kposowa Police officer decision-making in potentially violent confrontations,1992,20,5,385-399,Binder Police perceptions of spouse abuse: A comparison of male and female officers,1985,13,1,29-47,Homant Police research technology: Functional relations between juvenile citations and criminal offenses,1983,11,1,15-26,Schnelle Police responses to wife beating: Five years later,1990,18,5,459-462,Brown Police responses to wife beating: Neglect of a crime of violence,1984,12,3,277-288,Brown Police sexual violence and rape myths: Civil liability under Section 1983,2001,29,5,389-405,Eschholz Police stress: A conceptual overview,1980,8,4,251-257,Smith Police stress: State-Trait Anxiety in relation to occupational and personal stressors,1996,24,2,99-107,Panzarella Police style and legally serious crime: A contextual analysis of municipal police departments,1992,20,5,401-412,Crank Police use of force: examining the relationship between calls for service and the balance of police force and suspect resistance,2003,31,2,119-127,Macdonald Policing domestic violence: Does officer gender matter?,2007,35,6,581-595,Sun Politics culture and political crime: Covariates of abortion clinic attacks in the United States,2007,35,3,323-336,Pridemore Politics power and prevention: The People's Republic of China case,1986,14,5,449-457,Johnson Popular culture and criminal justice: A preliminary analysis,1990,18,3,261-274,Newman Popular culture as an ideological mask: Mass-produced popular culture and the remaking of criminal justice-related imagery,1998,26,4,321-336,Lynch Posse Comitatus revisited: The use of the military in civil law enforcement,1987,15,5,375-386,Moore Predicting citizen race in allegations of misconduct against the police,1998,26,2,87-97,Lersch Predicting crime story salience: The effects of crime victim and defendant characteristics,1998,26,1,61-70,Chermak Predicting criminal recidivism: A comparison of neural network models with statistical methods,1996,24,3,227-240,Cohen Predicting return to prison among adolescent males: A comparison of three statistics,1989,17,6,487-500,Benda Predicting type of sexual assault case closure from victim suspect and case characteristics,2000,28,6,527-542,Bouffard Prediction of dangerousness as a function of its perceived consequences,1974,2,3,239-242,Monahan Prison civil liability for inmate-against-inmate assault and breakdown/disorganization theory,1996,24,2,139-152,Vaughn Prison size overcrowding prison violence and recidivism,1980,8,4,221-231,Farrington Prisonization and accounts of gun carrying,2007,35,5,485-497,Unnithan Private security and community policing: Evaluation and comment,1989,17,3,187-197,Walsh Probabilities and odds in hot pursuit: A benefit-cost analysis,1995,23,5,417-424,Fridell Probable causes for police corruption: Some theories,1976,4,1,9-16,Pogrebin Probation officer victimization: An emerging concern,1992,20,1,53-62,Lindner Problems of reliability and validity in criminal justice research,1977,5,3,217-224,Gertz Progress toward racial equality and reduction of black criminal violence,1987,15,6,437-459,Austin Project intercept: The Los Angeles experience,1974,2,1,55-60,Tafoya Psychological factors in eyewitness identifications,1983,11,1,47-56,Brigham Public attitudes toward police pursuit driving,1998,26,3,185-194,Macdonald Public attitudes toward the police: A comparative study between japan and america,1998,26,4,279-289,Stack Public definitions and endorsement of the criminalization of elder abuse,2006,34,3,275-283,Sigler Public housing and the fear of crime,2008,36,2,115-125,DeLone Public information officers: A descriptive study of crime news gatekeepers,1995,23,4,325-336,Richard Public opinion regarding sentences for crime: Does it exist?,1993,21,1,1-11,Durham Public order policing: A national survey of abortion-related conflict,2002,30,5,355-368,Kenney Public perceptions of interpersonal violence,1996,24,5,419-430,Sigler Public perceptions of police misconduct and discrimination: Examining the impact of media consumption,2007,35,2,193-203,Dowler Public perceptions of the need for criminalization of sexual harassment,1986,14,3,229-237,Johnson Public perceptions The stability of the public's endorsements of the definition and criminalization of the abuse of women,2000,28,3,165-179,Johnson Public views toward crime and correctional policies: Is there a gender gap?,2002,30,2,89-100,Fisher Pulling levers focused deterrence strategies and the prevention of gun homicide,2008,36,4,332-343,Braga Putting school crime into perspective: Self-reported school victimizations of high school seniors,1996,24,3,207-226,Hanke Quantitative models in crime control,1973,1,3,185-217,Shinnar Race and attitudes toward the police: Assessing the effects of watching "reality" police programs,2002,30,4,327-341,Gertz Race and correctional officers' punitive attitudes toward treatment programs for inmates,1996,24,2,153-166,Jackson Race and its effect on police officers' perceptions of misconduct,1998,26,1,21-28,Davis Race and the apprehension of inmate misconduct,1983,11,5,413-427,Ramirez Race and treating other people's children as adults,2000,28,6,507-515,Jackson Race conventional crime and criminal justice: The declining importance of skin color,1999,27,6,549-557,DeLisi Race driving and police organization: Modeling moving and nonmoving traffic stops with citizen self-reports of driving practices,2009,37,6,564-575,Miller Race economic inequality and violent crime,2006,34,3,303-316,Stolzenberg Race gender and the newsworthiness of homicide incidents,2009,37,3,262-272,Pizarro Race occupational status and pro-active police arrest for drinking and driving,1984,12,2,173-183,Hollinger Racial differences in attitudes toward crime control,1989,17,5,361-375,Johnson Racial disparity and death sentences in Ohio,2001,29,3,207-218,Williams Racial prejudice perceived injustice and the Black-White gap in punitive attitudes,2008,36,2,198-206,Johnson Rare events sample size and statistical problems in the analysis of the NCS city surveys,1986,14,5,441-448,O'Brien Rational cops rational robbers and information,1983,11,5,459-466,Kohfeld Reaffirming the significance of context: The Charlotte School Safety Program,2005,33,5,477-485,Miller Real and perceived danger in police officer assisted suicide,2000,28,1,43-52,Homant Reanalyzing the prevalence and social context of collateral consequence statutes,2003,31,5,435-453,Travis Reasons for death penalty attitudes among Chinese citizens: Retributive or instrumental?,2009,37,3,225-233,Jiang Recent trends in official male and female crime rates: The convergence controversy,1993,21,5,447-466,Austin Recidivism among female DUI offenders in a Midwestern American city,1987,15,5,369-374,Shore Recidivism as a feedback process: An analytical model and empirical validation,1973,1,1,7-26,Blumstein Reconstructing homicide events: The role of witnesses in fatal encounters,1995,23,5,439-450,Decker Reexamining the use of seriousness weights in an index of crime,1989,17,5,343-360,Epperlein Regional unemployment and crime trends: An empirical examination,1988,16,5,395-402,Manuel Relationship between reported crime rates and victimization survey results: An empirical and analytical study,1979,7,4,293-308,Riccio Relationship of psychological demographic and legal variables to court decisions of competency to stand trial among mentally retarded criminal defendants,1998,26,4,307-320,Ho Religiosity and violence: Are they related after considering the strongest predictors?,2000,28,6,483-496,Benda Report from Japan: Causes and controls of crime in Japan,1988,16,5,425-435,Becker Research note: Using cost-benefit analysis to measure rehabilitation and special deterrence,1994,22,6,569-575,Gray Research on deterrent and incapacitative effects of criminal sanctions,1978,6,1,1-2,Blumstein Researching workplace homicide: an assessment of the limitations of the Supplementary Homicide Reports,2004,32,3,243-252,Mieczkowski Residential probation: A seven-year follow-up study of halfway house discharges,1994,22,6,503-515,Minor Responding to gangs Comparing gang member police and task force perspectives,2000,28,2,129-137,Curry Response speeds and response times of urban police patrol cars in Ottawa Canada,1976,4,3,191-202,Brown Restrictions on statistics imposed by method of measurement: Some reality much mythology,1984,12,5,467-481,Binder Rethinking what? A comment on Williams's,1985,13,2,153-154,Meier Retribution and capital punishment: Toward a better understanding of death penalty opinion,1992,20,3,227-236,Bohm Risk assessment: Identifying patterns of risk in young offenders with the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory,2008,36,2,165-173,Atkinson Risk of multiple-offender rape-murder varies with female age,2002,30,2,135-141,Shackelford Risky lifestyles and dating violence: A theoretical test of violent victimization,2004,32,2,171-180,Gover Robberies with guns: Neighborhood factors and the nature of crime,2007,35,1,39-50,Warner Robbing Drug Dealers,2001,29,5,463-463, Rule of law v. rule of man: The search for the golden zigzag between conflicting fundamental values,1984,12,4,379-394,Spader Rural and agricultural crime,1981,9,1,19-27,Swanson Sanctions modeling and deviant behavior,1986,14,6,501-508,Stafford Saturated enforcement: The efficacy of deterrence and drunk driving,1984,12,2,185-197,Sykes "Scared Straight": Ideology and the media,1981,9,6,431-439,Cavender Scholarly influence in criminology and criminal justice journals in 1990-2000,2008,36,1,11-21,Farrington School environment self-esteem and delinquency,1995,23,6,555-567,Ross School resource officers and the criminalization of student behavior,2009,37,3,280-287,Theriot School violence prevention measures: School officials' attitudes about various strategies,2008,36,4,301-306,Payne School violence: The effectiveness of a school resource officer program in a southern city,1999,27,2,173-192,Johnson Screening for risk: A revised salient factor score (SFS 81),1983,11,6,539-547,Hoffman Secondary analysis of the UCR: An index of the risk of death due to robbery,1976,4,2,153-156,Maltz Select legal and ethical aspects of fitness for duty evaluations,1997,25,3,223-229,Super Selective incapacitation: A note on its impact on minorities,1987,15,4,287-299,Decker Selective incapacitation: Have we tried it? Does it work?,1985,13,2,117-129,Janus Self-control differential association and gang membership: A theoretical and empirical extension of the literature,2009,37,5,478-487,Kissner Self-control risky lifestyles and situation: The role of opportunity and context in the general theory,2007,35,2,119-136,Forde Self-report and official measures: A further examination of the validity issue,1984,12,5,445-455,Lab Serial murder in England 1940-1985,1988,16,1,1-15,Jenkins Serial murder in the United States 1900-1940: A historical perspective,1989,17,5,377-392,Jenkins Seriousness of crimes: A survey of the nation's chiefs of police,1985,13,1,1-13,Keenan Severe strike campaign in transitional China,2005,33,4,387-399,Liang Sex differences in the likelihood of arrest,2004,32,5,443-454,Stolzenberg Sex offender notification and fear of victimization,2004,32,5,455-463,Beck Sex offender notification: An exploratory assessment of state variation in notification processes,2006,34,1,51-55,Beck Sex lies and videotape: The presentation of sex crime in local television news,2006,34,4,383-392,Dowler Sheriff law enforcement officers and the use of force,2003,31,4,373-381,Williams Shock incarceration and prison crowding in Louisiana,1991,19,3,225-237,Mackenzie Should the United States adopt a national substantive criminal code for serious offenses?,1974,2,2,103-111,Myren Sobriety checkpoints American style,1994,22,5,437-444,Ross Social disorganization perceptions fear of gang crime and behavioral precautions among Whites Latinos and Vietnamese,2004,32,1,49-62,Lane Social goals and appropriate policy for corrections: An economic appraisal,1973,1,3,219-240,Votey Social structure crime and social control: An examination of factors influencing rates and probabilities of arrest,1991,19,1,19-29,McCarthy Social support and homicide: a cross-national test of an emerging criminological theory,2002,30,6,589-601,Pratt Social support ethnic heterogeneity and homicide: A cross-national approach,2008,36,2,103-114,Altheimer Sociodemographic factors drug abuse and other crimes: How they vary among male and female arrestees,2004,32,5,399-409,Lo Socio-demographic indicators of intervention program completion with the male court-referred perpetrator of partner abuse,2000,28,6,517-526,Yarbrough Socioeconomic and criminological attributes of convicts in two Nigerian prisons,1988,16,3,197-206,Alemika Some conditions maximizing eyewitness accuracy: A learning/memory analogy,1980,8,6,395-403,Sanders Some factors in police discretion and decision making,1976,4,1,29-46,Finckenauer Some observations on the link between learning disabilities and juvenile delinquency,1981,9,1,1-17,Zimmerman Sources of firearm acquisition among a sample of inner-city youths: Research results and policy implications,1996,24,4,361-367,Smith Special publicity and enforcement of California's belt use law: Making a "secondary" law work,1989,17,5,329-341,Fleming Specialization and versatility in sexual offenders referred for civil commitment,2009,37,1,37-44,Knight Spectral analysis of reported crime data,1974,2,4,329-344,McPheters Spousal homicides in contemporary Ghana,2008,36,3,209-216,Adinkrah Spuriousness or mediation? Broken windows according to Sampson and Raudenbush (1999),2008,36,3,240-243,Silver Stalking acknowledgement and reporting among college women experiencing intrusive behaviors: Implications for the emergence of a “classic stalking case”,2007,35,5,556-569,Jordan State background checks and firearms homicides,2005,33,2,127-136,Ruddell Statistical measurement of the deterrence effect: A regression framework,1985,13,2,181-184,Ghali Statistical power and criminal justice research,1989,17,2,115-122,Brown Statutory diversion of drunkenness offenders,1977,5,1,29-37,Deming "Stick 'em up buddy": robbery lifestyle and specialization within a cohort of parolees,2000,28,5,371-384,Schwaner Strain and violence: Testing a general strain theory model of community violence,2003,31,6,511-521,Warner Strain anger and delinquent adaptations Specifying general strain theory,2000,28,2,89-101,Cullen Street crime and new guns: Some implications for firearms control,1976,4,2,95-107,Zimring Street youth strain theory and crime,2006,34,2,209-223,Baron Street youths' violent responses to violent personal vicarious and anticipated strain,2009,37,5,442-451,Baron Structural and social psychological determinants of prisonization,1999,27,5,427-441,Petersen Structural correlates of female homicide: A cross-national analysis,2009,37,6,576-585,Agha Studying the reach of deterrence: Can deterrence theory help explain police misconduct?,2004,32,4,371-386,Piquero Studying traffic stop encounters,2004,32,2,159-170,Schafer Summary of report of the panel on research on deterrent and incapacitative effects : Assembly of behavioral and social sciences national academy of science Washington D.C. 20418,1978,6,1,3-10,Blumstein SWAT and non-SWAT police officers and the use of force,2003,31,5,469-474,Williams T.V. crooks: Implications of latent role models for theories of delinquency,1982,10,3,177-190,Bynum Taboo until today? The coverage of biological arguments in criminology textbooks 1961 to 1970 and 1987 to 1996,1998,26,1,1-19,Miller Taking stock: Toward a richer understanding of police culture,2003,31,3,199-214,Paoline Teaching and learning police ethics: Competing and complementary approaches,1990,18,1,1-18,Kleinig Television dramas and homicide causation,1997,25,3,195-203,Fabianic Testing for seasonality in reported crime data,1973,1,2,125-134,McPheters Testing the deviance syndrome perspective among boot camp participants,1997,25,5,409-423,Benda The,1984,12,5,435-444,Messner The Affordable Hypothesis: Punitive beliefs violent beliefs and race,2001,29,2,101-106,DeLisi The age of death: Appraising public opinion of juvenile capital punishment,2003,31,2,169-183,Vogel The application of queueing models to strategies for reducing prison population size,1988,16,3,183-196,Yablon The assessment of continued threat to the community in a mentally ill offender program,1984,12,1,81-86,Aadland The assessment of risk to recidivate among a juvenile offending population,2009,37,6,596-607,Baglivio The availability accessibility and level of computerization of criminal justice data: An interstate comparison,1983,11,5,429-446,Dempsey The choice of crime: An empirical analysis of juveniles' criminal choice,1982,10,6,433-442,Ghali The colonial model subcultural theory and intragroup violence,1983,11,2,93-104,Austin The commitment of delinquents to their misdeeds: A re-examination,1978,6,3,261-268,Poole The contextual nature of the family structure/delinquency relationship,2009,37,2,123-132,Kierkus The correctional melting pot: Race ethnicity citizenship and prison violence,2006,34,6,631-642,DeLisi The correlates of campus crime: An analysis of reported crimes on college and university campuses,1994,22,1,51-61,Sloan The crime reporting behavior of Hispanic older persons: A causal model,1988,16,5,413-423,Starrett The current state of gender-specific delinquency programming,2008,36,3,262-269,Foley The deterioration of deterrence effects of driving legislation: Have we been giving wrong signals to policymakers?,1984,12,2,115-130,Votey The economics of criminal investigation in a municipal police force,1989,17,3,199-224,Simms The effect of a videotaped arrest on public perceptions of police use of force,1997,25,5,381-395,Holmes The effect of education on police attitudes,1974,2,4,317-328,Weiner The effect of faith program participation on prison misconduct: The Life Connections Program,2008,36,5,389-395,Klein-Saffran The effect of local political culture on policing behaviors in the 1990s: A retest of Wilson's theory in more contemporary times,2006,34,6,569-578,He The effect of police-probation partnerships on juvenile arrests,2006,34,6,579-589,Gaines The effect of three-strikes legislation on serious crime in California,2004,32,4,283-296,Worrall The effect of victim impact statements on sentencing patterns and outcomes: The Australian experience,1995,23,4,363-375,Roeger The effects of classroom instruction and discussion on death penalty opinions: A teaching note,1989,17,2,123-131,Bohm The effects of criminal victimization and judicial or police contacts on public attitudes toward local police,1980,8,4,243-249,Koenig The effects of density on jail assaults,1991,19,3,211-223,Sechrest The effects of emergency medical care on the homicide rate: Some additional evidence,1992,20,3,249-259,Giacopassi The effects of neighborhood conditions on perceptions of safety,2002,30,5,417-427,Furr The effects of occupation and education on punitive orientations among juvenile justice personnel,2002,30,4,303-316,Leiber The effects of precision of sentencing information on crime rates: A theoretical model,1984,12,5,503-508,Erez The effects of social area characteristics on the relationship between social class and delinquency,1997,25,2,125-139,Jarjoura The effects of the Furman and Gregg decisions on black-white execution ratios in the South,1992,20,3,217-226,Vito The efficacy of a classification system: Its relationship to resource-procedure management,1985,13,4,355-365,Neil The efficacy of probation versus imprisonment in reducing recidivism of serious offenders in Israel,1991,19,3,263-270,Lazar The enduring racial divide in death penalty support,2006,34,1,85-99,Cochran The etiology of criminal onset: The enduring salience of nature and nurture,2008,36,3,217-223,Wright The fractal dimension of policing,1998,26,5,425-435,Verma The gender gap in death penalty support: An exploratory study,2009,37,6,525-533,Cochran The generality of criminal behavior: A confirmatory factor analysis of the criminal activity of sex offenders in adulthood,2005,33,2,177-189,LeBlanc The historical roots and development of criminological statistics,1984,12,5,457-465,Surette The human impact of capital punishment: Interviews with families of persons on death row,1987,15,4,331-347,Smykla The impact of agency context policies and practices on violence against police,2009,37,6,542-552,Taylor The impact of density on jail violence,2002,30,6,499-510,Tartaro The impact of gun control (Bill C-51) on homicide in Canada,2001,29,4,287-294,Lester The impact of instructions on seriousness ratings,1986,14,5,433-440,Link The impact of parental controls on delinquency,1995,23,2,111-126,Cullen The impact of patrol staffing on police-citizen injuries and dispositions,1982,10,5,375-382,Decker The impact of race on criminal justice ideology: An examination of high school students,2009,37,6,534-541,Hurst The impact of race on perceptions of criminal injustice,1997,25,6,447-462,Cullen The impact of race on the adjudication of sexual assault and other violent crimes,2003,31,6,523-538,Maxwell The impact of race on the investigation of excessive force allegations against police,1996,24,1,1-15,Rasinski The impact of the religious freedom restoration act on prisons,1998,26,5,385-398,Jr The impact of trauma and social support on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A study of New Zealand police officers,1997,25,4,303-314,Long The impact of victim provocation on judgments of legal responsibility: An experimental assessment,1984,12,4,407-414,Miethe The importance of police contact in the formulation of youths' attitudes toward police,1978,6,1,53-67,Johnson The importance of recidivism research in understanding criminal behavior,1978,6,3,253-260,Nacci The incidence of learning disabilities and mental retardation in youth under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court,1981,9,3,219-225,Smykla The influence of court location on type of criminal sentence: The rural-urban factor,1981,9,4,305-316,Austin The influence of emotion on rational decision making in sexual aggression,2002,30,2,121-134,Bouffard The influences of incident and contextual characteristics on crime clearance of nonlethal violence: A multilevel event history analysis,2008,36,1,61-71,Roberts The irony of broken windows policing: A micro-place study of the relationship between disorder focused police crackdowns and fear of crime,2008,36,6,503-512,Weisburd The legal control of drunken driving: A comment on methodological concerns in assessing deterrent effectiveness,1984,12,2,149-154,Cohen The long-term impact of restorative justice programming for juvenile offenders,2007,35,4,433-451,Bouffard The masculinity of violent crime–some second thoughts,1981,9,2,111-123,Wilson The masking of racial and ethnic disparity in police use of physical force: The effects of gender and custody status,2004,32,6,557-564,Schuck The moderating effects of religiosity on the relationship between stressful life events and delinquent behavior,2008,36,6,486-493,Johnson The myth of the new female offender: Some evidence from attitudes toward law and justice,1988,16,6,499-509,Erez The national criminal justice reference service,1973,1,4,353-357,Carney The noble cause: An empirical assessment,2007,35,1,103-116,Giacomazzi The nonenforcement role of police in western Alaska and the eastern Canadian arctic: An analysis of police tasks in remote arctic communities,1997,25,5,367-379,Trostle The one-year community supervision performance of drug offenders and Louisiana DOC-identified substance abusers graduating from shock incarceration,1992,20,6,501-516,Mackenzie The onset of adult offending: A neglected dimension of the criminal career,2002,30,6,603-622,Laub The penalty of hand amputation for theft in Islamic justice,1994,22,3,249-265,Souryal The perception of risk in the workplace: A test of routine activity theory,1996,24,5,407-418,Madriz The police stress inventory: Does it measure stress?,1991,19,2,139-149,Lord The politics and mythology of organized crime: A Philadelphia case-study,1987,15,6,473-484,Jenkins The prevalence and nature of violent offending by females,2003,31,4,361-371,Schram The prisoner's dilemma: Theory and reality,1977,5,1,55-64,Forst The problem of human trafficking in the U.S.: Public frames and policy responses,2009,37,6,617-626,Farrell The processing of homicide cases with child victims: Systemic and situational contingencies,1994,22,1,41-50,Unnithan The psychology of suicide-murder and the death penalty,1999,27,4,361-370,Wormer The relationship between crime and “objective” versus “subjective” strains,2007,35,1,81-87,Agnew The relationship of criminal victimization police per capita and population density in twenty-six cities,1980,8,5,309-316,Shichor The relative cost-effectiveness of citation and arrest,1995,23,1,1-12,Hirschel The risk of recidivism: Evaluating the public-safety implications of a community corrections program,1991,19,1,49-66,Jones The school context as a source of self-control,2005,33,4,327-339,Piquero The seriousness of inmate induced prison violence: An analysis of correctional personnel perceptions,1989,17,1,47-53,Miller The sexual stratification hypothesis revisited: Testing assumptions about simple versus aggravated rape,2008,36,3,252-261,Spohn The social ecology of homicide: A modified lifestyle/routine activities perspective,1985,13,5,417-428,Massey The stability of self-control,2002,30,6,457-471,Piquero The subculture of violence and ethnicity,1987,15,6,461-472,Williams The tactical choices of police patrol officers,1986,14,4,329-348,Bayley The tactical face of stalking,2000,28,1,69-82,Spitzberg The theory of social control: Does it apply to the very young?,1994,22,2,89-105,Decker The uniform crime reports revisited,1974,2,1,1-17,Hindelang The use of multiple indicators to estimate crime trends in American cities,1993,21,5,509-516,Grasmick The validity of Niederhoffer's cynicism scale,2004,32,1,1-13,Piquero The validity of self-reported marijuana and cocaine use,1997,25,1,31-41,Webb The value of life in death: Multiple regression and event history analyses of homicide clearance in Los Angeles County,2005,33,6,527-534,Lee The victim-offender relationship in convicted homicide cases: 1960-1984,1988,16,1,25-33,Hewitt Theoretical consideration of female sexual predator serial killers in the United States,2006,34,3,251-259,McCloskey Theories and fear of gang crime among Whites and Latinos: A replication and extension of prior research,2005,33,6,627-641,Lane Theorizing police response to domestic violence in the Singaporean context: Police subculture revisited,2005,33,5,429-439,Narayanan Time series analysis of the effect of a domestic violence directive on the number of arrests per day,1988,16,6,493-498,Lawrenz Tinkering with the machinery of death: an analysis of the impact of legislative reform on the sentencing of capital murderers in Texas,2000,28,5,343-349,Sorensen To bite or not to bite: Canine apprehensions in a large suburban police department,2003,31,2,147-154,Hoffman Toward the safety society: Police agencies and environmental planning,1976,4,1,1-7,Catalano Training SWAT teams: implications for improving tactical units,2000,28,5,407-413,Clark Trajectories of non-intimate partner and intimate partner homicides 1980-1999: The importance of rurality,2008,36,5,435-443,Piquero Treating the chronic DUI offender,2000,28,4,271-281,Pratt Trends in the use of deadly force by police,1981,9,5,359-366,Kuykendall Trippin' on Sally D: Exploring predictors of Salvia divinorum experimentation,2009,37,4,396-403,Gibson Twenty years of operational use of a risk prediction instrument: The United States parole commission's salient factor score,1994,22,6,477-494,Hoffman Two models of formal social control,1984,12,4,335-353,Jendrek Two preeminent theoretical models: A proportional hazard rate analysis of recidivism,2002,30,3,217-228,Benda UCR and NCS: Comparisons over space and time,1988,16,5,371-384,Menard Understanding and assessing school police officers: A conceptual and methodological comment,2006,34,6,591-604,Brown Unintended murder and corporate risk-taking: Defining the concept of justifiability,1988,16,1,17-24,Frank Urban crime trends and patterns in Ghana: The case of Accra,2003,31,1,13-23,Appiahene-Gyamfi Urban homicide: Some recent developments,1980,8,6,379-385,Barnett Use of force by female police officers,2005,33,2,145-151,Hoffman Variables influencing sentencing severity: Intercourt differences in Connecticut,1985,13,2,131-139,Gertz Variations across agency types in perceptions of seriousness of family abuse,1990,18,6,519-531,Johnson Victim impact statements and victim satisfaction: An unfulfilled promise?,1994,22,1,1-12,Davis Victim participation in proceedings and satisfaction with justice in the continental systems: The case of Poland,1993,21,1,47-60,Erez Victim survey research: Implications for criminal justice planning,1976,4,2,147-151,Inciardi Victim/witness noncooperation: A second look at a persistent phenomenon,1983,11,4,287-299,Davis Victimization as a cause of delinquency: The role of depression and gender,2009,37,4,371-378,Ganem Victimization rates for domestic travelers,1997,25,3,205-210,Wellford Victims of random violence and the public health implication: A health care or criminal justice issue?,1996,24,5,379-391,Anderson Victims' perceptions of police response to domestic violence incidents,2007,35,5,498-510,Johnson Vigilante homicides in contemporary Ghana,2005,33,5,413-427,Adinkrah Violence and drug use in juvenile institutions,1999,27,1,33-44,Macdonald Violence in the city: Empirical bases for a collective working image,1983,11,4,301-315,Slovak Violent victimization and involvement in delinquency: Examining predictions from general strain theory,2006,34,3,261-274,Hay War and capital punishment,1990,18,3,253-260,Schneider What doctors and policymakers should know: Battered women's views about mandatory medical reporting laws,2004,32,3,207-221,Winokur What drives punitive beliefs?: Demographic characteristics and justifications for sentencing,2004,32,3,195-206,Payne What happened depends on whom you ask: A comparison of police records and victim reports regarding arrests for woman battering,1998,26,1,53-59,Davidson When crime reporting goes high-tech: An experimental test of computerized citizen response to crime,1995,23,6,519-529,Lasley Who are the complaint-prone officers?: An examination of the relationship between police officers' attributes arrest activity assignment and citizens' complaints about excessive force,2001,29,6,521-529,Frank Who is missing? The realities of the missing persons problem,1988,16,1,35-45,Lab Who wants a gun license?,1999,27,1,1-10,Furr Woman battering and police referrals,1994,22,3,223-236,Belknap Work place violence and negative affective responses: A test of Agnew's general strain theory,2007,35,6,657-666,Hinduja Work-load rates and police officer attitudes: An examination of busy and slow precincts,1994,22,3,277-286,Piquero Youth and the forbidden fruit: Experiences with changes in legal drinking age in North America,1984,12,2,161-172,Vingilis Youth gangs drug use and delinquency,1999,27,2,101-109,Wieczorek Criminal Justice Involvement and Service Need among Men on Methadone who Have Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence,2010,38,4,835-840,El-Bassel Delinquency and alcohol-impaired driving among young males: A longitudinal study,2010,38,4,439-445,Wieczorek Erratum to “What methods are most frequently used in research in criminology and criminal justice?” [Journal of Criminal Justice 34(2) (2006) 147–152],2006,34,4,453,Kleck The influence of forensic evidence on the case outcomes of homicide incidents,2010,38,6,1141-1149,Sommers Organizational factors that contribute to police deadly force liability,2010,38,2,193-206,Vaughn A partial assessment of South Carolina's Project Safe Neighborhoods strategy: Evidence from a sample of supervised offenders,2010,38,4,383-389,Miller The impact of situational factors officer characteristics and neighborhood context on police behavior: A multilevel analysis,2008,36,1,22-32,Payne Assessing the victim-offender overlap among Puerto Rican youth,2010,38,6,1191-1201,Canino Is stalking a learned phenomenon? An empirical test of social learning theory,2011,39,1,39-47,Fox A test of social learning and intergenerational transmission among batterers,2009,37,2,163-173,Boots Police criminal charging decisions: An examination of post-arrest decision-making,2008,36,4,307-315,Phillips Child-to-parent violence: Profile of abusive adolescents and their families,2010,38,4,616-624,Ibabe Exploring the link between self-control and partner violence: Bad parenting or general criminals,2010,38,5,1015-1021,Payne Reducing intimate partner homicides: The effects of federally-funded shelter service availability in California,2010,38,4,512-519,Deleon-Granados The sex ratio and male-on-female intimate partner violence,2010,38,4,555-561,Stolzenberg Understanding gender-specific intimate partner homicide: A theoretical and domestic service-oriented approach,2010,38,5,951-958,Parker An investigation of reporting violence to the police: A focus on Hispanic victims,2010,38,4,390-399,Rennison Exploring the utility of entitlement in understanding sexual aggression,2010,38,5,870-879,Bouffard Groups gangs and delinquency: Does organization matter?,2010,38,5,921-933,Bouchard Who is better for handling domestic violence? A comparison between Taiwanese female and male Officers,2010,38,4,453-459,Sun First-time DWI offenders are at risk of recidivating regardless of sanctions imposed,2011,39,2,137-142,Zador Violence in the workplace: Gender similarities and differences,2001,29,2,145-155,Fisher Cops and crooks: images of minorities on primetime television,2000,28,5,385-396,Robinson Rural jails: Problematic inmates overcrowded cells and cash-strapped counties,2007,35,3,251-260,Mays Marijuana But Not Alcohol Use During Adolescence Mediates the Association Between Transmissible Risk for Substance Use Disorder and Number of Lifetime Violent Offenses,2011,39,3,218-223,Clark Local policing--a three dimensional task analysis,1975,3,1,1-15,Brown Measurement problems in official and survey crime rates,1975,3,1,17-31,Skogan On the meaning and measurement of output and efficiency in the provision of urban police services,1973,1,2,93-111,Ostrom Sex and parole,1975,3,1,47-57,Moseley Growing up in an affluent society -- Delinquency and recidivism in suburban America,1975,3,3,223-236,Emilio C. An empirical analysis of pre-trial release decisions,1974,2,4,287-304,Gottfredson Marked for Death: An Empirical Criminal Careers Analysis of Death Sentences in a Sample of Convicted Male Homicide Offenders,2011,39,6,471-478,Trulson Understanding the relationship between violent victimization and gang membership,2011,39,1,48-59,Shaffer Crime-minimizing drug policy,2011,39,3,286-288,Kleiman Compstat in Australia: An analysis of the spatial and temporal impact,2011,39,2,128-136,Mazerolle Assessing the interaction between offender and victim criminal lifestyles and homicide type,2011,39,5,367-377,Zgoba Motives and methods for leaving the gang: Understanding the process of gang desistance,2011,39,5,417-425,Decker Violent criminals locked up: Examining the effect of incarceration on behavioral continuity,2011,39,2,151-158,Sorensen Serious assaults on prison staff: A descriptive analysis,2011,39,2,143-150,Cunningham Community-level impacts of temperature on urban street robbery,2011,39,6,463-470,Taylor Inmate homicides: Killers victims motives and circumstances,2010,38,4,348-358,Cunningham Sense-making and secondary victimization among unsolved homicide co-victims,2010,38,5,880-888,Unnithan Physically forced alcohol-induced and verbally coerced sexual victimization: Assessing risk factors among university women,2010,38,2,149-159,Franklin Adolescent school-based sexual victimization: Exploring the role of opportunity in a gender-specific multilevel analysis,2010,38,5,1071-1081,Wilcox An empirical examination of AMBER Alert 'successes',2010,38,5,1053-1062,Griffin Cleaning up your act: Forensic awareness as a detection avoidance strategy,2010,38,6,1160-1166,Beauregard Deprivation importation and prison suicide: Combined effects of institutional conditions and inmate composition,2010,38,4,796-806,Dye Determinants of public confidence in police: An international perspective,2010,38,1,57-68,Zhao Experienced and vicarious victimization: Do social support and self-esteem prevent delinquent responses?,2010,38,4,496-505,Kort-Butler Healthy wealthy and wise: Incorporating health issues as a source of strain in Agnew's general strain theory,2010,38,6,1150-1159,Gibson Investigating mobility patterns for repetitive sexual contact in adult child sex offending,2010,38,4,648-656,Smallbone Sugar and spice and everything nice? Exploring institutional misconduct among serious and violent female delinquents,2010,38,6,1132-1140,Trulson Perceptions of gangs among prosecutors in an emerging gang city,2010,38,4,595-603,Lane Experiments as reforms,1988,16,4,347-358,Meeker Female officers and the ethic of care: Does officer gender impact police behaviors?,2008,36,5,426-434,Rabe-Hemp Road aggression among drinking drivers: Alcohol and non-alcohol effects on aggressive driving and road rage,2004,32,5,421-430,Yu The effect of perceived risk and victimization on plans to purchase a gun for self-protection,2011,39,4,312-319,Kovandzic Victims of Random Violence and the Public Health Implications: A Health Care or Criminal Justice Issue?,1996,24,5,379-392,Anderson Violent crime in Ghana: the case of robbery,1998,26,5,409-424,Appiahene-Gyamfi The effect of environment on the behavior of youthful offenders: a randomized experiment,2002,30,1,19-28,Armstrong Assessing the use of profiling in searches by law enforcement personnel,2004,32,3,183-193,Becker A study of recidivism of serious and persistent offenders among adolescents,1999,27,2,111-126,Benda Recidivism Among Boot Camp Graduates: A Comparison of Drug Offenders to Other Offenders,1996,24,3,241-254,Benda Calling 911 during episodes of domestic abuse: what justifies a call for help?,2004,32,1,89-92,Amaral Juvenile justice decision making in a rural Hispanic community,1998,26,5,373-384,Bond-Maupin A study of church vulnerability to violence: implications for law enforcement,2004,32,2,151-157,Wright The illicit acquisition of firearms by youth and juveniles,2001,29,5,379-388,Braga A Critique on Brown's "Police Responses to Wife Beating: Neglect of a Crime of Violence",1990,18,5,455-458,Choi An analysis of the relationship between probation caseloads and property crime rates in California counties,2004,32,3,231-241,Worrall Aggression and rule-breaking: Heritability and stability of antisocial behavior problems in childhood and adolescence,2013,41,5,2013-06-014,Raine The genetic and environmental overlap between aggressive and non-aggressive antisocial behavior in children and adolescents using the self-report delinquency interview (SR-DI),2013,41,5,277-284,Raine Attempting to reduce firearms violence through a Comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiative (CAGI): an evaluation of process and impact,2013,41,1,33-43,McGarrell Dark knights rising: the Aurora theater and Newtown school massacres and shareholder wealth,2013,41,6,452-457,Pruitt Sexual crime and place: The impact of the environmental context on sexual assault outcomes,2014,42,5,375-383,Beauregard Testing the relative importance of contemporaneous offenses: the impacts of fear of sexual assault versus fear of physical harm among men and women,2012,40,2,142-151,Fox Racial and ethnic perceptions of injustice: Testing the core hypotheses of comparative conflict theory,2008,36,3,270-278,Buckler Exploring the dimensions of trust in the police among Chicago juveniles,2009,37,2,180-189,Flexon The impact of gun ownership rates on crime rates: a methodological review of the evidence,2015,43,1,40-48,Kleck Restorative justice practice: An examination of program completion and recidivism,2007,35,3,337-347,Rodriguez Brain imaging research on psychopathy: implications for punishment prediction and treatment in youth and adults,2015,43,4,295-306,Raine On the number and shape of developmental/life-course violence aggression and delinquency trajectories: a state-of-the-art review,2012,40,6,472-489,Jennings Can a perceptual peer deviance measure accurately measure a peer's self-reported deviance?,2012,40,6,463-471,Gibson Changes in self-control during adolescence: Investigating the influence of the adolescent peer network,2012,40,6,452-462,Meldrum The ties that bind or the ties that break: examining the relationship between visitation and prisoner misconduct,2012,40,5,433-440,Cochran Taxometrics and criminal justice: assessing the latent structure of crime-related constructs,2012,40,1,10-20,Walters Social disorganization Latinos and juvenile crime in the Texas borderlands,2012,40,2,152-163,Cancino On the relationship of past to future involvement in crime and delinquency: a behavior genetic analysis,2012,40,1,94-102,Boutwell Take the car keys away: metropolitan structure and the long road to delinquency,2012,40,1,83-93,Bichler Biosocial criminology and modern crime prevention,2012,40,4,306-312,Welsh Dealing with the fall-Out: Identifying and addressing the role that relationship strain plays in the lives of girls in the juvenile justice system,2012,40,3,259-267,Lane Perceived injustice and delinquency: a test of general strain theory,2012,40,3,230-237,Rebellon Risk factors and risk-based protective factors for violent offending: a study of young Victorians,2016,45,,94-100,Hemphill Childhood and adolescent risk and protective factors for violence in adulthood,2016,45,,26-31,Huesmann Escape from violence: what reduces the enduring consequences of adolescent gang affiliation?,2016,47,,41-50,Krohn Temporal changes in racial violence 1980 to 2006: a latent trajectory approach,2016,47,,1-11,Parker The significance of race/ethnicity in adolescent violence: a decade of review 2005-2015,2016,46,,137-147,Peguero Examining protective factors against violence among high-risk youth: findings from the Seattle social development project,2016,45,,19-25,Hawkins Understanding youth violence: the mediating effects of gender poverty and vulnerability,2016,45,,71-77,McVie The nature and relevance of risk and protective factors for violence among Hispanic children and adolescents: results from the Boricua Youth Study,2016,45,,41-47,Canino Trends in rates and characteristics of intimate partner homicides between 1990 and 2013,2017,49,,14-21,Kristiansson Cities and the larger context: what explains changing levels of crime?,2017,49,,32-44,Hipp Prevalence and severity of trauma- and stressor-related symptoms among jurors: a review,2016,47,,51-61,Brunet Was there a Ferguson Effect on crime rates in large US cities?,2016,46,,1-8,Decker The hazards of premature release: recidivism outcomes of blended-sentenced juvenile homicide offenders,2016,46,,219-227,Trulson Crime is not the only problem: examining why violence & adverse health outcomes co-vary across large U.S. counties,2017,50,,29-41,Ousey Latent profile analysis of psychopathic traits among homicide general violent property and white-collar offenders,2017,51,,17-23,Boduszek Comparison of murderers with recidivists and first time incarcerated offenders from US prisons on psychopathy and identity as a criminal: an exploratory analysis,2017,51,,89-92,Boduszek Close only counts in alcohol and violence: controlling violence near late-night alcohol establishments using a routine activities approach,2017,50,,62-68,Burgason Myopic decision making: an examination of crime decisions and their outcomes in sexual crimes,2017,50,,1-11,Beauregard Using offender crime scene behavior to link stranger sexual assaults: a comparison of three statistical approaches,2017,50,,19-28,Winter De-policing and crime in the wake of Ferguson: racialized changes in the quantity and quality of policing among Missouri police departments,2017,50,,42-52,Decker Are college students really at a higher risk for stalking? Exploring the generalizability of student samples in victimization research,2017,52,,12-21,Bouffard Self-efficacy aspirations and residential placement outcomes: why belief in a prosocial self matters,2017,52,,1-11,Baglivio Risky places: an analysis of carjackings in Detroit,2017,52,,34-40,Lersch Correctional shorthands: focal concerns and the decision to administer solitary confinement,2017,52,,90-100,Pare Offending patterns for serial sex offenders identified via the DNA testing of previously unsubmitted sexual assault kits,2017,52,,68-78,Flannery Social support from outside the walls: examining the role of relationship dynamics among inmates and visitors,2017,52,,57-67,Tasca Women in prison: investigating trajectories of institutional female misconduct,2017,52,,49-56,Sorensen The prevalence of fatal police shootings by U.S. police 2015-2016: patterns and answers from a new data set,2017,52,,101-111,Lawton Examining the role of opportunity in the offense behavior of victim age polymorphic sex offenders,2017,52,,41-48,Beauregard Delinquency prevention for individual change: Richard Clarke Cabot and the making of the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study,2017,52,,79-89,Welsh Disentangling operationalizations of persistent offending,2017,52,,22-33,Farrington Violence and beyond: life-course features of handgun carrying in the urban United States and the associated long-term life consequences,2018,54,,1-11,Wiebe Brain activity low self-control and delinquency: an fMRI study of at-risk adolescents,2018,56,,107-117,Zucker Integrating criminological and mental health perspectives on low self-control: a multi-domain analysis,2018,56,,2-10,Iacono Gangs gender and involvement in crime victimization and exposure to violence,2018,57,,11-25,Melde Identifying the nature of risky places for sexual crime: the applicability of crime pattern and social disorganization theories in a Canadian context,2018,57,,35-46,Beauregard Examining interactive effects of characteristics of the social and physical environment on aggravated assault,2018,57,,89-98,Thomas Describing the process and quantifying the outcomes of the Cuyahoga County sexual assault kit initiative,2018,57,,106-115,Flannery Difficulties in emotion regulation and psychopathic traits in violent offenders,2018,57,,116-125,Neumann Risk factor profile of youth incarcerated for child to parent violence: a nationally representative sample,2018,58,,1-9,Muftić Gang violence predictability: using risk terrain modeling to study gang homicides and gang assaults in East Los Angeles,2018,58,,10-21,Valasik Predicting youth assault and institutional danger in juvenile correctional facilities,2018,58,,47-55,Rembert Recurring victimization: what role does head injury play?,2018,58,,78-86,Daigle Spatial patterns of urban sex trafficking,2018,58,,87-96,Summers Racial and ethnic trends in illicit drug use and binge drinking among adolescent and young adult offenders in the United States,2018,59,,71-80,Vaughn Explaining the temporal and spatial dimensions of robbery: differences across measures of the physical and social environment,2019,60,,1-12,Hipp Are the effects of parental control/support and peer delinquency on future offending cumulative or interactive? A multiple group analysis of 10 longitudinal studies,2019,60,,13-24,Walters The code of the street and cooperation with the police: do codes of violence procedural injustice and police ineffectiveness discourage reporting violent victimization to the police?,2019,60,,25-34,McNeeley Police use of force and its video coverage: an experimental study of the impact of media source and content on public perceptions,2019,60,,35-46,Miethe Risk factor and high-risk place variations across different robbery targets in Denver Colorado,2019,60,,47-56,Piza Sexual murderers in everyday life,2019,60,,64-73,Beauregard Psychopathic severity profiles: a latent profile analysis in youth samples with implications for the diagnosis of conduct disorder,2019,60,,74-83,Salekin The influence of 'High' vs. 'Low' rape myth acceptance on police officers' judgements of victim and perpetrator responsibility and rape authenticity,2019,60,,100-107,Murphy The routine activities of violent crime places: a retrospective case-control study of crime opportunities on street segments,2019,60,,140-153,Braga Will history repeat itself? Growth mixture modeling of suspected serial sexual offending using forensic DNA evidence,2019,61,,1-12,Campbell Carjacking and the management of natural surveillance,2019,61,,40-47,Jacobs Community matters: GxE interactions predicting childhood aggression and violent behavior,2019,61,,58-71,Vaughn Exploring the overlap between victimization and offending among Hong Kong adolescents,2019,61,,72-80,Chan Rapists' behaviors to avoid police detection,2019,61,,81-89,Beauregard Worried sad and breaking rules? Understanding the developmental interrelations among symptoms of anxiety depression and conduct problems during early childhood,2019,62,,23-28,Fanti Unraveling the longitudinal reciprocal associations between anxiety delinquency and depression from early to middle adolescence,2019,62,,29-34,Fanti Depression anxiety and delinquency: results from the Pittsburgh Youth Study,2019,62,,42-49,Farrington Longitudinal associations among depression substance abuse and crime: a test of competing hypotheses for driving mechanisms,2019,62,,50-57,Kosterman Longitudinal associations between delinquency depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescence: testing the moderating effect of sex and family socioeconomic status,2019,62,,58-65,Boivin The linkage between mental health delinquency and trajectories of delinquency: results from the Boricua Youth Study,2019,62,,66-73,Canino Reciprocal associations between early adolescent antisocial behavior and depressive symptoms: a longitudinal study in Victoria Australia and Washington State United States,2019,62,,74-86,Toumbourou Anxiety depression and offending in the Columbia County Longitudinal Study: a prospective analysis from late adolescence to middle adulthood,2019,62,,35-41,Huesmann Social disorder and residence-based fear of crime: the differential mediating effects of police effectiveness,2019,63,,1-11,Ren Using decision tree algorithms to screen individuals at risk of entry into sexual recidivism,2019,63,,12-24,Lussier Urban park crime: neighborhood context and park features,2019,64,,e101622,Taylor A national study of sustained use of force complaints in law enforcement agencies,2019,64,,e101623,Boman Co-offending violence and situational moderators,2019,64,,e101626,Tillyer Bio-behavioral effects of early family interventions and prevention of antisocial behavior,2019,65,,e07,Alberda CU-traits and HPA-axis reactivity conjointly relate to treatment effect in adolescents with severe antisocial behavior,2019,65,,e201712011,Doreleijers The effects of nutrients and neurotoxicants on aggressive behavior,2019,65,,e2018.10.001,Zaalberg Impact of social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on crime in Los Angeles and Indianapolis,2020,68,,e101692,Tita Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint: changes in the frequency of criminal incidents during the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,69,,e101706,Andresen Head injury in prison: gang membership and the role of prison violence,2020,67,,e101658,Decker Exploring the potential association between gang membership and health outcomes in a longitudinal sample of youth and young adults,2020,66,,e101629,Beaver The early temperamental correlates of antisocial propensity,2020,66,,e101630,Corrado Under siege? Assessing public perceptions of the "war on police",2020,66,,e101631,Moule An opportunity model of safety risks among jail officers,2020,66,,e101632,Ellison The impact of life domains on cyberbullying perpetration in Iran: a partial test of Agnew's general theory of crime,2020,66,,e101633,Yun Fifty years post Gault: a meta-analysis of the impact of attorney representation on delinquency outcomes,2020,66,,e101634,Peck Low self-control and the adolescent police stop: intrusiveness emotional response and psychological well-being,2020,66,,e101635,Vaughn The role of gender in the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and delinquency and substance use in adolescence,2020,66,,e101637,Gibson Ecologies of juvenile reoffending: a systematic review of risk factors,2020,66,,e101638,Mair Do developmental changes in impulsivity and sensation seeking uniquely predict violent victimization? A test of the dual systems model,2020,66,,e101639,Beaver Beauty is in the eye of the offender: physical attractiveness and adolescent victimization,2020,66,,e101652,Ellonen Considering violence against police by citizen race/ethnicity to contextualize representation in officer-involved shootings,2020,66,,e101653,Nix Is the recent increase in national homicide abnormal? Testing the application of fan charts in monitoring national homicide trends over time,2020,66,,e101656,Wheeler High rates of sexual assault kit submission and the important role of place,2020,67,,e101671,Shaw Police use of force and suspect behavior: an inmate perspective,2020,67,,e101673,Morgan Get mad: chronic anger expression and psychopathic traits in three independent samples,2020,67,,e101672,Kosson Gender and the intergenerational transmission of antisocial behavior,2020,67,,e101670,Dean Neurobiological intervention and prediction of treatment outcome in the juvenile criminal justice system,2019,65,,e101554,Bootsman Resting autonomic nervous system activity is unrelated to antisocial behaviour dimensions in adolescents: cross-sectional findings from a European multi-centre study,2019,65,,e101536,Fairchild Neurobiology and crime: a neuro-ethical perspective,2019,65,,e101533,Focquaert The relevance of the dual systems model of self-control for age-related deceleration in offending variety among juvenile offenders,2020,70,,e101716,Wojciechowski A longitudinal examination of the overlap between victimization and delinquency trajectories from a South Korean perspective,2020,70,,e101723,Jennings Simulating spatial crime patterns: what do we learn in standard ecological studies of crime?,2020,70,,e101727,Hipp The lesser of two evils? Sexual homicide as an "hybrid" offense,2020,71,,e101722,Beauregard Untangling sexual homicide: a proposal for a new classification of sexually motivated killings,2020,71,,e101729,Longpre Reactive and proactive aggression in sexual homicide offenders,2020,71,,e101728,James Is paraphilic coercion a different construct from sadism or the lower end of an agonistic continuum?,2020,71,,e101743,Knight Exploring a machine learning approach: predicting death in sexual assault,2020,71,,e101741,Beauregard Lethal outcome in elderly sexual violence: escalation or different intent?,2020,71,,e101704,Beauregard Multiple perpetrator sexual homicide in Australia and New Zealand: an exploratory study of groups victims offenders and offences,2020,71,,e101726,Darjee Sexual murderers' choice of weapons: examining sexual homicides committed by males in China,2020,71,,e101703,Li One is not the other: predicting offending after discharge from secure residential care of male adolescents with four risk profiles,2021,72,,e101758,Bongers What matters in citizen satisfaction with police: a meta-analysis,2021,72,,e101760,Lytle Violent juveniles' adverse childhood experiences: differentiating victim groups,2021,72,,e101769,Baglivio Body-worn cameras: technological frames and project abandonment,2021,72,,e101773,Koen Predicting firearm and CEW displays as police officers' response to resistance,2021,72,,e101775,Worrall Narcan cops: officer perceptions of opioid use and willingness to carry naloxone,2021,72,,e101778,Malm The Add Health psychopathy scale: assessing its construct validity,2021,72,,e101779,Jones Fatal outcomes of militarization: re-examining the relationship between the 1033 Program and police deadly force,2021,72,,e101781,Willits 'Rhetoric without reality' or effective policing strategy? An analysis of the relationship between community policing and police fatal force,2021,72,,e101730,Willits Applying the classic rape scenario to robbery: an examination of situational characteristics and reporting victimization to police,2021,72,,e101737,Powers School police officers' roles: the influence of social developmental and historical contexts,2021,72,,e101724,Ghavami Seattle police department and mental health crises: arrest emergency detention and referral to services,2021,72,,e101718,Chauhan Impact of recreational marijuana legalization on crime: evidence from Oregon,2021,72,,e101742,Wilson Variants of psychopathy in male and female civil psychiatric patients: latent profile analyses of the MacArthur violence risk dataset,2021,72,,e101748,Garofalo Variation across police response models for handling encounters with people with mental illnesses: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,72,,e101752,Kim Contextualizing fatal police-resident encounters with a focus on Hispanic or Latin American places: does macro-level racial and ethnic composition distinguish resident fatalities by the police and police fatalities by residents?,2021,72,,e101749,Zimmerman Drug overdose death rates and criminal sentencing of federal drug offenders in the United States,2021,74,,101798,Testa Domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic - evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,74,,101806,Kaukinen Do everyday proactive policing activities reduce vehicle crashes? Examining a commonly held law enforcement belief using a novel method,2021,76,,e101846,Lum Nightlife activity and crime: the impact of COVID-19 related nightlife restrictions on violent crime,2022,79,,e101884,Ejrnæs Explainable machine learning for predicting homicide clearance in the United States,2022,79,,e101898,Campedelli Tackling UCR's missing data problem: a multiple imputation approach,2022,79,,e101882,Taheri Police dispatch times: the effects of neighborhood structural disadvantage,2022,79,,e101885,Mason Adverse childhood experiences and offending among Hispanic adults in the U.S.: examining differences in prevalence and effects across nativity,2022,79,,e101893,Powers Recruiting the warrior cop: assessing predictors of highly militarized recruitment videos,2022,79,,e101896,Koslicki Publication bias: a "bird's-eye view" of meta-analytic practice in criminology and criminal justice,2022,78,,e101878,Kim Adverse perinatal events and offspring criminal convictions in men and women: a population-based study,2022,78,,e101879,Patrick Reaffirming the relationship between routine activities and violent victimization in prison,2022,78,,e101883,McNeeley Exploring effects of psycho-bio-social risk factors on later offending,2021,77,,e101852,Beaver Police use of force at street segments: do street-level characteristics matter?,2021,77,,e101862,Nouri Prevalence of polymorphism ("crossover") among sexual offenders,2021,77,,e101853,Scurich Density diversity and design: three measures of the built environment and the spatial patterns of crime in street segments,2021,77,,e101864,Hipp Explaining the relationship between neighborhood disorder and crime fear: the perceptual role of neighbors and the police,2021,77,,e101867,Wolfe A sexual frustration theory of aggression violence and crime,2021,77,,e101865,Lankford Is the recent surge in violence in American cities due to contagion?,2021,76,,e101848,MacDonald Are gun ownership rates and regulations associated with firearm incidents in American schools? A forty-year analysis (1980-2019),2021,76,,e101847,Hamlin What happens when sexual assault kits go untested? A focal concerns analysis of suspect identification and police pre-arrest decisions,2021,76,,e101850,Wells Police use of firearms: Exploring citizen officer and incident characteristics in a statewide sample,2021,75,,e101828,Okulicz-Kozaryn Understanding police decisions to arrest: the impact of situational officer and neighborhood characteristics on police discretion,2021,75,,e101829,Huff A systematic review of experimental studies investigating attitudes towards sexual revictimization: findings ecological validity and scientific rigor,2021,75,,e101832,Wager "After that I was leery about giving anybody a break about anything": officer-perceived consequences of trauma exposure on interactions with the public,2021,75,,e101833,Guarnera Problems of cross-cultural criminology no more! Testing two central tenets of self-control theory across 28 nations,2021,75,,e101827,Vazsonyi Body-worn cameras and arrest: zooming in on disaggregated metrics and possible unintended consequences,2021,75,,e101819,Moreno Scripting police escalation of use of force through conjunctive analysis of body-worn camera footage: a systematic social observational pilot study,2021,74,,e101776,Piza The role of psychopathy and childhood maltreatment in homicidal ideation,2021,74,,e101810,Heirigs Gender adverse childhood experiences and the development of self-control,2021,74,,e101811,Chapple Associations of neighborhood disadvantage and offender concentration with criminal behavior: between-within analysis in Finnish registry data,2021,74,,e101813,Martikainen The Indianapolis harmspot policing experiment,2021,74,,e101814,Carter Improving victim engagement and officer response in rape investigations: a longitudinal assessment of a brief training,2021,74,,e101818,Mastracci When COVID-19 and guns meet: a rise in shootings,2021,73,,e101783,Phillips Understanding neighborhood disadvantage: a behavior genetic analysis,2021,73,,e101782,Vazsonyi Public cooperation and the police: do calls-for-service increase after homicides?,2021,73,,e101785,Brantingham Still in the shadows: the unresponsiveness of stalking prosecution rates to increased legislative attention,2021,73,,e101794,Nobles The sensitivity of repeat and near repeat analysis to geocoding algorithms,2021,73,,e101721,Haberman How much justice is denied? An estimate of unsubmitted sexual assault kits in the United States,2021,73,,e101746,Strom A statistical study of the time intervals between serial homicides,2021,73,,e101751,Yaksic Gang crackdowns and offender centrality in a countywide co-offending network: a networked evaluation of Operation Triple Beam,2021,73,,e101755,Smith Randomized trial of a diversion program for property offenders with drug use,2022,79,,e101900,McCart Violence in the Big Apple throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: a borough-specific analysis,2022,81,,e101929,Piquero Community perspectives on gun violence and safety: the role of policing in Baltimore City,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Webster Testing the predictive and incremental validity of callous-unemotional traits versus the multidimensional psychopathy construct in preschool children,2022,80,,e101744,Andershed Psychopathic personality and criminal violence across the life-course in a prospective longitudinal study: does psychopathic personality predict violence when controlling for other risk factors?,2022,80,,e101817,Farrington Incremental validity of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised above and beyond the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder regarding recidivism in sexual offenders,2022,80,,e101780,Eher Are psychopathic traits predictive of conduct problems and aggression when other risk factors are considered? A longitudinal test among Croatian children,2022,80,,e101777,Andershed Psychopathy and crimes against humanity: a conceptual and empirical examination of human rights violators,2022,81,,e101901,Neumann Time after time: factors predicting murder series' duration,2022,81,,e101915,Hewitt Psychopathic traits predict patterns of gun-carrying among a sample of justice-involved youth,2022,81,,e101917,Ray Social correlates of specialized versus versatile offending patterns in intimate partner violence: a register-based study in Finland,2022,81,,e101921,Aaltonen On the selection of variables in criminology: adjusting for the descendants of unobserved confounders,2022,81,,e101924,Nedelec Uncertainty and heuristics in offender decision-making: deviations from rational choice,2022,81,,e101923,Rossmo Criminal nomadism: a neglected dimension of spatial mobility in sex offending,2022,81,,e101928,Beauregard Exploring further determinants of citizen satisfaction with the police: the role of strain,2022,81,,e101931,Ferdik Physical and sexual assault and negative perceptions of health: does age of onset matter?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Posick Virus containment measures and homicide in Mexico: an assessment of community strain theory,2022,82,,e101992,Vilalta Prediction of reoffending risk in men convicted of sexual offences: development and validation of novel and scalable risk assessment tools (OxRIS),2022,82,,e101935,Fazel Gang intervention during COVID-19: a qualitative study of multidisciplinary teams and street outreach in Denver,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sancheza Does routine activity theory still matter during COVID-19 restrictions? The geography of sexual assaults before during and after COVID-19 restrictions,2023,86,,e102050,Hart Space matters: an examination of the circumstances surrounding violence against correctional staff,2023,86,,e102072,Rodriguez Crime severity relational distance and bystander reporting,2023,87,,e102074,West A multilevel meta-analysis of cyberstalking: domains (and subdomains) of contributing factors,2023,87,,e102084,Kim Family structure unstructured socializing and delinquent behavior,2023,87,,e102086,Hoffmann Stalking victims' decisions to access victim services: a social ecological approach,2023,87,,e102085,Brady Sexual assault proclivity and sexual aggression in college men: associations with psychopathic traits and sex drive,2023,87,,e102089,Neumann Weird winter weather in the Anthropocene: how volatile temperatures shape violent crime,2023,87,,e102090,Thomas Weeding out the truth: a survey experiment on the role of scientific evidence in shaping public opinion on marijuana policy,2023,87,,e102092,Leasure Criminal recidivism rates globally: a 6-year systematic review update,2023,88,,e102115,Fazel Suicide by Cop: Police shooting as a method of self-harming,2010,38,5,889-895,Lord Risk factors for all-cause natural and unnatural deaths among individuals released from state prison,2023,86,,,Duwe