Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Temperament and character profile of persons with suicide attempt,2005,33,2,117-122,Becerra Mental disorders and the internal armed conflict in Guatemala,2005,33,4,238-243,Herrera Evaluation of suicide risk in children: psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Risk of Suicide Questionnaire (RSQ),2005,33,5,292-297,Robles-Garcia Risk and protective factors for drug abuse in adolescents. a longitudinal research,2005,33,6,352-358,Beato-Fernandez Sociodemographic features of suicide attempts,2002,30,2,112-119,Blasco Attempted suicide: Epidemiological changes between 1969-1996. A retrospective study of 1150 cases,1999,27,5,292-297,Tejedor Azpeitia A study on suicide in Asturias: increase of the frequency in the last two decades,1999,27,4,217-222,Iglesias García Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: use in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder,2007,35,5,342-350,Cruz Consequences of the long-term depression,2008,36,2,44-52,Martin A prospective study of the psychopathological variables associated with suicidality among schizophrenic patients,2009,37,1,42-48,Acosta Mental illness and road safety,2009,37,2,75-81,de Las Cuevas Castresana Impact of the summer 2003 heat wave on the activity of two psychiatric emergency departments,2009,37,3,158-165,Bulbena Complications of dysmorphophobia. Description of a self-mutilation case,2006,34,3,202-205,Conejo Garcia Dissociative disorder and traumatic events. A study of Spanish population,2009,37,4,200-204,Cobo Suicide mortality in Olot from 1936 until 2000,2009,37,5,282-288,Sanchez-Moreno Sociodemographic features related to violent behavior in schizophrenia,2005,33,3,188-193,Fresan Attempted suicide versus suicidal intention: a study of differential characteristic,2000,28,4,224-230,Bobes García Impact of psychiatric and neuropsychological sequelae of traumatic brain injury on the duration of legal time periods,2010,38,2,101-107,Echeburua Violence and personality disorders: clinical and forensic implications,2010,38,5,249-261,Echeburua Antiepileptic drugs in the control of the impulses disorders,2009,37,4,205-212,Roncero Clinical characteristics and legal consequences of violent behavior: a case of bipolar disorder,2010,38,6,374-376,Gómez-Durán Development and psychometric properties of a brief instrument to measure the stigma of aggressiveness in schizophrenia,2010,38,6,340-344,Robles-Garcia Adaptation and Validation of the Semi-Structured Interview for Psychological Autopsy (SSIPA) in Spanish,2010,38,6,332-339,Jiménez Association between the serotonin transporter gene and personality traits in borderline personality disorder patients evaluated with Zuckerman-Zuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ),2007,35,6,382-386,Soler Factors associated to the diagnoses of borderline personality disorder in psychiatric out-patients,2002,30,3,153-159,Pérez Urdániz Subtypes of schizophrenics patients with attempted suicide,2000,28,1,7-12,Gracia Marco Endophenotypes and suicide behaviour,2011,39,1,61-69,Braquehais Substance use disorder and schizophrenia: prevalence and sociodemographic characteristics in the Latin American population,2011,39,2,123-130,Jiménez-Castro Meteorological factors and psychiatric emergencies,2009,37,1,34-41,García Update on the biological treatment of aggression,2006,34,2,123-135,Volavka History of sexual abuse in patients with bulimia nervosa: its influence on clinical status,2005,33,3,135-140,Vaz Leal Sensitivity and specificity of the Overt Aggression Scale in schizophrenic patients,2004,32,2,71-75,Fresan Traumatic childhood background impulsiveness and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction in eating disorders. A pilot study,2004,32,3,149-152,Carrasco Terrorist attacks and short-long time psychiatric morbidity,2002,30,2,85-90,Baca Asperger's disorder in adulthood: a case report,2007,35,5,338-341,Alonso Serotonin transporter polymorphism and fluoxetine effect on impulsiveness and aggression in borderline personality disorder,2007,35,6,387-392,Silva Psychopharmacological treatment in borderline personality disorder,2008,36,1,39-49,Carrasco Prediction of violent behavior in schizophrenic inpatients,2000,28,3,151-155,Martín Non cognitive symptoms in dementias,1999,27,5,334-340,Vilalta-Franch Prevalence of alcohol consumption related disorders in a prison population convicted of crimes against road safety,2011,39,3,163-167,Aparicio Self-harm behavior and suicidal ideation among high school students. Gender differences and relationship with coping strategies,2011,39,4,226-235,Kirchner Outcomes of a suicide prevention program in the general population. Barcelona Dreta de L Eixample district,2011,39,5,280-287,Perez Persisting and late onset psychotic disorder due to consumption of ecstasy (MDMA),2000,28,1,61-65,Boné Pina Analysis of judicial sentences against psychiatrists dictated by appellate courts in Spain between 1992 and 2007,2011,39,6,393-400,Santiago-Sáez The role of serendipity in the discovery of the clinical effects of psychotropic drugs: beyond of the myth,2012,40,1,34-42,López-Muñoz Attempted suicide and previous contact with health system,1999,27,5,329-333,Díaz-Sastre Clinical and epidemiological aspects of suicide in patients with schizophrenia,2012,40,6,333-345,Gómez-Durán Blood alcohol level tests in nightlife recreational settings as a preventive tool,2013,41,1,10-16,Calafat Risk factors of depressive syndrome in young adults,2013,41,2,84-96,Oliver-Quetglas Evaluation of an intensive intervention program in suicidal behaviour,2013,41,5,279-286,Reijas Suicidal risk hopelessness and depression in patients with schizophrenia and internalized stigma,2018,46,2,33-41,Acosta Mental health in displaced children by armed conflict - National Mental Health Survey Colombia 2015,2018,46,2,51-57,Gómez-Restrepo Suicide among children and adolescents: a review,2014,42,3,125-132,Picazo-Zappino Nonsuicidal self-injury in a community sample of older children and adolescents of Mexico city,2014,42,4,159-168,Albores-Gallo Psychometric properties of Spanish version of QIDS-SR16 in depressive patients,2014,42,6,292-299,Garcia-Toro Suicide note and the psychological autopsy: associated behavioral aspects,2015,43,3,69-79,Acinas Systematic review of the prevalence of suicidal ideation and behavior in minors who have been sexually abused,2015,43,4,149-158,Pereda Code 100: a study on suicidal behavior in public places,2015,43,4,142-148,Baca-Garcia Medical Professional Liability in Psychiatry,2015,43,6,205-212,Gómez-Durán Psychometric properties of the Plutchik's Violence Risk Scale on adolescent sample of Spanish-speaking population,2016,44,1,13-19,Bouso-Sáiz Emotional intelligence risk perception in abstinent cocaine dependent individuals,2016,44,2,72-78,Romero-Ayuso Mental health emergencies in paediatric services: characteristics diagnostic stability and gender differences,2016,44,6,203-211,García-Parés Psychopathological profile and prevalence of dual pathology on patients with alcoholic dependence undergoing outpatient treatment,2017,45,1,1-11,García-Carretero Personality patterns predict the risk of antisocial behavior in Spanish-speaking adolescents,2017,45,3,89-97,Bouso-Sáiz Suicidal ideation and self-injurious behavior in adolescents with eating disorders,2017,45,4,157-166,Varela-Besteiro Gender violence and mental health: a gap between clinical assistance and research,2018,46,1,29-32,Sáenz Herrero Differences between suicide attempts and other psychiatric hospital emergencies,2018,46,3,83-91,López-Goñi Review and update on non-suicidal self-injury: who how and why?,2018,46,4,146-155,Romero Emotional and behavioral adjustment in a Spanish sample of adolescents,2018,46,6,205-216,Fonseca-Pedrero Association between 5-HTTLPR polymorphism suicide attempt and comorbidity in Mexican adolescents with major depressive disorder,2019,47,1,1-6,Sarmiento-Hernández Repeated suicide attempts: a follow-up study,2019,47,4,127-136,López-Goñi Absence of association between the level of lethality and the recidivism of suicide attempts in a Spanish province,2019,47,5,179-189,Baca-Garcia Implementation of a suicide risk prevention program in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. The ARSUIC experience,2019,47,6,229-235,Bravo-Ortiz Scale for the evaluation of risk of aggressiveness in psychiatric intensive care units,2020,48,1,8-18,Vilalta-Franch Validity of the Spanish version of the Herth Hope Index and the Beck Hopelessness Scale in people who have attempted suicide,2020,48,4,163-168,Sánchez-Teruel Suicidal behavior assessment in adolescents: validation of the SENTIA-Brief scale,2021,49,1,24-34,Perez-Albeniz Attitudinal beliefs concerning suicidal behavior among healthcare professionals in the Western Costa del Sol healthcare district (Spain),2021,49,2,57-63,Rivas-Ruiz Association between non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder: a retrospective study,2021,49,5,199-204,Díaz-Marsá Suicidal behaviour: emergency department attendance for suicidal recurrence and other psychiatric or medical reasons in the 6 months following the index episode,2021,49,6,244-252,Pérez-Herrera Delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome after carbon monoxide poisoning,2022,50,1,65-67,Yelmo-Cruz Mental health consequences of armed conflicts in adults: an overview,2022,50,2,68-91,Garzón-Orjuela Sociodemographic and clinical profile of people attended in the "Catalonia Suicide Risk Code" program,2022,50,2,114-119,Ochoa Evaluation of an intensive suicide-reattempt-prevention programme based on problem-solving therapy in a catchment area of 430000 people in Madrid Spain,2022,50,3,134-143,Ricardo Anti-suicide effect of lithium at infratherapeutic dose a case report,2022,50,5,241-245,Fernández-Macho Implications of stigma towards mental health problems on suicide risk in people with mental health problems: a systematic review,2022,50,5,216-225,Muñoz Narcissism as a protective factor against the risk of self-harming behaviors without suicidal intention in Borderline Personality Disorder,2023,51,1,21-28,Díaz-Marsá Suicidal and self-harm behavior in adolescents an unsolved problem. A comprehensive review,2023,51,1,10-20,Quintero The need to establish a suicide risk protocol in hospitalization units,2023,51,1,44-45,Irigoyen-Otiñano The night and day challenge of sleep disorders and insomnia: a narrative review,2024,52,1,45-56,Arranz Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with sertraline on cognitive level inflammatory response and neurological function in depressive disorder patients with non-suicidal self-injury behavior,2024,52,1,28-36,Wang Rapid response unit for children and adolescents at risk of suicide: promoting therapeutic linkage and reducing the risk of relapse,2024,52,2,72-82,Butjosa Suicidal ideation and behaviour in Spanish adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: an exploratory study,2022,50,6,256-265,Guilera Validez de la versión española del Herth Hope Index y la Beck Hopelessness Scale en personas que han realizado una tentativa de suicidio,2020,48,4,163-168,Sánchez-Teruel Three-year prevalence of self-harm behaviors among the reasons for emergency visits of children and adolescents,2021,49,1,35-42,Calvo Stressful life events as proximal risk factors for a suicide crisis: Case-control study,2021,49,3,88-95,Baca-Garcia Lithium for Leigh syndrome – damage benefit or both?,2021,49,4,196-198,Finsterer Psychiatric hospitalization at home unit in Spain: clinical and functional outcomes after three years of experience,2020,48,3,138-144,Perez Prevalence of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among Spanish medical students,2020,48,4,154-162,Balanzá-Martínez [Factors related to treatment adherence in schizophrenic patients],1999,27,4,211-216,Gutierrez Rodriguez [Olanzapine and cognitive-behavioural group therapy in borderline personality disorder],2001,29,2,85-90,Soler [Severity in dysmorphophobia: description of two cases],2003,31,3,168-170,García-Parajuá [Repercussions of the withdrawal of thioridazine],2008,36,3,183-186,Buj Alvarez Correlation between the degree of inflammation and stress indicators and concurrent cognitive impairment in patients with severe craniocerebral injury,2024,52,3,317-324,Huang Suicide attempt without a mental health diagnosis,2024,52,3,378-381,Irigoyen-Otiñano Correlation analysis of non-suicidal self-injury behavior with childhood abuse peer victimization and psychological resilience in adolescents with depression,2024,52,3,289-300,Yu Brain function and marijuana: are there changes after abstinence of consumption? Preliminary results,2024,52,3,301-308,Rojas Osteoporosis and fracture risk associated with novel antidepressants: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,52,3,334-346,Hu An umbrella review of cognitive behavioural and dialectical behavioural therapies to treat self-harm and suicidal behaviour in adolescents,2024,52,4,549-560,Torralba-Suarez Mental health and suicidal behaviour in Chilean youth during the Covid-19 pandemic,2024,52,4,453-463,Pereda