Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author 24 hours on-call and acute fatigue no longer worsen resident mood under the 80-hour work week regulations,2006,63,3,237-241,Walsh Myths and realities of the 80-hour work week,2006,63,4,269-274,Rotondo Mandatory reporting of domestic violence: Why it would be a mistake,2001,58,4,397-398,Hill Firearm violence in the United States: an overview,2000,57,1,32-38,Davis Firearm violence in the United States: an overview. Abstracts & commentary,2000,57,1,32-38,Barone Blunt trauma and delayed colon injury,1985,42,1,4-9,Stahl Acute ammonia intoxication complicating multiple trauma,1981,38,5,317-318,Carey The effects of acute sleep deprivation on level of resident training,1989,46,1,29-30,Thompson Evaluating mild to moderate brain injuries,2004,61,5,416-419,Freund The difficult patient,2004,61,2,178-179,Bui