Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Current state of knowledge on child-to-mother violence: a literature review,2004,18,1-2,199-210,Mannix Family violence: walking the tight rope between maternal alienation and child safety,2005,18,1-2,85-96,Wilson Falls and injury reduction in residential aged care: translating research into practice.
,2003,15,1-2,81-93,Shanley Fall risk factors and the nature of falls in inpatient oncology and palliative care settings,2005,18,3,247-257,O'Connell Domestic violence: conceptual and practice issues,2005,18,3,219-232,McMurray Voices from the margins part 2: narrative accounts of the support needs of Indigenous families experiencing violence,2002,14,1,76-85,Davis Voices from the margins Part 1: narrative accounts of indigenous family violence,2002,14,1,66-75,Davis Workplace violence: the dark side of organisational life,2006,21,2,239-250,Speedy Working with families experiencing violence: the Ploeger Model of Enhanced Maternal and Child Health Nursing Practice,2006,21,2,287-296,Edgecombe Recognising responding and resisting violence: A critical challenge for nurses,2006,21,2,324-326,McMurray Nurses' understanding of domestic violence,2006,21,2,311-323,Inoue Child-to-Mother Violence: A Pilot Study,2006,21,2,297-310,Mannix Interpersonal violence and mental illness: A literature review,2006,21,2,277-286,Gillies Violence zero tolerance and the subversion of professional practice,2006,21,2,212-227,Holmes Health care : Womens accounts of their experiences,2006,21,2,186-198,McMurray Screening for domestic violence: the 'evidence' dilemma,2006,21,2,163-164,Webster Peace love and equality: Nurses interpersonal violence and social justice,2006,21,2,vii-x,McMurray No longer 'a private matter': collective action against the manifestations of violence,2006,21,2,iii-iv,Carmody Child abuse and culture. Working with diverse families,2006,23,2,345,Nayda Advances in contemporary nursing and interpersonal violence,2007,24,1,102-103,Lumby Emergency Department care of women experiencing intimate partner violence: Are we doing all we can?,2007,24,1,3-14,Reisenhofer Fractured families: parental perspectives of the effects of adolescent drug abuse on family life,2006,23,2,321-330,Jackson Domestic violence against women in their childbearing years; A review of the literature,2007,25,1-2,13-21,O'Reilly Risk assessment and fall prevention: practice development in action,2008,29,2,123-134,Dempsey Survival of the fittest or socially constructed phenomena? Theoretical understandings of aggression and violence towards nurses,2006,21,2,251-263,Jackson Keeping nurses safe: an industry perspective,2006,21,2,209-211,Armstrong Dementia related aggression in the acute sector: is a Code Black really the answer?,2006,21,1,103-115,Jones Violence against psychiatric nurses: sensitive research as science and intervention,2006,21,1,71-84,Rierdan Studying women nurse academics: exposing workplace violence in Australia: Part 2,2003,14,2,187-195,Glass Studying women nurse academics: exposing workplace violence in Australia: Part 1,2003,14,2,180-186,Glass Increasing identification of domestic violence in emergency departments: A collaborative contribution to increasing the quality of practice of emergency nurses,2010,35,1,35-46,Boursnell Aggression in nursing: a time to look closely at aged care?,2006,21,2,264-266,Farrell Alienation and anomie: youth suicide the media and Hansonism,1998,7,3,107-109,Procter Traumatic incidents and debriefing,1995,4,1,39-40,Taylor Women defining themselves: shared stories of private hell,2006,21,2,165-173,Dietsch The January bushfires: gone but not forgotten,1994,3,2,47-49,O'Connell Workplace practices with mental health implications impacting on recruitment and retention of overseas nurses in the context of nursing shortages,2006,21,1,50-61,Omeri Alert but not alarmed? The rhetoric of terrorism and life after 9/11,2006,21,2,267-276,Walker Stories of resistance and healing in the process of leaving abusive relationships,2006,21,2,199-208,Davis Challenging behaviour: an action plan for education and training,2010,34,1,110-118,Salmon Restorative approaches to workplace bullying: educating nurses towards shared responsibility,2009,32,1-2,147-155,Hutchinson What's the bloody law on this? Nurses swearing and the law in New South Wales Australia,2010,34,2,248-257,Stone Nurses' knowledge and learning experiences in relation to the effects of domestic abuse on the mental health of children and adolescents,2004,16,3,214-227,Davis Patterns of knowing in professional practice in dealing with the abuse of older people,2002,12,2,136-143,Kingsley Putting all the pieces together: exploring workforce issues in mental health nursing,2008,29,1,43-52,Happell Relationships between aggression management training perceived self-efficacy and rural general hospital nurses' experiences of patient aggression,2008,31,1,20-31,Hills Lovestruck: Women romantic love and intimate partner violence,2006,21,2,174-185,Kralik Domestic violence health and health care: Women's accounts of their experiences,2006,21,2,186-198,Rowe Violent ethnic wars and world-wide people movement: implications for mental health nursing practice,1998,7,3,148-151,Procter Stigma in mental illness: a continuing concern,2012,41,1,48-50,Jackson "Deconstructing Contributing Factors to Bullying and Lateral Violence in Nursing Using a Postcolonial Feminist Lens",2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Croft Prevalence of bullying at work and its association with self-esteem scores in a Spanish nurse sample,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Iglesias Reconceptualising Health & Health Care for Women Affected by Domestic Violence,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rowe The decision-making processes adopted by rurally located mandated professionals when child abuse or neglect is suspected,2012,41,1,58-69,Francis Reason's accident causation model: application to adverse events in acute care,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Page Evaluation of reproductive health and sexual behaviors of istanbul university students in turkey,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rathfisch Prevalence of bullying at work and its association with self-esteem scores in a Spanish nurse sample,2012,42,1,2-10,Losa Iglesias Deconstructing contributing factors to bullying and lateral violence in nursing using a postcolonial feminist lens,2012,42,2,226-242,Croft Reconceptualising health and health care for women affected by domestic violence,2012,42,2,216-225,Rowe Domestic violence screening in maternal and child health nursing practice: A scoping review,2012,42,2,198-215,Hooker Reason's accident causation model: Application to adverse events in acute care,2012,43,1,22-28,Page Tsunami waves of mental trauma,2005,18,3,215-218,Procter Reframing Spaces by Building Relationships: Community Collaborative Participatory Action Research with Aboriginal Mothers in Prison,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sherwood Intimate partner violence and women's health and wellbeing: Impacts risk factors and responses,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mellor New graduate transition programs: Relationships with access to support and bullying,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rush Intimate partner violence and women's health and wellbeing: impacts risk factors and responses,2014,46,2,170-179,Mellor Building trust to work with children after a severe traumatic accident,2014,46,2,161-169,Hall The influence of tai chi and yoga on balance and falls in a residential care setting: a randomised controlled trial,2014,2014,,5231-5255,Marquez Prevalence and characteristics of aggression and violence experienced by Western Australian nursing students during clinical practice,2014,ePub,ePub,5026-5046,Morrison The influence of tai chi and yoga on balance and falls in a residential care setting: a randomised controlled trial,2014,48,1,76-87,Marquez Prevalence and characteristics of aggression and violence experienced by Western Australian nursing students during clinical practice,2014,49,,113-121,Morrison New graduate nurse transition programs: relationships with bullying and access to support,2014,48,2,219-228,Rush Two male nurses' experiences of caring for female patients after intimate partner violence: a South African perspective,2015,50,1,94-103,van der Wath The wartime experience of civilian nurses in Iran-Iraq war 1980-1988: an historical research,2013,44,2,225-231,Holmes Workplace incivility: a concept analysis,2015,50,1,115-125,Abolfazl Vagharseyyedin Developing networks between residential aged care facilities as a result of engagement in a falls prevention project: an action research study,2015,52,2-3,163-175,Haralambous Perinatal depression and screening among Aboriginal Australians in the Kimberley,2016,52,1,42-58,Kotz A qualitative study of men's recollections of growing up with father absence: childhood father figures and family resilience,2017,53,4,436-444,Hutchinson Inclusion of intimate partner violence-related content within undergraduate health care professional curriculum: mixed methods study of academics' attitudes and beliefs,2018,54,6,592-602,Hutchinson Evaluation of frailty status among older people living in urban communities by Edmonton Frail Scale in Wuhu China: a cross-sectional study,2018,54,6,630-639,Yang Misperceptions and stereotypes in nursing care for sexually transmitted infections and domestic violence: a qualitative exploratory study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hutchinson The level of recognition of the symptoms of violence against women by senior year nursing and midwifery students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simsek Impact of bullying on occupational commitment in young nursing professionals: the mediating role of emotional labour and emotional exhaustion,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ma Nurses and midwives reporting of workplace violence and aggression: an integrative review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aggar Self-harm in the emergency setting: understanding and responding,2003,15,1-2,130-139,McAllister The mental health of moving asylum seekers from 'temporary' to 'permanent' protection visas: it's much more than a quick political fix,2004,17,3,179-182,Procter A phenomenological exploration of the gender transition experience: findings to improve culturally competent nursing care and decrease health disparities,2023,59,4-5,402-412,Carter