Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Willingness and alternatives to drunk driving among young people from Sao Paulo City Brazil,2004,26,4,234-241,Laranjeira Alcohol use among adolescents: concepts epidemiological characteristics and etiopatogenic factors,2004,26,Suppl 1,14-17,Pechansky The social and health burden of alcohol abuse,2004,26,Suppl 1,7-10,Laranjeira Suicidal behavior in the community: prevalence and factors associated with suicidal ideation,2005,27,1,45-53,Botega Epidemiology of suicide in Brazil (1980 - 2000): characterization of age and gender rates of suicide,2005,27,2,131-134,de Mello-Santos Suicide: a neurobiological point of view [editorial],2005,27,3,172-173,Klempan Alcohol and violence: psychiatry and public health,2005,27,3,176-177,Laranjeira Domestic violence alcohol and substance abuse,2005,27,,s51-s55,Zilberman Clinical profiles of serious suicide attempters consecutively admitted to a university-based hospital: a cluster analysis study,2005,27,4,285-289,Rapeli Causes of death among crack cocaine users,2006,28,3,196-202,Laranjeira Prevalence of substance use among trauma patients treated in a Brazilian emergency room,2006,28,3,191-195,Laranjeira A semi-structured interview for psychological autopsy in suicide cases,2003,25,4,212-219,Botega Prevalence study of depressive symptomatology and the risk of suicide in school children in Ribeirao Preto evaluated by the inventory of child depression (cdi),2004,26,1,68-69,Golfeto Relationship between homicide and mental disorders,2006,28,Suppl,s62-8,Valença Severe physical punishment and mental health problems in an economically disadvantaged population of children and adolescents,2006,28,4,290-296,Bordin Suicide: moving away from umbrage towards a national prevention plan,2007,29,1,7-8,Botega Intergenerational transmission of family violence: the role of post-traumatic stress disorder,2007,29,1,88-89,Mendlowicz Suicide in Belo Horizonte between 2004 and 2006,2007,29,2,190-191,Correa Comparing serial and nonserial sexual offenders: alcohol and street drug consumption impulsiveness and history of sexual abuse,2007,30,1,25-31,Andrade Gender differences in suicide attempts: preliminary results of the multisite intervention study on suicidal behavior (SUPRE-MISS) from Campinas Brazil,2007,30,2,139-143,Botega Where are the studies about suicide being published in Brazil?,2007,29,4,380-381,Correa Public perception of alcohol dependence,2008,30,1,19-24,Peluso A population-based study on binge drinking among elderly Brazilian men: evidence from the Belo Horizonte and Bambua health surveys,2008,30,2,118-123,Lima-Costa Effects of alcohol abuse on domestics violence against children: a bibliographical survey,2008,30,2,174-175,Laranjeira Prevalence and correlates of physical fighting among school-going adolescents in Santiago Chile,2008,30,3,197-202,Rudatsikira The impact of urban violence on mental health,2008,30,3,183-184,Figueira Comparison of demographic and clinical characteristics between children and adolescents with major depressive disorder,2008,30,2,124-131,Wang The relevance of the psychiatric Latin American scientific production and suicidologie in the psychiatric journals with major impact factor,2008,30,1,89-90,Correa Psychobiology of childhood maltreatment: effects of allostatic load?,2008,30,1,60-68,Grassi-Oliveira Gene-environment interaction and violence manifestation,2007,29,3,293-294,Cordeiro Psychoneuroendocrinology of posttraumatic stress disorder,2007,29,Suppl 1,S7-12,Mello Suicide risk among inpatients at a university general hospital,2007,29,1,51-54,Botega Polypharmacy and suicide attempts in bipolar disorder,2007,29,1,35-38,Hallal Nurturing resilient children,2007,29,1,5-6,Leckman Which are the recent clinical findings regarding the association between depression and suicide?,2009,31,1,S18-25,Botega Highly reported prevalence of drinking and driving in Brazil: data from the first representative household study,2009,31,2,125-130,Caetano Bipolar disorder first episode and suicidal behavior: are there differences according to type of suicide attempt?,2009,31,2,114-118,Correa Seasonality of suicide in the city of Sao Paulo Brazil 1979-2003,2009,31,2,101-105,Bando Forensic psychiatry and human rights along the course of life: children adolescents and elderly,2006,28,Suppl 2,S80-5,Werner Alcohol drugs and crime,2006,28,Suppl 2,S69-73,Chalub Excessive daytime sleepiness in patients with depressive disorder,2006,28,2,126-129,Chellappa Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in bipolar disorder type I: an update for the clinician,2009,31,3,271-280,Oquendo Reliability of the Brazilian version of HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence,2009,31,3,253-256,Folino Suicidal ideation among students enrolled in healthcare training programs: a cross-sectional study,2009,31,4,338-344,Andrade Alcohol use patterns among Brazilian adults,2010,32,3,231-241,Caetano Epidemiological analysis of suicide in Brazil from 1980 to 2006,2009,31,2,S86-94,Lovisi Study review of biological social and environmental factors associated with aggressive behavior,2009,31,2,S77-85,Singer Comorbid mood and anxiety disorders in victims of violence with posttraumatic stress disorder,2009,31,2,S66-76,Koenen Pharmacological treatment of impulsivity and aggressive behavior,2009,31,Suppl 2,S58-65,do Prado-Lima Violence and mental health: how can we be part of the solution?,2009,31,2,S39-40,Bertolote São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey - a population-based epidemiological study of psychiatric morbidity in the São Paulo metropolitan area: aims design and field implementation,2009,31,4,375-386,Andrade Patterns of alcohol use among Brazilian adolescents,2010,32,3,242-249,Caetano Exposure to violence in incarcerated youth from the city of São Paulo,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bordin Countertransference in the initial visit of women victims of sexual violence,2011,33,1,16-22,Ceitlin "Pharmacy alcohol" commerce in São Gabriel da Cachoeira city Amazonas Brazil: a question of public health,2007,29,4,384,Souza Lifetime history of suicide attempts is associated with poorer social skills in patients with bipolar disorder type I,2010,32,2,200-201,de Abreu Cannabis and mood,2010,32,2,173-180,Marqués Evidence of association between early alcohol use and risk of later problems,2007,29,3,222-227,Laranjeira Cognitive-behavioral treatment for impulse control disorders,2008,30,Suppl 1,S31-40,Hodgins Sleep-terror in a child evolving into sleepwalking in adolescence: case report with the patient's point of view,2010,32,3,321-322,Poblano The influence of the comorbidity between depression and alcohol use disorder on suicidal behaviors in the São Paulo Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study Brazil,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Andrade Depression alcohol use disorders and nicotine dependence among patients at a general hospital,2010,32,3,250-256,Botega Suicidal ideation in adolescents aged 11 to 15 years: prevalence and associated factors,2010,32,1,37-41,Silva Psychoanalysis and University: the potential interface through psychoanalytic clinical research. Alice Glass-breaker,2008,30,2,152-155,Silva A clinical study comparing manic and mixed episodes in patients with bipolar disorder,2007,29,2,130-133,Caetano Should we use antidepressants for the treatment of major depressive disorder in children and adolescents?,2005,27,2,89-90,Brent Detecting suicide risk at psychiatric emergency services,2010,32,Suppl 2,S87-95,Botega Psychiatric emergencies in childhood and adolescence,2010,32,Suppl 2,S112-20,Scivoletto Sexual homicide: case report of a forensic psychiatric evaluation,2010,32,4,466-467,Telles The influence of the comorbidity between depression and alcohol use disorder on suicidal behaviors in the São Paulo Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study Brazil,2010,32,4,396-408,Andrade Adult mood disorders and childhood psychological trauma,2006,28,3,184-190,Mardini Violent behavior during sleep,2005,27,Suppl 1,22-26,Poyares Violent sleepwalking in a general hospital ward: a case report,2009,31,3,281-282,Viana Depression and personality traits among women submitted to domestic violence,2004,26,3,215,Jacobucci Gender differences in aggressiveness in children and adolescents at risk for schizophrenia,2008,30,2,110-117,Bordin Alcoholic women and men: a comparative study of social and familial aspects and outcome,2002,24,3,121-129,Kerr-Corrêa Exposure to violence and mental health problems in low and middle-income countries: A literature review,2009,31,Suppl 2,S49-S57,Andreoli Suicide among adolescents in Brazil: Public health problem?,2011,33,1,103-105,Calil Gender-related issues in the diagnosis and classification of alcohol use disorders among Mexican patients seeking specialized services,2011,33,Suppl 1,S109-24,Medina-Mora Exposure to violence in incarcerated youth from the city of São Paulo,2011,33,3,275-282,Bordin Brief motivational interview and educational brochure in emergency room settings for adolescents and young adults with alcohol-related problems: A randomized single-blind clinical trial,2011,33,3,225-233,Pinsky Differences in drinking patterns between men and women in Brazil,2011,33,4,367-373,Caetano Suicide mortality in São Gabriel da Cachoeira a predominantly indigenous Brazilian municipality,2012,34,1,34-37,Souza Socioeconomic influences on alcohol use patterns among private school students in São Paulo,2012,34,2,193-200,Locatelli Criminal career-related factors among female robbers in the state of São Paulo Brazil and a presumed 'revolving-door' situation,2012,34,2,176-184,Baltieri Exploratory factor analysis of the Brazilian version of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist: civilian version (PCL-C),2012,34,2,155-161,Moraes High mortality violence and crime in alcohol dependents: 5 years after seeking treatment in a Brazilian underprivileged suburban community,2012,34,2,135-142,Laranjeira Domestic violence alcohol and substance abuse - - - Violência doméstica abuso de álcool e substâncias psicoativas,2005,27,Suppl 2,s51-s55,Zilberman Introductory concepts of health economics and the social impact of alcohol abuse,2006,28,4,321-325,Ferraz Was Goliath blind or ignorant? The struggle between evidence and passion in alcohol public policies in Brazil,2006,28,4,259-260,Pinsky Update on stress and depression: the role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis,2003,25,4,231-238,Mello Frequency of brain injury in a forensic psychiatric population,2003,25,4,206-211,Crespo de Souza Behavioral characteristics of the only child vs first-born and children with siblings,2004,26,1,17-23,Rohde Reefer madness revisited: cannabis and psychosis,2004,26,1,2-3,Witton Regional differences associated with drinking and driving in Brazil,2012,34,3,306-313,Pechansky Suicide rates and trends in São Paulo Brazil according to gender age and demographic aspects: a joinpoint regression analysis,2012,34,3,286-293,Benseñor Predictors of positive blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in a sample of Brazilian drivers,2012,34,3,277-285,Leukefeld Prevalence of suicide risk and comorbidities in postpartum women in Pelotas,2012,34,3,270-276,Jansen Spatial distribution of suicide incidence rates in municipalities in the state of Espírito Santo (Brazil) 2003-2007: spatial analysis to identify risk areas,2012,34,3,261-269,Macente Why is Brazil losing the race against youth suicide?,2012,34,3,245-246,Bertolote Suicide among the indigenous people in Brazil: a hidden public health issue,2012,34,4,489-490,Souza Major depressive disorder during teenage pregnancy: socio-demographic obstetric and psychosocial correlates,2013,35,1,51-56,Souza Cannabis: what is the extent of its harmful effects?,2005,27,1,5-6,Laranjeira Mexican immigration to the U.S. the occurrence of violence and the impact of mental disorders,2013,35,2,161-168,Borges Homicide fragile X syndrome and mental retardation,2013,35,4,443-444,Telles Have drivers at alcohol outlets changed their behavior after the new traffic law?,2014,36,1,11-15,Pechansky Homicide and Klinefelter syndrome: A complex interaction,2013,0,,0,Bouyer-Richard Psychiatric disorders among individuals who drive after the recent use of alcohol and drugs,2012,34,3,314-320,Leukefeld Alcohol and other drug use by Brazilian truck drivers: a cause for concern?,2012,34,1,116-117,Leyton Psychopathic traits in young offenders vs. non-offenders in similar socioeconomic condition,2014,36,3,241-244,Castellana Factors associated with recurrence of alcohol-related traffic violations in southern Brazil,2014,36,3,199-205,Pechansky Validity and screening properties of three depression rating scales in a prospective sample of patients with severe traumatic brain injury,2014,36,3,206-212,Hohl Personality changes and return to work after severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective study,2014,36,3,213-219,Hohl Exposure to maltreatment and urban violence in children working on the streets in São Paulo Brazil: factors associated with street work,2014,36,3,191-198,Bordin Homicide and Klinefelter syndrome: a complex interaction,2014,36,2,153-156,Bouyer-Richard Suicide risk and alcohol and drug abuse in outpatients with HIV infection and Chagas disease,2014,36,2,131-137,Guimarães The joint structure of major depression anxiety disorders and trait negative affect,2014,0,4,0,Patrick Lack of association between the 5-HTTLPR and positive screening for mental disorders among children exposed to urban violence and maltreatment,2014,36,4,277-284,Mello Two clusters of child molesters based on impulsiveness,2015,37,2,139-145,Boer Quality of life social functioning family structure and treatment history associated with crack cocaine use in youth from the general population,2015,37,3,211-218,Pechansky The Crack Use Relapse Scale (CURS): development and psychometric validation,2013,35,3,271-273,Pechansky Psychometric properties of the sixth version of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI-6) in Brazil,2012,34,1,24-33,Pechansky Adaptation and construct validation of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS 11) to Brazilian Portuguese for use in adolescents,2007,29,2,153-156,Pechansky Brain injury markers (S100B and NSE) in chronic cocaine dependents,2007,29,2,134-139,Pechansky Sexual abuse and suicide attempt in bipolar type I patients,2015,37,2,180-182,Correa Impulsive aggression in Brazil: losing opportunities to intervene,2015,37,2,177-178,Tavares Suicide among physicians in the state of São Paulo Brazil across one decade,2015,37,2,146-149,Laranjeira Weighing the evidence for suicide prevention,2015,37,3,264,Alvarado Motor development of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,2015,37,3,228-234,Piek High-risk behaviors and experiences with traffic law among night drivers in Curitiba Brazil,2016,38,2,106-112,Ulinski Spatial-temporal trends and risk of suicide in Central Brazil: an ecological study contrasting indigenous and non-indigenous populations,2016,38,3,222-230,Orellana Intimate partner violence during pregnancy: case report of a forensic psychiatric evaluation,2016,38,1,87-88,Telles Bridging a historical gap: can changes in perceptions of law enforcement and social deterrence accelerate the prevention of drunk driving in low and middle-income countries?,2016,38,2,161-166,Pechansky Intimate partner violence trends in Brazil: data from two waves of the Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey,2016,38,2,98-105,Caetano Cessation of dangerousness status: an analysis of 224 reports from the Instituto de Perícias Heitor Carrilho Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2016,39,1,45-54,Valença Suicide detection in Chile: proposing a predictive model for suicide risk in a clinical sample of patients with mood disorders,2016,39,1,1-11,Barros Trends in suicide attempts at an emergency department,2016,39,1,55-61,Nardi Suicide attempts in bipolar I patients: impact of comorbid personality disorders,2017,39,2,133-139,Miranda-Scippa Specific and social fears in children and adolescents: separating normative fears from problem indicators and phobias,2017,39,2,118-125,Pine Frequency of brain tissue donation for research after suicide,2017,39,2,180-182,Kapczinski Biting myself so I don't bite the dust: prevalence and predictors of deliberate self-harm and suicide ideation in Azorean youths,2017,39,3,252-262,da Motta Suicide and meteorological factors in São Paulo Brazil 1996-2011: a time series analysis,2017,39,3,220-227,Bando Brazilian cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the List of Threatening Events Questionnaire (LTE-Q),2017,39,4,330-336,Caetano Different roles of resilience in depressive patients with history of suicide attempt and no history of suicide attempt,2017,39,3,216-219,Rossi Mood disorder anxiety and suicide risk among subjects with alcohol abuse and/or dependence: a population-based study,2018,40,1,1-5,Lara Predictors of length of stay in an acute psychiatric inpatient facility in a general hospital: a prospective study,2018,40,1,89-96,Fleck Alcohol-related blackouts among college students: impact of low level of response to alcohol ethnicity sex and environmental characteristics,2018,40,2,128-137,Schuckit Brazilian version of the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ): cross-cultural adaptation and evidence of validity and reliability,2018,40,3,312-315,Romano-Silva Virtual reality exposure therapy for fear of driving: analysis of clinical characteristics physiological response and sense of presence,2018,40,2,192-199,Nardi Exposure to violence: associations with psychiatric disorders in Brazilian youth,2018,40,3,277-283,Martins The slant of the forehead as a craniofacial feature of impulsiveness,2018,40,3,270-276,Guerrero-Apolo Gender-related dimensions of childhood adversities in the general population,2018,40,4,394-402,Wang Suicide rates in the United States continue to rise. Are rates in Brazil underestimated?,2018,40,4,347-348,Scaini Suicide risk configuration system in a clustered clinical sample: a generalized linear model obtained through the LASSO technique,2019,41,2,112-121,Tomicic Revictimization as a high-risk factor for development of posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review of the literature,2019,41,1,82-89,Mello Early childhood maltreatment experience and later sexual behavior in Brazilian adults undergoing treatment for substance dependence,2019,41,3,199-207,Diehl Does cyberbullying occur simultaneously with other types of violence exposure?,2019,41,3,234-237,Bordin Trends in suicide rates in Brazil from 1997 to 2015,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rodrigues The association between adolescent suicide rates and socioeconomic indicators in Brazil: a 10-year retrospective ecological study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gadelha Suicidal behavior among substance users: data from the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drug Survey (II BNADS),2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caetano Aggression directed towards others vs. aggression directed towards the self: clinical differences between intermittent explosive disorder and nonsuicidal self-injury,2019,41,4,303-309,Tavares Suicide by hanging in Brazil: challenges to mitigating its escalation,2019,41,2,188-189,Wang Childhood maltreatment and health outcomes - Editorial,2019,41,3,193,Grassi-Oliveira Bullying among adolescents: are the victims also perpetrators?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Viana Prevention of suicide in older adults,2019,41,4,365-366,Sher Suicide mortality among youth in southern Brazil: a spatiotemporal evaluation of socioeconomic vulnerability,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Andrade The research output on child and adolescent suicide in Brazil: a systematic review of the literature,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kieling Suicide by jumping from high places in a Brazilian city: regional peculiarities as a determining factor of variation in suicide methods,2019,41,5,462-464,Nunes Life satisfaction mediates the association between childhood maltreatment and depressive symptoms: a study in a sample of Brazilian adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zeni Traps in cannabis policies in Brazil,2019,41,6,475-476,Laranjeira Personality traits alcohol and cannabis use among medical students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pacheco The rise and fall and rise of benzodiazepines: a return of the stigmatized and repressed,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Starcevic Comment on "At-risk drinking and current cannabis use among medical students: a multivariable analysis of the role of personality traits",2020,42,2,122-123,Lane Panacea placebo or poison? Genetically guided treatment for depression,2020,42,2,118-119,Nurmi An infectious disease pandemic and increased suicide risk,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sher Suicide attempts in Chinese Han patients with schizophrenia: cognitive demographic and clinical variables,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Fear of missing out (FOMO): overview theoretical underpinnings and literature review on relations with severity of negative affectivity and problematic technology use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elhai Secular trends in suicidal ideation and associated factors among adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mota Brazilian research on child and adolescent suicide: looking at the past to plan the future,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turecki Domestic violence in the COVID-19 pandemic: a forensic psychiatric perspective,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Valença Why Brazilian women suffer more from depression and suicidal ideation: a mediation analysis of the role of violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Loret de Mola Suicide and suicide attempts in adults: exploring suicide risk 24 months after a psychiatric emergency room visit,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nunes Childhood-maltreatment subtypes in bipolar patients with suicidal behavior: systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turecki Continuity of psychiatric disorders between 6 and 11 years of age in the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anselmi How to prevent the malignant progression of bipolar disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Post 34-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-assisted psychotherapy for victims of sexual abuse with severe post-traumatic stress disorder: an open label pilot study in Brazil,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mithoefer Self-injurious behavior and related mortality in children under 10 years of age: a retrospective health record study in Brazil,2020,42,1,40-45,Galvão-de-Almeida Individuals with untreated psychiatric disorders and suicide in the COVID-19 era,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sher Prevalence of psychiatric symptoms among refugee adolescents in Turkey: a controlled study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karadağ Factors associated with risk behaviors in adolescence: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bauer Prevalence and correlates of major depressive disorder: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cervilla Brazilian Psychiatric Association guidelines for the management of suicidal behavior. Part 1. Risk factors protective factors and assessment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quevedo Treatment compliance and risk and protective factors for suicide ideation to completed suicide in adolescents: a systematic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cohen Anger and substance abuse: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pechansky Return to work after severe traumatic brain injury: further investigation of the role of personality changes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walz The increasing risk of domestic violence including parricide during the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections and recommendations,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Valença Ambient temperature testosterone and suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sher Underage drinking in Brazil: findings from a community household survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kapczinski Physician suicide demographics and the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kapczinski The pathophysiology of high-lethality suicide attempts: a vital area of suicide research,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sher Suicide attempt impulsivity and exposure to trauma in college students,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koenen Do varsity college athletes have a greater likelihood of risky alcohol and cannabis use than non-athletes? Results from a national survey in Brazil,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McReynolds Suicide among college students: much ado about nothing?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Prevalence of suicide in cocaine users accessing health services: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pechansky Inattention symptoms in early pregnancy predict parenting skills and infant maltreatment during the first year of life,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Polanczyk Is the PHQ-9 item of suicide thoughts good enough to detect clinical risk of suicide in workers from essential services seeking emotional support during the COVID-19 pandemic?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salum Brazilian Psychiatric Association guidelines for the management of suicidal behavior. Part 3. Suicide prevention hotlines,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quevedo Depression and suicide in patients with diabetes,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sher Differential impact in suicide mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Benzano Bittersweet experiences of personal/professional transformations when working with suicidal behavior: a metasynthesis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Santos Gender differences in progression to crack-cocaine use and the role of sexual and physical violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pechansky Stalking in clinical psychiatry: when the doctor becomes the victim,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Almeida Fleck Violent behavior security and experiences of being assaulted among adolescents - results from the National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE),2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fidalgo Assessing suicide risk in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a dimensional approach,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maina The role of religiosity and spirituality in interpersonal violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vallada What is the future of suicide genetics?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mirza Gender differences in progression to crack-cocaine use and the role of sexual and physical violence,2022,44,5,478-485,Pechansky A potential syndemic effect associated with symptoms of depression among men who have sex with men,2022,44,5,517-521,Kendall Social cognition and suicide-related behaviors in depression: a cross-sectional exploratory study,2022,44,6,639-643,Diaz Mortality and excess life-years lost in patients with schizophrenia under community care: a 5-year follow-up cohort study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sun Examining differences in brain metabolism associated with childhood maltreatment and suicidal attempt in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: a PET and Machine Learning Study,2023,45,2,127-131,Correa Mass murders in Brazil: the rise of a tragic forensic and public health problem,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Valença Behavioral self-regulation in pediatric bipolar disorder and healthy offspring of bipolar patients,2023,45,3,236-241,Caetano Drug overdose deaths in Brazil between 2000 and 2020: an analysis of sociodemographics and intentionality,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martins Brazilian physicians mental health: a cross-sectional nationwide study exploring factors associated with prevalence of suicide planning and attempts,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,da Silva The Revised Suicide Crisis Inventory (SCI-2): factor structure internal consistency and validity in a Brazilian sample,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Valvassori A network analysis of early trauma and impulsive behavior in individuals with mono- and poly-dependence of alcohol and crack cocaine,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Von Diemen Interaction between PTSD-PRS and trauma affects PTSD likelihood in women victims of sexual assault,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mello Abbreviated suicidal narrative inventory: factor structure internal consistency and validity in a Brazilian sample,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Valvassori Suicide or accident? 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