Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Assessment of hate crime offenders: the role of bias intent in examining violence risk,2005,5,1,1-19,Dunbar A Guttman Scale for Empirical Prediction of Level of Domestic Violence,2005,5,4,37-48,Keller A Dynamic Assessment of the Battered Woman Syndrome and Its Legal Relevance,2003,3,3,1-22,Biggers The Utility of Diagnostic Language as Expert Witness Testimony: Should Syndrome Terminology Be Used in Battering Cases?,2005,5,1,43-61,Biggers Spousal Assault Risk Assessment: A Guide for Clinicians,2002,2,2,53-64,Kropp Psychopathy and the assessment of violence in women,2008,8,2,212-224,Falkenbach Clinical-forensic risk assessment: The past and current state of affairs,2007,7,4,1-63,Yuille Media Violence Effects: Confirmed Truth or Just Another X-File?,2009,9,2,103-126,Ferguson The Other Side of the Equation: Considering Risk State and Protective Factors in Violence Risk Assessment,2008,8,4,413-423,Ryba The Use of Psychopathy in Violence Risk Assessments of Adolescent Females,2008,8,3,309-320,Vincent Sources of conflict between parents and their offspring in nineteenth-century American parricides: An archival exploration,2009,9,4,249-279,Shon A Comparison of Psychopathy Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Brain Dysfunction Among Sex Offenders,2010,10,3,177,Curnoe Criminal Profiling Works and EVERYONE - Agrees,2010,10,3,224,Kocsis Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the juvenile justice system,2008,8,2,174-185,Eme Web-based violence risk monitoring tool in psychoses: pilot study in community forensic patients,2016,16,1,49-59,Fazel Suicidal ideation and attempts among court-involved non-incarcerated youth,2016,16,3,169-181,Kemp Legal policies in conflict: the gay panic defense and hate crime legislation,2016,16,4,217-235,Cramer Adolescent versus adult stalking: a brief review,2016,16,4,236-252,Tolou-Shams Self-reported disorders among serial homicide offenders: data from the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III,2016,16,4,268-286,Culhane Differences in executive function between batterers and other criminals,2016,16,5,321-335,Pérez-García The experience of deniers on a community sex offender group program,2016,16,5,374-392,Harkins Underdiagnosing posttraumatic stress disorder in a state hospital,2016,16,5,448-459,Alexander Risk factors for self-harm and suicide in incarcerated young offenders: Implications for policy and practice,2008,8,4,358-382,Lennings Suicide risk assessment in jails,2008,8,1,67-76,Jeglic Objectivity in evaluations for assisted suicide: Appreciating the role of relational and intrapsychic components,2009,9,1,70-81,Niederjohn Psychologists' involvement with terminally ill individuals who are making end-of-life decisions,2009,9,1,82-91,Werth Jr. Borderline Personality Traits Rumination and Self-Injurious Behavior: An Empirical Test of the Emotional Cascades Model in Adult Male Offenders,2014,14,5,398-417,Selby Treatment Strategies for Forensic Psychologists Working with Clients Dealing with Substance Abuse Legal Charges and Enabling Parents,2014,14,2,158-168,Gallagher