Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The relationship of falls to injury among hospital in-patients,2005,59,1,17-20,Allen Seat-belt syndrome revisited,2001,55,8,573-575,Thompson Mechanisms and pattern of facial lacerations in the Accident Department,2005,59,3,333-335,Lo Interrelation between the Poisoning Severity Score carboxyhaemoglobin levels and in-hospital clinical course of carbon monoxide poisoning,2006,60,12,1558-1564,Cevik Lower urinary tract symptoms incontinence and falls in elderly people: time for an intervention study,2007,61,2,320-323,Morris Toxicological investigation of drug-facilitated sexual assaults,2007,61,2,259-264,Papadodima Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome presenting in a neurology outpatient clinic,2003,57,2,150-152,Larner Heterogeneity of violence in schizophrenia and implications for long-term treatment,2008,62,8,1237-1245,Volavka Graphology for the diagnosis of suicide attempts: a blind proof of principle controlled study,2007,61,3,411-415,Mouly Serial factitious disorder and Munchausen by proxy in pregnancy,2006,60,12,1675-1678,Feldman Munchausen syndrome by proxy in pregnancy,2006,60,12,1527-1529,Puri Early maturation as a risk factor for aggression and delinquency in adolescent girls: A review,2006,60,10,1254-1262,Steiner Death and illness as depicted in the media,2011,65,5,547-551,Williamson Fatal poisoning from eating carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella),2010,64,1,129-131,Baydin Deaths after chiropractic: a review of published cases,2010,64,8,1162-1165,Ernst REM sleep behaviour disorder: an overview,1997,51,7,451-454,Chiu Concomitant ipsilateral floating hip and floating knee injuries: a unique injury and review of the literature,2007,61,9,1585-1587,Ng Measuring depressive symptoms in the naturalistic primary-care setting,2007,61,8,1278-1282,Bagby Smoking: suicide for some manslaughter for others--time for a ban in all public places,2004,58,1,1,Jackson New long stay patients: from acute wards to where?,1998,52,5,307-314,Inch Children's consent to psychiatric treatment: all or nothing?,1997,51,6,412-413,Pang Alcohol and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation,1997,51,6,416,Pengelly Obsessive compulsive disorder following head injury,1997,51,5,336-338,Ko Suicide attempt due to metoclopramide-induced akathisia,1997,51,5,330-331,Leung 'To guard is better than to heal'--the prevention of accidental poisoning and injury of children,1997,51,5,268-270,Jones The rising tide of aggression and delinquency in adolescent girls,2006,60,10,1155-1156,Puri Expert abuse syndrome: the scapegoating of Roy Meadow,2005,59,10,1121-1122,Jackson Bipolar disorder and aggression,2009,63,6,889-899,Látalová Clinical query: Violence in medicine,2004,58,2,224,Malhotra Evil: origins and potential solutions,2002,56,1,3,Jackson Trust me I'm a...Doctor?,2007,61,10,1603,Jackson Child abuse--a political parental and religious syndrome,2000,54,9,559,Jackson Economic crisis and mortality,2009,63,8,1119-1122,Simms Reconstruction of firearm and blast injuries in Syrian war refugees,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kokacya Diagnosis and management of erectile dysfunction in the primary care setting,2007,61,7,1198-1208,Rosenberg Differences in physician and patient perceptions of uncomplicated UTI symptom severity: understanding the communication gap,2007,61,2,303-308,Platt Integrating partners into erectile dysfunction treatment: improving the sexual experience for the couple,2008,62,1,127-133,Dean Management of psychosexual and relationship problems in general mental health services by psychiatry trainees,2007,61,10,1701-1704,Rele Physical therapy in the management of women with chronic pelvic pain,2008,62,2,263-269,Montenegro The influence of caregiver burden on sexual intimacy and marital satisfaction in couples with an Alzheimer spouse,2008,62,1,47-52,Simonelli Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: cardiopulmonary and diffuse manifestations,1998,52,2,106-107,Lalloo Fatal septicaemia in a previously healthy man following a dog bite,1998,52,3,205,Saab Snowdome skiers and boarders: accident and emergency experience,2004,58,2,122-124,Thomas Press through package mis-swallowing,2006,60,2,234-237,Lee Drug-facilitated sexual assaults,2007,61,2,184-185,Puri Carbon monoxide poisoning,2006,60,12,1523-1524,Karalliedde Epidemiology morbidity mortality and treatment of lightning injuries in a Turkish burns units,2001,55,8,502-504,Aslar Child abuse: a computerised register 40 years after it was proposed,2013,67,3,191-192, Functional status and prevalence of falls and fractures in population-based sample of postmenopausal women from the RAC-OST-POL Study,2013,67,7,673-681,Drozdzowska Insomnia as a predictor of high-lethality suicide attempts,2013,67,12,1311-1316,Girardi Violence and duration of untreated psychosis in first-episode patients,2014,68,3,330-335,Látalová Health-related quality of life and functionality in elderly men and women before and after a fall-related wrist fracture,2014,68,7,919-928,Navarro Prevalence of carbon monoxide poisoning in patients presenting to a large emergency department,2014,68,10,1239-1245,Roth Suicide risk assessment: myth and reality,2014,68,6,679-681,Ryan Biomarkers of opiate use,2010,64,12,1712-1718,Maravelias The effect of sporting events on emergency department attendance rates in a district general hospital in Northern Ireland,2010,64,11,1563-1569,Brown Changes in health-related quality of life and activities of daily living after hip fracture because of a fall in elderly patients: a prospective cohort study,2015,69,4,491-500,Navarro Cohort of one million patients initiating antidepressant treatment in France: 12-month follow-up,2016,70,9,744-751,Fagot Factors related to a decline in upper extremity function among patients with a wrist fracture due to a fall,2016,70,11,930-939,Orive Italian patients with more recent onset of major depressive disorder have a shorter duration of untreated illness,2017,71,2,e12926,Dell'osso Long-acting injectable antipsychotics for prevention and management of violent behaviour in psychotic patients,2017,71,9,,Mohr Nationwide time trends and risk factors for in-hospital falls-related major injuries,2015,69,6,703-709,Andersson Suicide risk assessment in the emergency department: an investigation of current practice in scotland,2019,73,4,e13342,Chouliara Violence against Jordanian women during COVID-19 outbreak,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abuhammad Anti-seizure medications and risk of suicide: re-addressing the issue,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gudi Toxoplasma gondii infection by serological and molecular methods in schizophrenia patients with and without suicide attempts: an age-sex-matched case-control study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oner Low-value injury admissions in an integrated Canadian trauma system: a multicenter cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cameron Association between hip and knee osteoarthritis with falls: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lu Accuracy of PECARN decision rule in minor blunt head trauma in pediatric emergency department: a meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sun Assessment of the number of admissions for road traffic collisions and severity of injury in daylight saving time and permanent daylight saving time periods,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tanriverdi The effect of vitamin D and exercise on balance and fall risk in postmenopausal women : a randomized controlled study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ozsoy-Unubol Bullying in individuals with cleft lip and palate: a Twitter analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Korkmaz Depresssion anxiety and other cognitive consequences of social isolation: drug and non-drug treatments,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taheri Zadeh Falls in older persons with type 2 diabetes in the Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (MELoR) study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tan Prevalence and risk factors for fall among rural elderly: a county-based cross-sectional survey,2022,2022,,e8042915,Du Association between neutrophil levels on admission and all-cause mortality in geriatric patients with hip fractures: a prospective cohort study of 2589 patients,2022,2022,,e1174521,Li Real-world evidence for risk factors of bruises and fractures from falls in patients with overactive bladder: a medical record analysis,2023,2023,,e3701823,Arima Assessing the value of atomoxetine in treating children and adolescents with ADHD in the UK,2009,63,7,1031-1040,Prasad Graphology: Further study warranted,2010,64,5,e661,Bergmann Suicidal ideation perceived disability hopelessness and affective temperaments in patients affected by Parkinson's disease,2019,73,3,,Pompili The FDA and PLATO Investigators death lists: Call for a match,2021,75,7,e14105,Serebruany The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric emergency service,2021,75,9,e14398,Taşar Deliberate self-poisoning with rodenticide: a diagnostic dilemma,2002,56,3,223-224,Walker Suicide: using a tragedy to prevent tragedy,2003,57,8,e651,Jackson Duration of untreated illness in major depressive disorder: a naturalistic study,2007,61,10,1697-1700,Altamura Forensic investigation of submersion deaths,2010,64,1,75-83,Papadodima Unjustified tribute of graphology,2010,64,5,661; author reply 661,Della Sala Men's health in Europe - no room for complacency,2012,66,1,e1,Jackson Power and control: contracts and the patient-physician relationship,2011,65,12,1214-1217,Kim