Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A multicentre study of coproxamol poisoning suicides based on coroners' records in England,2005,59,2,207-212,Simkin Suicide and self-harm following prescription of SSRIs and other antidepressants: confounding by indication,2005,60,5,519-525,Reith Risk of falls after withdrawal of fall-risk-increasing drugs: a prospective cohort study,2006,63,2,232 - 237,van der Velde The Poison Paradox,2006,63,2,254 - 254,Flanagan Legislation restricting paracetamol sales and patterns of self-harm and death from paracetamol-containing preparations in Scotland,2006,62,5,573-581,Gorman The epidemiology of self-poisoning in the UK,2003,56,6,613-619,Bateman Cardiovascular toxicity due to venlafaxine poisoning in adults: a review of 235 consecutive cases,2007,64,2,192 - 197,Howell Warfarin use and the risk of motor vehicle crash in older drivers,2006,61,2,229-232,Suissa Repeated-dose effects of mequitazine cetirizine and dexchlorpheniramine on driving and 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