Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Domestic violence lifetime trauma and psychological health of childbearing women,2005,112,2,197-204,Bacchus Women's perceived experiences of abuse in the health care system: their relationship to childhood abuse,2004,111,12,1429-1436,Swahnberg Domestic violence risk during and after pregnancy: findings from a British longitudinal study,2005,112,8,1083-1089,Heron A randomised controlled trial of empowerment training for Chinese abused pregnant women in Hong Kong,2005,112,9,1249-1256,Humphreys Violence against pregnant women: prevalence and characteristics. a population-based study in Nicaragua,2005,112,9,1243-1248,Valladares Should medical students be taught about rape? A survey of UK medical schools,2006,114,2,224 - 225,Koschorke Premature death among teenage mothers,2004,111,8,793-799,Otterblad Olausson Identifying intimate partner violence: comparing the Chinese abuse assessment screen with the Chinese revised conflict tactics scales,2007,114,9,1065 -1071,Parker Intimate partner violence and unwanted pregnancy miscarriage induced abortion and stillbirth among a national sample of Bangladeshi women,2007,114,10,1246-1252,Decker Sexual and reproductive health in conflict areas: the imperative to address violence against women,2008,115,3,301-303,Cottingham Pregnancy outcomes following hospitalisation for a fall in Washington state from 1987 to 2004,2008,115,13,1648-1654,Schiff The impact of psychological abuse by an intimate partner on the mental health of pregnant women,2008,115,3,377-384,Chan Remember violence when investigating stress and stillbirth,2009,116,7,1004,Bewley Spousal physical violence against women during pregnancy,2004,111,7,682-687,Peedicayil Childhood abuse and caesarean section among primiparous women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study,2010,117,9,1153-1157,Schei Dynamic postural stability in pregnant fallers and non-fallers,2010,117,8,954-962,Redfern Midwives' perceptions and experiences of routine enquiry for domestic violence,2003,110,8,744-752,Bacchus Women's perceptions and experiences of routine enquiry for domestic violence in a maternity service,2002,109,1,9-16,Bacchus Sexual assault of postmenopausal women: A retrospective review,2011,118,7,832-843,Welch Prevalence of domestic violence when midwives routinely enquire in pregnancy,2004,111,5,441-445,Bacchus Domestic violence: prevalence and association with gynaecological symptoms,2004,111,10,1128-1132,Johnson The impact of continuing illegal drug use on teenage pregnancy outcomes--a prospective cohort study,2002,109,10,1148-1153,Quinlivan The prevalence of domestic violence in pregnant women,2003,110,3,272-275,Johnson Emotional physical and sexual violence against women before or during pregnancy,2000,107,10,1306-1308,Bonnet Life events in patients with vulvodynia,2008,115,4,509-514,Kamm ‘Weighing up and balancing out’: a meta‐synthesis of barriers to antenatal care for marginalised women in high‐income countries,2009,116,4,518-529,Downe What's new in the other journals?,2009,116,13,1824-1825,Kent Prevalence nature severity and correlates of postpartum depressive symptoms in Vietnam,2004,111,12,1353-1360,Fisher Socio-economic and psychosocial factors in the management and prevention of preterm labour,2003,110,Suppl 20,56-60,Moutquin Violent deaths: the hidden face of maternal mortality,2002,109,1,5-8,Zacarias Gender differences in final year medical students’ experience of teaching of intimate examinations: a questionnaire study,2008,115,5,625-632,Akkad Health needs and service use of parlour‐based prostitutes compared with street‐based prostitutes: a cross‐sectional survey,2007,114,7,875-881,Jeal Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: what about quality of life?,2008,115,12,1484-1493,Lacasse Protecting the health and safety of female sex workers: the responsibility of all,2007,114,7,791-793,Sanders Termination of pregnancy according to immigration status: a population‐based registry linkage study,2008,115,10,1309-1315,Vangen The state of political priority for safe motherhood in India,2007,114,7,785-790,Shiffman Antenatal domestic violence maternal mental health and subsequent child behaviour: A cohort study,2011,118,11,1383-1391,Feder Post-traumatic stress disorder child abuse history birthweight and gestational age: A prospective cohort study,2011,118,11,1329-1339,Low Effects of female genital mutilation on birth outcomes in Switzerland,2009,116,9,1204-1209,Wuest Car seatbelts in pregnancy: the practice and knowledge of pregnant women remain causes for concern,2000,107,5,644-647,Pring Depressive symptoms and intimate partner violence in the 12 months after childbirth: A prospective pregnancy cohort study,2012,119,3,315-323,Hegarty Motor vehicle accidents during pregnancy: a population-based study,2012,119,4,499-503,Vivian-Taylor Herbal medicinal products during pregnancy: are they safe?,2002,109,3,227-235,Ernst Abuse from in-laws and associations with attempts to control reproductive decisions among rural women in Côte d'Ivoire: a cross-sectional study,2012,119,9,1058-1066,Gupta The association between female genital mutilation and intimate partner violence,2012,119,13,1597-1605,Alio Different labour outcomes in primiparous women that have been subjected to childhood sexual abuse or rape in adulthood: a case-control study in a clinical cohort,2013,120,4,487-495,Nerum Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and associated mental health symptoms among pregnant women in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study,2013,120,8,940-946,Mahenge Beyond pregnancy - the neglected burden of mortality in young women of reproductive age in Bangladesh: a prospective cohort study,2013,120,9,1085-1089,West Mobility impairment is associated with urge but not stress urinary incontinence in community-dwelling older women: results from the Ossébo study,2013,120,12,1566-1574,Fritel Intimate partner violence during pregnancy: victim or perpetrator? Does it make a difference?,2013,120,11,1375-1385,Shneyderman Sequential screening for psychosocial and behavioural risk during pregnancy in a population of urban African Americans,2013,120,11,1395-1402,Kiely Commentary on 'Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and associated mental health symptoms among pregnant women in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study',2013,120,8,947,Martin Cannabis use during pregnancy in France in 2010,2014,121,8,971-977,Saurel-Cubizolles Sexual violence and mode of delivery: a population-based cohort study,2014,121,10,1237-1244,Lukasse Renewed efforts needed to counter myths and misconceptions that persistently pervade sexual violence,2014,122,4,584,Macdowall Sexual assault: a descriptive study of 2500 female victims over a 10-year period,2014,122,4,577-584,Hilden Ureteric injury: always a guilty verdict?,2015,122,4,499,Jha Prenatal antidepressant exposure and child behavioural outcomes at 7 years of age: a study within the Danish National Birth Cohort,2015,123,12,1919-1928,Olsen Motor development in children prenatally exposed to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a large population-based pregnancy cohort study,2015,123,12,1908-1917,Handal Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and childhood motor skill impairment-what can be concluded?,2015,123,12,1918,Siminerio Risk of postnatal depression or suicide after in vitro fertilisation treatment: a nationwide case-control study,2015,124,3,435-442,Sydsjö Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and the risk for adverse infant outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,123,8,1289-1299,Donovan BJOG editor's choice: Intimate partner violence destroys love like tears blur clear vision,2016,123,8,1249,Khan Re: Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and the risk for adverse infant outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,123,9,1565-1566,Kwok Re: Intimate partner violence destroys love like tears blur clear vision: failing our patients,2017,124,1,164,Kent Re: Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and the risk for adverse infant outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis: anxiety and depression may contribute to birth outcome related to intimate partner violence,2017,124,1,163-164,Al Qahtani Decreasing mortality during pregnancy and for a year after while mortality after termination of pregnancy remains high: a population-based register study of pregnancy-associated deaths in Finland 2001-2012,2016,124,7,1115-1121,Gissler Sexual violence against adolescent girls: the need for shared multidisciplinary prevention strategies,2017,124,3,434,Cattaneo Women's experiences of more than one termination of pregnancy within two years: a mixed-methods study,2017,124,13,1983-1992,McDaid Healthcare professionals should be actively involved in gender violence reduction: political consensus emerges in Spain,2018,125,1,80,Martin-de-Las-Heras Antidepressant use during pregnancy and ADHD risk in children: current knowledge,2018,125,9,1085,Boukhris The impact of reclassifying suicides in pregnancy and postnatal period on Maternal Mortality Ratios,2019,126,9,1088-1092,Knight Second victims need emotional support after adverse events - even in a just safety culture,2019,126,4,440-442,Hvidt Breastfeeding avoidance following psychological intimate partner violence during pregnancy: a cohort study and multivariate analysis,2019,126,6,778-783,Martin-de-Las-Heras Childhood abuse and unplanned pregnancies: a cross-sectional study of women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hallqvist Intimate partner violence and perinatal health: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ruiz-Perez How should maternal death due to suicide be classified? 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