Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Eating disorders especially anorexia nervosa are associated with an increased risk of attempted suicide in young women,2005,8,1,20,Tatarelli Low intelligence increases risk of suicide,2005,8,3,86,Cerel Attendance at accident and emergency for deliberate self harm predicts increased risk of suicide especially in women,2005,8,4,97,Sakinofsky Suicide risk peaks in first week of psychiatric hospitalisation and post-discharge,2005,8,4,114,Links Forensic database study suggests selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors do not increase the risk of suicide in people taking antidepressants,2005,8,4,113,Cipriani Lifetime risk of suicide in people with schizophrenia lower than commonly reported,2005,8,4,96,Haw Suicide ideation and attempts are more prevalent in people aged 25-44 years in Australia but become less prevalent in older people,2006,9,1,25,Schmidt Young people admitted with self-injury had more severe psychiatric disorders in 2000 than in 1990,2006,9,1,26,Harpaz-Rotem No apparent difference in suicide risk between older and newer antidepressants although older drugs may increase risk of suicide attempt during the first month of treatment,2006,9,3,82,Ebmeier Among middle aged men in Japan non-drinkers and regular heavy drinkers are more likely to commit suicide than occasional drinkers,2006,9,4,112,Sher Clozapine may be more effective than olanzapine for reducing suicidal behaviour in people with schizophrenia at high risk,2003,6,3,93,Volavka Individual and familial mental illness is associated with an increased risk of suicide in young people,2003,6,2,61,Breton Parents under-report children's suicide ideation and attempts,2003,6,1,12,Nock Psychiatric telephone contact following emergency department discharge reduces suicide re-attempts in people originally admitted for attempted suicide,2007,10,1,19,Brown Lifetime prevalence of self-injurious behaviour among US college students is 17%,2007,10,1,30,Favazza Prevalence of non-fatal suicide attempts in black Americans is about 4%,2007,10,2,64,Bhugra Intervention following deliberate self-harm: enough evidence to act?,2007,10,2,37-39,Crawford Perinatal factors affect risk of suicide,2007,10,3,91,Mittendorfer Rutz Antidepressants increase risk of suicide attempt but not completed suicide in people with previous suicide attempts,2007,10,3,90,Rihmer Review: Antidepressants may increase risk of self-harm or suicidal behaviour in children and adolescents,2007,10,3,89,Szatmari Offspring of suicide attempters at greater risk of suicide events,2008,11,2,55,Rutz Antidepressants and suicide symptoms: compelling new insights from the FDA's analysis of individual patient level data,2008,11,2,34-35,Cipriani Review: screening and intervention for alcohol misuse in emergency rooms reduces alcohol-related injuries,2008,11,3,88,Crawford Global WHO survey: poor physical and mental health more prevalent among women who have experienced intimate partner violence,2008,11,4,128,Glass School based intervention improves PTSD symptoms in children affected by political violence,2009,12,2,47,Bass Evidence-based treatment of adolescent major depression,2007,10,4,100-102,Wilkinson Experimental interventions with sex offenders: a brief review of their efficacy,2007,10,2,35-37,Crighton Suicide rate in young people in the UK declined from 1997 to 2003,2009,12,3,96,Cheung Parental violent crime previous violence and substance abuse predict future violence in people with schizophrenia,2009,12,4,127,Hodgins Limited evidence that bullying behaviour in children may be linked to later suicidal behaviour,2009,12,4,124,Crighton Young people leaving the UK armed forces at increased risk of suicide,2009,12,4,123,Wessely Group therapy does not reduce repeated deliberate self-harm in adolescents,2010,13,1,17,Cottrell Trauma-focused CBT reduces anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder in children exposed to intimate partner violence,2011,14,2,56,Samuelson Cognitive training for older drivers can reduce the frequency of involvement in motor vehicle collisions,2011,14,2,52,Bedard Likelihood of later hospital admission for deliberate self-harm may be influenced by various risk factors in young people smoking,2011,14,2,38,McAuliffe Sensation seeking predicts established smoking and binge drinking in adolescents,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schepis High mortality and reduced quality of life in people who have presented to hospital for self-harm in the UK,2010,13,3,74,Cooper Binge drinking frequent among adults aged 50 years and older,2010,13,3,93,Mirza Head injury slightly increases risk of non-affective psychosis but not schizophrenia,2007,10,3,92,Sachdev Transference-focused psychotherapy reduces treatment drop-out and suicide attempters compared with community psychotherapist treatment in borderline personality disorder,2010,13,4,119,Levy Sensation seeking predicts established smoking and binge drinking in adolescents,2010,13,4,103,Schepis Young black females in three UK cities have higher rates of self-harm than other ethnic groups but are less likely to be referred for psychiatric care,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hatcher Brief intervention in an emergency department reduces violence in the short term but not alcohol misuse in at-risk adolescents,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lubman 17% of people with traumatic brain injury attempted suicide,2003,6,1,11,Teasdale Droperidol and midazolam alone or combined have similar effects on duration of violent and acute behaviour disturbance in emergency department patients,2011,14,1,26,Adams A personality-based intervention moderately reduces risk of drinking in at-risk 13-14-year-old British school children,2011,14,1,23,Martens Brief intervention in an emergency department reduces violence in the short term but not alcohol misuse in at-risk adolescents,2011,14,1,20,Lubman People with bipolar disorder and comorbid substance abuse are six times more likely to be convicted of violent crime than the general population,2011,14,1,17,Large Method used in an unsuccessful suicide attempt predicts likelihood of future completed suicide,2011,14,1,16,Wilcox Suicide attempts more common in offspring of depressed parents exposed to suicidal behaviour than unexposed offspring,2011,14,1,7,Barnes Young black females in three UK cities have higher rates of self-harm than other ethnic groups but are less likely to be referred for psychiatric care,2011,14,1,6,Hatcher Conventional antiepileptic drugs are not associated with an increased risk of suicidal behaviour or self-harm,2011,14,1,2,Ayuso-Mateos Brief psychodynamic interpersonal therapy after deliberate self poisoning reduced suicidal ideation and deliberate self harm,2002,5,1,14,House Cognitive training for older drivers can reduce the frequency of involvement in motor vehicle collisions,2011,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bedard Adding group psychotherapy to routine care does not improve outcomes in adolescents who repeatedly self-harm,2011,14,3,84,Ougrin Biological parent suicide and severe psychiatric morbidity are risk factors for suicide in adopted and non-adopted offspring,2011,14,3,66,Voracek Risk assessment: Predicting violence,2011,14,3,59-61,Crighton Lifetime nicotine dependence shows a cross-sectional association with lifetime incomplete suicide attempts,2011,14,4,92,Moore Predicting violence - a response to Large and Olav,2012,15,1,5, Comment on risk assessment: predicting violence,2012,15,1,4,Large Suicide and attempted suicide are more common in children and adolescents in care but rates of attempted suicide are higher before entry into care than after,2012,15,2,38,Vinnerljung Poor psychological health and stressful-life events are more common in adolescents with self-harm thoughts or episodes,2012,15,2,35,Morgan The risk of suicide attempt by a child or adolescent is highest after a contact with a psychiatric department,2012,15,2,44,Mehlum Method of most recent self-harm episode is related to risk of subsequent suicide,2012,15,3,68,Carter Non-receipt of psychiatric treatment among people in the USA reporting suicide thoughts or attempts is more common among men younger people and non-white ethnic groups,2012,15,3,63,Caine Review: exposure to premigration violence gender and settlement location are associated with psychological problems among forcibly displaced children,2012,15,3,62,Van Ommeren Review: pharmacological and psychological interventions can reduce violent behaviour outcomes in high-risk populations,2012,15,3,78,Webb Prevalence of adolescents' suicide attempts and self-harm thoughts vary across Europe,2012,15,3,66,Brunner Physicians indicated the need to frame questions and develop indirect approaches that foster patient trust in evaluating victims of domestic violence,2000,3,2,63,Bursztajn Review: current therapies for men committing acts of domestic violence are of limited benefit,2004,7,3,79,MacMillan Increased prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder anxiety and depression in displaced tsunami survivors from southern Thailand,2007,10,1,31,Silove Review: adults with disabilities experience more violence than non-disabled adults,2012,15,4,103,Lin Cognitive behavioural treatments have long-term benefits in female rape survivors with post-traumatic stress disorder,2012,15,4,89,Foa Fluoxetine and sertraline may be associated with lower risk of suicide death than paroxetine in adults with depression,2012,15,4,98,Shah Veterans who have served in the conflicts of Iraq and Afghanistan are at increased risk of suicide compared to other veterans if they have a psychiatric diagnosis,2012,15,4,99,McFarland Following self-harm there are shared and differing risk factors for subsequent suicide death or accidental death,2012,15,4,101,John Targeted education for general practitioners reduces risk of depression or suicide ideation or attempts in older primary care patients,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maxwell Self-harm is common in adolescents in England,2013,16,1,28,Greydanus An assertive outreach intervention does not reduce repeat suicide attempts compared with usual care,2013,16,1,20,Young Targeted education for general practitioners reduces risk of depression or suicide ideation or attempts in older primary care patients,2013,16,1,8,Maxwell Reasoning and rehabilitation cognitive skills programme reduces verbal aggression in violent offenders with psychotic disorders,2013,16,2,48,Boxer Review: limited evidence on effects of haloperidol alone for rapid tranquillisation in psychosis-induced aggression,2013,16,2,47,Citrome Review: no reliable evidence of the effect of psychotherapy upon suicide risk in people with depression,2013,16,3,73,Fowler Review: limited evidence that risperidone reduces aggression and conduct problems in the short term in children and adolescents with disruptive behaviour disorders,2013,16,3,69,Weiss Violent victimisation is more common among people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders than among the general population,2013,16,3,90,Schug People with mental health disorders are at increased risk of death from homicide,2013,16,3,64,Lineberry Exposure to combat and traumatic events increases risk of violent offending among military personnel,2013,16,3,87,Ward Childhood disruptiveness and anxiousness impact the relationship between childhood adversity and later suicide attempt,2013,16,3,85,Fite Experiencing maltreatment during childhood increases the likelihood of lifetime alcohol dependence,2013,16,4,101-101,Goldstein History of depression and previous suicide attempt predict increased risk of suicide attempt following diagnosis of first-episode psychosis,2013,16,3,67,Melle Exposure to intimate partner violence and parental depression increases risk of ADHD in preschool children,2013,16,4,102,Slopen Review: about one in five people with first-episode psychosis have a history of deliberate self-harm,2013,16,4,113,Perez Review: Lithium reduces the risk of suicide compared with placebo in people with depression and bipolar disorder,2013,16,4,112,Young Suicidal behaviours are common among US adolescents and are associated with mental health disorders,2013,16,4,106,Crowell Review: one in seven homicides worldwide is perpetrated by an intimate partner,2014,17,1,28,Bloom Adolescents with emotional conduct and hyperkinetic disorders who are experiencing psychotic symptoms may be at increased risk of suicide attempt,2014,17,1,19,Dutta Mental health problems in young people with experiences of homelessness and the relationship with health service use: a follow-up study,2014,18,1,26,van den Bree High rates of suicide attempt in early-onset psychosis are associated with depression anxiety and previous self-harm,2014,17,4,101,Large Mental health problems in young people with experiences of homelessness and the relationship with health service use: a follow-up study,2014,17,3,76-80,van den Bree Among untreated violent offenders with schizophrenia persecutory delusions are associated with violent recidivism,2014,17,3,75,Hodgins Self-harm in young people,2014,17,4,97-99,Townsend Medication reduces crash risk among men with ADHD,2014,17,4,102,Winston Early antecedents of suicide: the role of prenatal and childhood risk factors,2014,18,1,11,Jokinen Identifying inmates that will actually die by suicide,2014,18,1,13,Carli Studying the prevalence and predictors of psychiatric disorders among adolescent disaster survivors,2015,18,2,54,North Adolescents who self-harm are at increased risk of health and social problems as young adults,2015,18,2,52,Moran Rates of violent crimes decrease during periods with antipsychotics and mood stabilisers compared to periods without,2015,18,2,53,Nilsson Early identification of recurrent mood disorders in youth: the importance of a developmental approach,2015,18,1,7-9,Duffy Sibling bullying is associated with anxiety depression and self-harm,2015,18,3,83,Arseneault Psychosocial therapy after self-harm associated with reduced repetition suicide and all-cause mortality in Denmark,2015,18,3,91,Steeg Some promising news about psychosocial interventions for adolescent self-harm,2015,18,3,93,Brent Monitoring of suicide risk throughout the course of treatment with antidepressants for depression is required but vigilance is required for those on some particular antidepressant agents,2015,18,3,86,Hetrick Evidence-based mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings: gaps and opportunities,2012,15,2,25-26,Van Ommeren Burden of bullying: enduring effects of early victimisation on depression in adulthood,2015,18,4,e11,Roy Dialectical behaviour therapy with skills training seems to be more effective in reducing non-suicidal self-injury,2015,18,4,e10,Andreasson Depression and violent crime: is there a relationship?,2015,18,4,114,Menezes Screening brief intervention and referral of emergency department patients with unhealthy drug use: efficacious or not?,2015,18,4,e8,Bernstein Identifying psychiatric medications causing high numbers and rates of emergency department visits among US adults,2015,18,4,e6,Roulet Bullying victimisation increases the risk of emergence and persistence of specific psychotic symptoms and of psychotic disorder,2015,19,1,23,Singh Examination of a four-step treatment algorithm for postpartum psychosis,2016,19,1,e25,Lawson Access to firearms in the USA: angry and impulsive behaviour in people with and without mental disorders,2016,19,1,22,Smith Hospital management of self-harm and later risk of suicide and overall mortality,2016,19,3,e14,Erlangsen Markedly raised risk of attempted suicide in female immigrants and violent criminality in male immigrants in Denmark,2016,19,3,93-94,Ryland Interventions to prevent self-harm: what does the evidence say?,2016,19,3,69-72,Saunders Comparing applets and oranges: barriers to evidence-based practice for app-based psychological interventions,2016,19,3,90-92,Leigh Perinatal suicide associated with depression diagnosis and absence of active treatment in 15-year UK national inquiry,2016,19,4,122,Kim Lack of clinically useful response predictors for treating aggression and agitation in Alzheimer's disease with citalopram,2016,19,4,e24,Herrmann Does community-based suicide prevention decrease suicide attempts? Strategies for reaching zero suicide,2016,19,4,126,Asarnow Driving and dementia: a clinical update for mental health professionals,2016,19,4,110-113,Ebmeier Impact of gun law reforms on rates of homicide suicide and mass shootings in Australia,2017,20,1,e25,Brown Psychosocial interventions for self-harm suicidal ideation and suicide attempt in children and young people: What? How? Who? and Where?,2017,20,2,35-40,Hetrick Analysis of multisource data establishes wide-ranging antecedents of youth suicide in England,2017,20,3,e12,Bridge Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for young people with suicide-related behaviour (Reframe-IT): a randomised controlled trial,2017,20,3,76-82,Bendall Suicide substance use and natural causes are respectively the most important causes of mortality in the first year post discharge from psychiatric hospitals,2018,21,2,e8,Large Engaging families in the management of adolescent self-harm,2018,21,1,16-22,Patton Pharmacological treatment reduces the risk of motor vehicle crashes among men and women with ADHD,2018,21,2,79,Dalsgaard Recent developments in the treatment of major depressive disorder in children and adolescents,2018,21,3,101-106,Wilkinson There are promising effects from group intervention for clinically aggressive youth on probation,2019,22,1,e6,Dopp Need for evidence-based early intervention programmes: a public health perspective,2018,21,4,128-130,van Os Implementation of a smoke-free policy appears to reduce physical violence in inpatient settings,2019,22,2,e8,Hedges Systemic family therapy is not superior to treatment as usual in preventing repeat self-harm in adolescents,2019,22,2,e9,Aggarwal Effectiveness of universal programmes for the prevention of suicidal ideation behaviour and mental ill health in medical students: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,22,2,84-90,Cipriani How Chinese psychiatrists see and manage stigmatisation of psychiatric patients: a qualitative study in Hong Kong,2019,22,2,51-55,Wu How accurate are suicide risk prediction models? Asking the right questions for clinical practice,2019,22,3,125-128,Fazel Relating irritability and suicidal ideation using mood and anxiety,2019,22,3,95-99,Bell Explanatory style in youth self-harm: an Indian qualitative study to inform intervention design,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patton Design of a brief psychological intervention for youth who self-harm: a formative study in India,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patton Methods and efficacy of social support interventions in preventing suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guo Association between mirtazapine use and serious self-harm in people with depression: an active comparator cohort study using UK electronic health records,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hippisley-Cox Guided digital health intervention for depression in Lebanon: randomised trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Ommeren School-based mindfulness training in early adolescence: what works for whom and how in the MYRIAD trial?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenberg Effectiveness of universal school-based mindfulness training compared with normal school provision on teacher mental health and school climate: results of the MYRIAD cluster randomised controlled trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenberg Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of universal school-based mindfulness training compared with normal school provision in reducing risk of mental health problems and promoting well-being in adolescence: the MYRIAD cluster randomised controlled trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenberg Do mindfulness-based programmes improve the cognitive skills behaviour and mental health of children and adolescents? An updated meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dalgleish The impact of mindfulness training in early adolescence on affective executive control and on later mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomised controlled trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Griffiths Universal prevention of depression at schools: dead end or challenging crossroad?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cuijpers Vitruvian plot: a visualisation tool for multiple outcomes in network meta-analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cipriani How to measure mental pain: a systematic review assessing measures of mental pain,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gaillard Risk factors for suicide in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological autopsy studies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fazel Associations between antipsychotics and risk of violent crimes and suicidal behaviour in personality disorder,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fazel Digital cognitive-behavioural therapy to reduce suicidal ideation and behaviours: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data,2022,25,e1,e8-e17,Pettit 15 Years of follow up of non-affective functional psychotic disorders showed a high risk of relapse suicide and chronicity: Commentary,1998,1,4,e124,Davies Purchase of a handgun was associated with an increased risk of suicide or death by homicide: Commentary,1998,1,1,e28,Bradley Review: Risk for suicide is increased for most mental disorders where patients require treatment in a hospital setting: Commentary,1998,1,1,e27,Sakinofsky A decrease in care was associated with suicide in mental illness: Commentary,1999,2,4,e124,Phillips Adverse perinatal conditions were associated with risk of suicide by violent means for men: Commentary,1999,2,2,e62,Sakinofsky A lower minimum legal drinking age was associated with increased suicide in youths 18-23 years of age: Commentary,2000,3,2,e59,Links Life dissatisfaction was associated with an increased risk of suicide but adjustment for confounding factors attenuated the association: Commentary,2001,4,4,e122,Sakinofsky Therapists of patients who committed suicide reported a wide range of emotional responses: Commentary,2001,4,3,e96,Links Ongoing contact for 2 years after discharge was associated with greater survival in patients at risk of post crisis suicide: Commentary,2002,5,1,e19,Links Review: Long term lithium treatment lowers suicide risk in major affective disorder: Commentary,2002,5,2,e52,Burgess Borderline personality disorder drug use disorder and worsening depression or substance abuse are significant predictors of suicide attempts in people with Axis I and II disorders: Commentary,2004,7,1,e25,Pirkis ICD-10 predicts risk of relapse and suicide in people diagnosed with a single depressive episode: Commentary,2004,7,3,e89,Goldney Commentary : 17% of people with traumatic brain injury attempted suicide,2003,6,1,e11,Teasdale Individual and familial mental illness is associated with an increased risk of suicide in young people: Commentary,2003,6,2,e61,Breton Parents under-report children's suicide ideation and attempts: Commentary,2003,6,1,e12,Prinstein Review: Evidence is lacking about suicide prevention in young people - Commentary,2003,6,4,e121,Carter Risk of suicide remains high fifteen years after deliberate self-harm: Commentary,2003,6,4,e106,Walker Attendance at accident and emergency for deliberate self harm predicts increased risk of suicide especially in women: Commentary,2005,8,4,e97,Sakinofsky Forensic database study suggests selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors do not increase the risk of suicide in people taking antidepressants: Commentary,2005,8,4,e113,Cipriani Eating disorders especially anorexia nervosa are associated with an increased risk of attempted suicide in young women: Commentary,2005,8,1,e20,Pompili Lifetime risk of suicide in people with schizophrenia lower than commonly reported: Commentary,2005,8,4,e96,Haw Intoxicant use increased among Norwegian adolescents between 1992 and 2002 and attempted suicides increased among girls: Commentary,2005,8,3,e88,Maharajh Low intelligence increases risk of suicide: Commentary,2005,8,3,e86,Cerel Suicide risk peaks in first week of psychiatric hospitalisation and post-discharge: Commentary,2005,8,4,e114,Links Among middle aged men in Japan non-drinkers and regular heavy drinkers are more likely to commit suicide than occasional drinkers: Commentary,2006,9,4,e112,Sher History of psychiatric hospital admission increases the risk of suicide less in the very old than in middle aged people: Commentary,2006,9,1,e24,Links No apparent difference in suicide risk between older and newer antidepressants although older drugs may increase risk of suicide attempt during the first month of treatment: Commentary,2006,9,3,e82,Ebmeier Suicide ideation and attempts are more prevalent in people aged 25-44 years in Australia but become less prevalent in older people: Commentary,2006,9,1,e25,Schmidt Antidepressants increase risk of suicide attempt but not completed suicide in people with previous suicide attempts: Commentary,2007,10,3,e90,Rihmer Dialectic behaviour therapy reduces suicide attempts compared with non-behavioural psychotherapy in women with borderline personality disorder: Commentary,2007,10,1,e18,McMain IMPACT collaborative care programme reduces suicide ideation in depressed older adults: Commentary,2007,10,2,e51,Gilbody Perinatal factors affect risk of suicide: Commentary,2007,10,3,e91,Rutz Prevalence of non-fatal suicide attempts in black Americans is about 4%: Commentary,2007,10,2,e64,Bhugra Psychiatric telephone contact following emergency department discharge reduces suicide re-attempts in people originally admitted for attempted suicide: Commentary,2007,10,1,e19,Brown No differences in mortality and suicide between treated and never-treated people with schizophrenia,2010,13,2,e46,Kurihara Carpe diem,2022,25,4,143-144,Cipriani Mental health disorders research in Europe 2001-2018,2020,23,1,15-20,Sullivan Covid-19 and mental health: a transformational opportunity to apply an evidence-based approach to clinical practice and research,2020,23,2,45-46,Cipriani COVID-19 mental health and ethnic minorities,2020,23,3,89-90,Cipriani Self-harm somatic disorders and mortality in the 3 years following a hospitalisation in psychiatry in adolescents and young adults,2022,25,4,177-184,Jollant If,2021,24,3,95-96,Cipriani High mortality and reduced quality of life in people who have presented to hospital for self-harm in the UK,2010,13,3,e74,Cooper Increased serotonin 1A receptor availability in the raphe nuclei predicts future suicidal behaviour,2017,20,3,e11,Frick Relative to SSRI users SSRI-statin users have fewer psychiatric hospital contacts and no increase in suicidal behaviour or all-cause mortality,2017,20,2,e60,Andrade