Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Attentive tracking of objects versus substances,2003,14,5,498-504,VanMarle Coordination of voluntary and stimulus-driven attentional control in human cortex,2005,16,2,114-122,Serences Violence and sex in television programs do not sell products in advertisements,2005,16,9,702-708,Bushman The effects of reward and punishment in violent video games on aggressive affect cognition and behavior,2005,16,11,882-889,Anderson Guns testosterone and aggression: an experimental test of a mediational hypothesis,2006,17,7,568-571,Klinesmith Deciding to defect: the effects of video-game violence on cooperative behavior,2005,16,5,354-357,Sheese Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior aggressive cognition aggressive affect physiological arousal and prosocial behavior: a meta-analytic review of the scientific literature,2001,12,5,353-359,Bushman Deciding to defect - The effects of video-game violence on cooperative behavior,2005,16,5,354-357,Sheese When God sanctions killing: effect of scriptural violence on aggression,2007,18,3,204-207,Bushman Central interference in driving: is there any stopping the psychological refractory period?,2006,17,3,228-235,Levy Avoiding the death risk of avoiding a dread risk: the aftermath of March 11 in Spain,2005,16,6,426-428,López-Rousseau Dread risk September 11 and fatal traffic accidents,2004,15,4,286-287,Gigerenzer Antigravity hills are visual illusions,2003,14,5,441-449,Bressan Speech shadowing while driving: on the difficulty of splitting attention between eye and ear,2003,14,3,251-256,Spence Driven to distraction: dual-task studies of simulated driving and conversing on a cellular telephone,2001,12,6,462-466,Strayer The propensity effect: when foresight trumps hindsight,2006,17,4,305-310,Kruger Detecting the snake in the grass: Attention to fear-relevant stimuli by adults and young children,2008,19,3,284-289,DeLoache Explaining contradictory relations between risk perception and risk taking,2008,19,5,429-433,Mills Disruption of eye movements by ethanol intoxication affects perception of depth from motion parallax,2004,15,12,858-865,Olson Overconfidence in an objective anticipatory motor task,2008,19,6,601-606,Mamassian Driving under the influence (of stress): Evidence of a regional increase in impaired driving and traffic fatalities after the September 11 terrorist attacks,2009,20,1,59-65,Rothman Tonic activity level in the right prefrontal cortex predicts individuals' risk taking,2009,20,1,33-38,Diezi Religion and Support for Suicide Attacks,2009,20,2,224 - 230,Hansen To Brake or Accelerate When the Light Turns Yellow? Stress Reduces Older Adults' Risk Taking in a Driving Game,2009,20,2,174 - 176,Mather Comfortably Numb: Desensitizing Effects of Violent Media on Helping Others,2009,20,3,273 - 277,Bushman Neural correlates of emotional reactivity in sensation seeking,2009,20,2,215-223,Liu The Price of Pain and the Value of Suffering,2009,20,3,309 - 317,Dolan Panic Search: Fear Produces Efficient Visual Search for Nonthreatening Objects,2009,20,4,435 - 437,Becker Are probabilities overweighted or underweighted when rare outcomes are experienced (rarely)?,2009,20,4,473-479,Stewart Lost in the sauce: the effects of alcohol on mind wandering,2009,20,6,747-752,Sayette Cognitive mechanisms underlying recovered-memory experiences of childhood sexual abuse,2009,20,1,92-98,Merckelbach Fighting death with death: the buffering effects of learning that worldview violators have died,2008,19,5,501-507,Hayes Forgetting and recovering the unforgettable,2008,19,5,462-468,Smith Interpersonal politics: the role of terror management and attachment processes in shaping political preferences,2008,19,5,448-455,Greenberg The reality of recovered memories: corroborating continuous and discontinuous memories of childhood sexual abuse,2007,18,7,564-568,Merckelbach The scars of memory: a prospective longitudinal investigation of the consistency of traumatic and positive emotional memories in adulthood,2007,18,5,435-441,Porter Is television traumatic? Dreams stress and media exposure in the aftermath of September 11 2001,2007,18,4,334-340,Christman Forgetting of prior remembering in persons reporting recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse,2006,17,11,1002-1008,Merckelbach Decoupling neural networks from reality: dissociative experiences in torture victims are reflected in abnormal brain waves in left frontal cortex,2006,17,10,825-829,Elbert When the Boss Feels Inadequate: Power Incompetence and Aggression,2009,20,11,1406-1413,Chen School Violence and the Culture of Honor,2009,20,11,1400-1405,Brown Ongoing victim suffering increases prejudice: the case of secondary anti-Semitism,2009,20,12,1443-1447,Imhoff Reducing Narcissistic Aggression by Buttressing Self-Esteem: An Experimental Field Study,2009,20,12,1536-1542,Bushman Measuring the suicidal mind: implicit cognition predicts suicidal behavior,2010,21,4,511-517,Nock Red Diffuse Light Suppresses the Accelerated Perception of Fear,2010,21,7,992-999,Pratt Acetaminophen Reduces Social Pain: Behavioral and Neural Evidence,2010,21,7,931-937,MacDonald Emotion as motion: asymmetries in approach and avoidant actions,2007,18,12,1113-1119,Maxwell Child-care history classroom composition and children's functioning in kindergarten,2007,18,12,1032-1039,Steinberg The Ecology of Automaticity: How Situational Contingencies Shape Action Semantics and Social Behavior,2010,21,9,1311-1317,Higgins Emotion Differentiation as Resilience Against Excessive Alcohol Use: An Ecological Momentary Assessment in Underage Social Drinkers,2010,21,9,1341-1347,Collins The Outcast-Lash-Out Effect in Youth: Alienation Increases Aggression Following Peer Rejection,2010,21,10,1394-1398,Bushman Dirty Hands and Dirty Mouths: Embodiment of the Moral-Purity Metaphor Is Specific to the Motor Modality Involved in Moral Transgression,2010,21,10,1423-1425,Lee Are Coarse Scales Sufficient for Fast Detection of Visual Threat?,2010,21,10,1429-1437,Mermillod Warding Off the Evil Eye: When the Fear of Being Envied Increases Prosocial Behavior,2010,21,11,1671-1677,Pieters Cognitive costs of exposure to racial prejudice,2007,18,9,810-815,Salvatore Response variability in attention-deficit disorders,2007,18,9,796-802,Gilden Seeing the world in black and white: the effects of perceptually induced mind-sets on judgment,2007,18,9,768-772,Sleeth-Keppler Testosterone reduces conscious detection of signals serving social correction: implications for antisocial behavior,2007,18,8,663-667,van Honk Border Bias: The Belief That State Borders Can Protect Against Disasters,2010,21,11,1582-1586,Mishra Information Search in Decisions From Experience: Do Our Patterns of Sampling Foreshadow Our Decisions?,2010,21,12,1787-1792,Hertwig How to accurately detect autobiographical events,2008,19,8,772-780,Sartori Tracking Without Perceiving: A Dissociation Between Eye Movements and Motion Perception,2011,22,2,216-225,Pomplun Prepared for Anything?: An Investigation of Female Genital Arousal in Response to Rape Cues,2011,22,2,159-165,Lalumière Specifying the Attentional Selection That Moderates the Fearlessness of Psychopathic Offenders,2011,22,2,226-234,Curtin Fairness in Children's Resource Allocation Depends on the Recipient,2009,20,8,944-948,Moore Prismatic Lenses Shift Time Perception,2009,20,8,949-954,Oliveri Selective Visual Attention and Motivation: The Consequences of Value Learning in an Attentional Blink Task,2009,20,8,981-988,Raymond Distant Memories: A Prospective Study of Vantage Point of Trauma Memories,2009,20,9,1049-1052,Creamer Genes for Psychosis and Creativity: A Promoter Polymorphism of the Neuregulin 1 Gene Is Related to Creativity in People With High Intellectual Achievement,2009,20,9,1070-1073,Kéri The Other Side of Injustice: When Unfair Procedures Increase Group‐Serving Behavior,2009,20,8,1026-1032,Tyler Right or Wrong? The Brain's Fast Response to Morally Objectionable Statements,2009,20,9,1092-1099,Otten Supine Body Position Reduces Neural Response to Anger Evocation,2009,20,10,1209-1210,Harmon‐Jones Eighteen‐Month‐Old Infants Show Increased Helping Following Priming With Affiliation,2009,20,10,1189-1193,Carpenter Facial Structure Is a Reliable Cue of Aggressive Behavior,2009,20,10,1194-1198,Carré Genes Determine Stability and the Environment Determines Change in Cognitive Ability During 35 Years of Adulthood,2009,20,9,1146-1152,Lyons The Teddy‐Bear Effect: Does Having a Baby Face Benefit Black Chief Executive Officers?,2009,20,10,1229-1236,Livingston Gut reactions: moral conviction religiosity and trust in authority,2009,20,9,1059-1063,Skitka The Restraint Bias: How the Illusion of Self‐Restraint Promotes Impulsive Behavior,2009,20,12,1523-1528,van der Pligt Us Versus Them: Social Identity Shapes Neural Responses to Intergroup Competition and Harm,2011,22,3,306-313,Fiske Third Parties Violence and Conflict Resolution: The Role of Group Size and Collective Action in the Microregulation of Violence,2011,22,3,406-412,Levine Temper Temperature and Temptation: Heat-Related Retaliation in Baseball,2011,22,4,423-428,Larrick Reduced Sensitivity to Visual Looming Inflates the Risk Posed by Speeding Vehicles When Children Try to Cross the Road,2011,22,4,429-434,Wann When Left Is "Right": Motor Fluency Shapes Abstract Concepts,2011,22,4,419-422,Casasanto Alcohol and aggression without consumption. Alcohol cues aggressive thoughts and hostile perception bias,2006,17,1,30-37,Bartholow Heterosocial perceptual organization: application of the choice model to sexual coercion,2006,17,10,869-875,Farris Attenuating the link between threatened egotism and aggression,2006,17,11,995-1001,Bushman Traumatic impact predicts long-term memory for documented child sexual abuse,2005,16,1,33-40,Quas A "Jekyll and Hyde" within: aggressive versus friendly interactions in REM and non-REM dreams,2005,16,2,130-136,Stickgold Forgetting of trauma cues in adults reporting continuous or recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse,2005,16,4,336-340,Perlman Low self-esteem is related to aggression antisocial behavior and delinquency,2005,16,4,328-335,Moffitt Denying Humanness to Others: A Newly Discovered Mechanism by Which Violent Video Games Increase Aggressive Behavior,2011,22,5,659-665,Greitemeyer Serotonin augmentation reduces response to attack in aggressive individuals,2009,20,6,714-720,Schumacher Living in history: how war terrorism and natural disaster affect the organization of autobiographical memory,2009,20,4,399-405,Reddon Like a magnet: Catharsis beliefs attract angry people to violent video games,2010,21,6,790-792,Bushman True photographs and false memories,2004,15,3,149-154,Wade Alcohol and aggression: a test of the attention-allocation model,2007,18,7,649-655,Giancola Effects of fear and anger on perceived risks of terrorism: a national field experiment,2003,14,2,144-150,Fischhoff A prospective study of memory for child sexual abuse: new findings relevant to the repressed-memory controversy,2003,14,2,113-118,Quas Confidence not consistency characterizes flashbulb memories,2003,14,5,455-461,Rubin The social dynamics of a cultural upheaval: social interactions surrounding September 11 2001,2003,14,6,579-585,Pennebaker False memories in women with self-reported childhood sexual abuse: an empirical study,2000,11,4,333-337,Bremner Prosocial foundations of children's academic achievement,2000,11,4,302-306,Bandura False recognition in women reporting recovered memories of sexual abuse,2000,11,1,26-31,McNally Keeping one's distance: the influence of spatial distance cues on affect and evaluation,2008,19,3,302-308,Bargh In Search of the Silver Lining,2010,21,11,1599-1604,Fitzsimons Ego Depletion—Is It All in Your Head?,2010,21,11,1686-1693,Dweck Interacting Like a Body,2010,21,2,178-182,Dovidio The emotional timeline of September 11 2001,2010,21,10,1417-1419,Back Read-Out of Emotional Information From Iconic Memory: The Longevity of Threatening Stimuli,2011,22,5,695-700,Pekrun Inducing Disbelief in Free Will Alters Brain Correlates of Preconscious Motor Preparation: The Brain Minds Whether We Believe in Free Will or Not,2011,22,5,613-618,Kuhn Getting a Grip on Drinking Behavior: Training Working Memory to Reduce Alcohol Abuse,2011,22,7,968-975,Wiers Culturally Divergent Responses to Mortality Salience,2011,22,8,1019-1024,Ma-Kellams A warm heart and a clear head. The contingent effects of weather on mood and cognition,2005,16,9,724-731,Fredrickson Rewriting the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Social Rejection: Self-Affirmation Improves Relational Security and Social Behavior up to 2 Months Later,2011,22,9,1145-1149,Zanna How pleasant was your childhood? Beliefs about memory shape inferences from experienced difficulty of recall,2001,12,2,176-179,Schwarz Known Risk Factors for Violence Predict 12-Month-Old Infants' Aggressiveness With Peers,2011,22,9,1205-1211,Van Goozen Psychopathic Traits and Preattentive Threat Processing in Children: A Novel Test of the Fearlessness Hypothesis,2011,22,10,1280-1287,Lilienfeld Maternal Defense: Breast Feeding Increases Aggression by Reducing Stress,2011,22,10,1288-1295,Coyne Psychological Science in the Public Interest: the case for juried analyses,2000,11,3,177-178,Ceci Memory distortions develop over time: recollections of the O.J. Simpson trial verdict after 15 and 32 months,2000,11,1,39-45,Squire 0 + 1 > 1: How adding noninformative sound improves performance on a visual task,2012,23,1,6-12,Shams Pop-out without awareness: unseen feature singletons capture attention only when top-down attention is available,2011,22,9,1220-1226,Hsieh A statistical model of facial attractiveness,2011,22,9,1183-1190,Said Natural-scene perception requires attention,2011,22,9,1165-1172,Nakayama Common-fate grouping as feature selection,2011,22,9,1132-1137,Levinthal Money and mimicry: when being mimicked makes people feel threatened,2011,22,9,1150-1151,Vohs Power increases infidelity among men and women,2011,22,9,1191-1197,Stapel Cross-modal training induces changes in spatial representations early in the auditory processing pathway,2011,22,9,1120-1126,Röder Economic inequality is linked to biased self-perception,2011,22,10,1254-1258,Kuppens The impact of environmental experiences on symptoms of anxiety and depression across the life span,2011,22,10,1343-1352,Middeldorp Opting out or denying discrimination? How the framework of free choice in American society influences perceptions of gender inequality,2011,22,10,1231-1236,Stephens Emergence of perceptual Gestalts in the human visual cortex: the case of the configural-superiority effect,2011,22,10,1296-1303,Wagemans Beyond anti-Muslim sentiment: opposing the Ground Zero mosque as a means to pursuing a stronger America,2011,22,10,1327-1335,Hirt When being right is not enough: four-year-olds distinguish knowledgeable informants from merely accurate informants,2011,22,10,1250-1253,Einav Gender-bias primes elicit queen-bee responses among senior policewomen,2011,22,10,1243-1249,van Laar Relative brightness in natural images can be accounted for by removing blurry content,2011,22,11,1452-1459,Shapiro False-positive psychology: undisclosed flexibility in data collection and analysis allows presenting anything as significant,2011,22,11,1359-1366,Simmons The right side? Under time pressure approach motivation leads to right-oriented bias,2011,22,11,1403-1407,De Dreu Sexism and gender inequality across 57 societies,2011,22,11,1413-1418,Brandt The push and pull of temptation: the bidirectional influence of temptation on self-control,2011,22,11,1386-1390,Nordgren Emotion-regulation choice,2011,22,11,1391-1396,Gross With age comes wisdom: decision making in younger and older adults,2011,22,11,1375-1380,Gorlick What constitutes torture?: psychological impediments to an objective evaluation of enhanced interrogation tactics,2011,22,5,689-694,Nordgren Calibrating the response to health warnings: limiting both overreaction and underreaction with self-affirmation,2011,22,5,572-578,Harris Stuck in the middle: the psychophysics of goal pursuit,2011,22,5,607-612,Bonezzi A dissociation between judged causality and imagined locations in simple dynamic scenes,2011,22,5,674-681,Levillain Tempting fate or inviting happiness? Unrealistic idealization prevents the decline of marital satisfaction,2011,22,5,619-626,Murray Contextual illusions reveal the limit of unconscious visual processing,2011,22,3,399-405,Rees Individual differences in recovery time from attentional capture,2011,22,3,361-368,Vogel Eye tracking unconscious face-to-face confrontations: dominance motives prolong gaze to masked angry faces,2011,22,3,314-319,Kenemans Outsourcing self-regulation,2011,22,3,369-375,Fitzsimons Independent allocation of attention to eye and hand targets in coordinated eye-hand movements,2011,22,3,339-347,Deubel Predicting sensation seeking from dopamine genes: use and misuse of genetic prediction,2011,22,3,413-415,Zietsch Dissociating spatial attention and awareness in emotion-induced blindness,2011,22,3,300-305,Most Recovering from conflict in romantic relationships: a developmental perspective,2011,22,3,376-383,Simpson Confessions That Corrupt: Evidence From the DNA Exoneration Case Files,2011,23,1,41-45,Kassin Religiosity Social Self-Esteem and Psychological Adjustment: On the Cross-Cultural Specificity of the Psychological Benefits of Religiosity,2012,23,2,158-160,Sedikides Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact,2012,23,2,187-195,Hodson Walking While Memorizing: Age-Related Differences in Compensatory Behavior,2001,12,3,230-237,Lindenberger To Be Looked at as Though Air: Civil Attention Matters,2012,23,2,166-168,Williams Military Training and Personality Trait Development: Does the Military Make the Man or Does the Man Make the Military?,2012,23,3,270-277,Trautwein The Misperception of Sexual Interest,2012,23,2,146-151,Buss Do Infants Have a Sense of Fairness?,2012,23,2,196-204,Sloane When Leaving Your Ex Love Yourself: Observational Ratings of Self-Compassion Predict the Course of Emotional Recovery Following Marital Separation,2012,23,3,261-269,Sbarra The Cost of Collaboration: Why Joint Decision Making Exacerbates Rejection of Outside Information,2012,23,3,219-224,Minson The Road Not Taken: Creative Solutions Require Avoidance of High-Frequency Responses,2012,23,3,288-294,Mednick The Cost of Callousness: Regulating Compassion Influences the Moral Self-Concept,2012,23,3,225-229,Cameron Is It Light or Dark? Recalling Moral Behavior Changes Perception of Brightness,2012,23,4,407-409,Banerjee Visual Rivalry Without Spatial Conflict,2012,23,4,410-418,Koch Fast Thought Speed Induces Risk Taking,2012,23,4,370-374,Pronin Learned Predictiveness Speeds Visual Processing,2012,23,4,359-363,Raymond Witnesses in Action: The Effect of Physical Exertion on Recall and Recognition,2012,23,4,386-390,Hope "Blaming the victim" under memory load,2003,14,1,81-85,Kleider Electrophysiological responses to errors and feedback in the process of action regulation,2003,14,1,47-53,Luu Testosterone Affects Gaze Aversion From Angry Faces Outside of Conscious Awareness,2012,23,5,459-463,van Honk On Near Misses and Completed Tasks: The Nature of Relief,2012,23,5,464-468,Vohs Who Is Good at This Game? Linking an Activity to a Social Category Undermines Children's Achievement,2012,23,5,533-541,Cimpian Measuring the Prevalence of Questionable Research Practices With Incentives for Truth Telling,2012,23,5,524-532,Loewenstein From Neural Responses to Population Behavior: Neural Focus Group Predicts Population-Level Media Effects,2012,23,5,439-445,Berkman Personalized Persuasion: Tailoring Persuasive Appeals to Recipients' Personality Traits,2012,23,6,578-581,Kang What People Desire Feel Conflicted About and Try to Resist in Everyday Life,2012,23,6,582-588,Baumeister Chaotic Homes and Children's Disruptive Behavior: A Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Twin Study,2012,23,6,643-650,Jaffee Religion Replenishes Self-Control,2012,23,6,635-642,Jacobson Knowing When to Move On: Cognitive and Perceptual Decisions in Time,2012,23,6,589-597,Rushton The Social Dimension of Stress Reactivity: Acute Stress Increases Prosocial Behavior in Humans,2012,23,6,651-660,Fehr Temporal Distance and Discrimination: An Audit Study in Academia,2012,23,7,710-717,Milkman Stereotype Threat Strengthens Automatic Recall and Undermines Controlled Processes in Older Adults,2012,23,7,723-727,Régner You Give Me the Chills: Embodied Reactions to Inappropriate Amounts of Behavioral Mimicry,2012,23,7,772-779,Bargh Detecting Nasty Data With Simple Plots of Complex Models: Comment on Brandt (2011),2012,23,7,824-825,Ullrich Nasty Data Can Still Be Real: A Reply to Ullrich and Schluter,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brandt Face Structure Predicts Cooperation: Men With Wider Faces Are More Generous to Their In-Group When Out-Group Competition Is Salient,2012,23,7,718-722,Stirrat Saved by a Log: How Do Humans Perform Hybrid Visual and Memory Search?,2012,23,7,698-703,Wolfe Trauma and Sex Surveys Meet Minimal Risk Standards: Implications for Institutional Review Boards,2012,23,7,780-787,Rinehart Liberating Reason From the Passions: Overriding Intuitionist Moral Judgments Through Emotion Reappraisal,2012,23,7,788-795,Antonenko Reconstruing Intolerance: Abstract Thinking Reduces Conservatives' Prejudice Against Nonnormative Groups,2012,23,7,756-763,Dovidio The Local-Ladder Effect: Social Status and Subjective Well-Being,2012,23,7,764-771,Anderson Negotiation Topic as a Moderator of Gender Differences in Negotiation,2012,23,7,743-744,Babcock You see the ends don't justify the means: visual imagery and moral judgment,2012,23,8,861-868,Greene Retraction of "The secret life of emotions" and "Emotion elicitor or emotion messenger? Subliminal priming reveals two faces of facial expressions",2012,23,7,828, Time flies when you're having approach-motivated fun: effects of motivational intensity on time perception,2012,23,8,879-886,Gable Simultaneous control of attention by multiple working memory representations,2012,23,8,887-898,Hollingworth Cognitive load disrupts implicit theory-of-mind processing,2012,23,8,842-847,Bayliss Greater exposure to sexual content in popular movies predicts earlier sexual debut and increased sexual risk taking,2012,23,9,984-993,Sargent Comparability effects in probability judgments,2012,23,8,848-854,Pleskac Childhood poverty and young adults' allostatic load: the mediating role of childhood cumulative risk exposure,2012,23,9,979-983,Evans Message in a Ballad The Role of Music Preferences in Interpersonal Perception,2006,17,3,236-242,Rentfrow Does the gun pull the trigger? automatic priming effects of weapon pictures and weapon names,1998,9,4,308-314,Anderson Young children are intrinsically motivated to see others helped,2012,23,9,967-972,Vaish Social Identification Structures the Effects of Perspective Taking,2012,23,9,973-978,Tarrant Reading between the minds: the use of stereotypes in empathic accuracy,2012,23,9,1040-1046,Hodges A Bayesian optimal foraging model of human visual search,2012,23,9,1047-1054,Clark Awe expands people's perception of time alters decision making and enhances well-being,2012,23,10,1130-1136,Vohs Aging and wisdom: culture matters,2012,23,10,1059-1066,Nisbett Inattention abolishes binocular rivalry: perceptual evidence,2012,23,10,1159-1167,Brascamp Identifying the bad guy in a lineup using confidence judgments under deadline pressure,2012,23,10,1208-1214,Lindsay Don't judge a book by its cover revisited: perceived and reported traits and values of attractive women,2012,23,10,1112-1116,Segal-Caspi Too close for comfort or too far to care? Finding humor in distant tragedies and close mishaps,2012,23,10,1215-1223,Williams Inspired by distraction: mind wandering facilitates creative incubation,2012,23,10,1117-1122,Schooler Motivational versus metabolic effects of carbohydrates on self-control,2012,23,10,1137-1144,Meier Basic characteristics of simultaneous color contrast revisited,2012,23,10,1246-1255,Ekroll Grin and bear it: the influence of manipulated facial expression on the stress response,2012,23,11,1372-1378,Kraft Intergenerational transmission of the reminiscence bump and biographical conflict knowledge,2012,23,11,1404-1409,Svob Orientation perception of occluded objects is based on perceptually completed objects,2012,23,11,1303-1305,Verstraten "treating" prejudice: an exposure-therapy approach to reducing negative reactions toward stigmatized groups,2012,23,11,1379-1386,Birtel Retrieval-induced forgetting predicts failure to recall negative autobiographical memories,2012,23,11,1356-1363,Storm Influence in times of crisis: how social and financial resources affect men's and women's evaluations of glass-cliff positions,2012,23,11,1306-1313,Ryan Developmental antecedents of political ideology: a longitudinal investigation from birth to age 18 years,2012,23,11,1425-1431,Belsky Learning to break camouflage by learning the background,2012,23,11,1395-1403,Chen Is TV traumatic for all youths? The role of preexisting posttraumatic-stress symptoms in the link between disaster coverage and stress,2012,23,11,1293-1297,Weems Feeling blue or turquoise? Emotional differentiation in major depressive disorder,2012,23,11,1410-1416,Gotlib How do you learn to walk? Thousands of steps and dozens of falls per day,2012,23,11,1387-1394,Adolph Shared visual attention reduces hindsight bias,2012,23,12,1524-1533,Camerer Optimal social-networking strategy is a function of socioeconomic conditions,2012,23,12,1542-1548,Oishi Peace and war: trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms before during and after military deployment in Afghanistan,2012,23,12,1557-1565,Rubin The time course of perceptual grouping in natural scenes,2012,23,12,1482-1489,Roelfsema The financial costs of sadness,2013,24,1,72-79,Lerner When what you hear influences when you see: listening to an auditory rhythm influences the temporal allocation of visual attention,2013,24,1,11-18,Miller Affective signals of threat increase perceived proximity,2013,24,1,34-40,Dunning 9/11 act ii: a fine-grained analysis of regional variations in traffic fatalities in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks,2012,23,12,1449-1454,Gigerenzer Can emotion regulation change political attitudes in intractable conflicts? From the laboratory to the field,2013,24,1,106-111,Tamir The emotionally intelligent decision maker: Emotion-understanding ability reduces the effect of incidental anxiety on risk taking,2013,24,1,48-55,Côté The Marley hypothesis: denial of racism reflects ignorance of history,2013,24,2,213-218,Adams Independent effects of adaptation and attention on perceived speed,2013,24,2,150-159,Carrasco Experiencing discrimination increases risk taking,2013,24,2,131-139,Nock Ideology and prejudice: The role of value conflicts,2013,24,2,140-149,Chambers Do local and global perceptual biases tell us anything about local and global selective attention?,2013,24,2,206-212,Linnell Implicit race bias decreases the similarity of neural representations of black and white faces,2013,24,2,160-166,Phelps When dual identity becomes a liability: identity and political radicalism among migrants,2013,24,3,251-257,Simon The neural basis of difficulties disengaging from negative irrelevant material in major depression,2013,24,3,334-344,Gotlib Objects don't object: evidence that self-objectification disrupts women's social activism,2013,24,3,312-318,Calogero Making Sense of Nonsense: The Visual Salience of Units Determines Sensitivity to Magnitude,2013,24,3,297-304,Shen Poverty problem behavior and promise: differential susceptibility among infants reared in poverty,2013,24,3,235-242,Ablow Absorbed in thought: the effect of mind wandering on the processing of relevant and irrelevant events,2011,22,5,596-601,Smallwood Out of mind out of sight: eye blinking as indicator and embodiment of mind wandering,2010,21,6,786-789,Cheyne Ideology and brand consumption,2013,24,3,326-333,Singh Facial structure is indicative of explicit support for prejudicial beliefs,2013,24,3,289-296,Gaertner Social-Information-Processing Patterns Mediate the Impact of Preventive Intervention on Adolescent Antisocial Behavior,2013,24,4,456-465,Dodge Learning to see but not discriminate visual forms is impaired in aging,2013,24,4,412-422,Kuai Hurting you hurts me too: The psychological costs of complying with ostracism,2013,24,4,583-588,Ryan Not like me = bad: infants prefer those who harm dissimilar others,2013,24,4,589-594,Hamlin The allure of the forbidden: breaking taboos frustration and attraction to violent video games,2013,24,4,507-513,Bushman When anger leads to rumination: Iduction of relative right frontal cortical activity with transcranial direct current stimulation increases anger-related rumination,2013,24,4,475-481,Harmon-Jones Stretching the Moral Gray Zone: Positive Affect Moral Disengagement and Dishonesty,2013,24,4,595-599,Vincent Gender differences in multitasking reflect spatial ability,2013,24,4,514-520,Mäntylä Perceived causality can alter the perceived trajectory of apparent motion,2013,24,4,575-582,Singh Increasing recognition of happiness in ambiguous facial expressions reduces anger and aggressive behavior,2013,24,5,688-697,Penton-Voak NASA faked the moon landing--therefore (climate) science is a hoax: an anatomy of the motivated rejection of science,2013,24,5,622-633,Oberauer What sleeping babies hear: a functional MRI study of interparental conflict and infants' emotion processing,2013,24,5,782-789,Fisher Would an obese person whistle Vivaldi? Targets of prejudice self-present to minimize appearance of specific threats,2013,24,5,678-687,Neuberg Attention is spontaneously biased toward regularities,2013,24,5,667-677,Al-Aidroos Attentional capture does not depend on feature similarity but on target-nontarget relations,2013,24,5,634-647,Remington Object-Based Attention Without Awareness,2013,24,6,836-843,Norman Deliberation's blindsight: how cognitive load can improve judgments,2013,24,6,869-879,Rieskamp The common pain of surrealism and death: acetaminophen reduces compensatory affirmation following meaning threats,2013,24,6,966-973,Heine Low skin conductance activity in infancy predicts aggression in toddlers 2 years later,2013,24,6,1051-1056,Van Goozen Serial consolidation of orientation information into visual short-term memory,2013,24,6,1044-1050,Becker Vividness of the future self predicts delinquency,2013,24,6,974-980,Nordgren Perceptual Determinants Are Critical but They Don't Explain Everything: A Response to Tarr (2013),2013,24,6,1071-1073,Gervais Perception isn't so simple: Commentary on Bernard Gervais Allen Campomizzi and Klein (2012),2013,24,6,1069-1070,Tarr Social Transmission of the Sensory Benefits of Eye Widening in Fear Expressions,2013,24,6,957-965,Anderson Political extremism is supported by an illusion of understanding,2013,24,6,939-946,Sloman Maternal Stress and Infant Mortality: The Importance of the Preconception Period,2013,24,7,1309-1316,Långström The devil is in the specificity: the negative effect of prediction specificity on prediction accuracy,2013,24,7,1164-1170,Yoon Shifting selection may control apparent motion,2013,24,7,1368-1370,Suzuki An upside to adversity? moderate cumulative lifetime adversity is associated with resilient responses in the face of controlled stressors,2013,24,7,1181-1189,Seery Females scan more than males: a potential mechanism for sex differences in recognition memory,2013,24,7,1157-1163,Shore The deliberation-without-attention effect: evidence for an artifactual interpretation,2009,20,6,671-675,Lassiter Acting on anger: social anxiety modulates approach-avoidance tendencies after oxytocin administration,2013,24,8,1573-1578,de Bruijn Extreme rituals promote prosociality,2013,24,8,1602-1605,Xygalatas Effects of acute anxiety induction on speech perception: are anxious listeners distracted listeners?,2013,24,8,1606-1608,Mattys Riding other people's coattails individuals with low self-control value self-control in other people,2013,24,6,1031-1036,Fitzsimons Low self-control promotes the willingness to sacrifice in close relationships,2013,24,8,1533-1540,Finkenauer Rising stars and sinking ships: Consequences of status momentum,2013,24,8,1579-1584,Sivanathan A brief intervention to promote conflict reappraisal preserves marital quality over time,2013,24,8,1595-1601,Finkel "The Way I Am Is the Way You Ought to Be": Perceiving One's Relational Status As Unchangeable Motivates Normative Idealization of That Status,2013,24,8,1523-1532,Eibach Does the "Why" Tell Us the "When"?,2013,24,8,1563-1572,Lagnado Perceived aggressiveness predicts fighting performance in mixed-martial-arts fighters,2013,24,9,1664-1672,Havlícek Look Before You Leap: Sensory Memory Improves Decision Making,2013,24,9,1635-1643,Vlassova The Nature and Nurture of High IQ: An Extended Sensitive Period for Intellectual Development,2013,24,8,1487-1495,Wright One Without the Other: Seeing Relationships in Everyday Objects,2013,24,9,1615-1622,Mourey How are you feeling? Revisiting the quantification of Emotional Qualia,2013,24,8,1503-1511,Anderson Do new objects capture attention?,2005,16,4,275-281,Hollingworth The beneficial effect of concurrent task-irrelevant mental activity on temporal attention,2005,16,4,265-269,Nieuwenhuis Keeping it steady: Older adults perform more consistently on cognitive tasks than younger adults,2013,24,9,1747-1754,Lindenberger Experiencing a natural disaster alters children's altruistic giving,2013,24,9,1686-1695,Decety Is resilience only skin deep? Rural African Americans' socioeconomic status-related risk and competence in preadolescence and psychological adjustment and allostatic load at age 19,2013,24,7,1285-1293,Chen The invisible gorilla strikes again: Sustained inattentional blindness in expert observers,2013,24,9,1848-1853,Wolfe Mental- and physical-health effects of acute exposure to media images of the September 11 2001 attacks and the Iraq War,2013,24,9,1623-1634,Silver Warnings of adverse side effects can backfire over time,2013,24,9,1842-1847,Steinhart Enacting cultural interests: How intergroup contact reduces prejudice by sparking interest in an out-group's culture,2013,24,10,1947-1957,Walton The polarizing effect of arousal on negotiation,2013,24,10,1928-1935,Brown The Illusion of Saving Face: How People Symbolically Cope With Embarrassment,2013,24,10,2005-2012,Dong Impact of bullying in childhood on adult health wealth crime and social outcomes,2013,24,10,1958-1970,Wolke The Relative Trustworthiness of Inferential Tests of the Indirect Effect in Statistical Mediation Analysis: Does Method Really Matter?,2013,24,10,1918-1927,Hayes From glue to gasoline: How competition turns perspective takers unethical,2013,24,10,1986-1994,Galinsky Just post it: The lesson from two cases of fabricated data detected by statistics alone,2013,24,10,1875-1888,Simonsohn The interactive effect of anger and disgust on moral outrage and judgments,2013,24,10,2069-2078,Salerno Are forensic experts biased by the side that retained them?,2013,24,10,1889-1897,Murrie Meditation increases compassionate responses to suffering,2013,24,10,2125-2127,DeSteno Cascading reminiscence bumps in popular music,2013,24,10,2057-2068,Krumhansl Other People as Means to a Safe End: Vicarious Extinction Blocks the Return of Learned Fear,2013,24,11,2182-2190,Golkar Behavioral confirmation of everyday sadism,2013,24,11,2201-2209,Paulhus Self-regulatory depletion enhances neural responses to rewards and impairs top-down control,2013,24,11,2262-2271,Heatherton Shared neural mechanisms underlying social warmth and physical warmth,2013,24,11,2272-2280,Eisenberger Why neoliberal values of self-enhancement lead to cheating in higher education: A motivational account,2013,24,11,2153-2162,Butera Genes for emotion-enhanced remembering are linked to enhanced perceiving,2013,24,11,2244-2253,Freeman Emotional distractors can enhance attention,2013,24,11,2322-2328,Miller The number of fatalities drives disaster aid: Increasing sensitivity to people in need,2013,24,11,2226-2234,Evangelidis Nonverbal expressions of status and system legitimacy: An interactive influence on race bias,2013,24,11,2315-2321,Ambady Social Status Moderates the Relationship Between Facial Structure and Aggression,2013,24,11,2329-2334,Miller In the eye of the beholder: Eye contact increases resistance to persuasion,2013,24,11,2254-2261,Heinrichs The ergonomics of dishonesty: The effect of incidental posture on stealing cheating and traffic violations,2013,24,11,2281-2289,Cuddy Testosterone inhibits trust but promotes reciprocity,2013,24,11,2306-2314,Boksem Feeling superior is a bipartisan issue: Extremity (not direction) of political views predicts perceived belief superiority,2013,24,12,2454-2462,Leary Controlling intentions: The surprising ease of stopping after going relative to stopping after never having gone,2013,24,12,2463-2471,Bugg Helping fellow beings: Anthropomorphized social causes and the role of anticipatory guilt,2014,25,1,224-229,Ahn The long-term effects of new evidence on implicit impressions of other people,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ferguson Below-baseline suppression of competitors during interference resolution by younger but not older adults,2014,25,1,145-151,Hasher The impact of sustained engagement on cognitive function in older adults: the synapse project,2014,25,1,103-112,Park Human Infants' Learning of Social Structures: The Case of Dominance Hierarchy,2014,25,1,250-255,Mascaro Beauty at the ballot box: Disease threats predict preferences for physically attractive leaders,2013,24,12,2429-2436,Neuberg How bad could it be? Alcohol dampens stress responses to threat of uncertain intensity,2013,24,12,2541-2549,Curtin A Person-by-Situation Approach to Emotion Regulation: Cognitive Reappraisal Can Either Help or Hurt Depending on the Context,2013,24,12,2505-2514,Troy A dissociation of performance and awareness during binocular rivalry,2013,24,12,2563-2568,Baker Saccades toward the target are planned as sequences rather than as single steps,2014,25,1,215-223,Verstraten The morning morality effect: The influence of time of day on unethical behavior,2014,25,1,95-102,Kouchaki Developmental reversals in risky decision making: Intelligence agents show larger decision biases than college students,2014,25,1,76-84,Reyna Kinesthesis can make an invisible hand visible,2014,25,1,66-75,Tadin The Price Had Better Be Right: Women's Reactions to Sexual Stimuli Vary With Market Factors,2014,25,1,278-283,Vohs Replications Should Be Performed With Power and Precision: A Response to Rommers Meyer and Huettig (2013),2014,25,1,305-307,Zwaan The eye pupil adjusts to imaginary light,2014,25,1,188-197,Laeng "Top-down" effects where none should be found: The el Greco fallacy in perception research,2014,25,1,38-46,Scholl Racial progress as threat to the status hierarchy: Implications for perceptions of anti-white bias,2014,25,2,439-446,Kaiser Stereotyping to infer group membership creates plausible deniability for prejudice-based aggression,2014,25,2,340-348,Devine Are the "memory wars" over? A scientist-practitioner gap in beliefs about repressed memory,2014,25,2,519-530,Lilienfeld Long-Term Relations Among Prosocial-Media Use Empathy and Prosocial Behavior,2014,25,2,358-368,Anderson Loss attention in a dual-task setting,2014,25,2,494-502,Yechiam Genetic factors that increase male facial masculinity decrease facial attractiveness of female relatives,2014,25,2,476-484,Wright Catching eyes: Effects of social and nonsocial cues on attention capture,2014,25,3,720-727,Welsh Two faces of shame: The roles of shame and guilt in predicting recidivism,2014,25,3,799-805,Stuewig Feeling the conflict: The crucial role of conflict experience in adaptation,2014,25,3,675-683,Van den Bussche Inhibition drives early feature-based attention,2014,25,2,315-324,Moher Neighborhood ethnic diversity and trust: The role of intergroup contact and perceived threat,2014,25,3,665-674,Hewstone The attentional blink reveals the probabilistic nature of discrete conscious perception,2014,25,3,824-831,Asplund A lack of material resources causes harsher moral judgments,2014,25,3,702-710,Thau Gossip and ostracism promote cooperation in groups,2014,25,3,656-664,Feinberg Racial Bias Shapes Social Reinforcement Learning,2014,25,3,711-719,Olsson Nonaccidental properties underlie human categorization of complex natural scenes,2014,25,4,851-860,Walther Geographical differences in subjective well-being predict extraordinary altruism,2014,25,3,762-771,Marsh Know thy avatar: The unintended effect of virtual-self representation on behavior,2014,25,4,1043-1045,Yoon Do difficult decisions motivate belief in fate? A test in the context of the 2012 U.S. presidential election,2014,25,4,1046-1048,Kay Evil genius? How dishonesty can lead to greater creativity,2014,25,4,973-981,Wiltermuth More intelligent more dependable children live longer: a 55-year longitudinal study of a representative sample of the Scottish nation,2008,19,9,874-880,Batty Feature-binding errors after eye movements and shifts of attention,2014,25,5,1067-1078,Golomb Psychological Strategies for Winning a Geopolitical Forecasting Tournament,2014,25,5,1106-1115,Baron Some Evidence for Unconscious Lie Detection,2014,25,5,1098-1105,ten Brinke Testosterone reactivity to provocation mediates the effect of early intervention on aggressive behavior,2014,25,5,1140-1146,Dodge Don't do it again! Directed forgetting of habits,2014,25,6,1242-1248,Dreisbach The pen is mightier than the keyboard: advantages of longhand over laptop note taking,2014,25,6,1159-1168,Oppenheimer Neural predictors of giving in to temptation in daily life,2014,25,7,1337-1344,Hofmann Yes but don't underestimate estimation: reply to Morey Rouder Verhagen and Wagenmakers (2014),2014,25,6,1291-1292,Fidler Memory and cognitive control in task switching,2012,23,10,1256-1263,Yeung We see more than we can report: "cost free" color phenomenality outside focal attention,2014,25,7,1394-1403,Usher Forgiving you is hard but forgetting seems easy: can forgiveness facilitate forgetting?,2014,25,7,1295-1302,Macleod Purpose in Life as a Predictor of Mortality Across Adulthood,2014,25,7,1482-1486,Hill Visual environment attention allocation and learning in young children: when too much of a good thing may be bad,2014,25,7,1362-1370,Seltman Gender and sexual economics: do women view sex as a female commodity?,2014,25,7,1438-1447,Rudman The Second Shift Reflected in the Second Generation: Do Parents' Gender Roles at Home Predict Children's Aspirations?,2014,25,7,1418-1428,Schmader Free will and punishment: a mechanistic view of human nature reduces retribution,2014,25,8,1563-1570,Baumeister Can classic moral stories promote honesty in children?,2014,25,8,1630-1636,Lee The value of numbers in economic rewards,2014,25,8,1534-1545,Cunningham Erratum: Are the "memory wars" over? A scientist-practitioner gap in beliefs about repressed memory,2014,25,7,1506, Infants track the reliability of potential informants,2014,25,9,1730-1738,Sobel Love Is in the Gaze: An Eye-Tracking Study of Love and Sexual Desire,2014,25,9,1748-1756,Cacioppo Sleep Deprivation and False Memories,2014,25,9,1674-1681,Loftus When knowledge is demotivating: subjective knowledge and choice overload,2014,25,9,1739-1747,Hadar When you think about it your past is in front of you: how culture shapes spatial conceptions of time,2014,25,9,1682-1690,Casasanto The Spontaneous Formation of Stereotypes via Cumulative Cultural Evolution,2014,25,9,1777-1786,Cunningham The Rules of Implicit Evaluation by Race Religion and Age,2014,25,9,1804-1815,Nosek Wanted: direct comparisons of unconscious and conscious lie detection,2014,25,10,1962-1963,ten Brinke "Utilizing" signal detection theory,2014,25,9,1663-1673,Barrett Racial disparities in incarceration increase acceptance of punitive policies,2014,25,10,1949-1954,Hetey Perceiving crowd attention: ensemble perception of a crowd's gaze,2014,25,10,1903-1913,Whitney Why it is scientifically respectable to believe in repression: a response to Patihis Ho Tingen Lilienfeld and Loftus (2014),2014,25,10,1964-1966,Brewin Unconscious repressed memory is scientifically questionable,2014,25,10,1967-1968,Lilienfeld Value-driven attentional capture in adolescence,2014,25,11,1987-1993,Vecera Comparing gains and losses,2010,21,10,1438-1445,Kahneman Do frequency representations eliminate conjunction effects? An exercise in adversarial collaboration,2001,12,4,269-275,Kahneman Judgment and decision making: a personal view,1991,2,3,142-145,Kahneman Positive emotions trigger upward spirals toward emotional well-being,2002,13,2,172-175,Fredrickson Excessive reassurance seeking: delineating a risk factor involved in the development of depressive symptoms,2001,12,5,371-378,Joiner Corrigendum: Can emotion regulation change political attitudes in intractable conflicts? From the laboratory to the field,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub, Shared experiences are amplified,2014,25,12,2209-2216,Clark Does the morning morality effect hold true only for morning people?,2014,25,12,2275-2276,Kouchaki The morality of larks and owls: unethical behavior depends on chronotype as well as time of day,2014,25,12,2272-2274,Gunia Providing views of the driving scene to drivers' conversation partners mitigates cell-phone-related distraction,2014,25,12,2136-2146,Kramer People overestimate their willingness to reject potential romantic partners by overlooking their concern for other people,2014,25,12,2233-2240,MacDonald Children conform to the behavior of peers; other great apes stick with what they know,2014,25,12,2160-2167,Tomasello Growth and change in attention problems disruptive behavior and achievement from kindergarten to fifth grade,2014,25,12,2241-2251,Claessens Subjective status shapes political preferences,2014,26,1,15-26,Kay Paternal antisocial behavior and sons' cognitive ability: a population-based quasiexperimental study,2014,26,1,78-88,Långström Action-specific disruption of perceptual confidence,2014,26,1,89-98,Fleming Action-video-game experience alters the spatial resolution of vision,2007,18,1,88-94,Bavelier The Unthinking or Confident Extremist? Political Extremists Are More Likely Than Moderates to Reject Experimenter-Generated Anchors,2014,26,2,189-202,Evans Examining the link between conception risk and intergroup bias: the importance of conceptual coherence,2015,26,2,253-255,Navarrete Expression of anger and ill health in two cultures: an examination of inflammation and cardiovascular risk,2015,26,2,211-220,Kawakami Constructing rich false memories of committing crime,2015,26,3,291-301,Porter Emotional vocalizations are recognized across cultures regardless of the valence of distractors,2015,26,3,354-356,Ekman Cultural variation in emotion perception is real: a response to Sauter Eisner Ekman and Scott (2015),2015,26,3,357-359,Gendron Building blocks for developing spatial skills: evidence from a large representative U.S. sample,2015,26,3,302-310,Newcombe Dimorphous expressions of positive emotion: displays of both care and aggression in response to cute stimuli,2015,26,3,259-273,Clark Assessing the robustness of the relationship between entering adulthood in a recession and narcissism,2015,26,4,537-538,Bianchi Does entering adulthood in a recession affect narcissism? Robust evidence is still needed,2015,26,4,534-536,Fletcher Social structure infectious diseases disasters secularism and cultural change in America,2015,26,3,311-324,Grossmann Perceptions of U.S. social mobility are divided (and distorted) along ideological lines,2015,26,4,413-423,Chambers Aggressive-antisocial boys develop into physically strong young men,2015,26,4,444-455,Iacono Anticipating divine protection? Reminders of god can increase nonmoral risk taking,2015,26,4,374-384,Levav Improving vision among older adults: behavioral training to improve sight,2015,26,4,456-466,Andersen Gender Cognition in Transgender Children,2015,26,4,467-474,Olson Young children show the bystander effect in helping situations,2015,26,4,499-506,Carpenter Chronic noise exposure and physiological response: a prospective study of children living under environmental stress,1998,9,1,75-77,Evans Small telescopes: detectability and the evaluation of replication results,2015,26,5,559-569,Simonsohn Social influence on risk perception during adolescence,2015,26,5,583-592,Blakemore Erratum: Action-Specific Disruption of Perceptual Confidence,2015,26,4,551, Assessing the Robustness of Power Posing: No Effect on Hormones and Risk Tolerance in a Large Sample of Men and Women,2015,26,5,653-656,Leiberg Two strikes: race and the disciplining of young students,2015,26,5,617-624,Eberhardt Over-the-counter relief from pains and pleasures alike: acetaminophen blunts evaluation sensitivity to both negative and positive stimuli,2015,26,6,750-758,Way Not so innocent: toddlers' inferences about costs and culpability,2015,26,5,633-640,Tenenbaum Childhood self-control and unemployment throughout the life span: evidence from two British cohort studies,2015,26,6,709-723,Baumeister When does the in-group like the out-group? Bias among children as a function of group norms,2015,26,6,834-842,Abrams Realism and illusion in Americans' temporal views of their life satisfaction: age differences in reconstructing the past and anticipating the future,2008,19,9,889-897,Ryff Leaders' use of moral justifications increases policy support,2015,26,6,934-943,Van Zant Is playing video games related to cognitive abilities?,2015,26,6,759-774,Kane Cumulative exposure to prior collective trauma and acute stress responses to the Boston Marathon bombings,2015,26,6,675-683,Silver Neuroanatomical correlates of the income-achievement gap,2015,26,6,925-933,Mackey When Does the Future Begin? Time Metrics Matter Connecting Present and Future Selves,2015,26,6,816-825,Lewis The connection is in the data: we should consider them all,2015,26,6,947-949,Treccani Publication bias and the validity of evidence: what's the connection?,2015,26,6,944-946,Bialystok Visualizing trumps vision in training attention,2015,26,7,1114-1122,Woodman The moral virtue of authenticity: how inauthenticity produces feelings of immorality and impurity,2015,26,7,983-996,Galinsky The rhythm of perception: entrainment to acoustic rhythms induces subsequent perceptual oscillation,2015,26,7,1006-1013,Hickok Neurocognitive mechanisms of prejudice formation: the role of time-dependent memory consolidation,2015,26,7,964-971,Enge Evidence for the Upward Spiral Stands Steady: A Response to Heathers Brown Coyne and Friedman (2015),2015,26,7,1144-1146,Fredrickson The Elusory Upward Spiral: A Reanalysis of Kok et al. (2013),2015,26,7,1140-1143,Coyne Social cuing of guilt by anger and of shame by disgust,2011,22,1,49-53,Espinosa Corrigendum: On the precipice of a "majority-minority" America: perceived status threat from the racial demographic shift affects white Americans' political ideology,2015,26,6,950-952, Sad as a matter of choice? Emotion-regulation goals in depression,2015,26,8,1216-1228,Tamir Fair is not fair everywhere,2015,26,8,1252-1260,Tomasello Turbulent times rocky relationships: relational consequences of experiencing physical instability,2015,26,8,1261-1271,Wood Effects of violent-video-game exposure on aggressive behavior aggressive-thought accessibility and aggressive affect among adults with and without autism spectrum disorder,2015,26,8,1187-1200,Bartholow Culture moderates biases in search decisions,2015,26,8,1229-1240,Pattaratanakun Intra- versus intersex aggression: testing theories of sex differences using aggression networks,2015,26,8,1285-1294,Hewstone Cognitive training can reduce civilian casualties in a simulated shooting environment,2015,26,8,1164-1176,Mitroff Facial trustworthiness predicts extreme criminal-sentencing outcomes,2015,26,8,1325-1331,Rule Why wealthier people think people are wealthier and why it matters: from social sampling to attitudes to redistribution,2015,26,9,1389-1400,Sutton A survival analysis of adolescent friendships: the downside of dissimilarity,2015,26,8,1304-1315,Cillessen Correcting some misrepresentations about gender and sexual economics theory: comment on Rudman and Fetterolf (2014),2015,26,9,1522-1523,Baumeister Why Sexual Economics Theory is patriarchal: reply to Vohs and Baumeister's (2015) comment on Rudman and Fetterolf (2014),2015,26,9,1524-1525,Rudman Genes unite executive functions in childhood,2015,26,8,1151-1163,Harden A difference-education intervention equips first-generation college students to thrive in the face of stressful college situations,2015,26,10,1556-1566,Stephens Running with the pack: teen peer-relationship qualities as predictors of adult physical health,2015,26,10,1574-1583,Allen Age of entry into early childhood education and care as a predictor of aggression: faint and fading associations for young Norwegian children,2015,26,10,1595-1607,Dearing Sadness impairs color perception,2015,26,11,1822,Elliot No evidence for unconscious lie detection: a significant difference does not imply accurate classification,2015,26,10,1646-1648,Franz Effects of stress on the social support provided by men and women in intimate relationships,2015,26,10,1584-1594,Bradbury Nothing happens by accident or does it? A low prior for randomness does not explain belief in conspiracy theories,2015,26,11,1762-1770,Dieguez When threat is near get out of here: dynamics of defensive behavior during freezing and active avoidance,2015,26,11,1706-1716,Hamm Is she angry? (Sexually desirable) women "see" anger on female faces,2015,26,11,1655-1663,Neuberg Bad drives psychological reactions but good propels behavior responses to honesty and deception,2009,20,5,634-644,Galinsky Can authoritarianism lead to greater liking of out-groups? The intriguing case of Singapore,2015,26,12,1972-1974,Van Hiel Homosexuality as a discrete class,2015,26,12,1843-1853,Marcus Exogenous attention enables perceptual learning,2015,26,12,1854-1862,Carrasco Replication in psychological science,2015,26,12,1827-1832,Lindsay The effects of social context and acute stress on decision making under uncertainty,2015,26,12,1918-1926,Phelps Opportunity cost neglect attenuates the effect of choices on preferences,2015,27,1,103-113,Greenberg The evolutionary basis of honor cultures,2015,27,1,12-24,Cohen Internalized impressions: the link between apparent facial trustworthiness and deceptive behavior is mediated by targets' expectations of how they will be judged,2015,27,2,282-288,Slepian Status decreases dominance in the West but increases dominance in the East,2015,27,2,127-137,Galinsky Boosting belligerence: how the July 7 2005 London bombings affected liberals' moral foundations and prejudice,2015,27,2,169-177,Abrams Changing environments by changing individuals: the emergent effects of psychological intervention,2015,27,2,150-160,Cohen Establishing the attention-distractibility trait,2015,27,2,203-212,Forster Wearing a bicycle helmet can increase risk taking and sensation seeking in adults,2016,27,2,289-294,Walker Propensity for risk taking across the life span and around the globe,2016,27,2,231-243,Hertwig Agreement attraction and impasse aversion: reasons for selecting a poor deal over no deal at all,2016,27,3,312-321,Kesebir Pleasure now pain later: positive fantasies about the future predict symptoms of depression,2016,27,3,345-353,Oettingen Discouraged by peer excellence: exposure to exemplary peer performance causes quitting,2016,27,3,365-374,Rogers Looking under the hood of third-party punishment reveals design for personal benefit,2016,27,3,405-418,Cosmides Does seeing faces of young black boys facilitate the identification of threatening stimuli?,2016,27,3,384-393,Neel Economic insecurity increases physical pain,2016,27,4,443-454,Galinsky Taming the white bear: initial costs and eventual benefits of distractor inhibition,2016,27,4,476-485,Egeth Does causality matter more now? Increase in the proportion of causal language in english texts,2016,27,5,635-643,Axelrod On the necessity of distinguishing between unintentional and intentional mind wandering,2016,27,5,685-691,Risko Attention's accelerator,2016,27,6,790-798,Woodman The perception of history: seeing causal history in static shapes induces illusory motion perception,2016,27,6,923-930,Scholl Early-childhood social reticence predicts brain function in preadolescent youths during distinct forms of peer evaluation,2016,27,6,821-835,Pine Corrigendum: Like a magnet: catharsis beliefs attract angry people to violent video games,2016,27,7,1047, How to improve adolescent stress responses: insights from integrating implicit theories of personality and biopsychosocial models,2016,27,8,1078-1091,Yeager A safe haven: investigating social-support figures as prepared safety stimuli,2016,27,8,1051-1060,Eisenberger Why do people tend to infer "ought" from "is"? The role of biases in explanation,2016,27,8,1109-1122,Cimpian Playing action video games improves visuomotor control,2016,27,8,1092-1108,Chen Overcorrection for social-categorization information moderates impact bias in affective forecasting,2016,27,10,1340-1351,Cikara Facial-attractiveness choices are predicted by divisive normalization,2016,27,10,1379-1387,Furl The long reach of nurturing family environments: links with midlife emotion-regulatory styles and late-life security in intimate relationships,2016,27,11,1443-1450,Waldinger Young children see a single action and infer a social norm: promiscuous normativity in 3-year-olds,2016,27,10,1360-1370,Tomasello Conscious access to suppressed threatening information is modulated by working memory,2016,27,11,1419-1427,Wang A tale of two types of perspective taking: sex differences in spatial ability,2016,27,11,1507-1516,Tarampi When the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak: developmental differences in judgments about inner moral conflict,2016,27,11,1498-1506,Starmans Your understanding is my understanding: evidence for a community of knowledge,2016,27,11,1451-1460,Sloman The wisdom to know the difference: strategy-situation fit in emotion regulation in daily life is associated with well-being,2016,27,12,1651-1659,Kuppens Instantaneous conventions: the emergence of flexible communicative signals,2016,27,12,1550-1561,Chater The too-much-precision effect: when and why precise anchors backfire with experts,2016,27,12,1573-1587,Galinsky Corrigendum: Does seeing faces of young black boys facilitate the identification of threatening stimuli?,2016,27,12,1673, When far becomes near: perspective taking induces social remapping of spatial relations,2016,28,1,69-79,Tversky The role of hedonic behavior in reducing perceived risk: evidence from postearthquake mobile-app data,2016,28,1,23-35,Shiv Autopedophilia: erotic-target identity inversions in men sexually attracted to children,2016,28,1,115-123,Bailey A preregistered study of competing predictions suggests that men do overestimate women's sexual intent,2017,28,2,253-255,Haselton Reply to "A preregistered study of competing predictions suggests that men do overestimate women's sexual intent",2017,28,2,256-257,Perilloux We know who likes us but not who competes against us,2017,28,2,233-241,Elfenbein The road to bribery and corruption,2017,28,3,297-306,van Prooijen Avoiding accidents at the champagne reception,2017,28,3,338-345,Pezzulo Attention modifies spatial resolution according to task demands,2017,28,3,285-296,Carrasco When perception trumps reality,2017,28,3,346-355,Nilsson The novelty penalty,2017,28,3,380-394,Wilson The two-body inversion effect,2017,28,3,369-379,Papeo Retraction of "Unlocking past emotion: verb use affects mood and happiness",2017,28,3,404, Sleepy punishers are harsh punishers,2017,28,2,242-247,Barnes Logged in and zoned out,2017,28,2,171-180,Fenn Hidden advantages and disadvantages of social class,2017,28,2,162-170,Croizet "Catching" social bias,2017,28,2,216-224,Meltzoff The role of school principals in shaping children's values,2016,27,12,1539-1549,Oreg Shifting attention between visual dimensions as a source of switch costs,2017,28,4,470-481,Monsell Don't shoot the messenger: Still no evidence that video-game experience is related to cognitive abilities—a reply to Green et al. (2017),2017,28,5,683-686,Kane Playing some video games but not others is related to cognitive abilities,2017,28,5,679-682,Green Efficiency of executive function: a two-generation cross-cultural comparison of samples from Hong Kong and the United Kingdom,2017,28,5,555-566,Hughes The detrimental effects of oxytocin-induced conformity on dishonesty in competition,2017,28,6,751-759,Müller Costs of selective attention: when children notice what adults miss,2017,28,6,723-732,Plebanek Don't underestimate the benefits of being misunderstood,2017,28,6,703-712,Gibson Reading what the mind thinks from how the eye sees,2017,28,4,494-503,Lee If it's difficult to pronounce it might not be risky: the effect of fluency on judgment of risk does not generalize to new stimuli,2017,28,4,427-436,Bahník In a world of big data small effects can still matter: a reply to Boyce Daly Hounkpatin and Wood (2017),2017,28,4,547-550,Matz Thinking fast increases framing effects in risky decision making,2017,28,4,530-543,Diederich Who dares who errs? Disentangling cognitive and motivational roots of age differences in decisions under risk,2017,28,4,504-518,Hertwig Do Young Drivers Become Safer After Being Involved in a Collision?,2017,28,4,407-413,Simons-Morton Bullying and being bullied in childhood are associated with different psychosocial risk factors for poor physical health in men,2017,28,6,808-821,Jennings The role of intrinsic motivation and the satisfaction of basic psychological needs under conditions of severe resource scarcity,2017,28,6,822-828,van Egmond Disgust and anger relate to different aggressive responses to moral violations,2017,28,5,609-619,Hofmann Corrigendum: Costs of selective attention: when children notice what adults miss,2017,28,6,829, Cruel to be kind: factors underlying altruistic efforts to worsen another person's mood,2017,28,7,862-871,Gummerum Selectively distracted: divided attention and memory for important information,2017,28,8,1103-1115,Castel Black and White lies: race-based biases in deception judgments,2017,28,8,1125-1136,Hugenberg Lack of free choice reveals the cost of having to search for more than one object,2017,28,8,1137-1147,Ort When is higher neuroticism protective against death? Findings from UK Biobank,2017,28,9,1345-1357,Weiss Global increases in individualism,2017,28,9,1228-1239,Grossmann Two equals one: two human actions during social interaction are grouped as one unit in working memory,2017,28,9,1311-1320,Shen For whom the mind wanders and when varies across laboratory and daily-life settings,2017,28,9,1271-1289,Kane The effect of a Supreme Court decision regarding gay marriage on social norms and personal attitudes,2017,28,9,1334-1344,Paluck Topological relations between objects are categorically coded,2017,28,10,1408-1418,Franconeri Attentional lapses in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: blank rather than wandering thoughts,2017,28,10,1375-1386,Peyre Thinking more or feeling less? Explaining the foreign-language effect on moral judgment,2017,28,10,1387-1397,Tannenbaum More is meaningful: the magnitude effect in intertemporal choice depends on self-control,2017,28,10,1443-1454,Cohen Praising young children for being smart promotes cheating,2017,28,12,1868-1870,Heyman Debunking: a meta-analysis of the psychological efficacy of messages countering misinformation,2017,28,11,1531-1546,Albarracín Sample-size planning for more accurate statistical power: a method adjusting sample effect sizes for publication bias and uncertainty,2017,28,11,1547-1562,Kelley Relative effects of forward and backward planning on goal pursuit,2017,28,11,1620-1630,Park Educational attainment and personality are genetically intertwined,2017,28,11,1631-1639,Allik Bayes factors from pooled data are no substitute for Bayesian meta-analysis: commentary on Scheibehenne Jamil and Wagenmakers (2016),2017,28,11,1694-1697,Carlsson Fixed or random? A resolution through model averaging: reply to Carlsson Schimmack Williams and Bürkner (2017),2017,28,11,1698-1701,Wagenmakers The blur of pleasure: appetitively appealing stimuli decrease subjective temporal perceptual acuity,2017,28,11,1563-1582,Kingstone Dynamic norms promote sustainable behavior even if it is counternormative,2017,28,11,1663-1674,Walton The wisdom in virtue: pursuit of virtue predicts wise reasoning about personal conflicts,2017,28,12,1848-1856,McGregor Corrigendum: beyond purity: moral disgust toward bad character,2017,28,12,1871, Eye-tracking causality,2017,28,12,1731-1744,Lagnado The humanizing voice: speech reveals and text conceals a more thoughtful mind in the midst of disagreement,2017,28,12,1745-1762,Epley Strengthening causal estimates for links between spanking and children's externalizing behavior problems,2018,29,1,110-120,Gershoff Contagious anxiety: anxious European Americans can transmit their physiological reactivity to African Americans,2017,28,12,1796-1806,Mendes The blind psychological scientists and the elephant: reply to Sherlock and Zietsch,2018,29,1,158-160,Waldinger Longitudinal relationships between parents' and children's behavior need not implicate the influence of parental behavior and may reflect genetics: comment on Waldinger and Schulz (2016),2018,29,1,154-157,Zietsch Corrigendum: childhood adversity self-esteem and diurnal cortisol profiles across the life span,2018,29,1,161-165, Corrigendum: The Wisdom in Virtue: Pursuit of Virtue Predicts Wise Reasoning About Personal Conflicts,2017,28,12,e1872, Corrigendum: Free will and punishment: a mechanistic view of human nature reduces retribution,2018,29,2,311, Dissociating orienting biases from integration effects with eye movements,2018,29,3,328-339,Pratt Deconstructing rich false memories of committing crime: commentary on Shaw and Porter (2015),2018,29,3,471-476,Wade Genetics the rearing environment and the intergenerational transmission of divorce: a Swedish national adoption study,2018,29,3,370-378,Sundquist Overstating the effects of loving-kindness meditation: comment on Kok et al. (2013),2018,29,3,463-466,Nickerson When action-inaction framing leads to higher escalation of commitment: a new inaction-effect perspective on the sunk-cost fallacy,2018,29,4,537-548,Feldman Polluted morality: air pollution predicts criminal activity and unethical behavior,2018,29,3,340-355,Galinsky Hair and salivary testosterone hair cortisol and externalizing behaviors in adolescents,2018,29,5,688-699,Harden After Aylan Kurdi: how tweeting about death threat and harm predict increased expressions of solidarity with refugees over time,2018,29,4,623-634,Smith Early-childhood conduct problems predict economic and political discontent in adulthood: evidence from two large longitudinal UK cohorts,2018,29,5,711-722,Lewis How can researchers tell whether someone has a false memory? Coding strategies in autobiographical false-memory research: a reply to Wade Garry and Pezdek (2018),2018,29,3,477-480,Shaw Event-based conformity versus regression to the mean: a comment on Kim and Hommel (2015),2018,29,7,1190-1192,Ihmels Do people inherently dislike uncertain advice?,2018,29,4,504-520,Simmons Seeing what you feel: affect drives visual perception of structurally neutral faces,2018,29,4,496-503,Barrett Genetics and crime: integrating new genomic discoveries into psychological research about antisocial behavior,2018,29,5,791-803,Hogan Corrigendum: Constructing rich false memories of committing crime,2018,29,4,673-674, On the clock: evidence for the rapid and strategic modulation of mind wandering,2018,29,8,1247-1256,Smilek Are sleepy punishers really harsh punishers? Comment on Cho Barnes and Guanara (2017),2018,29,6,1006-1009,Spamann Bicycle helmets and the experimenter effect,2018,29,6,1020-1022,Radun A rose by any other name? A subtle linguistic cue impacts anger and corresponding policy support in intractable conflict,2018,29,6,972-983,Halperin Why hate the good guy? Antisocial punishment of high cooperators is greater when people compete to be chosen,2018,29,6,868-876,Barclay Reply to Ihmels and Ache (2018): Event-based conformity versus regression to the mean,2018,29,7,1193-1194,Hommel Successfully striving for happiness: socially engaged pursuits predict increases in life satisfaction,2018,29,8,1291-1298,Schmukle The link between self-dehumanization and immoral behavior,2018,29,8,1234-1246,Kouchaki How much is enough in a perfect world? Cultural variation in ideal levels of happiness pleasure freedom health self-esteem longevity and intelligence,2018,29,9,1393-1404,Hornsey Undervaluing gratitude: expressers misunderstand the consequences of showing appreciation,2018,29,9,1423-1435,Kumar In defense of the commons: young children negatively evaluate and sanction free riders,2018,29,10,1598-1611,Yang Genetic contribution to variation in risk taking: a functional MRI twin study of the balloon analogue risk task,2018,29,10,1679-1691,Zhou How endogenous crowd formation undermines the wisdom of the crowd in online ratings,2018,29,9,1475-1490,Kareev The perception of spontaneous and volitional laughter across 21 societies,2018,29,9,1515-1525,Kamble Hair and salivary testosterone hair cortisol and externalizing behaviors in adolescents (Corrigendum),2018,ePub,ePub,956797618798775, It's not only who you are but who you are with: high school composition and individuals' attainment over the life course,2018,29,11,1785-1796,Roberts The power of attention: using eye gaze to predict other-regarding and moral choices,2018,29,11,1878-1889,Fiedler Still suspicious: the suspicious-coincidence effect revisited,2018,ePub,ePub,956797618794931,Lewis The zero-sum fallacy in evidence evaluation,2019,30,2,250-260,Lagnado Patterns of implicit and explicit attitudes: I. Long-term change and stability from 2007 to 2016,2019,30,2,174-192,Banaji Perspective taking and self-persuasion: why "putting yourself in their shoes" reduces openness to attitude change,2019,30,3,424-435,Tormala Corrigendum: When is higher neuroticism protective against death? Findings from UK biobank,2019,30,3,467, Null effects of game violence game difficulty and 2D:4D digit ratio on aggressive behavior,2019,30,4,606-616,Bartholow Collective emotions and social resilience in the digital traces after a terrorist attack,2019,30,4,617-628,Rimé Aggression toward sexualized women is mediated by decreased perceptions of humanness,2019,30,5,748-756,Hodson Screens teens and psychological well-being: evidence from three time-use-diary studies,2019,30,5,682-696,Przybylski Loneliness and neighborhood characteristics: a multi-informant nationally representative study of young adults,2019,30,5,765-775,Moffitt Corrigendum: Aggression toward sexualized women is mediated by decreased perceptions of humanness,2019,30,5,804, Why do we hold mixed emotions about racial out-groups? A case for affect matching,2019,ePub,ePub,956797619844269,Sibley Fear without context: acute stress modulates the balance of cue-dependent and contextual fear learning,2019,30,8,1123-1135,Schwabe Corrigendum: Screens teens and psychological well-being: evidence from three time-use-diary studies,2019,30,8,1254, High endogenous testosterone levels are associated with diminished neural emotional control in aggressive police recruits,2019,30,8,1161-1173,Roelofs Happiness and social behavior,2019,30,8,1111-1122,Gross Childhood adversity socioeconomic instability oxytocin-receptor-gene methylation and romantic-relationship support among young African American men,2019,30,8,1234-1244,Kogan Selection of visual objects in perception and working memory one at a time,2019,ePub,ePub,956797619854067,Keil Comparing the effects of hypothetical moral preferences on real-life and hypothetical behavior: commentary on Bostyn Sevenhant and Roets (2018),2019,ePub,ePub,956797618815482,Evans Overlooked evidence and a misunderstanding of what trolley dilemmas do best: commentary on Bostyn Sevenhant and Roets (2018),2019,ePub,ePub,956797619827914,Greene What is the right question for moral psychology to answer? Commentary on Bostyn Sevenhant and Roets (2018),2019,ePub,ePub,956797618815171,Fugelsang Comparing hypothetical and real-life trolley problems: commentary on Bostyn Sevenhant and Roets (2018),2019,ePub,ePub,956797619827880,Colman Paying back people who harmed us but not people who helped us: direct negative reciprocity precedes direct positive reciprocity in early development,2019,ePub,ePub,956797619854975,Blake Visual search for people among people,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Papeo Crowding and binding: not all feature dimensions behave in the same way,2019,ePub,ePub,956797619870779,Carrasco Poverty and puberty: a neurocognitive study of inhibitory control in the transition to adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deater-Deckard Not learning from failure-the greatest failure of all,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fishbach Misinformation and morality: encountering fake-news headlines makes them seem less unethical to publish and share,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Effron Forecasting a fatal decision: direct replication of the predictive validity of the suicide-implicit association test,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chatard Declines in religiosity predict increases in violent crime-but not among countries with relatively high average IQ,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baumeister Sex differences in misperceptions of sexual interest can be explained by sociosexual orientation and men projecting their own interest onto women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zietsch Conflict changes how people view God,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gelfand Does honesty require time? Two preregistered direct replications of experiment 2 of Shalvi Eldar and Bereby-Meyer (2012),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verschuere Aggressive realism: more efficient processing of anger in physically aggressive individuals,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baskin-Sommers Strong effort manipulations reduce response caution: a preregistered reinvention of the ego-depletion paradigm,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Inzlicht Can bad be good? The attraction of a darker self,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rucker Making it harder to "see" meaning: the more you see something the more its conceptual representation is susceptible to visual interference,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davis The distinct effects of empathic accuracy for a romantic partner's appeasement and dominance emotions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Impett Retraction of "Declines in religiosity predict increases in violent crime-but not among countries with relatively high average IQ",2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bauer A call for greater sensitivity in the wake of a publication controversy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bauer Neighborhood deprivation shapes motivational-neurocircuit recruitment in children,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hogeveen The psychological appeal of fake-news attributions,2020,31,7,848-857,Kay Polluted psyche: is the effect of air pollution on unethical behavior more physiological or psychological?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Dominance-driven autocratic political orientations predict political violence in Western educated industrialized rich and democratic (WEIRD) and non-WEIRD samples,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Petersen The latent genetic structure of impulsivity and its relation to internalizing psychopathology,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Friedman Perceiving locations of moving objects across eyeblinks,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maus General enhancement of spatial hearing in congenitally blind people,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collignon Moral choice when harming is unavoidable,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berman People reject algorithms in uncertain decision domains because they have diminishing sensitivity to forecasting error,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dietvorst Expectancy violation drives memory boost for stressful events,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwabe Corrigendum: Using a psychopharmacogenetic approach to identify the pathways through which-and the people for whom-testosterone promotes aggression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,No Author(s) Listed Susceptibility to being lured away by a stranger: a real-world field test of selective trust in early childhood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heyman Alertness training increases visual processing speed in healthy older adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Finke Twin differences in harsh parenting predict youth's antisocial behavior,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klump Misogynistic tweets correlate with violence against women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Denson The crowd-emotion-amplification effect,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gross Asking people to explain complex policies does not increase political moderation: three preregistered failures to closely replicate Fernbach Rogers Fox and Sloman's (2013) findings,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ruscio Feelings of culpability: just following orders versus making the decision oneself,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Metcalfe Against empathy bias: the moral value of equitable empathy,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gaesser Pitfalls of using data portals as sources for psychological research: the example of cross-national homicide data,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eisner Why it is important to know how the sausage is made: benefits risks and responsibilities of using third-party data,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bauer Responsible use of open-access developmental data: the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sowell How accurate are accuracy-nudge interventions? A preregistered direct replication of Pennycook et al. (2020),2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,van der Linden Anger damns the innocent,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,John Are sex differences in human brain structure associated with sex differences in behavior?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wright The psychological burden of the CoViD-19 pandemic is associated with antisystemic attitudes and political violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Petersen Disproportionate school punishment and significant life outcomes: a prospective analysis of Black youths,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Mental logout: behavioral and neural correlates of regulating temptations to use social media,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sheppes Psychometric curves reveal three mechanisms of vigilance decrement,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCarley Psychological drivers of individual differences in risk perception: a systematic case study focusing on 5G,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frey Sex drugs and genes: illuminating the moral condemnation of recreational drugs,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jern Experiencing a natural disaster temporarily boosts relationship satisfaction in newlywed couples,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bradbury What's in a name? The hidden historical ideologies embedded in the Black and African American racial labels,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall Harsh but expedient: dominant leaders increase group cooperation via threat of punishment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cheng A personal model of Trumpery: linguistic deception detection in a real-world high-stakes setting,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Der Zee Frequent interpersonal stress and inflammatory reactivity predict depressive-symptom increases: two tests of the social-signal-transduction theory of depression,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kiecolt-Glaser Fighting violent extremism with narrative intervention: evidence from a field experiment in West Africa,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bilali Explaining the spatial patterning of racial disparities in traffic stops requires a structural perspective: further reflections on Stelter et al. (2022) and Ekstrom et al. (2022) [editorial],2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Payne An emphasis on brilliance fosters masculinity-contest cultures,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cimpian Racial demographics explain the link between racial disparities in traffic stops and county-level racial attitudes,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ekstrom Racial bias in police traffic stops: White residents' county-level prejudice and stereotypes are related to disproportionate stopping of Black drivers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Degner Who's the "real" victim? How victim framing shapes attitudes toward sexual assault,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Flusberg "They're everywhere!": symbolically threatening groups seem more pervasive than nonthreatening groups,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Larrick Deception cues during high-risk situations: 911 homicide calls,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Markey Lack of belonging predicts depressive symptomatology in college students,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cohen Racial prejudice predicts police militarization,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arndt When do observers deprioritize due process for the perpetrator and prioritize safety for the victim in response to information-poor allegations of harm?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,van den Bos Bilingual language experience and its effect on conflict adaptation in reactive inhibitory control tasks,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whitford The impact of implicit-bias-oriented diversity training on police officers' beliefs motivations and actions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lai Awe sparks prosociality in children,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keltner Just dead not alive: reconsidering belief in contradictory conspiracy theories,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Prooijen Surviving racism and sexism: what votes in the television program Survivor reveal about discrimination,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howell Regional measures of sexual-orientation bias predict where same-gender couples live,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henry Perceptual generalization of alcohol-related value characterizes risky drinkers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldfarb Prototypes of people with depression,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koc Effects of voice pitch on social perceptions vary with relational mobility and homicide rate,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tybur Racial prejudice affects representations of facial trustworthiness,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hugenberg Do they look the same unless they are angry? Investigating the other-race effect in the presence of angry expressions,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Imhoff White by another name? Can anti-Christian bias claims serve as a racial dog whistle?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilkins On the efficacy of accuracy prompts across partisan lines: an adversarial collaboration,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Bavel Biases in improvement decisions: people focus on the relative reduction in bad outcomes,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baum Do we become more lonely with age? A coordinated data analysis of nine longitudinal studies,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ong Ambivalent sexism and tolerance of violence against women in Iindia,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hammond The basic units of working memory manipulation are Boolean maps not objects,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ding Risky-choice framing effects result partly from mismatched option descriptions in gains and losses,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dekay