Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A survey of adolescents' knowledge about depression,2004,18,6,228-234,Hess Hopelessness and suicide risk emerge in psychiatric nurses suffering from burnout and using specific defense mechanisms,2006,20,3,135-143,Lester Emergency department visits for suicidality in three hospitals,2006,20,3,117-125,Meldon Immigrant youth at risk for disorders of mood: recognizing complex dynamics,2007,21,3,162-171,Crawford A nontraditional approach to family violence,1994,8,1,30-37,Watson Toward a better understanding of violence in psychiatric settings: debunking the myths,1993,7,6,328-335,Morrison Perspectives of mental health professionals and patients on self-injury in psychiatry: a literature review,2008,22,4,180-189,Bosman Do attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder influence preschool unintentional injury risk?,2008,22,5,288-296,Garzon Relationship Between Sense of Belonging as Connectedness and Suicide in American Indians,2009,23,1,65-74,Hill Behavioral Change in Patients With Severe Self-Injurious Behavior: A Patient's Perspective,2009,23,1,25-31,Bosman Depression Anxiety and Quality of Life in Suicide Survivors: A Comparison of Close and Distant Relationships,2009,23,1,2-10,Mitchell Workplace violence prevention programs in psychiatric units and facilities,2009,23,2,166-176,Gillen Psychometric properties of the Domestic Violence Survivor Assessment,2009,23,2,111-118,Lowry Unintentional injury risk among preschoolers with behavior disorders: Response to Garzon et Al,2009,23,2,94,Schwebel Differences in emotional well-being of hurricane survivors: a secondary analysis of the ABC News Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Poll,2009,23,3,269-271,Rateau Iatrogenesis and the recent selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor debate,2008,22,3,111-112,Fitzpatrick Should the media be condemned for reporting on individual suicides?,2008,22,1,1-2,Fitzpatrick Horizontal violence among nursing students,2007,21,3,177-178,Longo Development and testing of screening indicators for psychological abuse of older people,2007,21,1,40-47,Wang Assisting nursing faculty through the crisis and resolution of student suicide,2007,21,1,25-31,Mintz-Binder Preventing suicide: developing meaning in life,2009,23,4,275-276,Fitzpatrick Re: Group therapy for survivors of childhood sexual abuse,2006,20,3,151,Keddington Understanding psychiatric nursing care with nonsuicidal self-harming patients in acute psychiatric admission units: the views of psychiatric nurses,2006,20,4,186-192,O'donovan Staff roles and responsibilities in incidents of patient violence,1987,1,4,280-284,Morton Art and group work: interventions for multiple victims of child molestation (Part II),1987,1,1,40-46,Burgess Child molestation: assessing impact in multiple victims (Part I),1987,1,1,33-39,Burgess Sexually abused children and their drawings,1988,2,2,65-73,Burgess The assaulted nurse: short-term and long-term responses,1989,3,6,323-331,Poster Nurses' attitudes toward physical assaults by patients,1989,3,6,315-322,Poster Loneliness and disturbed grief: a comparison of parents who lost a child to suicide or accidental death,1989,3,2,86-96,Kovarsky Münchausen's syndrome by proxy as a form of child abuse,1990,4,5,313-318,Yorker Childhood sexual abuse: toward a self-care framework for nursing intervention and research,1990,4,3,147-153,Rew Hiding and healing: resolving the suicide of a parent or sibling,1991,5,6,350-356,Howell Suicide: a conceptual model for an avoidable death,1991,5,6,341-349,Buchanan A comparative study among college students of sexual abuse in childhood,1991,5,6,331-340,Sands The interactional dynamics of violence Part II: Juvenile detention,1991,5,4,216-222,Anderson The interactional dynamics of violence Part I: An acute psychiatric ward,1991,5,4,209-215,Anderson Group therapy with mothers of incest victims Part I: Structure leader attributes and countertransference,1991,5,2,64-69,DelPo Adolescent suicide: views of adolescents parents and school personnel,1991,5,2,57-63,Schepp Circadian dysregulation in abused individuals: a proposed theoretical model for practice and research,1992,6,6,347-355,Glod Empowerment support with adult female survivors of childhood incest: Part II--Application of Orem's methods of helping,1992,6,5,282-286,Urbancic Empowerment support with adult female survivors of childhood incest: Part I--Theories and research,1992,6,5,275-281,Urbancic Female sexual abuse survivors as patients: avoiding retraumatization,1992,6,4,245-251,Doob Psychic loss in adult survivors of father-daughter incest,1992,6,4,239-244,Wingerson Factors associated with long-term depressive symptoms of sexual assault victims,1992,6,1,10-25,Sereika Vincent Foster's suicide: what can psychiatric nurses learn?,1993,7,6,321,Lego Long-term consequences of childhood physical and sexual abuse,1993,7,3,163-173,Glod Rational suicide among older adults: a cause for concern?,1993,7,2,106-110,Moore Is there life after suicide? The systemic belief approach for "survivors" of suicide,1993,7,1,37-43,Watson The effects of the suicide awareness program in enhancing community volunteers' awareness of suicide warning signs,2010,24,1,63-68,Chou Developing distress protocols for research on sensitive topics,2009,23,5,343-350,Poole Looking in looking out-increasing awareness of intentional self-harm in community populations,2010,24,2,140-141,Chiu Should it be okay to beat up the nurse?,2008,22,4,235-236,Geller A comparative study of postpartum depression in abused and non-abused women,2005,19,6,281-290,Rice Alcohol and other drug disorders comorbidity and violence: comparison of rural African American and Caucasian women,2003,17,6,249-258,Phillips Vulnerability to alcohol and other drug disorders in rural women,2003,17,1,33-41,Boyd Critical incident stress debriefing: a family nursing intervention,1994,8,1,38-43,Ragaisis Falling apart: a process integral to the remodeling of male incest offenders,1994,8,2,91-100,Scheela Patterns of coping and characteristics of high-functioning incest survivors,1994,8,2,82-90,DiPalma Is it true?,1994,8,2,67-68,Jones A model for assessment of inpatient suicide potential,1994,8,6,366-372,Cardell Detached Concern of Forensic Mental Health Nurses in Therapeutic Relationships With Patients The Application of the Early Recognition Method Related to Detached Concern,2010,24,4,266-274,Nijman Understanding the Milieu Experiences of Patients on an Acute Inpatient Psychiatric Unit,2010,24,4,216-226,Brown Characteristics of troubled youths in a shelter,1996,10,1,41-48,Gary Repressed memory and false memory,1996,10,2,110-115,Lego Psychiatric nurses' attitudes toward sexuality sexual assault/rape and incest,1996,10,3,184-191,Gallop Coercion and procedural justice in psychiatric care: state of the science and implications for nursing,2010,24,5,307-316,Wineman Mothers with self-reported axis I diagnoses and child protection,2009,23,3,200-209,Lewin The emotional impact of sexual violence research on participants,1999,13,4,161-169,Draucker Choosing a framework for ethical analysis in advanced practice settings: the case for casuistry,1996,10,1,16-23,Dimmitt Perilous work: nurses' experiences in psychiatric units with high risks of assault,2005,19,4,169-175,Kindy An evaluation of four programs for the management of aggression in psychiatric settings,2003,17,4,146-155,Morrison Reducing staff injuries and violence in a forensic psychiatric setting,2002,16,3,108-117,Morrison The effects of group intervention for battered women in Korea,2001,15,6,257-264,Kim Is it legal to be crazy: an ethical dilemma,2001,15,5,241-244,Balevre Violent acts: can we prevent them?,2000,14,6,257-258,Walker Narrative therapy for women who have lived with violence,1998,12,3,162-168,Draucker Client-centered case consultation and single-case research design: application to case management,1990,4,1,12-17,Baradell The borderline patient: systemic versus psychoanalytic approach. Part III: The psychoanalytic approach,1987,1,3,179-182,Lego The borderline patient: systemic versus psychoanalytic approach. Part I: Description of the patient,1987,1,3,172-175,Brobyn Regulatory oversight: do psychiatric patients have the right to refuse active treatment?,2011,25,1,21-23,Hannon-Engel Inquiring about childhood sexual abuse as part of the nursing history: opinions of abused and nonabused nurses,1995,9,3,146-151,Gallop The impact of childhood sexual abuse on the psychological well-being and practice of nurses,1995,9,3,137-145,Gallop Improving staff safety through an aggression management program,1995,9,4,211-215,Martin Managing violence without coercion,1995,9,4,203-210,Morrison The evolution of a concept: aggression and violence in psychiatric settings,1994,8,4,245-253,Morrison A phenomenological study of meaning in life in suicidal older adults,1997,11,1,29-36,Moore Understanding the gender differences in pathways to social deviancy: relational aggression and emotion regulation,2010,24,1,27-37,Bowie Exposure to aggression and the impact on staff in a child and adolescent inpatient unit,2010,24,1,15-26,McDermott The correspondence between the Staff Observation Aggression Scale-Revised and two other indicators for aggressive incidents,2009,23,4,283-288,Nijman Sense of coherence and recovery from major depression: a 4-year follow-up,2009,23,2,119-127,Peden Cross-cultural differences in psychiatric nurses' attitudes to inpatient aggression,2006,20,2,82-93,Dassen Psychiatric nurses' anxiety and cognition in managing psychiatric patients' aggression,2005,19,3,141-149,Hwu Group therapy for survivors of childhood sexual abuse who have chronic mental illness,2005,19,4,176-183,Kreidler The culture of caregiving and aggression in psychiatric settings,1998,12,1,21-31,Morrison A comparison of heterosexual and homosexual long-term sexual relationships,1998,12,2,114-118,Weingourt Military sexual trauma among U.S. Female veterans,2011,25,2,138-147,Williams Serial self-portrait: a technique to monitor changes in self-concept,1996,10,5,311-318,Glaister Healing from incest: resurrecting the buried self,1996,10,5,304-310,Hutchinson A multinational study of psychiatric nursing staffs' beliefs and concerns about work safety and patient assault,1996,10,6,365-373,Poster Delayed recall of childhood sexual abuse: psychiatric nursing's responsibilities to clients,1996,10,6,342-346,Hall No more mother blaming: a feminist nursing perspective on the mother's role in father-daughter incest,1996,10,4,252-260,Ehrmin Psychiatric advance practice nurses collaborate with certified nurse midwives in providing health care for pregnant women with histories of abuse,1996,10,4,229-234,Cole Experiences of women healing from childhood sexual abuse,2001,15,4,188-194,Abel Lessons learned from the trenches about violence,2001,15,2,51-52,Morrison An evaluation of four programs for the management of aggression in psychiatric settings,2004,18,6,243-4; author reply 245-6,Schubert Contending with "problem behaviors" in the nursing home,2002,16,1,32-38,Jervis Factors relevant to patient assaultive behavior and assault in acute inpatient psychiatric units in Taiwan,2002,16,4,187-195,Chou Alienation from self and others: the psychosocial problem of rural alcoholic women,2000,14,3,134-141,Boyd Psychological distress in non-Hispanic white and Hispanic abused women,2000,14,1,19-29,Torres Intrahospital relocation of psychiatric patients and effects on aggression,1990,4,3,154-160,Thomas Early family experiences of women with bulimia and depression,1990,4,1,43-52,Stuart Aggressive behavior and the brain: a different perspective for the mental health nurse,1992,6,5,312-320,Reimer Measuring adverse outcomes in inpatient psychiatry: the reliability of nurse recall,2008,22,2,95-103,Gerolamo Tragedy mental health and the 2008 election,2008,22,3,166,Kane Turkish nurses' experiences of verbal abuse at work,2008,22,4,200-207,Kisa Attending to the voice of adolescents who are overweight to promote mental health,2008,22,6,391-393,Smith Effect of abuse on self-perception of rural Mexican-American and non-Hispanic white adolescents,1999,13,1,12-18,Champion Relationships between aggressive behavior in cognitively impaired nursing home residents and use of restraints psychoactive drugs and secured units,1999,13,4,170-178,Weber Patterns of knowing as a method of assessment and intervention for children exposed to family-member homicide,2004,18,4,143-150,Averill Toward an interactional model of suicidal behaviors: cognitive rigidity attributional style stress hopelessness and depression,1995,9,3,158-168,Rickelman An analysis of the concept of countertransference,1998,12,5,273-281,Ens The relationship of the severity of assault to blame placement for assault,1987,1,4,269-279,Lanza Graduate Psychiatric Nurse's Training on Firearm Injury Prevention,2011,25,4,245-252,Khubchandani Trauma posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters and physical health symptoms in postabused women,2004,18,1,26-34,Woods Posttraumatic stress disorder of Red Cross nurses in the aftermath of the 2008 Wenchuan China earthquake,2012,26,1,63-70,Zhen Healthy life behaviors and suicide probability in university students,2012,26,1,43-53,Engin Arriving at readiness to recover emotionally after sexual assault,2000,14,1,30-38,Symes The influence of psychosomatic symptoms physical and sexual abuse and coping strategies on delinquent behavior among Korean adolescents,2012,26,2,155-164,Kim Quasi-Experimental Comparison of Coercive Interventions on Client Outcomes in Individuals With Severe and Persistent Mental Illness,2011,25,6,404-418,Wineman Mental health of elders in retirement communities: is loneliness a key factor?,2012,26,3,214-224,Zauszniewski Depressive symptomatology after mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury: a comparison of three measures,2007,21,1,2-11,Bay Factors associated with future offending: comparing youth in grandparent-headed homes with those in parent-headed homes,2006,20,6,258-267,Campbell Assessing aggressive behavior in forensic psychiatric patients: validity and clinical utility of combining two instruments,2012,26,6,487-494,Kobes Mental health issues of women deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan,2013,27,1,10-22,Boyd Pushing the boundaries: understanding self-harm in a non-clinical population,2013,27,2,78-83,Dieserud Perceived family functioning and depression in bereaved parents in China after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake,2013,27,4,204-209,Li Decreased risk for violence in patients admitted to forensic care measured with the HCR-20,2013,27,4,191-197,Sjöling Predictors of psychiatric readmission among veterans at high risk of suicide: The impact of post-discharge aftercare,2013,27,5,260-261,Bernet Gender-specific factors of suicide ideation among adolescents in the Republic of Korea: A nationally representative population-based study,2013,27,5,253-259,Park Empowerment Support with Adult Female Survivors of Childhood Incest: I. Theories and Research,1992,6,5,275-281,Urbancic Empowerment Support with Adult Female Survivors of Childhood Incest: II. Application of Orem's Methods of Helping,1992,6,5,282-286,Urbancic The healing process following a suicide attempt: Context and intervening conditions,2014,28,1,55-61,Sun Men navigating inward and outward through depression,2014,28,1,21-28,Ramirez Relationship between parenting and proactive versus reactive aggression among Chinese preschool children,2014,28,2,152-157,Wang Development and psychometric testing of the Suicide Caring Competence Scale (SCCS) for family caregivers in Taiwan,2014,28,4,284-289,Sun Frequency of involuntary admissions and its associations with demographic and clinical characteristics in China,2014,28,4,272-276,Lai Mental health literacy and postpartum depression: a qualitative description of views of lower income women,2014,28,4,256-262,Harrison The Victim Care Service: a program for victims of sexual assault,1989,3,1,41-46,Minden Mothers' perceptions of incest: sustained disruption and turmoil,1989,3,1,34-40,Hubbard Disclosure of stigmatizing conditions: the discloser's perspective,1989,3,2,69-78,Limandri AIDS: a guide to suicide assessment,1988,2,2,115-120,Hall The factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in patients with traumatic spinal cord injuries,2014,28,5,301-304,Wang Understanding the management of people seeking voluntary psychiatric hospitalization who do not meet the criteria for inpatient admission: a qualitative study of mental health liaison nurses working in accident and emergency departments in the north of England,2015,29,1,26-32,Hepworth A national tragedy: increases in death by suicide decreases in other major causes of death,2015,29,2,75,Fitzpatrick Teen experiences following a suicide attempt,2015,29,3,168-173,Holliday The relations between violence exposure posttraumatic stress symptoms secondary traumatization vicarious post traumatic growth and illness attribution among psychiatric nurses,2015,29,3,135-142,Zerach Sufficiency of a two factor model for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in spinal injury,2015,29,4,236-237,Glenn Milieu improvement in psychiatry using evidence-based practices: the long and winding road of culture change,2015,29,4,202-207,Espinosa Gaps in crisis mental health: suicide and homicide-suicide,2015,29,5,339-345,Carretta The impact of managed behavioral health care on youth in the juvenile justice system,2004,18,4,135-142,Thomas Trajectories of parent-adolescent relationship quality among at-risk youth: parental depression and adolescent developmental outcomes,2015,29,6,434-440,Thompson Implementing a community bullying awareness intervention in an adolescent psychiatric unit: a feasibility study,2015,29,6,426-433,Wang From judgment to understanding: mental health nurses' perceptions of changed professional behaviors following positively changed attitudes toward self-harm,2015,29,6,401-406,van Meijel Reducing or increasing violence in forensic care: a qualitative study of inpatient experiences,2015,29,6,393-400,Strand Effectiveness of telephone-delivered interventions following suicide attempts: a systematic review,2016,30,1,114-119,Noh Parenting in the wake of abuse: exploring the mediating role of PTSD symptoms on the relationship between parenting and child functioning,2016,30,1,90-95,Symes Differences in assessment of suicidal tendencies in men and women: a pilot study,2016,30,1,77-78,Szulc Pattern and type of aggressive behavior in patients with severe mental illness as perceived by the caregivers and the coping strategies used by them in a tertiary care hospital,2016,30,1,62-69,Varghese Prevalence of suicide risk among adolescents with depressive symptoms,2016,30,1,2-6,Sougey Suicide Ideation and Life Events in a Sample of Rural Adolescents,2016,30,2,198-203,Rew Probable post-traumatic stress disorder and its predictors in disaster-bereaved survivors: a longitudinal study after the Sichuan earthquake,2016,30,2,192-197,Chen Post-traumatic stress disorder among health care providers following the Israeli attacks against Gaza Strip in 2014: a call for immediate policy actions,2016,30,2,185-191,Abu-El-Noor Suicidal ideation on higher education students: influence of some psychosocial variables,2016,30,2,162-166,Gonçalves Trauma-informed care for youth in foster care,2016,30,3,439-446,Fratto Impact of social support on symptoms of depression and loneliness in survivors bereaved by suicide,2016,30,5,602-606,Terhorst Emotion dysregulation mediates between childhood emotional abuse and motives for substance use,2016,30,6,653-659,Barahmand Domestic violence against women in Turkey: a systematic review and meta analysis,2016,30,5,620-629,Özcan Sexual assault victims participating in research: causing harm when trying to help?,2016,30,3,412-417,Elklit The violence prevention community meeting: a multi-site study,2016,30,3,382-386,Rierdan Attempted suicide triggers in Thai adolescent perspectives,2016,30,3,334-341,Arunpongpaisal Designer drugs and the impact on the adolescent user,2016,30,3,447-448,Lavelle An integrative review of postpartum depression in rural U.S. communities,2016,30,3,418-424,Ford A comparative study of self-efficacy for social participation of people with mental illness in Japan and China,2016,30,3,406-411,Amagai The experience of women veterans coming back from war,2016,30,3,393-399,Smith Examining patterns and functions of reminiscence in a sample of Black adults: implications for psychiatric nurses,2016,30,3,387-392,Shellman Auditory hallucinatory beliefs in patients with schizophrenia: association of auditory hallucinations with social interactions characteristics and emotional behaviors over 3 months,2016,30,3,363-369,Beckstead Effectiveness of structured education in reduction of postpartum depression scores: a quasi-experimental study,2016,30,3,356-362,Karaçam Depression and social support trajectories during 1 year postpartum among marriage-based immigrant mothers in Taiwan,2016,30,3,350-355,Han Ward climate within a high secure forensic psychiatric hospital: perceptions of patients and nursing staff and the role of patient characteristics,2016,30,3,342-349,Brazil The effect of a drug adherence enhancement program on the drug adherence behaviors of patients with major depressive disorder in Thailand: a randomized clinical trial,2016,30,3,322-328,Chulakadabba The prevalence of antenatal depression and its related factors in Chinese pregnant women who present with obstetrical complications,2016,30,3,316-321,Wang Factors of depressive symptoms among elementary middle and high school students,2016,30,3,302-308,Chung Post-seclusion and/or restraint review in psychiatry: a scoping review,2016,30,1,120-128,Larue Knowledge of psychiatric nurses about the potentially lethal side-effects of clozapine,2016,30,1,79-83,Correll Structure of the social support network of patients with severe and persistent psychiatric disorders in follow-ups to primary health care,2016,30,1,70-76,Ventura Internalized stigma and perceived family support in acute psychiatric in-patient units,2016,30,1,55-61,Korkmaz An emotional awareness based parenting group for parents with mental illness: a mixed methods feasibility study of community mental health nurse facilitation,2016,30,1,35-40,Isobel Depression social isolation and the lived experience of dancing in disadvantaged adults,2016,30,1,27-34,Murrock Efficacy of a culturally tailored therapeutic intervention program for community dwelling depressed Korean American women: a non-randomized quasi-experimental design study,2016,30,1,19-26,Bernstein Racial and ethnic differences in prenatal life stress and postpartum depression symptoms,2016,30,1,7-12,Seidman Mental health needs of people who identify as transgender: a review of the literature,2016,30,2,280-285,McCann Residential instability among low-income families: a concept analysis,2016,30,2,257-261,Cotton Gardening/yard work and depressive symptoms in African Americans,2016,30,2,155-161,Neighbors Efficacy of group motivational interviewing in the degree of drug craving in the addicts under the methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in South East of Iran,2016,30,2,144-149,Navidian The development and the structure of the Verbal Suicide Scale (VSS) - measuring attitudes toward suicide in the group of patients hospitalized in the psychiatric unit,2016,30,4,476-479,Szulc Assessment of suicide risk: validation of the Nurses' Global Assessment of Suicide Risk Index for the Portuguese population,2016,30,4,470-475,Cutcliffe Suicide risk in the hospitalized elderly in Turkey and affecting factors,2016,31,1,55-61,Doğan Psychological distress and violence towards parents of patients with schizophrenia,2016,30,5,614-619,Solomon Post-traumatic stress disorder and it's predictors among Tibetan adolescents 3 years after the high-altitude earthquake in China,2016,30,5,593-599,Liu Perceived control among people with severe mental illness: a comparative study,2016,30,5,563-567,Moxham Factors affecting suicidal ideation among middle-aged Korean women in an urban-rural province,2016,30,5,539-543,Jo Coping with violence in mental health care settings: patient and staff member perspectives on de-escalation practices,2016,30,5,499-507,Buus Posttraumatic stress disorder and its predictors in disaster-bereaved survivors,2016,30,5,e498,Kawada Effects of aggression replacement training on problem solving anger and aggressive behaviour among adolescents with criminal attempts in Turkey: a quasi-experimental study,2016,30,6,729-735,Buzlu Comparison of suicide attempts/behaviors following smoking cessation treatments among schizophrenic smokers,2017,31,1,62-67,Peters Warning signs prior to aggressive behavior in child psychiatric units,2017,31,1,43-47,Nijman Mental health nurses' experiences of caring for suicidal patients in psychiatric wards: an emotional endeavor,2017,31,1,31-37,Hjelmeland The trauma of birth or parenting a child: effect on parents' negative emotion in China,2017,31,2,211-216,Wu An introduction to the model of crisis intervention procedure for borderline patients (CIP-BP): a case study,2017,31,3,324-328,Szulc Designing an internet intervention for emerging adults who experience troubled relationships,2017,31,3,296-301,Martsolf Emergency nursing experiences in assisting people with suicidal behavior: a grounded theory study,2017,31,4,345-351,de Souza Risk factors for suicide ideation among adolescents: five-year national data analysis,2017,31,3,282-286,Oh The role of perceived severity of disaster rumination and trait resilience in the relationship between rainstorm-related experiences and PTSD amongst chinese adolescents following rainstorm disasters,2017,31,5,507-515,Zhou Health care workers' experiences of aggression,2017,31,5,457-462,Kerr An analysis of stories from those who have encountered catastrophic loss from flood,2017,31,6,561-565,Rateau Rumination social problem solving and suicide intent among Egyptians with a recent suicide attempt,2018,32,1,86-92,Sharaf An analysis of the correlates of aggression in a social learning program for severely and persistently mentally ill inpatients,2018,32,1,39-43,Espinoza Incidence type related factors and effect of workplace violence on mental health nurses: a cross-sectional survey,2018,32,1,31-38,Stone Factors associated with worsened or improved mental health in the Great East Japan Earthquake survivors,2018,32,1,103-111,Amagai Prevalence of workplace violence against Chinese nurses and its association with mental health: a cross-sectional survey,2018,32,2,242-247,Sun Exploration of aggression/violence among adult patients admitted for short-term acute-care mental health services,2018,32,2,215-223,Nocera A comparison of aggression and self-injury among type 1 diabetic and healthy adolescents: a sample from Turkey,2018,32,2,174-179,Efe Using baseline data to predict chronic PTSD 48-months after mothers report intimate partner violence: outcomes for mothers and the intergenerational impact on child behavioral functioning,2018,32,3,475-482,Symes The aftermath of suicide: a qualitative study with Guyanese families,2018,32,3,469-474,Anthony Emotional labour of caregivers confronted with aggressive brain-injured patients,2018,32,3,360-366,Huet Implementing non-violent resistance a method to cope with aggression in child and adolescent residential care: exploration of staff members experiences,2018,32,3,353-359,Popma Associations between korean adolescents' energy drink consumption and suicidal ideation and attempts,2018,32,3,331-336,Kim Suicide in sexual minority populations: a systematic review of evidence-based studies,2018,32,4,650-659,Yıldız The effect of structured education on self-esteem and the suicide probability of male adolescents living in orphanages,2018,32,4,604-609,Öztürk Relationships between affective states and childhood internalizing disorders,2018,32,4,591-598,Montoya-Castilla The relationship between domestic violence against women and suicide risk,2018,32,4,574-579,Kavak Traumatic growth and psychological resilience status of female victims of violence inpatients in a district psychiatric hospital,2018,32,4,568-573,Arabaci The coping process of Japanese parents who experience violence from adult children with schizophrenia,2018,32,4,549-554,Nakamura Outcomes of dialectical behavior therapy administered by an interdisciplinary team,2018,32,4,512-516,Robinson Prevalence and predictors of PTSD and depression among adolescent victims of the Summer 2016 tornado in Yancheng City,2018,32,5,777-781,Xu Predictors of marital adjustment among child brides,2018,32,5,670-676,Kisa Chinese nurses are at high risk for suicide: a review of nurses suicide in china 2007-2016,2018,32,6,896-900,Zeng Association between alcohol screening and brief intervention during routine check-ups and alcohol consumption among adults living in California,2018,32,6,872-877,Moonie Investigation of the relationship between peer victimization and quality of life in school-age adolescents,2018,32,6,850-854,Kadiroğlu Prevalence and correlates of psychiatric symptoms among first responders in a Southern State,2018,32,6,828-835,Jones Longitudinal effects of insufficient sleep on psychological problems among adolescent bullies based on Korean Child and Youth Panel Survey,2018,32,6,786-792,Park Depressive symptoms and factors associated with depression and suicidal behavior in substances user in treatment: Focus on suicidal behavior and psychological problems,2019,33,1,70-76,Pillon Psychometric properties of the positive thinking skills scale among college students,2019,33,1,65-69,Bekhet A feasibility test of an online intervention to prevention dating violence in emerging adults,2019,33,1,37-45,Martsolf The level of hopelessness and psychological distress among abused women in a women's shelter in Turkey,2019,33,1,30-36,Kisa Mindfulness-based interventions for women victims of interpersonal violence: a systematic review,2019,33,1,120-130,Esper Violence risk-assessment screening tools for acute care mental health settings: literature review,2019,33,1,112-119,Anderson Effectiveness of a drinking-reduction program on drinking behavior stages of change drinking refusal self-efficacy and resilience in Koreans with moderate alcohol use disorder,2019,33,2,189-195,Lee Post-traumatic stress disorder and its risk factors in bereaved Tibetan adolescents 3 years after the 2010 Yushu earthquake a cross-sectional study in China,2019,33,2,149-154,Liu Assistance related to suicidal behavior at a mobile emergency service: sociodemographic and clinical associated factors,2019,33,2,136-142,Vedana Analysis of violence against older adults in police reports,2019,33,4,407-413,Rodrigues Brief video intervention to teach firefighters the neurobiological basis of high risk alcohol use: a pilot study,2019,33,4,377-382,Carey Challenges of conducting qualitative research of non-suicidal self-injury in South Korea: an international nursing research collaboration,2019,33,4,358-363,Williams Use of puppets to teach resourcefulness skills to women who self-injure: an exploratory study,2019,33,5,94-101,Fitzpatrick Suicidal ideation plan and attempts and nonmedical prescription opioid use among U.S. adults,2019,33,5,9-15,Kim-Godwin Prevalence of verbal and physical workplace violence against nurses in psychiatric hospitals in China,2019,33,5,68-72,Ungvari Workplace violence against nurses working in psychiatric hospitals in Jordan,2019,33,5,58-62,Al-Modallal Nurse suicide in the United States: analysis of the Center for Disease Control 2014 National Violent Death Reporting System dataset,2019,33,5,16-21,Zisook Violence against primary caregivers of people with severe mental illness and their knowledge and attitudes towards violence: a cross-sectional study in China,2019,33,6,167-176,Wang Violence and substance use in sexual minorities: data from the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey (II BNADS),2020,34,1,41-48,Caetano Victimization as a mediator in the relationship between sexual orientation and adolescent alcohol use,2020,34,1,27-34,Kim Suicide in Belgian psychiatric inpatients. A matched case-control study in a Belgian teaching hospital,2020,34,2,8-13,Bruffaerts Voices of adolescent incest victims: a qualitative study on feelings about trauma and expectations of recovery,2020,34,2,67-74,Oncu Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis risk for suicide in the older adults,2020,34,2,21-28,Sougey The effect of psychosocial risk factors on postpartum depression in antenatal period: a prospective study,2020,34,3,176-183,Cankaya Differences in attitude toward prevention of suicide between nursing and medicine students: a study in Mexican population,2020,34,3,159-163,Fresán Early stress mindfulness and mental health in mothers of children exposed to sexual violence,2020,34,3,110-114,Esper Effectiveness of nurses training in routine screening of violence against women with mental illness: a randomized controlled trail [sic],2020,34,4,200-205,Poreddi Developing community engagement: the psychiatric nurse generalist as full partner in suicide prevention,2020,34,5,310-316,Delaney Violence against women with mental illness and routine screening: nurses' knowledge confidence barriers and learning needs,2020,34,5,398-404,Poreddi Characterization of adopted suicidal behavior and its main influencing factors: a qualitative study with adolescents,2020,34,5,405-411,Simões Use of coercion prevention tools in Finnish psychiatric wards,2020,34,5,412-420,Repo-Tiihonen The relationship between domestic violence and the attitudes of women towards honor gender roles and wife-beating in Turkey,2020,34,5,421-426,Alan Dikmen A retrospective examination of the content of violence in headlines of news related to individuals with mental disorders,2020,34,6,545-556,Bilgin Sex differences in adolescent mental health profiles in South Korea,2020,34,6,563-571,Kim The structural violence of white supremacy: addressing root causes to prevent youth violence,2021,35,1,127-128,Nation Social determinants of peripartum depressive symptoms among Black 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intimate partner in Northeast Brazil,2021,35,6,669-677,Pillon Post-traumatic stress disorder among victims of Great March of Return in the Gaza Strip Palestine: a need for policy intervention,2022,36,,48-54,Abu-El-Noor Bullying and coping with bullying among obese\overweight and normal weight children,2022,36,,7-16,Evgin The meaning of life after a suicide attempt,2022,36,,17-23,dos Santos Understanding help-seeking barriers after gender-based violence: validation of the Barriers to Help Seeking-Trauma version (BHS-TR),2022,37,,1-9,Saint Arnault Mediating the effects of depression in the relationship between university students' attitude toward suicide frustrated interpersonal needs and non-suicidal self-injury during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,37,,25-32,Lee Association between resilience social support and institutional trust and post-traumatic stress disorder after natural disasters,2022,37,,39-44,Bae The experiences of parents as caregivers of adolescents with mental illnesses the impact of the crisis and the admission to a day hospital,2022,37,,45-51,Montesó-Curto "InspirAção": development and use of a website to prevent suicidal behavior,2022,39,,54-58,Vedana Cognitive behavioral program on aggression and self-concept among institutionalized children with conduct disorder,2022,39,,84-90,Mohamed Psychiatric nurses' experiences and the emotional and psychological sequelae after being psychologically or physically assaulted in psychiatric units: a phenomenological study,2022,40,,115-123,Hamaideh Psychosocial determinants of adolescent suicide: a national survey,2022,40,,15-24,Pan Incidence and related influencing factors of workplace violence among psychiatric nurses in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,40,,68-76,Yang Admission to a psychiatric hospital independently increases suicide risk,2022,41,,103-104,Loving The effect of solution-focused approach on anger management and violent behavior in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial,2022,41,,166-174,Akbaş Development of the disaster anxiety scale and exploring its psychometric properties,2022,41,,175-180,Güzel The relationship of childhood trauma with cyberbullying and cyber victimization among university students,2022,41,,181-187,Akarsu Validity and reliability study of the mental illness micro-aggression scale-perpetrator version,2022,41,,234-240,Karakas Factors affecting postpartum depression in Turkish women,2022,41,,74-80,Cankaya Effects of a nonviolent communication-based anger management program on psychiatric inpatients,2022,41,,87-95,Kim An approach for studying the contributions of childhood sexual abuse and HPA axis dysregulation to substance use disorders,2023,42,,9-17,Hulme The relationship between fear of COVID-19 and depression anxiety and stress in persons with disabilities: a cross-sectional study,2023,43,,15-21,Güdül Öz Evaluation of factors strongly associated with nomophobia using structural equation modelling: a cross-sectional study,2023,44,,69-75,Çınar Özbay A narrative inquiry into caregivers' experiences and management after a relative's suicide attempt in a rural community in Northeast Thailand,2023,45,,124-130,Sukmak Attitudes toward dating violence among Turkish university students: the relationships with self-esteem level and gender roles,2023,45,,131-136,Terzioglu The effect of functional remission and cognitive insight on criminal behavior in patients with schizophrenia,2023,45,,176-183,Polat Psychometric evaluation of the Social Support Questionnaire for Transactions in Turkish gender-based violence sample,2023,45,,184-191,Zonp Adolescents' attitudes toward non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and their perspectives of barriers to seeking professional treatment for NSSI,2023,45,,26-35,Wang Systemic relations among the variables involved in occupational accidents of the nursing team in a psychiatric hospital,2023,45,,54-60,Lucas The effect of exposure to intimate partner violence of female nurses on 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