Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Strategies to improve the patient safety outcome indicator: preventing or reducing falls,2005,23,1,29-36,Bright A Home Visitation Program Welcomes Home First-time Moms and Their Infants,2005,23,5,286-289,Brown The role of the home care nurse in suicide prevention,2005,23,9,566-575,Leff Falls Prevention or "I Think I Can I Think I Can": An Ensemble Approach to Falls Management,2006,24,2,103-111,Kelly Research on Falls Prevention and Physical Activity in Older Adults and a Notice of a New Web-Based Quality System by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,2006,24,10,632-633,Wilson A Comprehensive Fall Prevention Program for Assessment Intervention and Referral,2007,25,3,174-183,Bucher Emergency management: expanding the disaster plan,2007,25,6,370-377,Ross Reducing the violence in our homes,1994,12,4,74-76,Wilson Motor vehicle-related fatalities: Implications for home healthcare,1991,9,3,18-22,Morgan Elders at Risk During Disasters,2008,26,1,30-38,Lamb Safe in the city,2008,26,9,534-540,Anderson Violence job satisfaction and employment intentions among home healthcare registered nurses,2009,27,6,364-373,Gershon A patient classification system for emergency events in home care,2007,25,6,378-385,Sienkiewicz Depression and suicide risks in older adults: a case study,2009,27,8,482-487,Wood The detection of incest,1984,2,4,20-29,Juhasz Nursing's responsibility in promoting the use of car safety seats for children,1984,2,1,23-25,DeSwarte Familial abuse of the elderly: a look at caregiver potential and prevention,1986,4,2,10-13,Patwell The hidden shame: wife assault,1985,3,1,11-14,Crosson Elder abuse,1988,6,4,37-38,Thobaben Elder abuse: the next step,1989,6,6,4-5,Brent Child abuse and the community health nurse,1989,7,2,23-26,Ryan The dilemma of elder abuse,1990,8,6,7-12,Daniels The relationship between time spent outdoors falls and fall-risk among the community-dwelling elderly in rural Japan,2009,27,9,570-577,Kanzaki-Sooudi Research on patient safety: falls and medications,2009,27,9,555-560,Boddice Depression and Suicide Risks in Older Adults: A Case Study,2009,27,8,487-489, Suicidal thoughts or ideation,1993,11,3,67-68,Rice Elderly women and falls in the home,1990,8,4,20-24,Schlapman Falls: a challenge to home health aides,1987,5,5,26-32,Olson Geriatric falls in the home,1986,4,2,14-23,Tideiksaar Intimate partner violence in older women: what home healthcare clinicians should know,2010,28,2,82-89,Baxter Dangers of used sharps in household trash: implications for home care,2007,25,9,602-607,Schumann Being aware of workplace abuse of home care aides,1997,15,10,703-705,Najera Violence. Prevention in the home health setting,1997,15,6,403-409,Hunter Assessing risk for violence on home health visits,2010,28,5,278-289,Lipscomb The challenge of fall prevention in home care: a review of the literature,1996,14,3,198-206,Lange Nursing strategies for preventing home health aide abuse,1997,15,11,758-767,Najera Child/adult abuse,1994,12,5,69,Rice The home healthcare nurse and suspected child abuse and/or neglect,1994,12,4,10-11,Brent How to assess and intervene in domestic violence situations,1999,17,10,664-671,Cassidy Elder abuse: a challenge for home care nurses,1998,16,2,103-110,Allan Getting involved when a caregiver is unfit to drive,2003,21,7,491-493,Turkoski Avoid sleepiness while driving,2005,23,4,260,Sitzman An exploratory study of motor vehicle use in home visiting nurses,2002,20,12,784-792,Sitzman An evidence-based pediatric fall risk assessment tool for home health practice,2011,29,2,98-105,McWilliams Safety in the community: clinical guidelines,1994,12,3,70,Rice Guidelines for the care of abused women: the least we can do,1994,12,4,47-53,Wilson Solving the puzzle of negative behavior in elderly home care patients,1997,15,7,474-486,Turkoski Primary prevention of falls,1997,15,5,355-357,Sloan Consultation with physical and occupational therapists to promote the motor development of young children,1997,15,5,331-339,Pokorni Dealing with aggressive patients and avoiding overinvolvement,1997,15,2,131-132,Smith Home healthcare nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards suicide,1995,13,5,64-69,Wang Avoiding random acts of violence. Interview by Kathy Sitzman,2001,19,7,426-431,Malone Ethical dilemma: is this elder abuse?,2003,21,8,518-521,Turkoski Violence and home care. A focus group study,2000,18,9,596-605,Fitzwater Simple steps to keep yourself safe,1999,17,7,430-435,Wilson Pet points,1998,16,8,508,Sitzman Customer satisfaction and workplace safety,2003,21,2,126-127,Clark Identifying and responding to child abuse in the home,2012,30,2,75-81,Wider It's a war out there,1999,17,4,257-258,Fioriglio Emergency preparedness: how hurricane Irene caught my community unprepared,2012,30,6,E1-3,Mager Characterizing hazards and injuries among home care workers,2012,30,7,387-393,Olson Alcoholism & depression,2012,30,9,543-550,Hall Falls risk assessment begins with hello: lessons learned from the use of one home health agency's fall risk tool,2012,30,9,516-523,Flemming Preparing for the unexpected: violence in the home care environment one home care agency's story,2013,31,6,303-309,Browning A home healthcare and school of pharmacy partnership to reduce falls,2013,31,6,295-302,Withey Improving fall risk assessment in home care: interdisciplinary use of the timed up and go (TUG),2013,31,7,396-398, Improving fall risk assessment in home care: interdisciplinary use of the timed up and go (TUG),2013,31,7,389-396,Murphy Preventing burns in the elderly: A guide for home healthcare professionals,2013,31,10,561-573,Grant Validating a multifactorial falls risk assessment,2014,32,1,14-22,James Reducing the fear of falling through a community evidence-based intervention,2014,32,2,98-105,Beauvais Human trafficking: crime in our own backyard,2014,32,4,243-247,McNulty A survey comparison of rural versus urban residents and household preparedness,2014,32,7,420-429,Zidek Electronic cigarettes: a safer alternative or potential poison?,2014,32,9,532-535,Smith Administering controlled substances in the home: minimizing the risk of potential diversion,1989,7,4,6-7,Brent Erratum: Depression and suicide risks in older adults: A case study (Home Healthcare Nurse),2009,27,10,e642, Mrs. Valdez needs a home healthcare nurse,1993,11,1,13-14 61,Thobaben Assessment of depressed older persons living in a home setting,1995,13,3,61-64,Krach Assessing behavioral health using OASIS: Part 1: Depression and suicidality,2002,20,3,154-161,Bruce Elder suicide: a gate keeper strategy for home care,2000,18,3,180-187; quiz 188,Salvatore The home health nurse's role in geriatric assessment of three dimensions: depression delirium and dementia,2006,24,9,572-578; quiz 579-580,Walker