Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Perceptions of local neighbourhood environments and their relationship to childhood overweight and obesity,2004,,,,Timperio Extreme obesity is associated with attempted suicides: results from a family study,2005,30,2,388–390,li False-positive breath-alcohol test after a ketogenic diet,2007,31,3,559-561,Jones Association between obesity and injury among Taiwanese adults,2009,33,8,878-884,Chou Driving to work and overweight and obesity: findings from the 2003 New South Wales Health Survey Australia,2006,30,5,782-786,Rissel Variation in physical activity lies with the child not his environment: evidence for an 'activitystat' in young children (EarlyBird 16),2006,30,7,1050-1055,Wilkin Changes in BMI over 6 years: the role of demographic and neighborhood characteristics,2010,34,8,1275-1283,Edwards The longitudinal influence of home and neighbourhood environments on children's body mass index and physical activity over 5 years: the CLAN study,2010,34,7,1177-1187,Ball The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnoea in an obese female population,1994,18,3,173-177,Burns Body weight and obesity in adults and self-reported abuse in childhood,2002,26,8,1075-1082,Felitti Associations between weight change since 20 years of age and sleep-disordered breathing among male truck drivers,2009,33,12,1396-1401,Cui Obesity and non-fatal motor vehicle crash injuries: sex difference effects,2011,35,9,1216-1224,Pintar Physical activity and inactivity in Chinese school-aged youth: the China Health and Nutrition Survey,2003,27,9,1093-1099,Ainsworth Adolescents bullying and young adults body mass index and obesity: a longitudinal study,2013,37,8,1140-1146,O'Callaghan Examination of the relationship between obesity and suicidal ideation,2013,37,9,1282-1286,Joiner Neighborhood built and social environment characteristics: a multilevel analysis of associations with obesity among children and their parents,2013,37,10,1328-1335,Van Hulst Parental support for policy measures and school-based efforts to address weight-based victimization of overweight youth,2014,38,4,531-538,Puhl Body mass index and the risk of injury in adults: A cross-sectional study,2014,38,11,1403-1409,Chen Are overweight and obese youth more often bullied by their peers? A meta-analysis on the relation between weight status and bullying,2014,38,10,1263-1267,van Geel U-shaped association of body mass index in early adulthood with unintentional mortality from injuries-a cohort study of Swedish men with 35 years of follow-up,2015,40,5,809-814,Rasmussen Home environment and psychosocial predictors of obesity status among community-residing men and women,2015,39,9,1401-1407,Nasar Neurocognitive and behavioral functioning in adolescents with sleep disordered breathing: a population-based dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry study,2018,42,1,95-101,Bixler Long-term incidence of serious fall-related injuries after bariatric surgery in Swedish obese subjects,2019,43,4,933-937,Peltonen Comparison of injuries of belted occupants among different BMI categories in frontal crashes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kerrigan Perceived overweight and suicidality among US adolescents from 1999 to 2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sutin Neighborhood built environment typologies and adiposity in children and adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barnett Weight stigma as a risk factor for suicidality,2020,44,10,1979-1980,Brochu Evaluation of the association of bariatric surgery with subsequent depression,2019,43,12,2528-2535,Yu