Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Evidence-based interventions for road traffic injuries in South Asia,2004,14,12,746-747,Mohan Road traffic injuries in Sri Lanka: a call to action,2004,14,12,729-730,Ameratunga Road traffic injuries in South Asia: national and organisational policy responses,2004,14,12,722-725,Peden Alcohol and road traffic injuries in South Asia: challenges for prevention,2004,14,12,713-718,Gururaj The burden of road traffic injuries in South Asia : a commentary,2004,14,12,707-708,Rahman Road traffic injuries: a new agenda for child health,2004,14,12,719-721,Bose Health and safety measures available for young labourers in the cottage industries of Karachi,2005,15,1,7-10,Baig Disaster Psychiatry: Need for appraisal,2005,15,11,677,Gadit Bicycle and motorcycle spoke injuries in children as passengers,2005,15,12,802-804,Safdar Acute Poisoning in children,2005,15,12,805-808,Hamid Unnatural female deaths in Peshawar,2003,13,4,198-200,Bashir Long scarf injuries,2006,16,2,152-153,Siddiqui The impact of four-wheel drives on traffic disability and deaths compared to passenger cars,2006,16,4,257-260,Bener Mass casualty management after a suicidal terrorist attack on a religious procession in Quetta Pakistan,2006,16,4,253-256,Malik The millennium development goals and road traffic injuries: exploring the linkages in South Asia,2004,14,12,742-745,Hyder Road crashes: a modern plague on South Asia's poor,2004,14,12,739-741,Hyder Road traffic injuries health and development-the new challenge for public health systems in South Asia,2004,14,12,704,Hyder Accidental poisoning due to motor vehicle exhaust,2006,16,5,383-384,Singh Female consensual coital injuries,2006,16,5,333-335,Ahmed Risk factors for road traffic injury in Pakistani children,2004,14,12,709-712,Ghaffar Pattern of visceral injuries following blunt abdominal trauma in motor vehicular accidents,2006,16,10,645-647,Iqbal Reasons for not acting on suicidal ideas,2003,13,1,37-39,Khan Mammalian bite injuries to the head and neck region,2005,15,8,485-488,Aslam Road rage behavior: Experiences of university students,2005,15,12,830-831,Shaikh Etiology and pattern of maxillofacial injuries in the armed forces of Pakistan,2007,17,2,94-97,Khan Patterns of ocular trauma,2007,17,3,148-153,Khan One-wheeling in Pakistan: a trendy new phenomenon with disastrous outcomes,2004,14,12,748,Nawab Promoting road traffic injuries research in South Asia: capacity strengthening in health research,2004,14,12,736-738,Rashid Integrating injuries into noncommunicable disease prevention: a case study from Pakistan,2004,14,12,726-728,Nishtar The role of health research in the prevention and control of road traffic injuries in South Asia,2004,14,12,705-706,Norton Evaluation of revised trauma score in polytraumatized patients,2004,14,5,286-289,Ahmad Spectrum of injuries at the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital,2004,14,1,61,Shaikh Road traffic accidents as a major contributor to neurosurgical mortality in adults,2003,13,3,143-145,Ghani Tracheal inujry due to blunt chest trauma: a rare surgical emergency,2006,16,6,422-423,Ahmad Head trauma due to earthquake. October 2005 - experience of 300 cases at the combined military hospital Rawalpindi,2008,18,1,22-26,Qureshi Non-fatal limb injuries in motorbike accidents,2008,18,10,635-638,Aslam Domestic violence and pregnancy: Perspective from Islamabad and Rawalpindi,2008,18,10,662-663,Shaikh Effect of domestic violence on pregnancy outcome,2009,19,5,291-296,Zareen Initial diagnostic categories of patients presenting to four major emergency departments in Karachi,2006,16,10,680-681,Razzak Tiger bite: an unapprehended injury,2009,19,9,595-597,Rahman Ingestion of metallic rods and needles,2006,16,4,305-306,Ali Clinico-pathological profile and outcome of inhalational burns,2009,19,10,609-613,Aslam Rectal perforation in children,2008,18,1,66-67,Ahmed The role of performing life support courses in rural areas in improving pre-hospital physiologic conditions of patients with penetrating injuries,2008,18,9,538-541,Nia Promoting road traffic injuries research in South Asia: capacity strengthening in health research,2004,14,12,736-738,Harun-Ar-Rashid An epidemiology of homicidal deaths due to rifled firearms in Peshawar Pakistan,2010,20,2,87-89,Bashir Frequency and causes of bilateral occular trauma,2007,17,11,679-682,Babar Epidemiology of non-disaster spinal injuries at a spine unit,2010,20,10,667-670,Ahmed Zygomatic bone fracture,2004,14,6,337-339,Cheema Anterior dislocation of shoulder with brachial plexus injury,2007,17,2,110-111,Dhar Bullying of medical students,2010,20,12,814-818,Mukhtar Medico-legal Aspects of Alleged Rape Victims in Lahore,2010,20,12,785-789,Mukhtar Organophosphorus insecticide poisoning: management in surgical intensive care unit,2005,15,2,100-102,Hussain Schizophrenia and hospitalization,2006,16,3,223-226,Ali Dysfunctional families in Pakistan: physicians' perspective,2003,13,6,366,Mahmood Acute and late complications of organophosphate poisoning,2011,21,5,288-290,Faiz Epidemiology of Non-Disaster Spinal Injuries at a Spine Unit,2011,21,7,384,Rathore Bullying of medical students,2011,21,9,579,Meo Triage and management of mass casualties in a train accident,2004,14,2,108-111,Tariq Classification and management of chest trauma,2006,16,2,101-103,Farooq Frequency and physical factors associated with gender-based violence in the internally displaced people of Pakistan,2012,22,1,63-65,Qayum Combat related vascular trauma,2012,22,4,213-217,Ghaffar Profile of acute carbon monoxide poisoning in the west province of iran,2012,22,6,381-384,Najafi Visual outcome of unilateral traumatic cataract,2012,22,8,497-500,Memon Outcome of tissue sparing surgical intervention in mine blast limb injuries,2006,16,12,773-776,Khan Stray bullet injuries in children: an alert for the physicians,2006,16,11,738-739,Sharif Severe haemolytic anaemia due to ingestion of naphthalene (mothball) containing coconut oil,2012,22,11,740-741,Rahman Cardiac trauma with gunshot injuries,2004,14,1,41-42,Ahmad Deliberate self harm prevention in Pakistan,2013,23,2,101-102,Shahid Electrical shock survival after prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation,2013,23,7,502-503,Ahmad An overview of the predictors of depression among adult Pakistani women,2013,23,8,574-580,Zahidie Strategies for prevention of road traffic injuries (RTIs) in Pakistan: situational analysis,2014,24,5,356-360,Fatmi Penile strangulation caused by tourniquet injury - an experience of seven cases,2014,24,8,612,Shohab Workplace violence experienced by doctors working in government hospitals of Karachi,2014,24,9,698-699,Islam Acute renal failure following multiple wasp stings,2014,24,,S209-S210,Butt Risk factors for deliberate self-harm in patients presenting to the emergency departments of Karachi,2015,25,1,50-55,Khan The impact of the method of gunshot injury: war injuries vs. stray bullets vs. civilian fighting,2015,25,4,281-285,Bodalal The burnt child: an epidemiological profile and outcome,2011,21,11,691-694,Iqbal Profile of psychiatric patients presenting to a tertiary care emergency department of Karachi,2015,25,5,386-388,Shahid Accidental phosphine gas poisoning with fatal myocardial dysfunction in two families,2015,25,5,378-379,Akhtar An unusual case of neonatal stridor,2015,25,5,376-377,Nirupam The pattern of peripheral nerve injuries among Pakistani soldiers in the War Against Terror,2015,25,5,363-366,Mansoor Disaster planning and impending healthcare challenges during natural disasters in Pakistan,2015,25,7,475-477,Nasrullah Rectovaginal fistula as a result of coital injury,2016,26,1,66-67,Hussain Dual diagnosis and suicide probability in poly-drug users,2016,26,2,130-133,Youssef Unintentional injuries in children: are our homes safe?,2016,26,5,445-446,Faruque Snake-bite-induced acute kidney injury,2016,26,6,517-520,Naqvi Bomb blast and its consequences: successful intensive care management of massive pulmonary embolsim,2016,26,6,S7-S9,Shamim Hemiplegia following mild head injury in a child with Sturge-Weber syndrome - a diagnostic dilemma,2016,26,8,704-706,Ahmed Time to act - alarming rise in suicides among medical professionals in Pakistan,2016,26,12,947-949,Mahmood Attempted suicide and seriousness of intent,2017,27,1,55-56,Alvi A rare fetal firearm injury,2017,27,3,S36-S37,Hashim Disaster management: overhauling the system,2017,27,5,322,Ahmed Penile shaft strangulation with wrought iron metallic pipe,2017,27,7,440-441,Qureshi Acute copper sulphate poisoning,2017,27,8,527-528,Lubica Epidemic of kala pathar(paraphenylene diamine) poisoning: an emerging threat in southern Punjab,2018,28,1,44-47,Khan Predatory journals: when publications fall prey,2018,28,4,335-336,Paul Profile of asphyxial deaths in Faisalabad: a 10-year study,2018,28,4,266-269,Pal Epidemiology clinical features and consequences of spinal cord injury in children,2018,28,7,532-535,Khan Paediatric spinal cord injuries in Pakistan,2018,28,7,499-500,Rathore Gunshot injury of head and neck region with an atypical bullet trajectory: the importance of whole body computed tomography scan,2018,28,9,S215-S216,Velioglu Improvised laparostomy pack to manage laparostomy for injuries due to improvised explosive devices (IEDs),2018,28,10,791-793,Zaidi Prevalence of suicide ideation and its relationship with depression among transgender population,2019,29,4,349-352,Azeem The blunt abdominal trauma bedside ultrasonography comparison with trauma severity scores and computerized tomography,2019,29,7,621-625,Baydin A rare injury in children: sternum fractures,2019,29,10,993-995,Ozsoy Late diagnosis of paracetamol poisoning is always lethal in young adult,2020,30,6,655-658,Naz Singing magnets ingestion: a rare cause of intestinal obstruction in children,2014,24,9,688-689,Soomro Magnetic attraction: dual complications in a single case,2008,18,7,440-441,Baliga Magnets and button batteries: two dangerous foreign body ingestions [Letter],2017,27,2,119-120,Paul Biochemical findings in an atypical case of kala pathar (paraphenylenediamine) poisoning,2020,30,11,1241-1242,Younas Breakout of vaping-associated lung injuries (VALI) 2019: a public health threat,2020,30,11,1238-1239,Sheikh Wii Fit for balance training in elderly: a systematic review,2021,30,5,559-566,Rathore Poppy intoxication in infants and children: hazards of a folk remedy,2021,30,5,576-581,Akram The necessity of human factors training in emergency medicine residency: a road less travelled,2021,31,6,617-618,Waheed Audit of documentation of forensic history on admission form in a psychiatric intensive care unit,2021,30,6,707-709,Zubair Validation of a public health tool used for the assessment of violence against healthcare providers in the rural areas of Sindh,2022,32,4,487-491,Baig Pancreatic transection in a 6-year child following bicycle handlebar injury,2022,32,4,541-543,Paul An unusual laboratory accident: bromine burn,2022,32,5,680-681,Güneş Pneumomediastinum in an accidental chlorine gas exposed victim,2022,32,4,S73-S75,Baig Sternal fractures in blunt chest trauma: retrospective analysis of 330 cases,2022,32,6,799-803,Kara Importance of susceptibility-weighted-imaging in methanol toxicity,2022,32,11,1495-1497,Alkan Stray bullet in inferior vena cava,2010,20,6,414-415,Akhtar Intracerebral migration of stray bullet leading to sudden and fatal worsening,2011,21,3,182-183,Hussain Brown-Sequard syndrome following firearm injury with a bullet lodged in the upper cervical canal,2008,18,5,312-313,Brohi Sternal fractures due to blunt chest trauma,2022,32,12,1591-1596,Yuan Self-insertion of newspaper into bladder: an unusual case of foreign body,2022,32,12,SS98-SS99,Ayaz Treatment of gastrointestinal corrosive burns caused by highly lethal glyphosate solution poisoning,2022,32,12,SS131-SS133,Kan Striae distensae mimicking physical child abuse,2023,33,1,32-33,Fedakar Firearm-related lower extremity injuries: treatment approaches and MESS score usability,2024,34,1,48-53,Ozel Analysing crime scene data medical records and forensic information to determine the causes of suicides,2024,34,4,407-412,Benli Suicide : A public health problem: Editorial,2000,10,9,315-316,Mubbashar Pattern of suicide: Causes and methods employed,2001,11,12,759-761,Khalid Spectrum of side effects of combination therapy in chronic hepatitis - C,2002,12,11,696-699,Azam Attempted suicide and seriousness of intent,2017,27,1,55-56,Tabassum Dual diagnosis and suicide probability in poly-drug users,2016,26,2,130-133,Ismail M. Mass Casualty management after a suicidal terrorist attack on a religious procession in Quetta Pakistan,2006,16,4,253-256,Zaka Ullah Organophosphorus insecticide poisoning: management in surgical intensive care unit,2005,15,2,100-102,Aziza Mohammed Pattern of suicide: causes and methods employed,2001,11,12,759-761,Najeeb Reasons for not acting on suicidal ideas,2003,13,1,37-39,Shajaat Ali Suicide: a Public health problem [Editorial],2000,10,9,315-316,Khalid Unnatural female deaths Peshawar,2003,13,4,198-200,M. Zahid Clinical profile and outcome of paraphenylene diamine poisoning,2018,28,5,374-377,Salma Promoting adolescent suicide prevention programmes in Pakistan: an insight into challenges and opportunities,2024,34,7,854-856,Parpio