Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prediction of falls using a risk assessment tool in the acute care setting,2004,2,1,1,Papaioannou Mental health and resiliency following 44 months of terrorism: a survey of an Israeli national representative sample,2006,4,,21,Bleich Who uses firearms as a means of suicide? A population study exploring firearm accessibility and method choice,2009,7,1,52,De Leo Suicidal ideation during treatment of depression with escitalopram and nortriptyline in Genome-Based Therapeutic Drugs for Depression (GENDEP): a clinical trial,2009,7,1,60,Campbell Trends of the public health research output from India during 2001-2008,2009,7,1,59,Dandona Suicide-related behaviors in older patients with new anti-epileptic drug use: data from the VA hospital system,2010,8,1,4,Copeland Targeted exercise against osteoporosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis for optimising bone strength throughout life,2010,8,1,47,Kannus One life ends another begins: Management of a brain-dead pregnant mother-A systematic review,2010,8,1,74,Höfer War-related psychological sequelae among emergency department patients in the former Republic of Yugoslavia,2004,2,,22,Ahern Socioeconomic disparities in intimate partner violence against Native American women: a cross-sectional study,2004,2,,20,Malcoe Clinic-based screening for domestic violence: use of a child safety questionnaire,2004,2,,25,Wahl Promoting childbirth companions in South Africa: a randomised pilot study,2007,5,,7,Smith Neuromuscular training with injury prevention counseling to decrease the risk of acute musculoskeletal injury in young men during military service: A population-based randomized study,2011,9,1,35,Parkkari Trauma networks: Present and future challenges,2011,9,1,121,Giannoudis Khat use as risk factor for psychotic disorders: a cross-sectional and case-control study in Somalia,2005,3,,5,Elbert Mental disorders as risk factors: assessing the evidence for the global burden of disease study,2011,9,1,134,Whiteford A public health approach to understanding and preventing violent radicalisation,2012,10,1,16,Bhui Born to run. Studying the limits of human performance,2012,10,1,76,Murray The effectiveness of neuromuscular warm-up strategies that require no additional equipment for preventing lower limb injuries during sports participation: a systematic review,2012,10,1,75,Herman Health surveillance of deployed military personnel occasionally leads to unexpected findings,2012,10,1,126,McFarlane The physician's unique role in preventing violence: a neglected opportunity?,2012,10,1,146,George Bike racing recreational riding impact sport and bone health,2012,10,1,169,Carmont Sleeping well,2013,11,1,19,Young A cohort study on the incidence and outcome of pulmonary embolism in trauma and orthopedic patients,2014,12,1,39,Giannoudis The intergenerational effects of war on the health of children,2014,12,1,57,Sondorp National household survey of adverse childhood experiences and their relationship with resilience to health-harming behaviors in England,2014,12,1,72,Hughes An exploration of the dynamic longitudinal relationship between mental health and alcohol consumption: a prospective cohort study,2014,12,1,91,Bell Burden of mental disorders and unmet needs among street homeless people in Addis Ababa Ethiopia,2014,12,,138,Fekadu Findings from the SASA! Study: a cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of a community mobilization intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV risk in Kampala Uganda,2014,12,,122,Watts Risk of violence from the man involved in the pregnancy after receiving or being denied an abortion,2014,12,,144,Rocca Preventing and reducing violence against women: innovation in community-level studies,2014,12,1,155,Small Why does society accept a higher risk for alcohol than for other voluntary or involuntary risks?,2014,12,,189,Room The burden of disease in Spain: results from the global burden of disease study 2010,2014,12,1,236,Murray Life course trajectories of alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom using longitudinal data from nine cohort studies,2015,13,,273,Benzeval E-cigarettes: methodological and ideological issues and research priorities,2015,13,,264,Etter Depression sum-scores don't add up: why analyzing specific depression symptoms is essential,2015,13,1,1-11,Nesse Holidays celebrations and commiserations: measuring drinking during feasting and fasting to improve national and individual estimates of alcohol consumption,2015,13,1,e113,Hughes Frailty and the prediction of dependence and mortality in low- and middle-income countries: a 10/66 population-based cohort study,2015,13,1,e138,Dewey Prevalence risk factors and disability associated with fall-related injury in older adults in low- and middle-income countries: results from the WHO Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE),2015,13,1,e147,Peltzer Maternal and child health nurse screening and care for mothers experiencing domestic violence (MOVE): a cluster randomised trial,2015,13,1,e150,Taft Mental neurological and substance use problems among refugees in primary health care: analysis of the Health Information System in 90 refugee camps,2014,12,,e228,Van Ommeren School-based mental health intervention for children in war-affected Burundi: a cluster randomized trial,2014,12,,e56,Tol A guide to performing a peer review of randomised controlled trials,2015,13,1,e248,Hoffmann Scandinavian guidelines for initial management of minor and moderate head trauma in children,2016,14,1,33,Undén Prevalence aetiology treatment and outcomes of shock in children admitted to Kenyan hospitals,2016,14,1,e184,English The effect of intervening hospitalizations on the benefit of structured physical activity in promoting independent mobility among community-living older persons: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial,2017,15,1,e65,Newman Healthcare system responses to intimate partner violence in low and middle-income countries: evidence is growing and the challenges become clearer,2017,15,1,e127,Colombini A nurse-delivered clinic-based intervention to address intimate partner violence among low-income women in Mexico City: findings from a cluster randomized controlled trial,2017,15,1,e128,Xuan Efficacy of melatonin for sleep disturbance following traumatic brain injury: a randomised controlled trial,2018,16,1,e8,Sletten Antidepressant use and risk of adverse outcomes in people aged 20-64 years: cohort study using a primary care database,2018,16,1,e36,Hippisley-Cox Syrian refugees in Greece: experience with violence mental health status and access to information during the journey and while in Greece,2018,16,1,e40,Blanchet Sleep deficiency and motor vehicle crash risk in the general population: a prospective cohort study,2018,16,1,e44,Czeisler The Syrian conflict: a case study of the challenges and acute need for medical humanitarian operations for women and children internally displaced persons,2018,16,1,e65,Mackey Perinatal health outcomes and care among asylum seekers and refugees: a systematic review of systematic reviews,2018,16,1,e89,Brown The socioeconomic profile of alcohol-attributable mortality in South Africa: a modelling study,2018,16,1,e97,Wittchen Global incidence of suicide among Indigenous peoples: a systematic review,2018,16,1,e145,Colman Childhood trauma and the enduring consequences of forcibly separating children from parents at the United States border,2018,16,1,e146,Teicher Trauma and perceived social rejection among Yazidi women and girls who survived enslavement and genocide,2018,16,1,e154,Neuner External validation of the Scandinavian guidelines for management of minimal mild and moderate head injuries in children,2018,16,1,e176,Babl Disaggregating catastrophic health expenditure by disease area: cross-country estimates based on the World Health Surveys,2019,17,1,e36,Marx The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of strength and balance Exergames to reduce falls risk for people aged 55 years and older in UK assisted living facilities: a multi-centre cluster randomised controlled trial,2019,17,1,e49,Skelton Quantifying harms to others due to alcohol consumption in Germany: a register-based study,2019,17,1,e59,Kraus Childhood generalized specific phobia as an early marker of internalizing psychopathology across the lifespan: results from the World Mental Health Surveys,2019,17,1,e101,Borges Automated versus physician assignment of cause of death for verbal autopsies: randomized trial of 9374 deaths in 117 villages in India,2019,17,1,e116,Jha Psychological primitives can make sense of biopsychosocial factor complexity in psychopathology,2019,17,1,187,Franklin Suicide prevention and depression apps' suicide risk assessment and management: a systematic assessment of adherence to clinical guidelines,2019,17,1,e231,Subramaniam The complex neurobiology of resilient functioning after childhood maltreatment,2020,18,1,e32,van Harmelen Improving the healthcare response to domestic violence and abuse in UK primary care: interrupted time series evaluation of a system-level training and support programme,2020,18,1,e48,Eldridge Dynamics of conflict during the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2018-2019,2020,18,1,e113,Pham Child maltreatment and cardiovascular disease: quantifying mediation pathways using UK Biobank,2020,18,1,e143,Pell Estimating indirect mortality impacts of armed conflict in civilian populations: panel regression analyses of 193 countries 1990-2017,2020,18,1,e266,Sullivan Cycles of violence in England and Wales: the contribution of childhood abuse to risk of violence revictimisation in adulthood,2020,18,1,e325,Bellis COVID-19 pandemic and violence: rising risks and decreasing urgent care-seeking for sexual assault and domestic violence survivors,2021,19,1,e20,Fell Reducing youth suicide: systems modelling and simulation to guide targeted investments across the determinants,2021,19,1,e61,Davenport Understanding menstrual cycle effects on suicide will require prospective studies of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in premenstrual disorders,2021,19,1,135,Eisenlohr-Moul Risk of incident fractures in individuals hospitalised due to unexplained syncope and orthostatic hypotension,2021,19,1,e188,Sutton Psychopathological symptom network structure in transgender and gender queer youth reporting parental psychological abuse: a network analysis,2021,19,1,215,Wilson The risk of COVID-19 in survivors of domestic violence and abuse,2021,19,1,e246,Taylor Cycling and bone health: a systematic review,2012,10,,e168,Vicente-Rodriguez Rehabilitation of executive function in chronic paediatric brain injury: a randomized controlled trial,2021,19,1,e253,Andersson Adult retrospective report of child abuse and prospective indicators of childhood harm: a population birth cohort study,2021,19,1,e286,Pinto Pereira Advice and care for patients who die by voluntarily stopping eating and drinking is not assisted suicide,2017,15,1,e222,McGee Exploring the causal role of intimate partner violence and abuse on depressive symptoms in young adults: a population-based cohort study,2022,20,1,e1,Heron Association between adverse childhood experiences and premenstrual disorders: a cross-sectional analysis of 11973 women,2022,20,1,e60,Aspelund Predictive validity of the Stopping Elderly Accidents Deaths & Injuries (STEADI) program fall risk screening algorithms among community-dwelling Thai elderly,2022,20,1,e78,Jiamjarasrangsi Autism spectrum disorders as a risk factor for adolescent self-harm: a retrospective cohort study of 113286 young people in the UK,2022,20,1,e137,Hotopf Effectiveness of a digital intervention versus alcohol information for online help-seekers in Sweden: a randomised controlled trial,2022,20,1,e176,McCambridge Trends in mortality from alcohol opioid and combined alcohol and opioid poisonings by sex educational attainment and race and ethnicity for the United States 2000-2019,2022,20,1,e405,Kerr Use of hormonal contraceptives and antidepressants and risks of suicidal behavior and accidents among women with premenstrual disorders: a nationwide cohort study,2022,20,1,e482,Ye Chronic pain conditions and risk of suicidal behavior: a 10-year longitudinal co-twin control study,2023,21,1,e9,Chen Genetic susceptibility and lifestyle modify the association of long-term air pollution exposure on major depressive disorder: a prospective study in UK Biobank,2023,21,1,e67,Sun Depression cardiometabolic disease and their co-occurrence after childhood maltreatment: an individual participant data meta-analysis including over 200000 participants,2023,21,1,e93,de Graaf Associations of bullying perpetration and peer victimization subtypes with preadolescent's suicidality non-suicidal self-injury neurocognition and brain development,2023,21,1,e141,Chen Alcohol consumption and all-cause and cause-specific mortality among US adults: prospective cohort study,2023,21,1,e208,Zhao A culturally adapted manual-assisted problem-solving intervention (CMAP) for adults with a history of self-harm: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial,2023,21,1,e282,Husain Vestibular rehabilitation therapy on balance and gait in patients after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,21,1,e322,Yang Childhood maltreatment and risk of endocrine diseases: an exploration of mediating pathways using sequential mediation analysis,2024,22,1,e59,Aspelund Medication non-adherence and self-inflicted violence behaviors among 185800 patients with schizophrenia in the community: a 12-year cohort study,2024,22,1,e136,Li Childhood maltreatment and health in the UK Biobank: triangulation of outcome-wide and polygenic risk score analyses,2024,22,1,e135,Koenen Suicide mortality following the implementation of tobacco packaging and pricing policies in Korea: an interrupted time-series analysis,2024,22,1,e180,Park Floods and cause-specific mortality in the UK: a nested case-control study,2024,22,1,e188,Guo Effectiveness of genetic feedback on alcohol metabolism to reduce alcohol consumption in young adults: an open-label randomized controlled trial,2024,22,1,e205,Yoshimoto Clinical staging and the differential risks for clinical and functional outcomes in young people presenting for youth mental health care,2022,20,1,479,Hickie Longitudinal risk of maternal hospitalization for mental illness following preterm birth,2022,20,1,447,Paradis Clinical indications of premenstrual disorders and subsequent risk of injury: a population-based cohort study in Sweden,2021,19,1,e119,Ye Suicide attempts in clinical trials with paroxetine randomised against placebo,2005,3,,e14,Aursnes Which doctors and with what problems contact a specialist service for doctors? A cross sectional investigation,2007,5,,e26,Hale Suicide attempts in US adults with lifetime DSM-5 eating disorders,2019,17,1,e120,Grilo Examining the impact of substance use on hospital length of stay in schizophrenia spectrum disorder: a retrospective analysis,2024,22,1,e233,Seifritz Healthcare professionals' views on the accessibility and acceptability of perinatal mental health services for South Asian and Black women: a qualitative study,2023,21,1,e370,Jovanovic Psychiatric comorbidities in women with cardiometabolic conditions with and without ADHD: a population-based study,2023,21,1,e450,Aspelund Global incidence and characteristics of spinal cord injury since 2000-2021: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,22,1,e285,Wang A longitudinal multi-centric cohort study assessing infant neurodevelopment delay among women with persistent postpartum depression in Nepal,2024,22,1,e284,Skalkidou History of childhood maltreatment associated with hospitalization or death due to COVID-19: a cohort study,2024,22,1,e319,Aspelund