Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Alcohol intoxication effects on simulated driving: exploring alcohol-dose effects on brain activation using functional MRI,2004,29,11,2097-2017,Pekar Antidepressants Reduce the Risk of Suicide among Elderly Depressed Patients,2005,31,1,178–181,Barak ACNP Task Force Report on SSRIs and Suicidal Behavior in Youth,2005,31,3,473–492,Fawcett Brain region specific alterations in the protein and mRNA levels of protein kinase A subunits in the post-mortem brain of teenage suicide victims,2005,30,8,1548-1556,Conley Effects of alprazolam on driving ability memory functioning and psychomotor performance: A randomized placebo-controlled study,2002,27,2,260-269,Verbaten High-potency marijuana impairs executive function and inhibitory motor control,2006,31,10,2296-2303,Ramaekers Acute effects of 34-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on behavioral measures of impulsivity: alone and in combination with alcohol,2006,31,5,1048-1055,Ramaekers Future Suicide Attempt and Responses to Serotonergic Challenge,2010,35,5,1063-1072,Mann Neuropsychological profile of acute alcohol intoxication during ascending and descending blood alcohol concentrations,2006,31,6,1301-1309,Vogel-Sprott Females do not express learned helplessness like males do,2008,33,7,1559-1569,Dalla Alcohol badly affects eye movements linked to steering providing for automatic in-car detection of drink driving,2008,33,4,849-858,Marple-Horvat Lower phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) activity and differential expression levels of selective catalytic and regulatory PI 3-kinase subunit isoforms in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of suicide subjects,2008,33,10,2324-2340,Conley Association of RGS2 gene polymorphisms with suicide and increased RGS2 immunoreactivity in the postmortem brain of suicide victims,2008,33,7,1537-1544,Nushida Nature and nurture predispose to violent behavior: serotonergic genes and adverse childhood environment,2007,32,11,2375-2383,Schneider Aberrant extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 5 signaling in hippocampus of suicide subjects,2007,32,11,2338-2350,Conley SNP- and haplotype analysis of the tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene in alcohol-dependent patients and alcohol-related suicide,2007,32,8,1687-1694,Bondy Tryptophan hydroxylase-1 gene variants associate with a group of suicidal borderline women,2006,31,9,1982-1990,Åsberg The flawed basis for FDA post-marketing safety decisions: the example of anti-depressants and children,2006,31,4,689-699,Klein Neuronal tryptophan hydroxylase mRNA expression in the human dorsal and median raphe nuclei: major depression and suicide,2006,31,4,814-824,Mann Aggression Suicidality and Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Serotonergic Correlates in Personality Disorder and Healthy Control Subjects,2010,35,2,435-444,Coccaro Suicidal behavior and psychotropic medication. 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