Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Results of clinical-toxicological assessments performed in the Poison Control Centre in Zagreb over a 10-year period,2004,55,4,269-272,Turk Occupational accidents and injuries: results of a safety preventive programme,2004,55,4,261-268,Jovanovic Alcohol and drink driving in the United Kingdom,2005,56,4,373-378,Evans Drivers of advanced age in traffic accidents,2002,53,4,289-296,Bilban International community efforts in prevention of nuclear terrorism,2006,57,2,195-199,Ilijas Report of the [Zagreb Hrvatska] Poison Control Centre for the period 1 November 2005 - 31 January 2006,2006,57,2,245-249,Turk Cases of acute poisoning admitted to Clinical Hospital Merkur in Zagreb in 1999,2001,52,3,315-321,Prkacin Report of the Poison Control Centre for the period 1 February-30 April 2006,2006,57,3,359-363,Turk Household gas poisonings,2006,57,4,469-475,Turk Counteracting poisoning with chemical warfare nerve agents,2020,71,4,266-284,Kovarik The human factor in accidents,1994,45,3,249-273,Petz Suicide by Fentanyl,2007,58,3,317-321,Definis-Gojanovic Fatal Poisoning By Alcohol and Heroin,2007,58,3,323-328,Definis-Gojanovic Workplace mobbing,2008,59,1,37-42,Soljan Report of the Poison Control Centre for the period 1 January - 31 December 2007,2008,59,1,67-72,Turk Poisoning of seamen with methyl bromide due to fumigation of a Polish cargo ship in Haiphong (Vietnam),1967,18,1,19-24,Brodniewicz Disorders of protein and mineral metabolism as well as of some enzymes in acute experimental cadmium poisoning,1967,18,3,229-242,Kosmider Causes of permanent disability in professional drivers,1991,42,2,205-213,Vukelić Life-threatening valproate overdose successfully treated with haemodialysis,2008,59,4,295-298,Filipovic Report of the Poison Control Centre for the period 1 January-31 December 2008,2009,60,2,261-266,Turk Fatal poisonings in Zagreb and vicinity,1969,20,2,199-208,Palmović Epidemiologic problems and prevention of poisoning with caustics in the province of Novi Sad,1971,22,4,343-351,Fiser 2 cases of poisoning by tea from oleander leaves,1975,26,2,147-150,Spevak The effect of vibration on the spine of railroad workers,1979,30,3,259-266,Arnautova-Bulat Psychiatric aspects of poisoning,1980,31,4,323-331,Milcinski Environmental noise and annoyance in adult population of skopje: a cross-sectional study,2009,60,3,349-355,Ristovska Effects of traffic noise on sleep in an urban population,2009,60,3,335-342,Stosić Noise as a risk factor for arterial hypertension in sailors,1990,41,2,187-199,Vukelić An investigation into child-resistant closures,1970,21,3,255-263,Beard Occupational injuries of workers on agricultural farms "Karadordevo" and "Labudnjaca",1967,18,3,253-267,Mikov Our experiences in the determination of ethyl alcohol in biological materials by the Widmark method,1967,18,4,359-367,Zelenko Epidemiology of occupational injuries,1966,17,1,71-109,Macek Extensive burns in traffic accidents,1973,24,1,45-49,Wilhelm Prevention of accidental poisoning in children,1971,22,1,37-41,Obradović Accidental fatal poisoning due to chlorine gas in a factory for the manufacture of sulfate cellulose and paper,1978,29,4,317-322,Mićović Accidental poisoning with CS2 in the manufacture of viscose fibers,1977,28,2,181-186,Besarabić Forensic problems in connection with occupational damage to hearing caused by noise,1977,28,Suppl,47-52,Prazić Epidemiology of accidental poisoning in children,1976,27,1,23-29,Obradović Legislation regarding safety in the work environment and the handling of toxic substances in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century,1990,41,1,57-64,Piasek Effects of the radiation released by the Chernobyl nuclear accident,1987,38,3,261-272,Kraljević Injuries in agricultural workers,1984,35,2,193-197,Bradić Fatal poisonings in the city of Zagreb,1993,44,2,151-158,Skavic The nature and quality of post-traumatic neurotic states in industrial workers,1960,11,,237-241,Uglesić A case of occupational nitrobenzene poisoning,1960,11,,141-145,Sarić Accidental poisoning in children,1961,12,,37-43,Petrovski Fatal copper sulfate poisoning,1961,12,,45-47,Hrus A case of homicidal parathion poisoning,1961,12,,195-198,Stupar Fatal poisoning with parathion absorbed through the skin,1961,12,,185-189,Milenković Occupational diseases and intoxications in the department of occupational diseases from 1953 to 1962,1963,14,,299-306,Beritic Protection of agricultural workers from pesticide poisoning,1963,14,,33-58,Vandekar Evaluation of the incidence of accidents as a basis for preventive measures in coal mining industry,1964,15,,405-412,Adum Organization of examination and criteria of medical evaluation of the fitness to drive motor vehicles,1964,15,,283-289,Canić A rare and unusual case of drowning and poisoning in so-called "blue water",1964,15,,277-282,Vasic Epileptic manifestations in acute eutizone poisoning,1964,15,,195-203,Hamel puskaric 3 cases of poisoning by nitrous gases in a shipyard,1962,13,,231-238,Kasumovic Death from zinc phosphide poisoning,1962,13,,325-328,Neudauer Thallium Toxicity in Humans,2010,61,1,111-119,Cvjetko Report of the poison control centre for the period 1 January - 31 December 2009,2010,61,1,147-152,Turk 4 cases of murder with organophosphorous compound,1966,17,4,447-453,Sovljanski Psychophysiological studies of some aspects of fatigue and rest,1968,19,,Suppl 1:27-40,Bujas Accidental poisoning during fumigation by phosphotoxin,1969,20,2,209-212,Sovljanski Value of some biochemical analytic methods in workers exposed to trinitrotoluene,1969,20,2,177-185,Pejuskovic The effect of whole-body vibration: an unrecognized medical problem,1993,44,3,269-279,Bogadi-Sare Toxicological Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Noxious Agents in Modern Warfare and Terorrism,2010,61,2,247-256,Vučemilović Naphazoline nasal drops intoxication in children,1994,45,1,25-29,Vitezić Active rest during work periods,1994,45,4,353-359,Heimer Insurance for work-related accidents and occupational diseases,1995,46,4,413-418,Bradić Effects of volcanic eruptions on environment and health,2007,58,4,479-486,Zuskin Individual differences and sleep deprivation effects,2007,58,4,435-447,Radosevic-Vidacek Cumulative trauma disorders of the upper limbs in workers on an agricultural farm,1996,47,1,19-23,Raffi Health fitness of professional drivers and recurrence of alcoholism,1996,47,2,177-188,Kontosić Identification of drug abuse,1997,48,4,403-411,Skender Mechanisms of organophosphate toxicity and detoxication with emphasis on studies in Croatia,2007,58,3,329-338,Reiner Use of the Purdue Non-verbal Test in a group of candidates for a driving license,1998,49,2,179-187,Dautović Occupational deafness in dump truck drivers,1970,21,1,49-56,Petrović Occupational disease in an urban public transport driver,1973,23,3,233-238,Savić Environmental and Occupational Health Risks Among Agricultural Workers Living in a Rural Community Near Petroleum Refinery and Motorway in Skopje Region,2010,61,4,415-424,Karadžinska-Bislimovska Performance of Fine Motor and Spatial Tasks During the Menstrual Cycle,2010,61,4,407-414,Simic Asepsol poisoning,1983,34,2,153-156,Joksović Organophosphorus compound poisoning treated at the departments of neuropsychiatry and internal medicine in Senta from 1968 to 1978,1981,32,4,343-349,Curcić Case of paraquat poisoning,1975,26,3,227-232,Gulic Development of occupational medicine in Varazdin: from concept to creation,2000,51,1,53-60,Piasek The forestry work environment and its ergonomic requirements,1995,46,1,95-110,Sever Physical strength and skilfulness of small children in opening drug and chemical containers,1970,21,4,315-319,Gädeke The toxicology of bioregulators as potential agents of bioterrorism,2005,56,2,205-211,Bokan Public health preparedness for chemical incidents in Europe,2003,54,2,145-152,Kello Hemipelvectomy due to blast injuries: possibilities of occupational rehabilitation,1996,47,3,289-293,Cesarec Acute cyanide poisoning: clinical spectrum diagnosis and treatment,1996,47,3,307-322,Baud Chlorine poisoning,1971,22,3,275-282,Beritic Acute poisoning by methadone (Heptanon),1971,22,4,366-368,Beritic Reduced vision due to eye injury,1971,22,4,353-357,Szekler Survey of toxicological analyses performed at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Ljubljana from 1946-1969,1971,22,4,333-341,Schmidt Intoxications with dinitroorthocresol,1971,22,4,329-332,Sovljanski Heat stroke,1971,22,2,179-186,Beritic Patients with poisoning admitted to the resuscitation center in the last 5 years,1971,22,1,43-46,Sovljanski Etiological clinical and therapeutical considerations about 276 cases of parathion poisoning,1971,22,1,33-35,Oarda An epidemiological study concerning herbicides,1973,24,4,375-380,Axelson Protective measures concerning the use of pesticides,1973,24,4,367-373,Stuart Clinical picture diagnosis and treatment of poisoning by organophosphate insecticides,1973,24,4,341-355,Vojvodić Histological and biochemical alterations in rat's liver and kidney induced by thorium nitrate,1975,26,4,267-274,Behari Poisoning by potassium cyanide,1975,26,2,151-155,Kapamadzija Occupational exposure to carbon monoxide in steel mill of converter type,1976,27,4,307-311,Bauer Forensic medicine problems in toxicology in general practice,1977,28,4,367-372,Mikovic Medical significance of arachnidism in Yugoslavia--a case of bite by the nonpoisonous spider Aranea sexpunctata L,1977,28,3,297-305,Maretic Analysis of the causes and consequences of eye burns,1977,28,3,287-296,Szekler Sanitary supervision of poisons in Croatia,1978,29,3,257-260,Erceg Human exposure to ionizing radiation,1978,29,1,31-42,Habazin-Novak Occupational diseases and intoxications,1979,30,Suppl,33-37,Beritic Biological effects of uranium,1982,33,4,353-360,Rozgaj Electrocardiographic changes following bites and stings of venomous animals,1982,33,4,325-334,Maretic Fatal poisonings in 12 Zagreb communities,1982,33,3,245-258,Kovacic Neurologic and psychiatric disorders in acute poisoning by drugs and other chemical materials,1982,33,1,43-52,Vesel Blood cholinesterase activity in workers exposed to the organophosphate insecticide Ekatin,1973,24,2,107-116,Wilhelm Methemoglobinemia caused by accidental poisoning with metolachlor and metobromuron,1999,50,2,193-199,Radonić A case report of acute human molybdenum toxicity from a dietary molybdenum supplement--a new member of the "Lucor metallicum" family,1999,50,3,289-297,Momcilović A Systematic Review of Aluminium Phosphide Poisoning,2012,63,1,61-73,Abdollahi Dance as a risk factor for injuries and development of occupational diseases,2012,63,2,239-246,Zuskin Recovery from an Eighty-Percent Total Body Surface Area Burn Injury Sustained at Work,2012,63,2,223-226,Hahn Psychosocial risks in the workplace: an increasing challenge for German and international health protection,2012,63,2,123-131,Portuné Report of the Poison Control Centre for the period 1 May - 31 July 2006,2006,57,4,477-482,Turk Therapeutic and neuroprotective efficacy of pharmacological pretreatment and antidotal treatment of acute tabun or soman poisoning with the emphasis on pretreatment drug PANPAL,2006,57,4,427-434,Kassa Regulation of sleepiness: the role of the arousal system,2012,63,Suppl 1,23-34,Radosevic-Vidacek Monocrotophos poisoning through contaminated millet flour,2012,63,3,377-383,Dewan Comments on "a systematic review of aluminium phosphide poisoning",2012,63,4,551,Nasri Nasrabadi Evaluation of working ability in occupational mercury poisoning,1967,18,4,323-330,Markićević Earthquakes - a historical review environmental and health effects and health care measures,2013,64,2,141-151,Zuskin Exposure to phtalates and their presence in alcoholic beverages,2013,64,2,131-139,Jurica Electrocardiographic manifestations in acute methanol poisoning cannot predict mortality,2013,64,2,79-85,Sanaei-Zadeh Sampling of biological material and toxico-chemical analysis in occupational poisoning,1978,29,2,157-196,Prpić-Majić Report on patients treated for acute poisoning in the Internal Medicine Department of the hospital in Stip from 1974 to 1978,1981,32,2,187-190,Nikclov Alcohol consumption and changes in the electrocardiogram,1981,32,2,173-180,Malinar Poisoning in children and the organization of health services,1979,30,2,159-160,Svel What is toxicology? A discussion of scientific developments in relation to practical needs,1985,36,1,43-57,Aldridge Mortality of falls and fractures,1982,33,2,161-172,Matkovic Accidental poisoning in pediatric practice (5-year analytical study),1981,32,4,337-341,Petrovski Acute alcoholic intoxication in children in Vojvodina,1989,40,1,47-55,Roncević Cardiotoxicity of gases from fires,1987,38,1,37-44,Beritic Ethanol poisoning treated with hemodialysis,1988,39,1,47-50,Durakovic An outbreak of aluminium phosphide poisoning in Mashhad Iran,2016,67,1,65-66,Abdollahi Key factors contributing to accident severity rate in construction industry in Iran: a regression modelling approach,2016,67,1,47-53,Soltanzadeh Costs of occupational injuries and illnesses in Croatia,2017,68,1,66-73,Bađun Evaluation of breath alcohol analysers by comparison of breath and blood alcohol concentrations,2018,69,1,69-76,Jurič Clinical and analytical experience of the National Poison Control Centre with synthetic cannabinoids,2018,69,2,178-185,Kilibarda A case of synthetic cannabinoid poisoning in Croatia,2018,69,2,186-190,Definis-Gojanovic Whole blood exchange transfusion as a promising treatment of aluminium phosphide poisoning,2018,69,3,275-277,Hassanian-Moghaddam Inhalation poisoning with palytoxin from aquarium coral: case description and safety advice,2019,70,1,14-17,Schulz Gamma-hydroxybutyrate abuse: pharmacology and poisoning and withdrawal management,2020,71,1,19-26,Malvasi Epidemiology of occupational injuries among insured workers in Saudi Arabia between 2004 and 2016,2021,72,1,42-52,Abbas Olanzapine poisoning in patients treated at the National Poison Control Centre in Belgrade Serbia in 2017 and 2018: a brief review of serum concentrations and clinical symptoms,2022,73,2,126-130,Kilibarda Differences in the recognition of sadness anger and fear in facial expressions: the role of the observer and model gender,2022,73,4,308-313,Simic A suicide attempt by ingestion of oleander leaves and treatment with digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments,2023,74,4,292-295,Polić Accidental ingestion of concentrated white vinegar in Hatay children in Turkey,2023,74,4,288-291,Celikkaya Comparative analysis of organophosphorus versus carbamate pesticide poisoning: a case study,2024,75,1,81-84,Zhang Cholinergic syndrome: a case report of acute organophosphate and carbamate poisoning,2020,71,2,163-166,Strnad Drug analysis in necrophagous flies and human tissues,2007,58,3,313-316,Definis-Gojanovic Severe acute copper sulphate poisoning: a case report,2008,59,1,31-35,Sinkovic