Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Falls and injuries resulting from falls among patients with Parkinson's disease and other Parkinsonian syndromes,2004,,,,Wielinski Driving in Parkinson's disease: Mobility accidents and sudden onset of sleep at the wheel,2005,,,,Meindorfner Predictors of driving assessment outcome in Parkinson's disease,2005,21,2,230-235,Wood Impact of internal versus external cueing on driving performance in people with Parkinson's disease,2005,20,7,846-857,Charlton Falls in degenerative cerebellar ataxias,2005,20,4,497-500,Bloem Dual-tasking effects on gait variability: The role of aging falls and executive function,2006,21,7,950 - 957,Giladi Effect of a concurrent task on driving performance in people with Parkinson's disease,2006,21,12,2096-2100,Charlton Postural sway and falls in Parkinson's disease: A regression approach,2007,22,13,1927 -1935,Matinolli Pramipexole-induced somnolence and episodes of daytime sleep,2000,15,4,658-663,Zesiewicz Sleep episodes in Parkinson's disease: a wake-up call,2000,15,4,601-603,Frucht Waking up to sleep episodes in Parkinson's disease,2000,15,2,212-215,Roth Automobile driving in Huntington's disease,1995,10,6,778-787,Rebok Driving assessment in Parkinson's disease-A novel predictor of performance?,2008,23,9,1217-1222,Lee Suicidal and death ideation in Parkinson's disease,2008,23,11,1573-1579,Brown Sleepiness in Parkinson's disease: a controlled study,2003,18,6,668-672,Roth Clinical and physiological assessments for elucidating falls risk in Parkinson's disease,2009,24,9,1280-1289,Lord A nationwide survey of excessive daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's disease in France,2007,22,11,1567-1572,Bioulac Thalamic stimulation does not involve a high rate of suicide,2008,23,11,1626,Hariz Cognitive impulsivity in Parkinson's disease patients: Assessment and pathophysiology,2009,24,16,2316-2327,Drapier Driving difficulties in Parkinson's disease,2010,25,S1,S136-S140,Uc Sleep disturbances in Parkinson's disease,2010,25,Suppl 1,S117-22,Menza Visual control of arm movement in Parkinson's disease,1994,9,1,48-56,Klockgether Delayed onset of "rubral tremor" 23 years after brainstem trauma,1994,9,2,240-242,Schneider Limb dystonia following electrical injury,1994,9,2,230-232,Tarsy The initiation of normal walking,1994,9,2,139-146,Sinha Concerning "visual control of arm movement in Parkinson's disease",1996,11,1,115,Korczyn Psychometric attributes of the rating scale for gait evaluation in Parkinson's disease,2010,25,13,2121-2127,Serrano Falls in Parkinson's disease: Kinematic evidence for impaired head and trunk control,2010,25,14,2369-2378,Wood Fall risk assessment using the Tinetti mobility test in individuals with Huntington's disease,2010,25,16,2838-2844,Young Evaluation of sleep and driving performance in six patients with Parkinson's disease reporting sudden onset of sleep under dopaminergic medication: a pilot study,2002,17,3,474-481,Oertel Domestic violence and mistreatment in patients with parkinsonism: Case reports mechanisms and discussion,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nazir Clinical and genetic characteristics of Mexican Huntington's disease patients,2009,24,13,2012-2015,Familiar Arc de cercle and dysautonomia from anoxic injury,2006,21,6,868-869,Diesing Choreoathetosis induced by cyproheptadine,1989,4,1,81-84,Samie Environmental risk factors in Parkinson's disease,1999,14,6,928-939,Helenius Violent recurrent ballism associated with infections in two children with static encephalopathy,2000,15,3,570-574,Beran-Koehn Malignant Tourette syndrome,2007,22,12,1743-1750,Jankovic Phenomenology of dreams in Parkinson's disease,2007,22,2,198-202,Friedman Balance and falls in Parkinson's disease: A meta-analysis of the effect of exercise and motor training,2011,26,9,1605-1615,Sherrington Mechanisms of MPTP toxicity,1998,13,Suppl 1,35-38,Przedborski Dystonia following head trauma: a report of nine patients and review of the literature,1992,7,3,263-272,Mundinger Head trauma as a risk factor for Parkinson's disease,1991,6,2,95-97,Stern Prior history of head trauma in Parkinson's disease,1991,6,3,225-229,Weiner Diagnostic and pathophysiological aspects of psychogenic tremors,1998,13,2,294-302,Deuschl Parkinsonism following electrical injury to the hand,1998,13,3,600-602,Lees Parkinsonism following electrical injury to the hand,2000,15,3,587-588,Quinn Validation of a portable instrument for assessing tremor severity in epidemiologic field studies,2000,15,1,95-102,Louis Can peripheral trauma induce dystonia and other movement disorders? Yes!,2001,16,1,7-12,Jankovic Can peripheral trauma induce dystonia? No!,2001,16,1,13-22,Weiner A motor signature of REM sleep behavior disorder,2012,27,3,428-431,Arnulf The role of executive function and attention in gait,2008,23,3,329-342,Giladi Do we always prioritize balance when walking? Towards an integrated model of task prioritization,2012,27,6,765-770,Giladi Tic-induced gait dysfunction,2012,27,7,911-913,Bloem Clinical predictors of driving status in Huntington's disease,2012,27,9,1146-1152,Paulsen Is there an increased risk of hip fracture in Parkinson's disease? A nationwide inpatient sample,2012,27,11,1440-1443,Dubinsky Daytime alertness in Parkinson's disease: Potentially dose-dependent divergent effects by drug class,2012,27,9,1118-1124,Rye Trunk movement in Parkinson's disease during rising from seated position,2002,17,2,274-282,Kerr Explaining freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: Motor and cognitive determinants,2012,27,13,1644-1651,Nieuwboer Head injury and Parkinson's disease: A population-based study,2012,27,13,1632-1635,Kamel Head injury and the risk of Parkinson's disease,2012,27,13,1592-1594,Duda Three simple clinical tests to accurately predict falls in people with Parkinson's disease,2013,28,5,655-662,Lord Head injury and risk of Parkinson disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,28,9,1222-1229,Etminan Many roads to Parkinson's disease neurodegeneration: Head trauma-A road more traveled than we know?,2013,28,9,1167-1170,Trojanowski Assessing apathy in everyday clinical practice with the short-form Lille Apathy Rating Scale,2013,28,14,2014-2019,Dujardin Driving and off-road impairments underlying failure on road testing in Parkinson's disease,2013,28,14,1949-1956,Uc Impact of specific executive functions on driving performance in people with Parkinson's disease,2013,28,14,1941-1948,Uc Effects of exercise on mobility in people with Parkinson's disease,2013,28,11,1587-1596,van der Kolk Objective biomarkers of balance and gait for Parkinson's disease using body-worn sensors,2013,28,11,1544-1551,Horak Cognitive contributions to gait and falls: Evidence and implications,2013,28,11,1520-1533,Hausdorff Characterizing freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: Models of an episodic phenomenon,2013,28,11,1509-1519,Nieuwboer Dynamic control of posture across locomotor tasks,2013,28,11,1501-1508,Earhart Prefrontal - STN projections the highway for emotion and cognition control,2014,29,3,305,Martinez-Fernandez Dystonia after severe brain injuries,2014,29,4,578,Bagnato Reply: Dystonia after severe head injuries,2014,29,4,578-579,Albanese The cognitive burden in Huntington's disease: Pathology phenotype and mechanisms of compensation,2014,29,5,673-683,Stout Psychiatric issues in cognitive impairment,2014,29,5,651-662,Weintraub Involuntary grasping and groping responses to space-related visual stimuli,1987,2,1,9-23,Magnani Dystonia and tremor following exposure to 2378-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin,1987,2,4,255-261,Klawans Trauma as an etiology of parkinsonism: a historical review of the concept,1988,3,1,30-36,Weiner Movement disorders and depression due to flunarizine and cinnarizine,1989,4,2,139-146,Micheli Behavioral effects of levodopa,2014,30,1,90-102,Lang Depressive symptoms in Parkinson's disease are related to decreased hippocampus and amygdala volume,2015,30,2,245-252,van den Heuvel Freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease is related to impaired motor switching during stepping,2015,30,8,1090-1097,Bloem Orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson disease: how much you fall or how low you go?,2015,30,5,639-645,Palma Paraphilias and paraphilic disorders in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review of the literature,2015,30,5,604-613,Solla Levodopa is a double-edged sword for balance and gait in people with Parkinson's disease,2015,30,10,1361-1370,Horak Reply to letter: Suicide in Parkinson's disease patients treated with levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel,2015,30,10,1435-1436,Fernandez Suicide in Parkinson's disease patients treated with levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel,2015,30,10,1434-1435,Zorko The influence of reward and punishment on motor learning,2015,30,13,1724,Sadnicka Economic evaluation of a falls prevention exercise program among people With Parkinson's disease,2015,31,1,53-61,Lord Suicide and dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome in Parkinson's disease,2015,30,13,1859-1860,Solla Toward affordable falls prevention in Parkinson's disease,2015,31,1,3-6,Bloem Machine learning for large-scale wearable sensor data in Parkinson's disease: concepts promises pitfalls and futures,2016,31,9,1314-1326,Kubota Predicting first fall in newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease: insights from a fall-naïve cohort,2016,31,12,1829-1836,Rochester Addition of a virtual reality component to treadmill training to reduce fall risk in older adults including individuals with Parkinson's disease,2016,31,11,1632,Tarsy Familial aggregation of Parkinson's disease may affect progression of motor symptoms and dementia,2016,32,2,241-245,Larsen Media hype: patient and scientific perspectives on misleading medical news,2017,32,9,1319-1323,Jankovic Have we been overestimating fall rates in Parkinson's disease?,2017,32,5,803,Bohnen Have we been overestimating fall rates in Parkinson's disease?,2017,32,5,803-804,Rochester Pedestrian safety in patients with Parkinson's disease: a case-control study,2017,32,12,1748-1755,Schwebel When did Ray Kennedy's Parkinson's disease begin?,1992,7,2,110-116,Lees Falls in Parkinson's disease: a complex and evolving picture,2017,32,11,1524-1536,Rochester Does cerebellar overactivity contribute to gait and balance deficits in Parkinson's disease?,2018,33,6,1022-1023,Almeida Risk of drowning in people with Parkinson's disease,2018,33,9,1507-1508,Ferreira Visual cueing using laser shoes reduces freezing of gait in Parkinson's patients at home,2018,33,10,1664-1665,Bloem Subtle gait and balance impairments occur in idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grunstein Design and validation of a new instrument to assess fear of falling in Parkinson's disease,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bruce Pavement patterns can be designed to improve gait in Parkinson's disease patients,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Růžička Home-based monitoring of falls using wearable sensors in Parkinson's disease,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bloem Instrumental analysis of gait abnormalities in idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder,2020,35,1,193-195,Růžička Instrumental analysis of gait abnormalities in idiopathic 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