Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Lifetime prevalences of physical diseases and mental disorders in young suicide victims,2005,67,2,241-245,Viilo Intimate partner violence and mental health consequences in women attending family practice in Spain,2005,67,5,791-797,Plazaola-Castano Sexual assault in women veterans: an examination of PTSD risk health care utilization and cost of care,2004,66,5,749-756,Surís Features associated with laxative abuse in individuals with eating disorders,2006,68,3,470-477,Tozzi Predictors of fatigue in rescue workers and residents in the aftermath of an aviation disaster: a longitudinal study,2006,68,4,605-612,Spinhoven Total serum cholesterol and suicidality in anorexia nervosa,2004,66,4,548-552,Favaro Personality Traits Coping Style and Perceived Threat as Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Exposure to a Terrorist Attack: A Prospective Study,2006,68,6,904-909,Caspi Physical and Mental Comorbidity Disability and Suicidal Behavior Associated With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Large Community Sample,2007,69,3,242-248,Stein Disaster-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Physical Health,2007,69,5,435-440,van der Velden Long-term outcome of motor vehicle accident injury,1997,59,6,578-584,Mayou Violence Exposure A Chronic Psychosocial Stressor and Childhood Lung Function,2008,70,2,160-169,Wright Suicide Attempts in Anorexia Nervosa,2008,70,3,378-383,Crawford Cumulative Childhood Stress and Autoimmune Diseases in Adults,2009,71,2,243-250,Felitti The Bypassing the Blues treatment protocol: stepped collaborative care for treating post-CABG depression,2009,71,2,217-230,Reynolds Childhood adversity early-onset depressive/anxiety disorders and adult-onset asthma,2008,70,9,1035-1043,Ono Patterns of affective fluctuation in the menstrual cycle,1968,30,3,336-345,Ivey The measurement of autonomic arousal. 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