Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Ethnic differences in battered women's formal help-seeking strategies: A focus on health mental health and spirituality,2004,10,4,383-393,Dutton Ethnicity and adolescent substance use,2005,11,3,239-258,Goebert Adolescent alcohol use and suicide indicators among adolescents in Hawaii,2005,11,4,309-320,Caetano Coping responses of Asian Black and Latino/Latina New York City residents following the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks against the United States,2005,11,4,293-308,Constantine Correlates of suicidal behaviors among Asian American outpatient youths,2002,8,3,199-213,Lau Racial differences in self-disclosure of suicidal ideation and reasons for living: implications for training,2000,6,4,374-386,Morrison An empirical investigation of acculturative stress and ethnic identity as moderators for depression and suicidal ideation in college students,2008,14,1,75-82,Walker Childhood sexual abuse in black men who have sex with men: Results from three qualitative studies,2008,14,4,385-390,Fields Acculturative dissonance ethnic identity and youth violence,2008,14,1,1-9,Le Abuse mastery and health among lesbian bisexual and two-spirit American Indian and Alaska Native women,2009,15,3,275-284,Simoni Oppression and resiliency in a post-apartheid South Africa: unheard voices of Black gay men and lesbians,2004,10,3,302-316,Graziano Review of Suicide among racial and ethnic minority groups,2010,16,2,297-298,Paniagua Perceived discrimination and substance use in Hispanic/Latino African-born Black and Southeast Asian immigrants,2010,16,2,226-236,Tran Tribal youth victimization and delinquency: Analysis of Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey data,2010,16,2,123-134,Fox The family as mediator of the impact of parent-youth acculturation/enculturation and inner-city stressors on Mexican American youth substance use,2010,16,3,404-412,Ramírez García Ethnic group differences in reasons for living and the moderating role of cultural worldview,2010,16,3,372-378,Walker Childhood experiences and psychosocial influences on HIV risk among adolescent Latinas in southern California,2003,9,3,219-235,Newcomb Sex race/ethnicity and romantic attractions: multiple minority status adolescents and mental health,2004,10,3,200-214,Russell Acculturative stress depression and suicidal ideation in Mexican immigrants,2000,6,2,134-151,Hovey Measuring intimate partner violence among male and female farmworkers in San Diego County Ca,2011,17,1,59-67,Cunradi Asian American families' collectivistic coping strategies in response to 9/11,2006,12,1,134-148,Yeh Racial microaggressions and difficult dialogues on race in the classroom,2009,15,2,183-190,Sue Ethnic and cultural variations in anger regulation and attachment patterns among Korean American and European American male batterers,2004,10,2,151-168,Zane The role of ethnocultural variables in response to terrorism,2003,9,3,251-262,Walker Promoting tolerance and moral engagement through peer modeling,2000,6,4,363-373,McAlister Culture-specific models of men's sexual aggression: intra- and interpersonal determinants,2000,6,3,252-267,Narang Dissociation psychopathology and abusive experiences in a nonclinical Latino university student group,2000,6,1,32-41,Martínez-Taboas What it means to be and feel like a "true" American: perceptions and experiences of second-generation Americans,2008,14,2,128-137,Park-Taylor Family Violence and Men of Color,2002,8,2,170-171,Carrillo Brief Therapy of Civil War-Related Trauma: A Case Study,2001,7,4,387-398,Nieves-Grafals A cultural adaptation of motivational interviewing to address heavy drinking among Hispanics,2011,17,3,317-324,Caetano The relationship of microaggressions with alcohol use and anxiety among ethnic minority college students in a historically white institution,2012,18,1,45-54,Blume The influence of self-efficacy on alcohol use among American Indians,2000,6,2,152-167,Taylor The psychological effects of Hurricane Andrew on ethnic minority and Caucasian children and adolescents: a case study,2001,7,1,103-108,Cunningham Person factors associated with suicidal behavior among African American women and men,2004,10,1,5-22,Kaslow Cross-cultural issues in infanticide: a case study,1999,5,2,147-155,Reed Multicultural web-based motivational interviewing for clients with a first-time DUI offense,2012,18,2,192-202,D'Amico Review of Coping with minority status: Responses to exclusion and inclusion,2012,18,3,316,Clark Racial identity and reasons for living in African American female suicide attempters,2012,18,4,416-423,Kaslow The benefits of discussing suicide with Alaska Native college students: qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews,2013,19,1,67-75,Lopez The effect of immigration and acculturation on victimization among a national sample of Latino women,2013,19,1,13-26,Cuevas In response to community violence: Coping strategies and involuntary stress responses among Latino adolescents,2013,19,1,38-49,Ceballo Testing Jessor's problem behavior theory and syndrome: A nationally representative comparative sample of Latino and African American adolescents,2013,19,2,190-199,Mobley Interpersonal suicide risk for American Indians: Investigating thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness,2014,20,1,61-67,Wingate Psychological acculturation and juvenile delinquency: comparing Moroccan immigrant families from a general and pretrial detention population,2014,20,2,254-265,Vollebergh Transnational ties and past-year major depressive episodes among Latino immigrants,2014,21,3,486-495,Alegria Chill be cool man: African American men identity coping and aggressive ideation,2014,21,3,369-379,Hammond We left one war and came to another: resource loss acculturative stress and caregiver-child relationships in Somali refugee families,2014,21,1,114-125,Betancourt Person-environment fit: everyday conflict and coparenting conflict in Mexican-origin teen mother families,2014,21,1,136-145,Umaña-Taylor The influence of ethnic group variation on victimization and help seeking among Latino women,2014,21,1,19-30,Cuevas Suicidal ideation among racial/ethnic minorities: moderating effects of rumination and depressive symptoms,2014,21,1,31-40,Polanco-Roman How racial/ethnic bullying affects rejection sensitivity: the role of social dominance orientation,2014,21,1,156-161,Leong Examining differences in culturally based stress among clinical and nonclinical Hispanic adolescents,2014,21,3,458-467,Cervantes The mediating role of maternal warmth in the associations between harsh parental practices and externalizing and internalizing behaviors in Hispanic American African American and European American families,2014,21,3,430-439,Roopnarine Effects of a culturally informed intervention on abused suicidal African American women,2014,21,4,560-570,Kaslow Racial differences in sexual prejudice and its correlates among heterosexual men,2015,21,2,258-267,Parrott Racial/ethnic differences in identity and mental health outcomes among young sexual minority women,2015,21,3,380-390,Kaysen A pathway model for emotional distress and implications for therapeutic jurisprudence in African American juvenile court respondents,2015,22,3,341-349,Worrell Finding the Door: Critical Incidents Facilitating Gang Exit Among Indigenous Men,2015,22,3,333-340,Goodwill White fear dehumanization and low empathy: lethal combinations for shooting biases,2015,22,3,322-332,Bresin Examining differences in culturally based stress among clinical and nonclinical Hispanic adolescents: CORRECTION,2015,21,4,526, Familism and Latino adolescent depressive symptoms: the role of maternal warmth and support and school support,2016,22,4,517-523,Supple The contribution of stress cultural factors and sexual identity on the substance abuse violence HIV and depression syndemic among Hispanic men,2016,22,4,563-571,González-Guarda Family dynamics and aggressive behavior in Latino adolescents,2016,23,1,81-90,Smokowski Lay beliefs about emotional problems and attitudes toward mental health care among parents and adolescents: exploring the impact of immigration,2016,23,2,269-280,Vollebergh Racial/ethnic differences in trauma exposure and mental health disorders in adolescents,2016,23,3,382-387,Kilpatrick The role of minority stress in second-generation black emerging adult college students' high-risk drinking behaviors,2017,23,3,445-455,Obasi Personal and cultural identity development in recently immigrated Hispanic adolescents: links with psychosocial functioning,2017,23,3,348-361,Zamboanga Social challenges faced by queer Latino college men: navigating negative responses to coming out in a double minority sample of emerging adults,2017,23,4,457-467,Rios Perceived discrimination cultural identity development and intimate partner violence among a sample of Hispanic young adults,2017,23,4,576-582,Unger Pubertal timing racial identity neighborhood and school context among black adolescent females,2018,24,1,40-50,Seaton The role of age in understanding the psychological effects of racism for African Americans,2017,23,4,588-594,Greer The relationships between religiosity and youth internalizing symptoms in African American parent-adolescent dyads,2018,24,1,139-149,Jones A prospective examination of anxiety as a predictor of depressive symptoms among Asian American early adolescent youth: the role of parent peer and teacher support and school engagement,2017,23,4,541-550,Wheeler Everyday unfair treatment and multisystem biological dysregulation in African American adults,2017,23,1,27-35,Ong The intersection of Fatalismo and pessimism on depressive symptoms and suicidality of Mexican descent adolescents: an attribution perspective,2017,23,1,91-101,Piña-Watson Neighborhood context psychological outlook and risk behaviors among urban African American youth,2017,23,1,59-69,Neilands Risk resilience and depressive symptoms in low-income African American fathers,2017,23,1,70-80,Lanzi Ethnic-racial typicality and its relation to ethnic identity and psychological functioning,2018,24,3,400-413,Fish Okay to say? Initial validation of the Acceptability of Racial Microaggressions Scale,2018,24,3,346-362,Todd Risk and protective factors of intimate partner violence among South Asian immigrant women and perceived need for services,2018,24,3,442-452,Campbell Anxiety sensitivity and acculturative stress among trauma exposed Latinx young adults,2018,24,4,470-476,Walker Does purpose in life or ethnic identity moderate the association for racial discrimination and suicide ideation in racial/ethnic minority emerging adults?,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walker The qasgiq model as an indigenous intervention: using the cultural logic of contexts to build protective factors for Alaska Native suicide and alcohol misuse prevention,2019,25,1,44-54,Allen Depression in Latina mothers: examining the roles of acculturation enculturation social support and family resources,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Silovsky Working under conditions of social vulnerability: depression among Latina/o immigrant horse workers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swanberg Effects of sexual/gender minority- and race-based enacted stigma on mental health and substance use in female assigned at birth sexual minority youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whitton Documentation status and psychological distress among New York City community college students,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Okazaki The impact of social support on adolescent coping in the context of urban poverty,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grant Racial discrimination and alcohol problems among African American young adults: examining the moderating effects of racial socialization by parents and friends,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dick Psychosocial issues among gay- and non-gay-identifying HIV-seropositive African American and Latino MSM,2004,10,3,268-286,Resell "Documentation status and psychological distress among New York City community college students": Correction to Alif et al. 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