Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Helping prevent violence against pregnant women,2004,8,5,403,Kennedy Sending baby home safely. developing an infant car seat testing program,2001,5,6,60-70,Creehan Femicide: what were the risk factors?,2008,12,2,146-150,Aretakis Shaken baby syndrome: facts education and advocacy,2008,12,3,235-239,Lewin Seat belt use in pregnancy: history misconceptions and the need for education,2007,11,5,474-481,Cesario Are nurses receiving enough education on workplace violence?,2004,8,3,187-189,Pieri Beyond the law. One nurse's reflections on conflicts and consequences in mandated reporting,2000,4,1,41-45,Price Preventing falls: educational campaign urges patients to "speak up",2010,14,5,416-418,Hellwig Screening for domesic violence: a team approach for maternal/newborn nurses,2004,8,3,210-219,Watts Violence against pregnant women. These two screening tools may prove valuable in identifying women at risk,2003,7,4,348-354,Williams Screening for domestic violence. How one hospital network started asking about abuse,1999,3,2,36-42,Gantt Scanning for violence,1998,2,3,36-41,Ryan Battered women. How nurses can help,1997,1,4,12-14,Furniss A triggering time. Childbirth may recall sexual abuse memories,1997,1,2,47-50,Waymire Learning from tragedy: comments on "Reason to connect",2007,11,1,11-2; author reply 12,De Sevo If I hadn't asked.,2005,9,4,352 351,Theroux Girlz 'n the 'hood--could your female patient be a gangster?,1998,2,1,45-49,Cunningham Success even in gridlock: exploring health policy victories in the 106th Congress,2001,5,1,20-21,Freitas Battered and pregnant. A nursing challenge,2002,6,2,95-99,Anderson Screening for violence in pregnancy,2003,7,6,495-497,Cockey Battered nurses: new research shows those giving care may need it most,1999,3,1,72 69-71,Furniss Childhood sexual abuse: surveying its impact on primary care,1999,3,1,39-45,Roberts IPV and Late Preterm Birth,2009,13,1,11-12,Roller Author's Response:,2009,13,1,12,Jorgensen Violence Against Pregnant Women,2003,7,4,348-354,Williams Sexual Violence and the Silent Reaction Rape: Implications for Nurses,2008,12,2,106-113,Padden Screening for Domestic Violence,2004,8,3,210-219,Watts New Presentation Package for Treating Assisting Battered Women,2003,7,6,545, Battered and pregnant,2002,6,2,95-99,Anderson Battered Woman in a Small Town,2000,4,4,35-39,Hartman Advocating safety. "Whistle-blowing" in the U.S. and Canada,2002,6,1,18-20,Little Human trafficking. A health care perspective,2004,8,4,314-321,Spear "Act early" resources for preventing developmental delays,2005,9,2,162-165,