Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fall-prevention programs for the elderly: a Bayesian secondary meta-analysis,2004,36,3,48-64,Lucke The safety of safety research: the case of patient fall research,2006,38,2,73-88,Morse Parents' knowledge about and use of child safety systems,2006,38,2,98-114,Snowdon Violence prevention in the mental health setting: the New York state experience,2006,38,4,96-117,Lipscomb Double binding abusive intimate partner relationships and pregnancy,2006,38,4,118-134,Curry A narrative study of refugee women who have experienced violence in the context of war,2006,38,4,32-53,Berman Violence and health: the challenges of how we talk about conceptualize and address violence,2006,38,4,27-30,Hughes A further celebration of nursing research in violence,2006,38,4,11-26,Henderson Through seniors' eyes: an exploratory qualitative study to identify environmental barriers to and facilitators of walking,2005,37,3,48-65,Edwards Nursing Network on Violence against Women International,2006,38,4,155-158,Glass Nursing the social wound: public health nurses' experiences of screening for woman abuse,2006,38,4,136-153,Webster "What will happen if I tell you?" Battered Latina women's experiences of health care,2006,38,4,78-95,Kelly Registered nurses' self-efficacy for assessing and responding to woman abuse in emergency department settings,2006,38,4,54-77,Ford-Gilboe Indicators of exposure to wife abuse,1995,27,1,31-46,Ratner An exploratory study of mandated safety measures for home visiting case managers,2007,39,4,173-189,Johnson The feasibility of screening for intimate partner violence during postpartum home visits,2008,40,2,150-170,MacMillan Actuarial assessment of violence risk in hospital-based partner assault clinics,2008,40,4,56-70,Hilton A narrative study of refugee women who have experienced violence in the context of war,2009,41,1,144-165,Berman Sticks and stones: racism as experienced by adolescents in New Brunswick,2009,41,1,108-126,Baker Developing an evidence-based health advocacy intervention for women who have left an abusive partner,2006,38,1,147-167,Wuest The development of a questionnaire for identification of women who are victims of violence in the conjugal milieu,1991,23,3,21-32,Gendron Workplace violence reported by Canadian nurses,2009,41,3,152-167,Lemelin Barriers affecting access to and use of formal social supports among abused immigrant women,2009,41,3,64-84,Humphreys Sense of self: voices of separation and connection in women who have experienced abuse,2002,33,4,139-153,Belknap Ren and Yuan: a cultural interpretation of Chinese women's responses to battering,2001,33,3,63-79,Wong Beyond survival: reclaiming self after leaving an abusive male partner,2001,32,4,79-94,Wuest Nurses' experience of violence in Alberta and British Columbia hospitals,2001,32,4,57-78,Wong Theorizing oppression: implications for nursing research on violence against women,1996,28,1,61-78,Varcoe Making connections: a vehicle for developing a nursing response to violence against women and children in Canada,2001,32,4,125-133,Ford-Gilboe Research on violence and abuse in Canada: challenges and opportunities,2001,32,4,117-124,Onyskiw A bereavement intervention for parents following the sudden violent deaths of their 12-28-year-old children: description and applications to clinical practice,1997,29,4,51-72,Murphy Incidents in a psychiatric forensic setting: association with patient and staff characteristics,2006,38,3,68-80,Bedard Post-migration changes in gender relations among Ethiopian couples living in Canada,2004,36,4,74-89,Hyman A call to focus our "passion for substance" on family violence,2001,32,4,11-19,Wuest Mental health challenges and strengths of street-involved youth: the need for a multi-determined approach,2010,42,3,30-49,Langley Self-harm intentions: can they be distinguished based upon a history of childhood physical and sexual abuse?,2010,42,4,122-143,Santa Mina Nurses' reactions to physical assault by their patients,1995,27,2,81-93,Croker The Adolescent Lifestyle Questionnaire: development and psychometric testing,1997,29,1,29-46,Gillis Planning and emotional health of abused adult children caregivers,2005,37,3,10-33,England Abuse obscured: an ethnographic account of emergency nursing in relation to violence against women,2001,32,4,95-115,Varcoe Battering and breastfeeding in a WIC population,2001,32,4,43-56,Libbus A celebration of nursing research on violence,2001,32,4,3-9,Campbell "Like what am I supposed to do?": adolescent girls' health concerns in their dating relationships,2003,35,2,16-33,Stein Health in the aftermath of violence: a critical narrative study of children of war and children of battered women,1999,31,3,89-109,Berman Abused women's concerns about safety and the therapeutic environment during psychiatric hospitalization,1999,31,2,53-70,Gallop Intimate partner violence: a global health perspective,2012,44,4,36-54,Guruge Psychiatric hospital workers' exposure to disturbing patient behavior and its relation to post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms,2017,49,3,118-126,Hilton A qualitative study of challenges and opportunities in mobilizing research knowledge on violence against women,2017,49,1,5-15,MacMillan Aggression in acute inpatient psychiatric care: a survey of staff attitudes,2019,51,3,145-153,Lane Impact of function focused care and physical activity on falls in assisted living residents,2019,ePub,ePub,844562119856224,Resnick Effect of workplace violence and psychological stress responses on medical-surgical nurses' medication intake,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Havaei Patient-on-staff assaults: perspectives of mental health staff at an acute inpatient psychiatric teaching hospital in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lane Suicidal behaviors among nurses in Canada,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stelnicki Exposures to potentially psychologically traumatic events among nurses in Canada,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carleton The experience of violence against women who use injection drugs: an exploratory qualitative study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Byrne "The average counsellor wouldn't know": exploring how general health practitioners understand and respond to domestic violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scott Service providers' perspectives: reducing intimate partner violence in rural and northern regions of Canada,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Letourneau "Don't turn a blind eye": an instruction for supporting meaningful conversations about gender-based violence during perinatal care,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brotto Challenges and opportunities in recruiting research participants using Facebook: lessons learned from an exemplar study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith The wall of silence: perceived barriers to gender-based violence disclosure among women in the perinatal period,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brotto Impact of a parent education program delivered by nurses and health care providers in reducing infant physical abuse hospitalization rates in British Columbia Canada,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pike "Dual pandemics": intersecting influences of anti-Black racism and the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of Black youth,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,McKenzie Stress disorders and gender: implications for theory and research,2003,35,2,34-55,Hegadoren