Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Managing Anger for Teamwork in Hong Kong: Goal Interdependence and Open Mindedness,2002,5,2,107-123,Tjosvold Self-Enhancement in Japan and America,2002,5,3,145-168,Brown Motivation and Manifestation: Cross-Cultural Expression of the Self-Enhancement Motive,2003,6,1,85-88,Brown Investigation of the Relationship Between Social Isolation Self-Esteem Aggression and Computer Game Play in Japanese Adolescents,2003,6,2,149-158,Colwell Self-Perception of Competence in Korean Children: Age Sex and Home Influences,2003,6,2,133-147,Lee Contextual Effects of Personal Network on Individuals' Tendency to Blame the Victims of Sexual Harassment,2003,6,3,201-214,Itaru Contextual Effects of Personal Network on Individuals' Tendency to Blame the Victims of Sexual Harassment,2004,7,1,125,Itaru Super-Ordinary Bias in Japanese Self-Predictions of Future Life Events,2004,7,2,169-185,Yamaguchi Youth Deviance in Japan,2005,8,3,315-316,Wang Effects of Interaction Pattern on Family Harmony and Well-Being: Test of Interpersonal Theory Relational-Models Theory and Confucian Ethics,2005,8,3,272-291,Chuang Prevalence antecedent causes and consequences of domestic violence in Myanmar,2005,8,3,244-271,Kyu Terror Management Among Chinese: Worldview Defence and Intergroup Bias in Resource Allocation,2007,10,2,93-102,Tam Predicting Emotional Reactions After Being Harmed by Another,2007,10,2,85-92,Bond Risk Perception in Taiwan,2007,10,2,77-84,Tsai After the "Crisis" in Social Psychology: The Development of the Transactional Model of Science,1999,2,1,1-19,Kim Culture and self: An empirical assessment of Markus and Kitayama's theory of independent and interdependent self‐construals,1999,2,3,289-310,Matsumoto Social Cognitive Theory: An Agentic Perspective,1999,2,1,21-41,Bandura Social Cognition Permeates Social Psychology: Motivated Mental Processes Guide the Study of Human Social Behavior,1999,2,1,63-78,Operario Cross‐cultural Psychology,1999,2,1,127-143,Triandis The variability of the delinquent self: Anti‐authority attitudes and endorsement of neutralization techniques among incarcerated delinquents in Singapore,2000,3,2,125-132,Khoo Standardization of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory: The prototype standardization method and its rationale,2000,3,2,133-152,Cheung When social psychology became less social: Prasad and the history of rumor research,2002,5,1,49-61,Bordia Issues in the study of indigenous psychologies: historical perspectives cultural interdependence and institutional regulations,2002,5,2,79-91,Shams Personal and cultural differences in responding to criticism in three countries,2002,5,2,93-105,Mosher Managing anger for teamwork in Hong Kong: goal interdependence and open–mindedness,2002,5,2,107-123,Tjosvold What a difference a year makes: How immediate and anniversary media reports influence judgements about earthquakes,2002,5,3,169-185,Cowan Terror management in Japan,2002,5,3,187-196,Heine Justifications for bullying among Japanese schoolchildren,2002,5,3,197-204,Hara Comparative research on individual modernity of adolescents between town and countryside in China,2003,6,1,61-73,Zhang Risk perception and risky choice: Situational informational and dispositional effects,2003,6,2,117-132,Xie Investigation of the relationship between social isolation self‐esteem aggression and computer game play in Japanese adolescents,2003,6,2,149-158,Colwell Conflict management and organizational attitudes among Japanese: individual and group goals and justice,2001,4,2,93-101,Ohbuchi Contextual effects of personal network on individuals’ tendency to blame the victims of sexual harassment,2003,6,3,201-214,Itaru Moderating effect of situational strength on the relationship between personality traits and counterproductive work behaviour,2008,11,4,253-263,Smithikrai Bystanders' reactions towards co‐punishment events in the Taiwanese military: Examining the moderating effects of organizational norms,2008,11,4,274-278,Chi Preliminary validation of a Chinese version of the State‐Trait Anger Expression Inventory‐2,2009,12,1,1-11,Maxwell Linking family dysfunction to suicidal ideation: Mediating roles of self‐views and world‐views,2009,12,2,133-144,Bond Role identities versus social identities: Masculinity femininity instrumentality and communality,2010,13,1,30-43,Echabe Cross‐national examination of the perpetrator–victim account estimation bias as a function of different types of accounts,2010,13,4,274-285,Takaku Terror management among Taiwanese: Worldview defence or resigning to fate?,2010,13,3,185-194,Yen Special Issue/Forum on religious fundamentalism terrorism and the ideology of Jihad: Analysis of terrorism in Asia,2010,13,3,208, Person perception in the heat of conflict: Negative trait attributions affect procedural preferences and account for situational and cultural differences,2004,7,2,127-147,Morris Severity effect on compensation and imprisonment recommendations: Deterrence as a mediator in Singapore,2011,14,1,36-49,Singh Effects of work‐related norm violations and general beliefs about the world on feelings of shame and guilt: A comparison between Turkey and the Netherlands,2011,14,1,50-62,Ersoy Definitions of bullying: Age and sex differences in a Turkish sample,2011,14,1,75-83,Ucanok Intergroup attribution bias in the context of extreme intergroup conflict,2009,12,4,293-299,Hornsey Relational discrepancies and emotion: The moderating roles of relationship type and relational discrepancy valence,2009,12,4,259-273,Boldero Do birds of a feather universally flock together? Cultural variation in the similarity‐attraction effect,2009,12,4,247-258,Heine Typology and psychological effects of adolescents' interpersonal relationships in Taiwan,2009,12,2,121-132,Jou Causal relationship between Internet use and social capital in Japan,2008,11,1,42-52,Miyata Connecting Asians in global perspective: Special Issue on past contributions current status and future prospects for Asian social psychology,2007,10,1,1-7,Ng Cross‐sectional and longitudinal differences in social dominance orientation and right wing authoritarianism as a function of political power and societal change,2008,11,2,116-126,Liu Role of emotions and behavioural responses in mediating the impact of face loss on relationship deterioration: Are Chinese more face‐sensitive than Americans?,2008,11,2,175-184,Bond Unravelling the dynamics and trends of social capital: Case of South Korea,2008,11,2,105-115,Lee Positioning theory as a discursive approach to understanding same‐sex intimate violence,2010,13,4,247-259,Montiel Social representations of democratic transition: Was the Philippine People Power a non‐violent power shift or a military coup?,2010,13,3,173-184,Montiel Developing equivalent Chinese and English scale‐point labels for rating scales used in survey research,2011,14,2,91-111,Taylor The contribution of self-deceptive enhancement to display rules in the United States and Japan,2012,15,1,69-75,Chung Why are negative behaviours likely to be immediately invoked traits? The effects of valence and frequency on spontaneous trait inferences,2017,20,3-4,201-210, To connect is to be influenced: what determines a third‐party's forgiveness attitudes to conflicting groups' violent partisan members?,2016,20,1,3-10, The effect of superstitious thinking on psychosocial stress responses and perceived task performance,2018,21,1-2,32-41,Lasikiewicz Effects of media information on collective resilience in a disaster--a case study of the crisis of stranded commuters in Tokyo during the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake,2018,21,1-2,83-96,Cheng Beating lady luck: effects of competitive gambling on opponent likeability and targeted physical aggression,2018,21,3,143-155,Pang Can we forgive a militant outgroup member? The role of perspective-taking,2018,21,4,246-255,Noor Taking control of violence against doctors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sullivan Group punishment does not always discount: cultural difference in punishment of individuals and groups,2022,25,3,464-475,Liu Indian caste names and cooperation in the Prisoner's Dilemma,2022,25,3,489-503,Zettler Preferred responses when honour is at stake: the role of cultural background presence of others and causality orientation,2022,25,2,336-347,Uskul An exploration of the benefits of animal-assisted activities in undergraduate students in Singapore,2017,20,2,75-84,Muckle