Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Child injury prevention in Canada,2004,9,5,,Pless Improving bicycle safety: The role of paediatricians and family physicians,2004,9,5,315-318,LeBlanc A survey of the 16 Canadian child and youth protection programs: A threadbare patchwork quilt,2007,12,3,205-209,Plint Child abuse by suffocation: A cause of apparent life-threatening events,2006,11,8,493-495,Bellemare A bump on the head: A simple fall or child maltreatment?,2006,11,1,36, The relationship between childhood behaviour disorders and unintentional injury events,2007,12,9,749-754,Bruce The terrible truth about toppling televisions,2007,12,3,221-224,Gordon Adolescent male health,2008,13,1,31-36,Westwood Re: The relationship between childhood behaviour disorders and unintentional injury events,2008,13,2,137,LeBlanc Re: The relationship between childhood behaviour disorders and unintentional injury events,2008,13,2,128,LeBlanc Re: The relationship between childhood behaviour disorders and unintentional injury events,2008,13,2,128,Bruce Angel's Trumpet (Datura stramonium) poisoning and delirium in adolescents in Winnipeg Manitoba: Summer 2006,2008,13,3,193-196,Katz Severe injury mechanisms in two paediatric trauma centres: Determination of prevention priorities,2008,13,3,165-170,Cyr Transportation of infants and children in motor vehicles,2008,13,4,313-327, Children presenting to a Canadian hospital with trampoline-related cervical spine injuries,2009,14,2,84-88,Leonard Disclosure of sexual abuse and personal and familial factors as predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in school-aged girls,2008,13,6,479-486,Bernard-Bonnin Clinical review of mania hostility and suicide-related events in children and adolescents treated with antidepressants,2005,10,8,457-463,Cheung Surveying adolescents: focusing on positive development,2008,13,1,43-47,Tonkin Cannabis vaping: understanding the health risks of a rapidly emerging trend,2020,25,Suppl 1,S16-S20,Stanwick Risk compensation in children's activities: A pilot study,2004,9,5,327-330,Hagel Baby walker survey: Results and next steps,2002,7,6,418, Home injury patterns in children: A comparison by hospital sites,2003,8,7,433-437,King Injuries among wheeled shoe users: A comparison with other nonmotorized wheeled activities,2009,14,8,509-513,Hagel Childhood drowning in Manitoba: A 10-year review of provincial Paediatric Death Review Committee data,2002,7,9,637-641,Warda Body mass index and the risk of acute injury in adolescents,2010,15,6,351-356,Koehoorn Baby products and injuries in Canada: is it still an issue?,2010,15,8,490,Ugnat Children automobile restraints and injuries,2000,5,1,24-29,Howard Marijuana use in adolescence,2002,7,2,73-75,Tonkin Jewellery- and ornament-related injuries in children and adolescents,2010,15,10,645-648,Boisclair Toxic metals injuries,2011,16,3,152,Sears Trends in paediatric sport- and recreation-related injuries: An injury surveillance study at the British Columbia Children's Hospital (Vancouver British Columbia) from 1992 to 2005,2011,16,4,217-221,Pakzad-Vaezi Youth justice and health: An argument against proposed changes to the Youth Criminal Justice Act,2011,16,7,414,Katzman Paediatric hanging and strangulation injuries: A 10-year retrospective description of clinical factors and outcomes,2011,16,10,e78-e81,Davies Boxing participation by children and adolescents: A joint statement with the American Academy of Pediatrics,2012,17,1,39-40,Purcell Skiing and snowboarding injury prevention,2012,17,1,35-38,Yanchar Evaluation and management of children and adolescents with sports-related concussion,2012,17,1,31-34,Purcell Preventing choking and suffocation in children,2012,17,2,91-94,Cyr Psychosocial aspects of child and adolescent obesity,2012,17,4,205-208,Leblanc Injury surveillance in paediatric hospitals: The Canadian experience,2004,9,5,306-308,Mackenzie Grandma's brownies are not what they used to be: acute intoxication from cannabis ingestion,2020,25,Suppl 1,S3-S4,Kam Preventing playground injuries,2012,17,6,328-330,Yanchar Preventing unintentional injuries in Indigenous children and youth in Canada,2012,17,7,393-394,Banerji Bodychecking in youth ice hockey,2012,17,9,509-510,Emery Improper use of child restraint seats as a sleeping environment: Two cases of childhood death,2012,17,9,498-500,Desapriya Burn injury from car seat in an 11-month-old infant,2012,17,9,495-497,Wekerle The effect of surface and season on playground injury rates,2012,17,9,485-489,Hagel Child and youth injury prevention: A public health approach,2012,17,9,511-512,Yanchar Preventing injuries from all-terrain vehicles,2012,17,9,513-514,Yanchar Risk indicators of suicide ideation among on-reserve First Nations youth,2013,18,1,15-20,Lemstra Case 1: A 15-month-old boy with bilateral upper extremity burns,2013,18,8,e48-e50,Au Case 2: A 16-year-old girl with a history of sexual assault and post-traumatic stress,2013,18,8,e48-9,Azzopardi An approach to child maltreatment documentation and participation in the court system,2013,18,8,e44-7,Ornstein The medical assessment of bruising in suspected child maltreatment cases: A clinical perspective,2013,18,8,433-442,Niec The importance of child and youth death review,2013,18,8,425-432,Yanchar From bruises to brain injury: The physician's role in the assessment of inflicted traumatic head injury,2013,18,8,423-424,King Children's exposure to intimate partner violence: Impacts and interventions,2013,18,8,419-422,MacMillan Public health approach to child maltreatment,2013,18,8,411-413,Tonmyr Child maltreatment in Canada 2013,2013,18,8,407-408,Shouldice Effects of helmet laws and education campaigns on helmet use in young skiers,2013,18,9,471-472,Ruedl The experience of paediatric residents participating in a child protection rotation: A qualitative study,2013,18,3,e10-4,Ornstein Burns and beauty nails,2013,18,3,125-126,Bélanger Active Healthy Kids Canada's position on active video games for children and youth,2013,18,10,529-532,Leatherdale Sport-related concussion: Evaluation and management,2014,19,3,153-165,Purcell Paediatric methadone ingestions: an under-recognized form of child maltreatment?,2014,19,3,139-140,Ornstein Do obese children experience more severe fractures than nonobese children? A cross-sectional study from a paediatric emergency department,2014,19,5,251-255,Howard A comparison of the epidemiology of ice hockey injuries between male and female youth in Canada,2014,19,8,418-422,Lim Sport participation sport injury risk factors and sport safety practices in Calgary and area junior high schools,2009,14,7,439-444,Emery A population-based study of paediatric emergency department and office visits for concussions from 2003 to 2010,2014,19,10,543-546,Macpherson Suicidal ideation and behaviour,2015,20,5,257-264,Korczak Competitive active video games: physiological and psychological responses in children and adolescents,2015,20,7,373-376,Cebolla Let's not forget about injury,2015,20,7,343-344,Francescutti Interventions for treating fingertip entrapment injuries in children,2016,21,1,27-28,Reid Bridging the gap in paediatric concussion management,2016,21,1,6-8,Horsley The impact of an educational intervention on knowledge about infant crying and abusive head trauma,2016,21,2,74-78,Ornstein The impact of child safety restraint legislation on child injuries in police-reported motor vehicle collisions in British Columbia: an interrupted time series analysis,2016,21,4,e27-e31,Brubacher Sexual assault of adolescent girls: examining acute care service use,2016,21,3,163-164,Du Mont The impact of child safety restraint legislation on child injuries in police-reported motor vehicle collisions in British Columbia: An interrupted time series analysis,2016,21,4,e27-31,Brubacher When your best friend bites: a note on dog and cat bites,2000,5,7,381-384,Davies The prevention of firearm injuries in Canadian youth,2018,23,1,35-42,Austin The Canadian Hospital Injury Reporting and Prevention Program: captured versus uncaptured injuries for patients presenting at a paediatric tertiary care centre,2017,22,3,134-138,Butler Cheerleading injuries in children: what can be learned?,2017,22,3,130-133,McFaull Parenting interventions for the prevention of unintentional injuries in childhood,2017,22,4,220-222,Emery Impact of sleep on injury risk among rural children,2017,22,4,211-216,Hagel Temperament and fracture in preschool-aged children,2017,22,4,195-198,Macarthur Sleep problems over a year in sexually abused preschoolers,2017,22,5,273-276,Bernard-Bonnin Energy and sports drinks in children and adolescents,2017,22,7,406-410,Pound Screening for disruptive behaviour problems in preschool children in primary health care settings,2017,22,8,478-493,McLennan Prevention of firearm injuries among young Canadians,2018,23,1,43-50,Austin The medical assessment of fractures in suspected child maltreatment: infants and young children with skeletal injury,2018,23,2,156-160,Allard-Dansereau Fad over fatality? The hazards of amber teething necklaces,2018,23,2,106-110,Soudek Hospitalizations due to self-poisoning at a Canadian paediatric hospital,2018,23,2,101-105,Chafe Exposure to agricultural hazards among children who visit farms,2018,23,7,e143-e149,Hagel Tooth 'aches': injuries related to toothbrush use,2019,24,1,e40-e44,McFaull The ups and downs of trampolines: injuries associated with backyard trampolines and trampoline parks,2019,24,1,e19-e25,McFaull All-terrain vehicle serious injuries and death in children and youth: a national survey of Canadian paediatricians,2019,24,1,e13-e18,Yanchar Serious self-harm requiring intensive care unit admission: understanding near-fatal suicide attempts,2019,24,1,58-59,Korczak Stinging insect hypersensitivity: evaluation and management in children and youth,2018,23,8,557-558,Abrams Paediatric health care in the #MeToo era: advocating for survivors of sexual violence,2019,24,4,213-215,Azzopardi THC intoxication in a 16-month-old child,2019,24,5,299-300,Burrows Frequent marijuana use and driving risk behaviours in Canadian youth,2017,22,1,7-12,Stanwick Cannabis-impaired driving and Canadian youth,2020,25,Suppl 1,eS21-S25,Chan Translating evidence into impact: the case of 'supermagnet' desk toys,2015,20,4,175-178,Strickland A case report and literature review: factitious disorder imposed on another and malingering by proxy,2020,25,6,345-348,Walters Soccer-related head injuries-analysis of sentinel surveillance data collected by the electronic Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program,2020,25,6,378-384,Do Innovations in mental health promotion: Youth Net/Réseau Ado,1997,2,6,398-399,Manion Comparison of characteristics of children and adolescents with and without a history of abuse assessed in an urgent psychiatric clinic,2020,25,8,525-528,Roberts Childhood unintentional injury: the impact of family income education level occupation status and other measures of socioeconomic status. a systematic review,2021,26,1,e39-e45,Richmond Efficacy and safety of paediatric medicinal cannabis use: a scoping review,2021,26,4,228-233,Pawliuk 10 years later: revisiting the patchwork quilt of child protection in Canada,2021,26,4,e172-e176,Ornstein Extreme heat and paediatric emergency department visits in Southwestern Ontario,2021,26,5,305-309,Lim Bicycle helmet use in Canada: The need for legislation to reduce the risk of head injury,2013,18,9,475-480,Yanchar Paediatric injuries due to falls from windows and balconies: an 8-year prospective and retrospective review,2021,26,5,e222-e228,Mabood Diagnosing and managing paediatric concussion: key recommendations for general paediatricians and family doctors,2021,26,7,402-407,Reed Mental health profiles of autistic children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,27,Suppl 1,S59-S65,Birken A cohort study examining the association between children's symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity internalizing symptoms and mindful parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,27,Suppl 1,S47-S52,Whitley The effects of COVID-19 on poisonings in the paediatric emergency department,2022,27,Suppl 1,S4-S8,Finkelstein Unintentional cannabis exposures in children pre- and post-legalization: a retrospective review from a canadian paediatric hospital,2022,27,5,265-271,Coret Low risks for spiritual highs: risk-taking behaviours and the protective benefits of spiritual health among Saskatchewan adolescents,2021,26,2,e121-e128,Pickett Socioeconomic status and injury risk in children,2004,9,5,323-325,Macarthur Understanding emergency placements for Nova Scotian children in foster care,2023,28,2,75-77,Cameron Too hot! Preventing recognizing and managing heat injury in children,2023,28,2,72-74,Hicks Sport-related concussion and bodychecking in children and youth: evaluation management and policy implications,2023,28,4,252-266,Beno Effectiveness of an injury prevention video on risky behaviours in youth snow sports: a randomized controlled trial,2023,28,7,404-410,Caird Identifying child maltreatment during virtual medical appointments through the COVID-19 pandemic: a physician-based survey,2024,29,1,23-28,Malic Serious and life-threatening events associated with non-medical cannabis use in Canadian children and youth,2024,29,1,3-4,Bélanger Patients first: getting youth mental health right...finally?,2017,22,3,162-163,Davidson Recognizing and responding to children with suspected exposure to intimate partner violence between caregivers,2024,29,3,174-188,MacMillan Impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the mental and physical health of children enrolled in a paediatric weight management clinic,2022,27,Suppl 1,S72-S77,Punthakee Injuries in aboriginal children,2004,9,5,312-314,Saylor Learning to be healthy: An Aboriginal youth perspective,2005,10,9,e531,Formsma HEADSS up: Adolescents and the internet,2007,12,3,211-216,Norris Adolescent sexual orientation,2008,13,7,619-623,Harvey Prevalence and risk indicators of smoking among on-reserve First Nations youth,2011,16,10,e71-e77,Thompson Youth despair and suicide in Northern Ontario,2012,17,7,371-372,Bartleman A descriptive study of primary health care practices in Ontario's youth custody facilities,2013,18,10,523-528,Cossy Cyberbullying: Hiding behind the screen,2014,19,10,527-528,Peebles Lessons from a transgender teen's final year of life,2023,28,7,397-398,Watts Healthy childhood development through outdoor risky play: navigating the balance with injury prevention,2024,29,4,255-269,Beno