Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Do college students drink more than their non-college-attending peers? Evidence from a population-based longitudinal female twin study,2004,113,4,530-540,Slutske Panic disorder and suicide attempt in the National Comorbidity Survey,2004,113,4,582-591,Vickers Contextual features and behavioral functions of self-mutilation among adolescents,2005,114,1,140-146,Nock Psychophysiological assessment during exposure in driving phobic patients,2005,114,1,126-139,Alpers Prevalence of and risk factors for suicide attempts versus suicide gestures: analysis of the national comorbidity survey,2006,115,3,616-623,Nock Development of personality disorder symptoms and the risk for partner violence,2006,115,3,474-483,Cohen Sexual orientation and suicide attempt: a longitudinal study of the general Norwegian adolescent population,2003,112,1,144-151,Wichstrøm Parent-adolescent disagreement regarding psychopathology in adolescents from the general population as a risk factor for adverse outcome,2004,113,2,198-206,Verhulst Self-representation of suicidal adolescents,1998,107,3,435-439,Mikulincer Predicting abuse in adolescent dating relationships over 1 year: the role of child maltreatment and trauma,2004,113,3,406-415,Wekerle Predictors of suicide attempts: state and trait components,2006,115,4,842-849,Goldston Gender and Posttraumatic Stress: Sexual Violence as an Explanation for Women's Increased Risk,2006,115,4,753-759,Cortina Age of onset of child maltreatment predicts long-term mental health outcomes,2007,116,1,176-187,Widom Confirmatory factor analysis of the PTSD Checklist and the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale in disaster workers exposed to the World Trade Center Ground Zero,2007,116,2,329-341,King Two subtypes of psychopathic violent offenders that parallel primary and secondary variants,2007,116,2,395-409,Kerr Gender differences in the sensitivity to posttraumatic stress disorder: An epidemiological study of urban young adults,2007,116,3,607-611,Anthony Sexual abuse histories of adolescent male sex offenders: differences on the basis of the age and gender of their victims,1995,104,4,610-613,Worling Processing threatening information in posttraumatic stress disorder,1995,104,3,537-541,Harvey Dependency characteristics of partner assaultive men,1994,103,4,729-735,Murphy Attributing negative intent to wife behavior: The attributions of maritally violent versus nonviolent men,1993,102,2,206-211,Hutchinson Regional brain electrical activity in posttraumatic stress disorder after motor vehicle accident,2006,115,4,687-698,Maercker "Two subtypes of psychopathic violent offenders that parallel primary and secondary variants." Correction to Skeem et al. (2007),2007,116,4,853,Kerr The effects of torture-related injuries on long-term psychological distress in a Punjabi Sikh sample,2007,116,4,734-740,Rosenfeld Effects of Film Violence on Inhibitions Against Subsequent Aggression,1963,66,5,405,Berkowitz The relation between exposure to violence and social information processing among incarcerated adolescents,2001,110,1,136-141,Matza Hostile attributional biases in severely aggressive adolescents,1990,99,4,385-392,Dodge Telescoped trajectories from alcohol initiation to disorder in children of alcoholic parents,2008,117,1,63-78,Chassin Autobiographical memory specificity after manipulating retrieval cues in adults reporting childhood sexual abuse,2008,117,2,444-453,Merckelbach Motivational pathways to alcohol use and abuse among Black and White adolescents,2008,117,3,485-501,Flanagan Family-of-origin maltreatment posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms social information processing deficits and relationship abuse perpetration,2008,117,3,637-646,Taft Psychopathy and recidivism from mid-adolescence to young adulthood: cumulating legal problems and limiting life opportunities,2008,117,2,386-395,Salekin A test of the reactive aggression-suicidal behavior hypothesis: Is there a case for proactive aggression?,2009,118,1,235-240,Conner Screening for depression prevention: Identifying adolescent girls at high risk for future depression,2009,118,1,161-170,Rohde A prospective examination of PTSD symptoms as risk factors for subsequent exposure to potentially traumatic events among women,2009,118,2,405-411,Resnick Is "maturing out" of problematic alcohol involvement related to personality change?,2009,118,2,360-374,Sher Alcohol selectively reduces anxiety but not fear: startle response during unpredictable versus predictable threat,2009,118,2,335-347,Moberg Dual mechanisms underlying accentuation of risky drinking via fraternity/sorority affiliation: the role of personality peer norms and alcohol availability,2009,118,2,241-255,Sher The verbal threat information pathway to fear in children: the longitudinal effects on fear cognitions and the immediate effects on avoidance behavior,2008,117,1,214-224,Banerjee Suicidal ideation and its recurrence in boys and men from early adolescence to early adulthood: an event history analysis,2008,117,3,625-636,Kerr Incremental validity of the Psychopathy Checklist facet scores: predicting release outcome in six samples,2008,117,2,396-405,Grann Main predictions of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior: Empirical tests in two samples of young adults,2009,118,3,634-646,Rudd Adolescent dispositions for antisocial behavior in context: The roles of neighborhood dangerousness and parental knowledge,2009,118,3,564-575,Cheong Exaggeration of self-aggression following alcohol ingestion in rhesus monkeys,1970,75,2,207-209,Chamove Cross-cultural study of the thwarting-disorientation theory of suicide,1968,73,4,353-357,Krauss An investigation of handwriting of suicide persons through suicide notes,1968,73,3,263-267,Frederick Death ideation in suicidal patients,1968,73,2,162-167,Eisenthal Campus tragedy: a study of student suicide,1966,71,6,389-399,Seiden Suicide among patients with diagnoses of anxiety reaction or depressive reaction in general medical and surgical hospitals,1966,71,4,287-299,Farberow The role of childhood abuse and neglect in the sensitization to stressful life events in adolescent depression,2006,115,4,730-741,Harkness Associations among early abuse dissociation and psychopathy in an offender sample,2006,115,2,288-297,Skeem Dyadic crisis suicides in mental hospital patients,1971,78,1,77-85,Farberow Self-injurious behavior: a behavioral analysis,1972,80,3,211-224,Bachman Risk taking among suicide attempters,1973,82,2,262-267,Giffen Extrapolation from attempted suicides to completed suicides,1975,84,5,563-566,Lester Personality characteristics found among youthful female suicide attempters,1976,85,3,324-329,Cantor Maternal punitiveness as affected by situational stress: an experimental analogue of child abuse,1977,86,5,565-569,Passman Etiological factor in child maltreatment: a multivariate study of abusing neglecting and normal mothers,1978,87,5,531-540,Green Children's perception of death as a defensive process,1979,88,6,671-674,Orbach Childhood molestation: variables related to differential impacts on psychosexual functioning in adult women,1979,88,4,407-417,Edgar Extrapolation from attempted suicides to completed suicides: a test,1979,88,1,78-80,Lester Death orientation and life-threatening behavior,1980,89,1,38-45,Feifel The contribution of environmental events and social support to serious suicide attempts in primary depressive disorder,1981,90,4,275-285,Slater Prediction of violent versus nonviolent recidivism from prior violent and nonviolent criminality,1982,91,3,178-182,Holland Maternal attributions and child abuse,1983,92,4,449-457,Twentyman Mothers' personal social networks and child maltreatment,1983,92,1,68-76,Salzinger Confiding in others and illness rate among spouses of suicide and accidental-death victims,1984,93,4,473-476,Pennebaker Continued impairment in persons at risk for bipolar affective disorder: results of a 19-month follow-up study,1984,93,3,345-347,Klein Mother-child interactional style in abuse neglect and control groups: naturalistic observations in the home,1984,93,1,106-114,Twentyman The effects of alcohol and anger on interest in violence erotica and deviance,1986,95,2,150-158,George Autobiographical memory in suicide attempters,1986,95,2,144-149,Williams Suicide among gifted women: a prospective study,1986,95,2,123-130,Tomlinson-Keasey Depressive symptoms among physically abused and psychiatrically disturbed children,1985,94,3,298-307,Kazdin Respondent conditioning of self-injurious behavior in early socially deprived rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta),1985,94,2,222-226,Otto Amnesia as a consequence of male rape: a case report,1988,97,1,100-104,Kaszniak Presenting problems of sexually abused girls receiving psychiatric services,1989,98,3,314-317,Knutson Psychopathology of adolescent suicide: hopelessness coping beliefs and depression,1989,98,3,248-255,Cole What is the mechanism by which suicide attempts predispose to later suicide attempts? A mathematical model,1989,98,1,42-49,Fawcett Completed suicide in the gifted: a late comment on "suicide among gifted women",1991,100,4,604-606,Lester Dissociative experiences psychopathology and adjustment and child and adolescent maltreatment in female college students,1992,101,4,717-723,Lynn Effects of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake on frequency and content of nightmares,1992,101,2,219-224,Wood Johnny Rocco,1948,43,3,357-383,Evans Delinquency and only children; study of a category,1949,44,3,356-366,Wattenberg Fears of death in suicidal and nonsuicidal adolescents,1993,102,4,553-558,Orbach Social contexts of suicide,1971,78,2,222-228,Krauss Effect of fear-arousing communications,1953,48,1,78-92,Feshbach Attitudes toward authority of delinquent and nondelinquent boys,1955,51,3,712-716,Stanley Status factors in pedestrain violation of traffic signals,1955,51,3,704-706,Lefkowitz Revealing the form and function of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: A real-time ecological assessment study among adolescents and young adults,2009,118,4,816-827,Nock Maladaptive cognitive appraisals mediate the evolution of posttraumatic stress reactions: A 6-month follow-up of child and adolescent assault and motor vehicle accident survivors,2009,118,4,778-787,Smith Developmental structure of genetic influences on antisocial behavior across childhood and adolescence,2009,118,4,711-721,Lahey Motivation and language behavior: a content analysis of suicide notes,1959,59,1,58-67,Osgood Hostility in Rorschach content and overt aggressive behavior,1959,58,3,312-316,Towbin Internationalism-isolationism strategy of the other player and two-person game behavior,1963,67,,631-636,Harrison Pursuit-rotor performance in the brain damaged,1965,70,5,350-359,Parsons Relation between barrier scores and aggressive behavior,1965,70,,307-311,Megargee Self-evaluation and subjective life expectancy among suicidal and nonsuicidal psychotic males,1964,69,,628-634,Farnham-diggory Minimal effects of severe depression on cognitive functioning,1964,69,,237-243,Friedman Judgment of time and aspects of personality,1964,69,,228-233,Dupreez Diffusion of responsibility and level of risk taking in groups,1964,68,,263-274,Kogan Displaced aggression in young children,1964,68,,200-204,Moore Alcohol demand delayed reward discounting and craving in relation to drinking and alcohol use disorders,2010,119,1,106-114,Rohsenow Developmental antecedents of partner abuse: a prospective-longitudinal study,1998,107,3,375-389,Moffitt Epidemiology of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in Mexico,2003,112,4,646-656,Norris Prospective prediction of husband marital aggression within newlywed couples,1996,105,3,369-380,Leonard Social information-processing patterns partially mediate the effect of early physical abuse on later conduct problems,1995,104,4,632-643,Bates Negative reciprocity and communication in couples with a violent husband,1993,102,4,559-564,Cox Short-term operant conditioning of adolescent offenders on socially relevant variables,1967,72,2,134-142,Schwitzgebel Relationship between moral judgment and guilt in delinquent boys,1967,72,2,122-127,Mosher Effect of fear arousal upon task performance and verbal behavior,1966,71,2,119-123,Geer Father absence during early childhood and antisocial behavior,1966,71,1,71-74,Siegman Fear and autonomic arousal,1966,71,4,253-255,Geer Characterizing the psychological state produced by LSD,1968,73,1,1-14,Katz Psychopathy autonomic functioning and the orienting response,1968,73,3,Suppl 23:1-24,Hare High school yearbooks: a nonreactive measure of social isolation in graduates who later became schizophrenic,1968,73,4,313-316,Holmes Verbal aggressive behavior in delinquent boyys,1968,73,5,454-460,Mosher Emotional and behavioral responses to aversive interpersonal behaviors,1993,102,3,494-497,Lovejoy Alcohol consumption and sexual activity as reported with a diary technique,1993,102,3,490-493,Leigh Behavioral and emotional problems among Thai and American adolescents: parent reports for ages 12-16,1993,102,3,395-403,Weisz Early language and intelligence development and their relationship to future criminal behavior,1993,102,3,369-378,Stattin Differences between depressed and nondepressed individuals in the recognition of and response to facial emotional cues,1993,102,3,358-368,Persad Co-occurrence of avoidant personality disorder and child sexual abuse predicts poor outcome in long-standing eating disorder,2010,119,3,623-629,Rosenvinge Attentional bias toward suicide-related stimuli predicts suicidal behavior,2010,119,3,616-622,Nock Subtypes of partner violence perpetrators among male and female psychiatric patients,2010,119,3,563-574,Stuart Psychopathology in war-zone deployed and nondeployed Operation Desert Storm troops assigned graves registration duties,1994,103,2,383-390,Sutker Personality traits are linked to crime among men and women: evidence from a birth cohort,1994,103,2,328-338,Moffitt Adolescent psychopathology: II. Psychosocial risk factors for depression,1994,103,2,302-315,Lewinsohn Measuring impulsivity and examining its relationship to delinquency,1994,103,2,192-205,Moffitt Unacknowledged versus acknowledged rape victims: situational factors and posttraumatic stress,1996,105,1,124-131,Gidycz Prediction of posttraumatic stress symptoms in children after hurricane Andrew,1996,105,2,237-248,Prinstein Appraisal of self social environment and state authority as a possible mediator of posttraumatic stress disorder in tortured political activists,1996,105,2,232-236,Ozmen Memory performance among women with parental abuse histories: enhanced directed forgetting or directed remembering?,1996,105,2,204-211,Brodsky Physiologic responses to loud tones in Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder,1995,104,1,75-82,Shalev Expectancy for social facilitation from drinking: the divergent paths of high-expectancy and low-expectancy adolescents,1995,104,1,32-40,Smith Selective attention and clinical depression: performance on a deployment-of-attention task,1995,104,1,241-245,Gotlib Alternative representations of war zone stressors: relationships to posttraumatic stress disorder in male and female Vietnam veterans,1995,104,1,184-195,King Provocation acute alcohol intoxication cognitive performance and aggression,1995,104,1,150-155,Pihl Alcohol and human emotion: a multidimensional analysis incorporating startle-probe methodology,1995,104,1,114-122,Patrick "Balance of power": a transactional analysis of control in mother-child dyads involving socially competent aggressive and anxious children,1995,104,1,104-113,Dumas Explaining the relation between IQ and delinquency: class race test motivation school failure or self-control?,1993,102,2,187-196,Stouthamer-Loeber The biphasic effects of alcohol on human physical aggression,1997,106,4,598-607,Giancola Construct validity of psychopathy in a female offender sample: a multitrait-multimethod evaluation,1997,106,4,576-585,Rogers The impact of motivationally neutral cues on psychopathic individuals: assessing the generality of the response modulation hypothesis,1997,106,4,563-575,Newman Which environmental variables are related to the onset of seasonal affective disorder?,1997,106,4,554-562,Young Thoughts of agoraphobic people during scary tasks,1997,106,4,511-520,Williams Linking antisocial behavior substance use and personality: an integrative quantitative model of the adult externalizing spectrum,2007,116,4,645-666,Patrick Mediators of aggression among young adult offspring of depressed mothers,2010,119,4,836-849,Hammen Developmental trajectories of delinquency symptoms in childhood: The role of marital conflict and autonomic nervous system activity,2011,120,1,16-32,El-Sheikh Physical maltreatment victim to antisocial child: evidence of an environmentally mediated process,2004,113,1,44-55,Moffitt Developing constructs for psychopathology research: Research domain criteria,2010,119,4,631-639,Wang The functions of nonsuicidal self-injury: Support for cognitive-affective regulation and opponent processes from a novel psychophysiological paradigm,2010,119,4,850-862,Prinstein Predictive validity of callous-unemotional traits measured in early adolescence with respect to multiple antisocial outcomes,2010,119,4,752-763,McMahon Delinquent peer affiliation and conduct problems: A twin study,2007,116,3,554-564,Rhee Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms physiological reactivity alcohol problems and aggression among military veterans,2007,116,3,498-507,Taft Memory for emotionally neutral information in posttraumatic stress disorder: A meta-analytic investigation,2007,116,3,448-463,Brewin Evaluating the generalizability of a fear deficit in psychopathic African American offenders,2011,120,1,71-78,Curtin Psychological predictors of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder after motor vehicle accidents,1998,107,3,508-519,Bryant A prospective examination of delayed onset PTSD secondary to motor vehicle accidents,1996,105,4,617-625,Blanchard A prospective study of psychophysiological arousal acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder,2000,109,2,341-344,Harvey "Attentional bias toward suicide-related stimuli predicts suicidal behavior": Correction,2010,119,4,874,Nock Visual monitoring performance in three subgroups of male delinquents,1969,74,2,227-229,Orris Sociometric study of the sex offender,1969,74,2,249-255,Cohen Self-concept therapy for adolescent females,1969,74,6,642-645,Miskimins Measuring impulse control in institutionalized delinquents using Rorschach content and thought process scales,1969,74,5,632-634,Roberts Task difficulty relaxation and anxiety level during verbal learning and recall,1969,74,5,621-624,Straughan Experimental control of sexual deviation through manipulation of the noxious scene in covert sensitization,1969,74,5,597-601,Leitenberg The MMPI and recidivism,1969,74,5,612-614,Mack A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Structure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms,2010,119,4,764-776,Yufik Variability and predictors of negative mood intensity in patients with borderline personality disorder and recurrent suicidal behavior: multilevel analyses applied to experience sampling methodology,2010,119,2,433-439,Eynan The Modified Scale for Suicidal Ideation: factors of suicidality and their relation to clinical and diagnostic variables,1997,106,2,260-265,Rajab Relationships among suicide ideators attempters and multiple attempters in a young-adult sample,1996,105,4,541-550,Rajab Stable trait components of hopelessness: baseline and sensitivity to depression,1996,105,2,155-165,Fawcett Comorbidity of unipolar depression: II. Comorbidity with other mental disorders in adolescents and adults,1991,100,2,214-222,Lewinsohn Risk taking and hedonic mood stimulation in suicide attempters,1973,81,1,80-86,Kochansky Suicidality as a function of impulsivity callous-unemotional traits and depressive symptoms in youth,2011,120,2,400-413,Verona Alcohol use trajectories and the ubiquitous cat's cradle: Cause for concern?,2011,120,2,322-335,Sher Trauma reactivity avoidant coping and PTSD symptoms: A moderating relationship?,2011,120,1,240-246,Resick Cognitive and neuropsychological characteristics of physically aggressive boys,1995,104,4,614-624,Boulerice Autobiographical memory functioning in depression and reports of early abuse,1995,104,4,585-591,Brewin Fantasy proneness DSM-III-R axis I psychopathology and dissociation,1995,104,2,373-380,Lynn Bodily shame as a mediator between abusive experiences and depression,1995,104,2,277-285,Andrews Neuropsychological performance on tests of frontal-lobe functioning and aggressive behavior in men,1994,103,4,832-835,Giancola Clinical and cognitive effects of methylphenidate on children with attention deficit disorder as a function of aggression/oppositionality and age,1994,103,2,206-221,Strauss Men who molest their sexually immature daughters: is a special explanation required?,2002,111,2,329-339,Rice Antisocial personality disorder conduct disorder and substance abuse in schizophrenia,1997,106,3,473-477,Mueser Sexual arousal to erotic and aggressive stimuli in sexually coercive and noncoercive men,1997,106,2,230-242,Adams Drinking and sexual experience on first dates among adolescents,1997,106,2,191-202,Cooper Memory activation and expectancy as prospective predictors of alcohol and marijuana use,1997,106,1,61-73,Stacy Reactive and proactive aggression in school children and psychiatrically impaired chronically assaultive youth,1997,106,1,37-51,Bates The psychophysiology of self-mutilation,1995,104,3,471-489,Brain Illicit LSD users: their personality characteristics and psychopathology,1970,75,3,286-292,Jones Reality monitoring in adults reporting repressed recovered or continuous memories of childhood sexual abuse,2005,114,1,147-152,Clancy Posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology among partners of men in treatment for relationship abuse,2005,114,2,259-268,Taft Symptom-based subfactors of DSM-defined conduct disorder: evidence for etiologic distinctions,2005,114,3,483-487,Iacono Psychophysiological profiles of batterers: autonomic emotional reactivity as it predicts the antisocial spectrum of behavior among intimate partner abusers,2005,114,3,444-455,Babcock The relationship between personality psychopathology and aggressive behavior in research volunteers,1998,107,4,651-658,Coccaro Executive cognitive functioning temperament and antisocial behavior in conduct-disordered adolescent females,1998,107,4,629-641,Tarter The effects of alcohol on the marital interactions of aggressive and nonaggressive husbands and their wives,1998,107,4,602-615,Leonard Directed forgetting of trauma cues in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse with and without posttraumatic stress disorder,1998,107,4,596-601,McNally Etiology and measurement of relational aggression: A multi-informant behavior genetic investigation,2009,118,4,722-733,Lahey Stress-induced asymmetric frontal brain activity and aggression risk,2009,118,1,131-145,Verona Longitudinal study of early childhood injuries and acute illnesses in the offspring of adolescent mothers who were aggressive withdrawn or aggressive-withdrawn in childhood,1996,105,4,500-507,Schwartzman Coping strategies and posttraumatic stress disorder in female victims of sexual and nonsexual assault,1996,105,3,455-458,Foa Homophobia and physical aggression toward homosexual and heterosexual individuals,2001,110,1,179-187,Bernat Directed forgetting of trauma cues in adults reporting repressed or recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse,2001,110,1,151-156,McNally Collegiate heavy drinking prospectively predicts change in sensation seeking and impulsivity,2011,120,3,543-556,Fromme Structural relations between borderline personality disorder features and putative etiological correlates,2001,110,3,471-481,Trull Patterns of recovery from trauma: the use of intraindividual analysis,2001,110,3,392-400,Gilboa-Schechtman Cognitive-neuropsychological function in chronic physical aggression and hyperactivity,2004,113,4,603-613,Tremblay Executive functioning and alcohol-related aggression,2004,113,4,541-555,Giancola Acculturation and peritraumatic dissociation in young adult Latino survivors of community violence,2002,111,1,166-174,Marshall Do boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have positive illusory self-concepts?,2002,111,2,268-278,Pelham A direct assessment of the role of state and trait negative emotion in aggressive behavior,2002,111,2,249-258,Verona In cold blood: characteristics of criminal homicides as a function of psychopathy,2002,111,3,436-445,Woodworth Reappraising the link between peritraumatic dissociation and PTSD symptom severity: evidence from a longitudinal study of community violence survivors,2002,111,4,626-636,Marshall Stress exposure and affective modulation of aggressive behavior in men and women,2007,116,2,410-421,Verona Genetic and environmental bases of childhood antisocial behavior: a multi-informant twin study,2007,116,2,219-235,Raine The moderating effects of dispositional empathy on alcohol-related aggression in men and women,2003,112,2,275-281,Giancola Selective attention to facial emotion in physically abused children,2003,112,3,323-338,Pollak Attributional biases in aggressive children and their mothers,2003,112,4,698-708,MacBrayer Cognitive processing of trauma cues in adults reporting repressed recovered or continuous memories of childhood sexual abuse,2000,109,3,355-359,McNally Predicting PTSD symptoms in victims of violent crime: the role of shame anger and childhood abuse,2000,109,1,69-73,Brewin Prior interpersonal trauma: the contribution to current PTSD symptoms in female rape victims,2000,109,1,20-25,Resick Childhood depression and conduct disorder: II. An analysis of family interaction patterns in the home,1992,101,3,505-513,Sanders Externalizing behavior and the higher order factors of the Big Five,2008,117,4,947-953,Tremblay Physiologic reactivity to startling tones in women with posttraumatic stress disorder,1999,108,2,347-352,Lasko The sexual preferences of incest offenders,1999,108,2,267-272,Seto Sexually aggressive and nonaggressive men: sexual arousal and judgments in response to acquaintance rape and consensual analogues,1999,108,4,662-673,Bernat Relational aggression and social-psychological adjustment in a college sample,1999,108,4,615-623,Crick Acculturation and Peritraumatic Dissociation in Young Adult Latino Survivors of Community Violence,2002,111,1,166-174,Marshall Turning a Deaf Ear to Fear: Impaired Recognition of Vocal Affect in Psychopathic Individuals,2002,111,4,682-686,Mitchell The Relation Between Exposure to Violence and Social Information Processing Among Incarcerated Adolescents,2001,110,1,136-141,Kupersmidt Predictors of First Onset and Recurrence of Major Depression in Young Women During the 5 Years Following High School Graduation ,2000,109,3,525-533,Hammen Narcissistic personality disorder and the DSM-V,2010,119,4,640-649,Miller Age of onset symptom threshold and expansion of the nosology of conduct disorder for girls,2010,119,4,689-698,Stouthamer-Loeber Gender differences in the development and adult outcome of co-occurring depression and delinquency in adolescence,2011,120,3,644-655,Verhulst Evening activity sleep mentation and subjective sleep quality,1970,76,2,270-275,Hauri Traumatic memory characteristics: a cross-validated mediational model of response to rape among employed women,1996,105,3,421-432,Koss Stimulus configuration and context effects in perceptual organization in schizophrenia,1996,105,3,410-420,Knight Task difficulty and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia,1995,104,2,251-258,Chapman Modification of performance on the span of apprehension a putative marker of 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effect,1998,107,4,616-628,Chassin A comparison of posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans with and without spinal cord injury,1998,107,4,676-680,Green Friend influence over adolescent problem behaviors as a function of relative peer acceptance: To be liked is to be emulated,2012,121,1,88-94,Kerr Developmental emergence of alcohol use disorder symptoms and their potential as early indicators for progression to alcohol dependence in a high risk sample: A longitudinal study from childhood to early adulthood,2012,121,4,897-908,Puttler Generalizing the nomological network of psychopathy across populations differing on race and conviction status,2012,121,1,263-269,Stouthamer-Loeber Hangover sensitivity after controlled alcohol administration as predictor of post-college drinking,2012,121,1,270-275,Winter Negative urgency: A personality predictor of externalizing behavior characterized by neuroticism low conscientiousness and disagreeableness,2012,121,1,160-172,Smith Reactions of convicted rapists to sexually explicit stimuli,1973,81,1,46-50,Kercher Sexual arousal to rape depictions: individual differences,1983,92,1,55-67,Malamuth The effect of sexual victimization on sexual satisfaction: a study of the negative-association hypothesis,1983,92,1,104-106,Koss An experimental study of aspects of the psychoanalytic theory of male homosexuality,1973,82,1,178-188,Kwawer Attribution and the maintenance of behavior chance in falling asleep,1973,82,1,124-133,Tsujimoto Modification of affective consequences of alcohol: a comparison of social and solitary drinking,1974,83,4,418-425,Pliner Tension-reducing effects of alcohol: further evidence and some methodological considerations,1974,83,5,542-547,Nathan Aggression and the EEG,1975,84,4,358-365,Blackburn Registered criminality in families with children at high risk for schizophrenia,1975,84,3,197-204,Mednick Reflections on Rosenhan's "On being sane in insane places.",1975,84,5,456-461,Milton Mental activity in relaxed 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affective value to instrumental behavior in violent offenders,2016,125,5,657-663,Brazil A multimethod examination of negative behaviors during couples interactions and problem drinking trajectories,2016,125,6,805-810,Cranford Alcohol-related genes show an enrichment of associations with a persistent externalizing factor,2016,125,7,933-945,Fromme The reciprocal predictive relationship between high-risk personality and drinking: an 8-wave longitudinal study in early adolescents,2016,125,6,798-804,Smith Clinical and personality traits in emotional disorders: evidence of a common framework,2016,125,6,758-767,Watson Impaired processing of task-irrelevant salient information in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: evidence from event-related potentials,2016,126,1,52-62,Wiersema Chronic cannabis use is associated with impaired fear extinction in humans,2016,126,1,117-124,Hien The emotion regulation function of nonsuicidal self-injury: a momentary assessment study in inpatients with borderline personality disorder features,2016,126,1,89-95,Claes Neural responses to gains and losses in children of suicide attempters,2016,126,2,237-243,Gibb Neurobehavioral markers of resilience to depression amongst adolescent exposed to child abuse,2016,125,8,1201-1212,McLaughlin External validity of a hierarchical dimensional model of child and adolescent psychopathology: tests using confirmatory factor analyses and multivariate behavior genetic analyses,2016,125,8,1053-1066,Lahey The structure of psychopathology in adolescence and its common personality and cognitive correlates,2016,125,8,1039-1052,Conrod Elucidating the validity of the externalizing spectrum of psychopathology in correctional forensic and community samples,2016,125,8,1027-1038,Sellbom Suicidal ideation in transgender people: gender minority stress and interpersonal theory factors,2016,126,1,125-136,Balsam Startle potentiation to uncertain threat as a psychophysiological indicator of fear-based psychopathology: an examination across multiple internalizing disorders,2016,126,1,8-18,Shankman Sex moderates the impact of birth weight on child externalizing psychopathology,2016,126,2,244-256,Nigg Suicide and self-injury-related implicit cognition: a large-scale examination and replication,2016,126,2,199-211,Nock A network approach to modeling comorbid internalizing and alcohol use disorders,2017,126,3,325-339,Thuras The core symptoms of bulimia nervosa anxiety and depression: a network analysis,2017,126,3,340-354,Bulik Borderline personality disorder symptoms and aggression: a within-person process model,2017,126,4,429-440,Pilkonis Insomnia symptoms drive changes in suicide ideation: a latent difference score model of community adults over a brief interval,2017,126,6,739-749,Witte Shared familial risk between bulimic symptoms and alcohol involvement during adolescence,2017,126,5,506-518,Lichtenstein Dark traits and suicide: Associations between psychopathy narcissism and components of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide,2017,126,7,928-938,Anestis Dark and vulnerable personality trait correlates of dimensions of criminal behavior among adult offenders,2017,126,7,921-927,Verona Leader dark traits workplace bullying and employee depression: exploring mediation and the role of the dark core,2017,126,7,911-920,Tokarev Dark personality traits and impulsivity among adolescents: differential links to problem behaviors and family relations,2017,126,7,877-889,Dubas Interactive effects of ovarian steroid hormones on alcohol use and binge drinking across the menstrual cycle,2017,126,8,1104-1113,Martel Faces and facets: the variability of emotion recognition in psychopathy reflects its affective and antisocial features,2017,126,8,1066-1076,Yang Biological underpinnings of an internalizing pathway to alcohol cigarette and marijuana use,2018,127,1,79-91,Zucker Risk factors for the transition from suicide ideation to suicide attempt: results from the 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