Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Injuries due to seizures in persons with epilepsy: a population-based study,2004,63,9,1565-1570,Lawn Obtaining a driver's license and seizure relapse in patients with childhood-onset epilepsy,2005,64,4,680-686,Shinnar Removal of epileptogenic sequences from video material: the role of color,2005,64,5,787-791,Stroink Suicide after successful deep brain stimulation for movement disorders,2005,65,3,499-500; author reply 499-500,Albanese Practice parameter: risk of driving and Alzheimer's disease (an evidence-based review): report of the quality standards subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology,2000,54,12,2205-2211,Dubinsky Effect of simulator training on driving after stroke: a randomized controlled trial,2005,65,6,843-850,Akinwuntan Depression and suicide in adolescents with epilepsy,2006,66,6 Suppl 3,S5-12,Baker A bolt from the blue: lightning strike to the head (comment),1998,50,3,830,Sweeney Second impact syndrome,1998,50,3,677-683,McCrory Driving safety in Parkinson's disease,2002,59,11,1787-1788,Zesiewicz American Academy of Neurology position statement on physician reporting of medical conditions that may affect driving competence,2007,68,15,1174-1177,Morris To drive or not to drive: roles of the physician patient and state,2007,68,15,1170-1171,Meador Driving with distraction in Parkinson disease,2006,67,10,1774-1780,Uc Factors associated with poor compliance of patients with epilepsy driving restrictions,2006,67,5,869-871,Argyriou Inhibited head movements: a risk of combining phoning with other activities?,2005,65,5,754-756,Oommen Mortality in epilepsy: Driving fatalities vs other causes of death in patients with epilepsy,2004,63,6,1002-1007,Krumholz A multimodal assessment of driving performance in HIV infection,2004,63,8,1417-1422,Gonzalez Driver route-following and safety errors in early Alzheimer disease,2004,63,5,832-837,Uc Unawareness of naps in Parkinson's disease and in disorders with excessive daytime sleepiness,2003,60,9,1553-1554,Arnulf Individual state driving restrictions for people with epilepsy in the US,2002,58,12,1865,Krauss Driving restrictions and people with epilepsy,2002,58,12,1864-5; author reply 1865,DeToledo Individual state driving restrictions for people with epilepsy in the US,2001,57,10,1780-1785,Krumholz Driving restrictions and people with epilepsy,2001,57,10,1749-1750,Chadwick Daytime sleepiness and other sleep disorders in Parkinson's disease,2001,57,8,1392-1396,Khan Increased driving accident frequency in Danish patients with epilepsy,2001,57,3,435-439,Lings Practice parameter: Risk of driving and Alzheimer's disease (an evidence-based review,2000,54,12,2205-2211,Dubinsky Falling asleep at the wheel: motor vehicle mishaps in people taking pramipexole and ropinirole,2000,54,1,276-277,Rye Falling asleep at the wheel: motor vehicle mishaps in people taking pramipexole and ropinirole,2000,54,1,275-6; author reply 276-7,Arnold Falling asleep at the wheel: motor vehicle mishaps in people taking pramipexole and ropinirole,2000,54,1,275; author reply 276-7,Corrigan Falling asleep at the wheel: motor vehicle mishaps in people taking pramipexole and ropinirole,2000,54,1,275; author reply 276-7,Lledó Falling asleep at the wheel: motor vehicle mishaps in people taking pramipexole and ropinirole,2000,54,1,275; author reply 276-7,Hoehn Falling asleep at the wheel: motor vehicle mishaps in people taking pramipexole and ropinirole,2000,54,1,274-5; author reply 276-7,Weiner Falling asleep at the wheel: motor vehicle mishaps in people taking pramipexole and ropinirole,2000,54,1,274; author reply 276-7,Roth Psychiatric comorbidity and suicide risk in adolescents with chronic daily headache,2007,68,18,1468-1473,Wang Presenting symptoms and signs after whiplash injury: the influence of accident mechanisms,1994,44,4,688-693,Radanov Driving and Alzheimer's disease: The risk of crashes,1993,43,12,2448-2456,Drachman Occupational spinal cord injury: Demographic and etiologic differences from non-occupational injuries,1993,43,7,1385-1388,Whiteneck Self-reported automobile accidents involving patients with obstructive sleep apnea,1996,46,5,1254-1257,Wu Driving in Parkinson's disease,1991,41,4,517-520,Dubinsky Practice variability in brain death determination: A call to action,2013,81,23,2009-2014,Shappell Non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome following a car accident,2003,60,11,1841-1843,Boivin Predictors of fitness to drive in people with Parkinson disease,2007,69,14,1434-1441,Nieuwboer A longitudinal study of drivers with Alzheimer disease,2008,70,14,1171-1178,Ott Pilot age and expertise predict flight simulator performance: a 3-year longitudinal study,2007,68,9,648-654,Taylor NGF DCX and NSE upregulation correlates with severity and outcome of head trauma in children,2009,72,7,609-616,Chiaretti Suicidality depression screening and antiepileptic drugs: reaction to the FDA alert,2009,72,11,987-991,Elliott Teens migraine suicide and suicidal thoughts,2009,72,13,e61-2,Hershey Prevalence of daytime sleepiness in a population of drivers,1999,52,1,209-210,Perry Migraine and suicidal ideation in adolescents aged 13 to 15 years,2009,72,13,1146-1152,Wang Nonviolent elaborate behaviors may also occur in REM sleep behavior disorder,2009,72,6,551-557,Arnulf Predictors of driving safety in early Alzheimer disease,2009,72,6,521-527,Uc Is there a link between alertness and fatigue in patients with traumatic brain injury?,2008,71,20,1609-1613,Sagaspe When should patients with Alzheimer disease stop driving?,2008,70,14,e45-47,Erten-Lyons American Academy of Neurology position statement on physician reporting of medical conditions that may affect driving competence: to drive or not to drive: roles of the physician patient and state,2007,69,20,1958; discussion 1958-9,Adelberg American Academy of Neurology position statement on physician reporting of medical conditions that may affect driving competence: to drive or not to drive: roles of the physician patient and state,2007,69,20,1958; author reply 1958,Mateen History of childhood maltreatment is associated with comorbid depression in women with migraine,2007,69,10,959-968,Khuder Fly the graying skies: a question of competency vs age,2007,68,9,630-631,Morrow Isoniazid self-poisoning,1970,20,3,299-304,Teitelbaum Suicide after deep brain stimulation of the internal globus pallidus for dystonia,2006,66,1,142-143,Speelman The neurologist and the physically abused child,1971,21,10,991-999,Silber Total gaze paresis in amitriptyline overdose,1977,27,7,695,Miadinich Overdose of Lioresal,1977,27,7,697,Lance Can violence by a manifestation of epilepsy?,1980,30,12,1337-1341, Can violence be a manifestation of epilepsy?,1980,30,3,304-307,Pincus Psychological complications of temporal lobe epilepsy,1980,30,3,227-232,McIntyre Can violence be a manifestation of epilepsy?,1981,31,9,1204-1206,Gunn Temporal lobe epilepsy psychopathology and violence: the state of the evidence,1981,31,9,1127-1132,Hermann Epilepsy in prison: elevated prevalence and no relationship to violence,1984,34,6,775-782,Whitman Measures of violence,1985,35,2,283,Mark The risk of automobile accidents with seizures occurring while driving: relation to seizure type,1987,37,10,1613-1616,Zifkin Epilepsy and driving,1988,38,6,997,Korczyn Emergence from minimally conscious state: insights from evaluation of posttraumatic confusion,2009,73,14,1120-1126,Nick Somnambulism in adults,1990,40,5,749-752,Whyte Migraine suicidal ideation and suicide attempts,1992,42,2,392-395,Breslau Paraparesis following abdominal crush injury in children,1965,15,,504-505,Macrae Nonepileptic seizures and childhood sexual and physical abuse,1993,43,10,1950-1953,Devinsky Directed aggressive behavior in frontal lobe epilepsy: A video-EEG and ictal SPECT case study,2009,,,,Shih Prognostic implications of hyperglycemia and reduced cerebral blood flow in childhood near-drowning,1990,40,5,820-823,Schneider Seizure as a cause of fracture,1989,39,6,858-860,Finelli Whiplash amnesia,1982,32,6,667-668,Fisher Bodily state in injuries of the spinal cord,1953,3,2,111-118,Finkelman Clinical pathologic conference on fatal lead poisoning in infant,1953,3,1,68-73,Foley Experimental concussion; relation to acceleration to physiologic effect,1955,5,11,798-800,Gurdjian Neurologic problems encountered as a result of diving,1955,5,10,723-727,Gillen Tornado epilepsy simulating Meniere's syndrome: report of 4 cases,1959,9,,794-796,Nielsen A simple device for measuring the visual motor reaction time,1958,8,9,719-721,Schwab Acute dilantin poisoning,1961,11,,138-142,Powell Road safety in drivers with Parkinson disease,2009,73,24,2112-2119,Johnson Neurological sequelae following dilantin overdose in a patient and in experimental animals,1965,15,,823-829,McDowell Acute bilateral internal carotid artery occlusion; report of a case following a parachute jump,1964,14,,565-568,Ojemann Electroencephalographic study of acute head injury in children,1962,12,,273-281,Silverman Why do patients with PSP fall? Evidence for abnormal otolith responses,2008,70,10,802-809,Wagner Drowning in people with epilepsy: how great is the risk?,2008,71,8,578-582,Sander Practice Parameter update: Evaluation and management of driving risk in dementia. Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology,2010,74,16,1316-1324,Dubinsky Dual-task performances can be improved in patients with dementia. A randomized controlled trial,2010,74,24,1961-1968,Hauer Cerebrovascular hemodynamics gait and falls in an elderly population: MOBILIZE Boston Study,2010,74,20,1627-1633,Cupples Sleep disturbance and melatonin levels following traumatic brain injury,2010,74,21,1732-1738,Rajaratnam A case of voice-induced epilepsy by conditioning,1968,18,3,290,Hansotia Disorders of memory following penetrating missile wounds of the brain,1968,18,3,287-288,Teuber Delayed neurological sequelae of electrical injuries,1968,18,6,601-606,Starr Nerve agents,1993,43,1,237,Senanayake Predictors of future falls in Parkinson disease,2010,75,2,116-124,Wood Trauma and multiple sclerosis: a population-based cohort study from Olmsted County Minnesota,1993,43,10,1878-1882,Radhakrishnan Physical trauma and multiple sclerosis,1993,43,10,1871-1874,Sibley Mozart's chronic subdural hematoma,1993,43,11,2400-2403,Drake Cocaine-induced choreoathetoid movements ('crack dancing'),1994,44,4,751-752,Koppel A representational vertical bias,1994,44,4,703-706,Kirk Mozart's subdural hematoma,1994,44,12,2417; author reply 2418,Friedman Mozart's subdural hematoma,1994,44,12,2417; author reply 2418,Cheng Mozart's subdural hematoma,1994,44,12,2417-2418,Baeck The "torpillage" neurologists of World War I: Electric therapy to send hysterics back to the front,2010,75,3,279-283,Bogousslavsky Correlates of posttraumatic epilepsy 35 years following combat brain injury,2010,75,3,224-229,Salazar Use of antiepileptic drugs in epilepsy and the risk of self-harm or suicidal behavior,2010,75,4,335-340,Willich "Grievous bodily harm:" gamma hydroxybutyrate abuse leading to a Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome,1996,46,2,469-471,Friedman Mild traumatic brain injury,1996,46,5,1488-1490,Peterson Post-concussion syndrome,1996,46,5,1488,Young Neural basis of confabulation,1996,46,5,1239-1243,Itti Frontal lobe injuries violence and aggression: a report of the Vietnam Head Injury Study,1996,46,5,1231-1238,Warden Traumatic internal carotid artery dissection associated with taekwondo,2003,60,8,1392-1393,Rodnitzky Lead poisoning from the beauty case: neurologic manifestations in an elderly woman,2007,69,9,929-930,Fluri Personal history: The carefree realm of sleep,2005,65,2,335-336,York Driving under low-contrast visibility conditions in Parkinson disease,2009,73,14,1103-1110,Uc A longitudinal study of drivers with Alzheimer disease,2009,72,12,1109; author reply 1109-10,Mandel A network approach to assessing cognition in disorders of consciousness,2010,75,21,1871-1878,Kalmar Risk factors for seizure-related motor vehicle crashes in patients with epilepsy,1999,53,9,2214-2215,Drachman Risk factors for seizure-related motor vehicle crashes in patients with epilepsy,1999,53,9,2214; author reply 2215,McAbee Falling asleep at the wheel: motor vehicle mishaps in persons taking pramipexole and ropinirole,1999,52,9,1908-1910,Rogers Risk factors for seizure-related motor vehicle crashes in patients with epilepsy,1999,52,7,1324-1329,Krumholz Restricted driving for people with epilepsy,1999,52,7,1306-1307,Berg Post-traumatic shoulder 'dystonia': persistent abnormal postures of the shoulder after minor trauma,1998,51,4,1205-1207,Thyagarajan The psychosocial aspects of narcolepsy,1998,50,2 Suppl 1,S27-30,Douglas Polemics of chronic whiplash injury,1994,44,11,1993-1997,Pearce Driving in adults with refractory localization-related epilepsy. Multi-Center Study of Epilepsy Surgery,2000,54,3,625-630,Shinnar The influence of cognitive impairment on driving performance in multiple sclerosis,2001,56,8,1089-1094,DeLuca Daytime sleepiness and other sleep disorders in Parkinson's disease,2002,58,12,1863; author reply 1863-4,Homann Reflections for March: a clasp of life,2010,74,10,860-862,Britt Trends and determinants of end-of-life practices in ALS in the Netherlands,2009,73,12,954-961,Onwuteaka-Philipsen Migraine and suicidal ideation in adolescents aged 13 to 15 years,2009,73,20,1713; author reply 1713-4,Parisi An examination of suicidal intent in patients with multiple sclerosis,2002,59,5,674-678,Feinstein Acute isoniazid poisoning simulating meningoencephalitis,1995,45,8,1627-1628,Ehsan Life expectancy in patients attending multiple sclerosis clinics,1992,42,5,991-994,Wilson Epileptic Munchausen's syndrome: a form of pseudoseizures distinct from hysteria and malingering,1988,38,10,1628-1629,Andermann Massive carbamazepine overdose: clinical and pharmacologic observations in five episodes,1988,38,5,755-759,Fraser Cyanide-induced parkinsonism: a clinicopathologic report,1985,35,6,921-925,Uitti Phenytoin-induced ophthalmoplegia,1976,26,11,1031-1034,Spector Motor vehicle crashes suicides and assaults: The dangers of epilepsy?,2011,76,9,770-771,Drazkowski The King-Devick test as a determinant of head trauma and concussion in boxers and MMA fighters,2011,76,17,1456-1462,Barrett Motor vehicle accidents suicides and assaults in epilepsy: A population-based study,2011,76,9,801-806,Liu Screening for fitness to drive after stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2011,76,8,747-756,Akinwuntan Causes of death in remote symptomatic epilepsy,2005,65,2,216-222,Shavelle Double-crush syndrome: a critical analysis,1997,49,1,21-29,Wilbourn Posttraumatic headache,1997,48,6,1735,Sternberg Posttraumatic headache,1997,48,6,1735,Haas Talking while walking: the effect of a dual task in aging and Alzheimer's disease,1997,48,4,955-958,Howieson Seizures epilepsy and functional recovery after traumatic brain injury: a reappraisal,1997,48,4,803-806,Hernandez Alcohol use is a risk factor for a first generalized tonic-clonic seizure. 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(Alcohol and Epilepsy) Study Group,1997,48,3,614-620,Leone Standardized assessment of concussion in football players,1997,48,3,586-588,Kelly Diagnosis and management of concussion in sports,1997,48,3,575-580,Kelly Chronic whiplash syndrome,1995,45,11,2117; author reply 2117-8,Woodward Chronic whiplash syndrome,1995,45,11,2117; author reply 2117-8,Evans Chronic whiplash syndrome,1995,45,11,2117; author reply 2117-8,Bounds Chronic whiplash syndrome,1995,45,11,2116; author reply 2117-8,Merskey Seizure localization and pathology following head injury in patients with uncontrolled epilepsy,1995,45,11,2051-2057,Spencer Mild traumatic brain injury: pathophysiology natural history and clinical management,1995,45,7,1253-1260,Alexander A sensible approach to mild traumatic brain injury,1995,45,7,1251-1252,Stuss Persistent neurological deficits in heat stroke,1970,20,4,336-340,Mehta Coup and contrecoup cerebral contusions: an experimental analysis,1970,20,4,388-389,Ommaya Episodic blindness as a late effect of head trauma. 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hemorrhage,2007,68,6,471-2; author reply 472,Chang Looking while imagining: the influence of visual input on representational neglect,2007,68,6,432-437,Rode Jack Ruby,2007,68,9,707-708,Gutmann Steroid dementia: a follow-up,2007,68,8,622,Sacks A bolt from the blue: lightning strike to the head,1997,48,3,683-686,Cherington Emotional neglect in childhood and cerebral infarction in older age,2012,79,15,1534-1539,Bennett Determinants of fitness to drive in Huntington disease,2012,79,19,1975-1982,Nieuwboer A prospective controlled study of cognitive function during an amateur boxing tournament,2004,62,9,1497-1502,Buchanan Seeing stars: a clearer view,2004,62,9,1462-1463,Warden Fatigue and fatigability in neurologic illnesses: Proposal for a unified taxonomy,2013,80,4,409-416,Enoka The quicksilver prize: Mercury vapor poisoning aboard HMS Triumph and HMS Phipps,2004,62,6,963-966,Doherty Memoir: Education of a gentile on the history of the Holocaust,2004,62,8,1449-1452,Rosenkilde Glial and 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in Collegiate Student-Athletes (BASICS) I: normative study,2019,93,12,564-565,Satyarthee Editors' note: Concussion Biomarkers Assessed in Collegiate Student-Athletes (BASICS) I: normative study,2019,93,12,564,Ganesh Reader response: concussion serum biomarkers: a quest for the Holy Grail?,2019,93,15,686-687,Sethi Mapping brain recovery after concussion: from acute injury to 1 year after medical clearance,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schweizer Triptan and ergotamine overdoses in the United States: analysis of the National Poison Data System,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kang Association of CD14 with incident dementia and markers of brain aging and injury,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seshadri Traumatic brain injury preceding clinically diagnosed α-synucleinopathies: a case-control study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mielke Detection of subtle gait disturbance and future fall risk in early multiple sclerosis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harel Concerns of surrogate decision makers for patients with acute brain injury: AaUS population 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1,S2,Nakayama Oculomotor vestibular reaction time and cognitive eye-tracking mild traumatic brain injury assessment,2020,95,Suppl 1,S2,Balaban Correlation between pupilometer and the vestibular/ocular motor screening in Division I female collegiate soccer athletes,2020,95,Suppl 1,S2-S3,Heick Elevated in-season presentation of concussion-like symptoms in the absence of diagnosed concussion,2020,95,Suppl 1,S3,Brolinson Predictors of cognitive performance after sports concussion: preliminary report of Arg-SCARS,2020,95,Suppl 1,S3-S4,Julieta Russo Driving reaction time versus computerized reaction time deficits following concussion: implications for return to driving recommendations,2020,95,Suppl 1,S5,Devos Steady-state visual-evoked potentials as a biomarker for concussion: a pilot study,2020,95,Suppl 1,S6-S7,Putrino Relationship between mood and somatic symptom at initial presentation of mTBI to a concussion clinic,2020,95,Suppl 1,S7,Reams Post-concussion psychological distress at return 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encephalopathy at autopsy in elite football and hockey players,2021,97,6,299,Dams-O'connor Author response: Association of position played and career duration and chronic traumatic encephalopathy at autopsy in elite football and hockey players,2021,97,6,298-299,Wennberg Reader response: Association of position played and career duration and chronic traumatic encephalopathy at autopsy in elite football and hockey players,2021,97,6,297-298,McKee Author response: Association of position played and career duration and chronic traumatic encephalopathy at autopsy in elite football and hockey players,2021,97,6,299-300,Wennberg Canary in the midline? Earliest marker of brain injury in repetitive sports related concussion (SRC),2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bigler Acute and chronic effects of multiple concussions on midline brain structures,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schweizer Association of position played and career duration and chronic traumatic encephalopathy at autopsy in elite football and hockey players [Editors' Note],2021,97,6,297,Galetta Perception and use of compensation strategies for gait impairment by persons with Parkinson disease,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bloem Association of hemodynamic and cerebrovascular responses to exercise with symptom severity in adolescents and young adults with concussion,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howell Proteomic discovery of noninvasive biomarkers associated with sport-related concussions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meehan Epilepsy-related mortality in children and young adults in Denmark: a nationwide cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Winkel Association of head injury with late-onset epilepsy: results from the atherosclerosis 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American football players,2022,98,Suppl 1,S12,Didehbani Evaluation of sports-related concussion in children (5-12) and adolescents (13-18),2022,98,Suppl 1,S12-S13,Cummins Head impact exposure and mechanisms in female high school lacrosse via an instrumented mouthguard,2022,98,Suppl 1,S13-S14,Margulies Delayed diplopia after sports-related concussion: a multidisciplinary approach to evaluation and management,2022,98,Suppl 1,S14,Marden Symptom recovery and return to participation timelines of patients with concussion at a community physiotherapy clinic based on injury mechanism,2022,98,Suppl 1,S15,Isaac Assessment of Argentine health care providers' knowledge on sports-related concussion: a cross-sectional study,2022,98,Suppl 1,S15,Russo A system-wide retrospective cohort analysis of psychiatric diagnoses and persistent symptoms following concussion,2022,98,Suppl 1,S16-S17,Ali Examining initial post-concussion dizziness and postural stability as potential recovery 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