Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Accidental or non-accidental brain injury in infants,2004,33,17,1174-1179,Vinchon The profile of female victims of conjugal violence,2004,33,22,1566-1568,Vasseur Domestic violence an universal phenomenon,2004,33,22,1557,Benais Swimming without breathing: a frequent practice an easy drowning,1984,13,26,1634,Roque D'Orbcastel Acute acoustic trauma in military personnel. evaluation of 1 year epidemiologic surveillance,2000,29,24,1341-1344,Desjeux Airbag-caused burns,2001,30,15,736-737,Dumortier Drowning due to cold water in surface swimming and in deep-sea diving,1954,62,54,1137-1140,Lartigue Automobile driving among patients with dementia,2005,34,13,919-922,Paccalin Electroencephalography and road safety,1956,64,37,875-876,Fischgold A survey on 28000 traffic accidents,1970,78,29,1332-1333,Brehant Driving and the elderly: aspects of aging and handicap,2005,34,17,1237-1244,Clement Falls: a social individual and medical issue,2005,34,21,1615-1616,Andres Reduction in short-term repetition of attempted suicide associated with new organization of psychiatric management of suicide attempters,2006,35,5 Pt 1,759-763,Eudier Suicide prevention: screening in the emergency department,2006,35,5 Pt 1,743-744,Jonas Healthy elderly drivers are more likely to commit errors or lapses than violations,2006,35,6 Pt 1,941-947,Assailly Accidental and voluntary asphyxiations by coal gas occurring in Paris from 1946 to 1962. Statistical study. Particular influence of the concentration of carbon monoxide and atmospheric conditons,1968,76,23,1099-1102,Salmon Fuel tanks of motorcycles: role in severe trauma of the pelvis,1993,22,2,61-63,de Peretti Efficacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment in children and adolescents,2006,35,9-C2,1293-1302,Bailly Safety of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants in children and adolescents,2006,35,10-C2,1507-1515,Bailly Frequency and severity of dog bites,1985,14,13,745-746,Gervais Factors associated with violence against healthcare workers,2007,36,1,21-35,Estryn-Behar Drug tests on 198 drivers involved in an accident,2000,29,23,1275-1278,Ludes Targeted prevention of accidental drowning,2006,35,6 Pt 1,925-926,Richard Fighting domestic violence: A new statute (enacted 4 April 2006),2007,36,1 Pt 1,3-4,Gignon Self-mutilation induced by cocaine abuse: the pleasure of bleeding,2007,36,2 Pt 1,235-237,Cottencin Benzodiazepine levels in drivers involved in traffic accidents,1993,22,16,765-766,David Responsibility of psychotropic drugs in road accidents,1991,20,9,409-412,Merlin Multiple psychoactive substance use (alcohol tobacco and cannabis) in the French general population in 2005,2008,37,2 Pt 1,207-215,Beck The August 2003 heat wave in France: effects on psychiatric disorders and suicidal behavior,2007,37,2 Part 1,224-228,Jehel Home accidents associated with anosmia,2008,37,5 Pt 1,742-745,Bonfils Suspected child abuse: a perilous situation for practician?,2009,38,3,344-345,Gignon Social vulnerability and victims of interpersonal violence: interest of the EPICES score,2009,38,6,881-892,Debout [unintentional drowning in fresh water],2006,35,6 Pt 1,936-940,Labourel Neglected children: birth life and survival,2009,38,3,377-383,Vanmeerbeek Acute Datura stramonium poisoning in an emergency department,2007,36,10 Pt 1,1399-1403,Kintz Accidental cannabis poisoning in children: experience of the Marseille poison center,2009,38,11,1563-1567,de Haro Atractylis gummifera poisoning in a pregnant woman,2006,35,12 Pt 1,1828-1830,Madani Spectacular suicide associated with mefloquine,2006,35,5 Pt 1,789-792,Turcant Serotonin uptake inhibitors in young subjects: risk or opportunity?,2006,35,9 Pt 2,1286-1287,Mouren Bilateral crural paralysis during a ride on a motorcycle,1983,12,39,2463,Goulon Attempted suicide by ingestion of Datura stramonium seeds,1983,12,38,2399,Robert Kinetics of diltiazem in voluntary overdosage,1984,13,21,1338,Seys Voluntary diltiazem poisoning,1984,13,12,745,Morand Driving in a rally. Effect of beta-blockers,1985,14,39,2019,Morand Mortality and morbidity of suicide attempted by firearms,1985,14,38,1970-1971,Herve Abdominal injuries caused by seat belts,1985,14,28,1519,Devanne Role of acute alcoholism in violent death. Statistics of the Lyon Medico-Legal Institute (1981-2),1985,14,18,1017-1023,Rouzioux Spontaneous left hepatectomy caused by the safety-belt,1985,14,5,281,Crespy Suicide attempted with progabide,1987,16,14,681,Girard Acute self-poisoning by cyclosporin,1987,16,12,589,Pape Fatal poisoning by minaprine,1989,18,19,986,Pourriat Fatal suicide by buflomedil poisoning,1991,20,35,1739-1740,Sizun Use of carbon monoxide (CO) detector by general practionners visiting patients at home,2010,39,2,e29-34,Lapostolle Accidental familial poisoning by organophosphate insecticides,1985,14,21,1201-1202,Duval Critical study of the new measuring scale for work accidents,1983,12,37,2291-2 2294,Melennec Hallucinations in children and adolescents: diagnostic and treatment strategies,2010,39,4,420-430,Jardri Adolescence substance abuse and suicide attempt by jumping from a window,2010,39,2,177-186,Consoli Plant thorn synovitis caused by Pyracantha coccinea (burning bush),1993,22,27,1279,Ponge "Ciguatera" an uncommon form in La Réunion,1993,22,22,1061,Le Bouquin Spider bites in south Corsica,1994,23,8,394,Fanton Severe methemoglobinemia after inhalation of "poppers",1994,23,39,1833,Goullé Stonefish stings: difficult analgesia and notable risk of complications,2008,37,3 Pt 1,395-400,Staikowsky Fever as a prognostic factor for heat stroke,2008,37,3 Pt 1,406-411,Robert Hemlock poisoning: an occasionally benign course,1996,25,2,82,Harry Strychnine poisoning in rural areas. 73 cases,1996,25,1,37,Marquet Acute voluntary poisoning by inhalation of "poppers",1996,25,7,304,Auzépy Scorpion bites in southern France: experience at the poison-control centre of Marseilles,1996,25,12,600,de Haro Münchhausen syndrome by proxy between two adults,1996,25,12,583-586,Bouden Münchhausen syndrome by proxy: a challenge for medicine,1996,25,12,567-569,Bouden Non-hospitalization orders for subjects with presumed alcoholic intoxication,1996,25,18,833-836,Dequin Hemoperitoneum after ingestion of "blisters",1995,24,6,326,Closs-Prophette Crack: an inhalated form of cocaine,1997,26,35,1695-1698,Schlatter Fractures of the sacrum caused by bone insufficiency. Meta-analysis of 508 cases,1997,26,33,1568-1573,Finiels Traumatic rupture of the aortic isthmus,2005,34,5,400,Bessoud Post-traumatic right diaphragmatic rupture,2009,38,6,1028-1029,Elkaoui Risk of smallpox vaccination bioterrorism,2005,34,2 Pt 2,177-184,Martinez Haemorrhagic fever viruses possible bioterrorist use,2005,34,2 Pt 2,169-176,Rigaudeau Viral encephalitis virus a new bioterrorist menace,2005,34,2 Pt 2,161-168,Rigaudeau Bioterrorism and health security in the European Union,2005,34,2 Pt 2,156-160,Bossi Emerging or re-emerging infections that can be used for bioterrorism,2005,34,2 Pt 2,149-155,Bricaire Infectious agents as terrorism weapons,2005,34,2 Pt 2,147-148,Bricaire Q fever a potential biowarfare agent,2003,32,34,1618-1621,Bricaire The plague possible bioterrorist act,2003,32,17,804-807,Bricaire Botulism toxin bioterrorist weapon,2003,32,10,463-465,Bricaire Smallpox bioterrorism agent,2002,31,38,1813-1817,Bricaire Characteristics of chronic headaches after whiplash injury,1995,24,24,1121-1123,Regli Presence of benzodiazepines in the serum of patients after accidents. Relation to alcoholism,1988,17,22,1135-1138,Facy An innocent speed selector,2000,29,40,2226,Guiserix Importance of medicolegal data for national cause of death statistics,2000,29,4,181-185,Hatton Evaluation of the quality of life in ophthalmology,2002,31,34,1607-1612,Tixier Psychotropic medication use by French active self-employed workers,2011,40,4 Pt 1,e173-80,Ha-Vinh Epidemiology of schizophrenic disorders,2006,35,3 Pt 2,461-468,Limosin Trends in the pharmaceutical profile of intentional drug overdoses seen in the emergency room,2005,34,12,842-846,Staikowsky Euthanasia and palliative care in the Netherlands,2004,33,6,368-372,Boisseau Cyclothymic obsessive-compulsive disorder. Clinical characteristics of a neglected and under-recognized entity,2002,31,14,644-648,Angst Suicide,2001,30,35,1719-1726,Barbier Hospital care of adolescents after attempted suicide. November 1998,1999,28,33,1826-1832, Voluntary drug poisoning cases admitted to an emergency care unit,1995,24,28,1296-1300,Staikowsky Cognitive psychotherapy for depression in adolescents: a new therapeutic perspective,1995,24,18,849-852,Bourgeois Severe intoxications by buflomedil. 2 cases,1995,24,22,1048,Lacroix Systemic toxicity of paraphenylenediamine. 4 cases,1988,17,35,1798-1800,Bourquia Sudden death of epileptic patients,1999,28,11,605-611,Jallon Lead poisoning and shooting practice. Experience of the Anti-Poison Center of Marseilles,1997,26,28,1338-1339,de Haro Mortality and hospital admissions rates and diagnosis among individuals with low income and full health insurance coverage in France 2009,2011,40,6,e304-14,Tuppin Telephone calls for suicide attempt to the French emergency call center SAMU/Centre 15: A quantitative indicator of suicidal morbidity in a given health territory at a given period?,2011,40,7-8,770-772,Vaiva Dangers of body building,1994,23,24,1136-1137,Zimmer Decompression accident under apnea,1994,23,23,1094,Fanton September 11 2001 and flashbulb memory in Alzheimer's disease: tool for assessing memory problems in daily practice,2007,36,4 Pt 1,598-603,Laurent Violence within the family,2003,32,5,195-196,Henrion Patients in a state of agitation at the admission service of a Rouen hospital emergency department,1999,28,30,1630-1634,Bauer Domestic violence: what are the difficulties for practitioners? Analysis of interviews among 19 practitioners within a town-hospital care network aimed at a global approach of patients,2004,33,22,1561-1565,Fauriel Acute percutaneous organophosphate poisoning: About a pediatric case,2011,40,11,1083-1085,El Koraichi The cholesterol controversy,1995,24,10,471-473,Schlienger Neurologic accident of decompression: a new indication of transesophageal echocardiography,1995,24,18,853-854,Blanc Carbon monoxide poisoning,1996,25,31,1425-1429,Mathieu-Nolf Electric burns: epidemiological and therapeutic aspects,1996,25,36,1781-1785,Bouchard The risk of suicide,1998,27,40,2151-2156,Batista Male osteoporosis,1998,27,32,1647-1651,Rémy Fatal voluntary poisoning with cibenzoline. Failure of conventional therapies,1998,27,32,1621-1625,Page Ditakh poisoning: an unrecognized tropical poison. 2 observations,1998,27,30,1528,Camara Halofantrine overdosage,1992,21,3,131,Vincent Epidemiology of fractures of the proximal femur,1992,21,2,76-82,Coste Massive hemoptysis 10 days after the removal from the bronchus of an iron protosulfate tablet accidentally inhaled,1990,19,1,34,Evrard Voluntary poisoning with atropine compounds. 17 cases,1990,19,2,84,Baccino Pneumoperitoneum after deep diving. Apropos of 2 cases,1983,12,3,173,Sainty Pure defibrination after timber rattlesnake bite,1983,12,2,91-93,Baud Acute myelitis following Hymenoptera sting,1984,13,4,227,Cesaro Eye injuries in windsurfing,1984,13,4,224,Colin Ciguatera in the Iles des Saintes (Guadeloupe). A disease transmitted by fish,1984,13,4,222,Czernichow Acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Genetic factors,1984,13,7,442,Stupfel Acute hepatitis due to ecstasy,1998,27,10,468-470,Ramos Acute levamisole poisoning,1998,27,15,717,Joly Massive poisoning by African bee stings,1998,27,22,1099-1101,Leroy Vipera ursinii poisoning: 8 cases,1998,27,25,1277-1278,de Haro Kidney toxicity of Amanita phalloides. A case with kidney needle biopsy,1998,27,28,1434,Beaudreuil Toxic risks in new pets. Seven cases of poisoning by exotic animals collected in 1997 at the Marseilles Antipoison Center,1998,27,26,1327-1328,de Haro Jimson Weed poisoning: an antidote is available in France,2008,37,3 Pt 1,435-437,Lagarce Drug-related neuropathies: analysis of the French Adverse Drug Reaction Database 1995-2005,2008,37,6 Pt 1,935-942,Montastruc Prevention of falls and their consequences,2000,29,22,1249-1254,Vellas Domestic accidents caused by stolen industrial products. Experiences of the Marseille Poison Control Center 1993 to 1998 inclusive,2000,29,17,946-947,de Haro Subcutaneous caffeine poisoning,2000,29,1,33,Le Coz Depression in the elderly. Rigorous evaluation of drug treatment,2001,30,7,351-355,Barbier Osteoporosis in the elderly. Practical prevention and treatment,2001,30,7,317-320,Daragon Acute pentobarbital poisoning,2001,30,6,269-270,Buisine The body packer syndrome,2001,30,6,264-267,Lecomte Anti-infection prophylaxis after sexual assault. Experience of the Raymond Poincaré-Garches Hospital,2001,30,6,253-258,Melchior Neurotoxic envenomation by viper bite,2001,30,5,220,Cabot Potential severity of self-poisoning with trimebutine,2012,41,6 Pt 1,662-663,Piercecchi-Marti Homocysteine and alcohol consumption. An ambiguous relationship and a new paradox,2003,32,6,262-267,Schlienger Anthrax in the era of biowarfare,2003,32,4,167-173,Bricaire The problematics of depression,2004,33,3,194-200,Barbier To die from inflexibility,2004,33,3,153-155,Deberdt Heat stroke in hospital patients during the summer 2003 heat wave: a nosocomial disease,2006,35,2 Pt 1,196-199,Potel Nosocomial heat stroke: warning signal or forgotten victims of August 2003 heat wave?,2006,35,2 Pt 1,194-195,Hausfater Addiction to cocaine: A risk factor for suicide?,2012,41,7-8,702-712,Reynaud A fatal aorto-esophageal fistula due a foreign body: a foreseeable accident?,1999,28,15,781-783,Pons Images in medicine: pharmacokinetic hazards,1999,28,23,1277,Roseau "Boxer's dementia" without motor signs,1999,28,25,1352-1354,Naccache Smoke poisoning,1999,28,35,1949-1954,Baud Acute psychosis following treatment with chloroquine for a primo-invasion of Plasmodium vivax malaria,2003,32,3,117,Klotz Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to antimalarial drugs. Analysis of spontaneous report from the French pharmacovigilance database (1996-2000),2003,32,3,106-113,Montastruc An inaugural generalized tonic-clonic convulsive crisis following ingestion of Japanese star anise,2003,32,1,27-28,Wagner Pelagia noctiluca jellyfish poisoning on the Mediterranean coast,2000,29,4,188,Dantzer Whiplash injury of the cervical spine,2000,29,4,196-202,Benoist Does cannabis play a role in scuba diving accidents?,2000,29,4,188-189,Thomas Neurological complications after roller coaster rides: an emerging new risk?,2000,29,4,175-180,Kettaneh Torsade de pointes after poisoning with fluoxetine alone,2000,29,6,306-307,Bray Dangerous connection: alcohol and youth..,2000,29,5,248-249,Vallée Acute methadone poisoning,2000,29,5,246-247,Levy Relation between creatinine level and kalaemia in patients with digitalis poisoning,2012,41,12 Pt 1,1297-1299,Adnet Evaluating the functional impairment of assault survivors in a judicial context: Frequency of aggravating factors according to the French Penal Code and evidence for heterogeneous medical practice,2012,41,11,e553-8,Rey-Salmon Self-poisoning with Datura stramonium. 3 case reports,2002,31,2,69-72,Cathala Aconitine poisoning,2013,42,3,353-354,Larabi Acute psychosis after ingestion of chloroquine,1990,19,7,334,Masson Psychodysleptic effects of salbutamol,1990,19,5,218-219,Massen A massive poisoning by Hyoscyamus muticus complicated by axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy,2013,42,3,354-355,Oumerzouk Physicians attending detainees in police custody: An improved format of the doctor's opinion,2013,42,1,e9-e15,Lefèvre No let's not advise patients to drink wine,2006,35,12 Pt 1,1845-1848,Michaud Steatoda spider envenomation in southern France,2006,35,12 Pt 1,1825-1827,de Haro Characteristics and resource use of emergency department users older than 75 years. Results from a French national study,2006,35,12 Pt 1,1804-1810,Lazarovici Do antidepressant treatments influence self-harm and aggressive behaviors?,2013,42,6 Pt 1,968-976,Delavenne Internal carotid artery dissection caused by a kick during French boxing,2001,30,14,683,Echaniz-Laguna Hyponatremia in elderly patients treated with thiazide diuretics and incited to drink abundantly during the heat wave,2004,33,8,535-536,Villani Detainees in police custody in Seine-Saint-Denis (France): Medical data and high-risk situations a descriptive study,2013,42,9 Pt 1,e293-9,Chariot Psychotropic drugs in prison,2014,43,5,520-528,Thomas Suicide in the elderly managed by French EMS,2014,43,5,608-609,Casalino A curious diving accident happened to a forest walk lover,2014,43,7-8,874-876,Bousquet Lipid pneumonia discovered in a case of epiphenomenal drug poisoning,1991,20,4,178,Bismuth Alcohol use in France,2014,43,10 Pt 1,1067-1079,Beck Hyperbaric oxygenation in carbon monoxide poisoning. A theoretically justified but practically debatable therapy,1985,14,5,283,Jardin "Malaise" at an emergency department. Diagnostic approach,1989,18,15,753-756,Blettery Lenticular nucleus lesions after attempted suicide,1991,20,12,562,De Recondo Incidence of waterborne lead poisoning in an internal medicine department in a region with acid soil,1988,17,9,419-422,Duc Shouting in dementia,2014,44,2,150-158,Calvet Medical certificates and the new firearm regulation in France,2014,44,3,298-304,Bouvet Pulmonary legionnaires' disease in a child following drowning in fresh water,1987,16,16,780,Hartemann Abuse of energy drinks: does it pose a risk?,2015,44,3,261-270,Karila Driving licenses and medical fitness,2015,44,9,916-922,Manaouil Needs uses cons-pros good practices and opportunities about walker in elderly with loss of autonomy,2015,44,7-8,700-706,Moreau Driving and health at work,2015,44,9,931-934,Giorgio Physician assessment of aptitude for driving in the European Union,2015,44,9,935-940,Manaouil Suicide risk assessment tools for adults in general medical practice,2015,44,6 Pt 1,590-600,Peyron Driving license and mellitus diabetes,2015,44,10,1042-1047,Cimino Drug use and driving,2015,44,10,1055-1063,Mura Car driving cognitive aging and Alzheimer disease,2015,44,10,1034-1041,Fabrigoule The suicide assessment in the psychiatric emergencies: a semi-structured interview,2015,44,9,898-906,Vandevoorde Cannabis use: what to do in general practice?,2015,44,7-8,707-715,Karila Violence undergone by the general practitioners: under-reporting of the attacks or of the infringements to their properties,2015,44,11,e321-9,Gignon Media coverage of suicide: from the epidemiological observations to prevention avenues,2015,44,12 Pt 1,1243-1250,Vaiva Sleepiness and accidental risk,2015,44,10,1022-1028,Leger Medicine and driving: alcohol and other toxins,2015,44,10,1048-1054,Abramovici Epilepsy and driving,2015,44,10,1029-1033,Adam Clinic of somatoform disorders in abused adolescents,2016,45,4 Pt 1,e51-8,Bonnot Why and how to treat psychosis earlier?,2016,45,11,992-1000,Riecher-Rössler Suicidality during perinatal period,2017,46,6 Pt 1,565-571,Gressier Depression and sports-related concussion: A systematic review,2017,46,10,890-902,Arbus Forensic medical examination of adolescent and adult victims of sexual assault or intimate partner violence who do not complain to the police - an observational study in Seine-Saint-Denis France,2018,47,1,e1-e8,Chariot Violence for educational purpose: representations of general practitioners in the Paris area France. A qualitative study,2018,47,3,e25-e33,Piet Post-traumatic psychiatric disorders: PTSD is not the only diagnosis,2018,47,5,423-430,Auxemery Stalking: From "romantic pursuit" to sexual predation,2018,47,6,510-518,Jaafari Plant poisoning in childhood: a snowberry intoxication,2018,47,9,825-827,Giovannini-Chami Alcohol and emergencies,2018,47,7-8 Pt 1,667-676,Brousse Suicide in prison: epidemiology and prevention,2019,48,1 Pt 1,46-54,Vaiva General practitioners training about suicide prevention and risk: a systematic review of literature,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walter Nutmeg poisoning: ten years (2008-2018) of experience from the Marseille Poison Control Center,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Glaizal Evolution of the concept of spousal rape in France and the United States from the legal and social perspectives,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Courtois Reduction in short-term repetition of attempted suicide associated with new organization of psychiatric management of suicide attempters: Two cohorts,2006,35,5 I,759-763,Gault Spectacular suicide associated with mefloquine,2006,35,5 I,789-792,Jousset [Temporary bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis after hanging. 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