Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Gender caste and economic inequalities and marital violence in rural South India,2005,26,1,87-99,Krishnan Intimate partner violence in the Latino community and its effect on children,2005,26,6,523-529,Mattson Women's anger aggression and violence,2005,26,6,504-522,Thomas Violence against women,2006,27,3,199-203,Eyo Improving services for lesbian clients: what do domestic violence agencies need to do?,2006,27,4,344-361,Helfrich Postpartum mothers' disclosure of abuse role and conflict,2006,27,4,324-343,Ryan Exploring the health care needs of women in abusive relationships in Japan,2006,27,4,290-306,Nemoto Using Grounded Theory to Generate a Theoretical Understanding of the Effects of Child Custody Policy on Women's Health Promotion in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence,2006,27,6,490-512,Wuest Causes of death among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome,2006,27,7,615-626,Jason Situations of violence in the lives of girl gang members,2001,22,4,363-384,Hunt Ethnicity and problem behaviors among adolescent females in the United States,2004,25,4,296-310,Thompson Violence against Women Symptom Reporting and Treatment for Reproductive Tract Infections in Kerala State Southern India,2007,28,3,268-284,Morrison Mediators of suicidal ideation within a sheltered sample of raped and battered women,2007,28,5,478-489,Weaver Correlates of suicidal ideation and attempt among female sex workers in China,2007,28,5,490-505,Hong When I Was in My Home I Suffered a Lot: Mexican Women's Descriptions of Abuse in Family of Origin,2007,28,5,506-522,Belknap Dating violence and the health of young women: a feminist narrative study,2007,28,5,453-477,Ward-Griffin Intimate partner violence and the health care response: a postmodern critique,2007,28,5,438-452,Tower Health effects of experiences of sexual violence for women with abusive partners,1995,16,6,563-576,Davidson Risk identification of abused women participating in a women infants and children program,1994,15,6,587-597,Attala Intimate partner violence and psychological functioning in Latina women,2008,29,3,282-299,Landsverk Breaking the cycle/mending the hoop: adverse childhood experiences among incarcerated American Indian/Alaska Native women in New Mexico,2008,29,3,300-315,Brown Why Does She Leave? The Leaving Process(es) of Battered Women,2008,29,3,200-226,Enander Women's perceptions and experiences of sexual violence in marital relationships and its effect on reproductive health,2008,29,5,468-483,Hussain What matters most: an investigation of predictors of perceived stress among young mothers in Khayelitsha,2008,29,6,638-648,BeLue Examination for sexual assault: evaluating the literature for indicators of women-centered care,2009,30,1-2,22-40,White Violence and Women's Psychological Distress After Birth: An Exploratory Study in Italy,2009,30,1-2,160-180,Romito Strategies used by rural women to stop avoid or escape from intimate partner violence,2009,30,1-2,134-159,Ford-Gilboe Striving to make a difference: Health care worker experiences with intimate partner violence clients in Tanzania,2009,30,1-2,64-78,Emmelin Enculturation as a condition impacting Korean American physicians' responses to Korean immigrant women suffering intimate partner violence,2009,30,1-2,41-63,Hardesty Adapting and testing the appraisal of violent situation scales,2009,30,1-2,5-21,Hawkins Trapped in circle of threats: violence against sex workers in Thailand,2009,30,3,249-269,Ratinthorn Intimate Partner Violence and Sexually Risky Behavior in Botswana: Implications for HIV Prevention,2009,30,3,230-231,Modie-Moroka Voices from the frontlines: the epidemics of HIV/AIDS and violence among women and girls,2009,30,3,184-194,Campbell Marginality and physical and sexual abuse in women,2009,30,1-2,79-92,Koci Attempted suicide in reproductive age women,2009,30,8,707-719,Nakano Surviving life as a woman: a critical ethnography of violence in the lives of female domestic workers in Malawi,2009,30,9,783-801,Nemoto Thai female adolescents' perceptions of dating violence,2009,30,10,871-891,Thongpriwan Chieko's story: giving voice to survivors of wife abuse,2006,27,4,307-323,Anderson Help-seeking rates for intimate partner violence (IPV) among Canadian immigrant women,2006,27,8,682-694,Cohen Surviving child abuse: self-reported coping histories of fourteen women,1984,5,1-3,49-75,Crockett The Queen of Hell syndrome: social isolation teenage pregnancy and depression,1984,5,1-3,125-143,Crockett Dimensions of health in violent families,1986,7,6,413-426,Kérouac Battered women: why do they stay?,1986,7,6,403-411,Benton Living on their nerves: nervous debility in Northern Ireland,1989,10,2-3,219-243,Sluka Women's responses to sexual abuse in intimate relationships,1989,10,4,335-346,Campbell Women's reasons for leaving abusive spouses,1991,12,4,465-473,Ulrich Comparison of gender and victim response to violence in popular movies,1991,12,4,457-464,Firman International conferences on violence against women,1991,12,4,451-455,Reichert Literature review: Afghanistan women's health crisis health service delivery and ethical issues for international aid,2006,27,8,748-759,Turner Physical abuse in low-income women in Aleppo Syria,2003,24,4,313-326,Maziak American Muslim women's experiences of leaving abusive relationships,2001,22,4,415-432,Hassouneh-Phillips Narrative accounts of tracking the rural domestic violence survivors' journey: a feminist approach,2001,22,4,333-347,Davis Power and the politics of abuse: rethinking violence in Filipina-Australian marriages,1998,19,4,289-301,Woelz-Stirling Violence against ex-wives: anger and advocacy,1997,18,6,543-556,McMurray Factors that influence women's health in Tanzania,1994,15,1,61-67,Lugina Out of Africa: coping strategies of African immigrant women survivors of intimate partner violence,2010,31,4,345-364,Ting Third World women call for a balanced perspective on women's health,1993,14,2,111-116,Gottschalk Factors related to older women's recovery from hip fractures: physical ability locus of control and social support,1993,14,5,457-468,Roberto Sexual violence: psychiatric healing with eye movement reprocessing and desensitization,2010,31,8,755-768,Dovydaitis Effect of supporter characteristics on expression of negative social reactions toward rape survivors in dar es salaam Tanzania,2010,31,8,668-685,Emmelin The sociocultural contexts of attempting suicide among women in Iran,2010,31,9,771-783,Keyvanara The impact of a history of rape and incest on the posthysterectomy experience,1996,17,1,47-55,Wukasch Delay in prenatal care as a result of battering in pregnancy: cross-cultural implications,1996,17,1,25-34,Mattson The relationship of two types of trauma exposure to current physical and psychological symptom distress in a community sample of colombian women: why interpersonal violence deserves more attention,2010,31,10,946-961,Taylor Demographic risk factors in domestic violence among pregnant women in Uyo a community in the Niger delta region Nigeria,2010,31,10,891-901,Abasiattai As time goes by we improve a little more: relationship expectations of young women in Mexico,2010,31,10,873-890,Belknap In the eye of the storm: Resilience and vulnerability among African American women in the wake of hurricane Katrina,2010,31,11,1013-1027,Laditka After hurricanes katrina and rita: gender differences in health and religiosity in middle-aged and older adults,2010,31,11,997-1012,Brown Understanding the disaster experience of older adults by gender: the experience of survivors of the 2007 earthquake in peru,2010,31,11,965-980,Ramos Sexual coercion HIV-related risk and mental health among female sex workers in China,2007,28,8,745-762,Stanton The role of social support and family relationships in women's responses to battering,2000,21,1,27-39,Campbell Becoming whole: a pastoral story,1999,20,4,427-432,Meadow Safe womanhood is not safe motherhood: policy implications,2005,26,6,464-471,Meleis Attitudes and practices of doctors toward domestic violence victims in South Africa,2003,24,2,149-157,Peltzer Psychological and physical distress of sheltered battered women,2001,22,4,401-414,Humphreys Small steps and giant hopes: violence on women is more than wife battering,2001,22,4,313-315,Meleis Violence mental health substance abuse-problems for women worldwide,2000,21,7,631-639,Wyshak The power of the collective: battered migrant farmworker women creating safe spaces,1999,20,4,417-426,Rodriguez Counteracting abuse and breaking free: the process of leaving revealed through women's voices,1995,16,5,399-412,Wuest A case study of an abused older woman,1994,15,6,521-535,Mitchell Daughters' obligation to care in the context of past abuse,2010,31,12,1047-1067,Wuest Sexually transmitted infections pregnancy and intimate partner violence,2011,32,1,23-38,Humphreys Muslim culture and female self-immolation: implications for global women's health research and practice,2004,25,9,782-793,Campbell From Sunrise to Sunset: An Ethnographyof Rural Ecuadorian Women's Perceived Health Needs and Resources,2005,26,10,957-977,Schoenfeld Grounded theory analysis of car drowning and women's health,1995,16,6,v-vi,Stern Safe child care and women's empowerment in the developing world,1995,16,6,537-550,Leuning Welfare mothers,1995,16,2,v-vii,Stern Living the coming of memories: an interpretive phenomenological study of surviving childhood sexual abuse,1995,16,1,21-30,Kondora Te contaria mi vida: I would tell you my life if only you would ask,2003,24,8,723-737,Belknap New directions in the treatment of men who batter women,1997,18,5,481-493,Gerlock The quality of life of families of female-headed households in Botswana: a secondary analysis of case studies,2002,23,6-7,761-772,Akinsola Narrative case analysis of HIV infection in a battered woman,1998,19,1,9-22,Stevens Speech by Gogontlejang Phaladi: the 17th ICOWHI Congress 2008--Wednesday 9 July 2008,2009,30,3,219-227,Phaladi Mental health needs of Arab women,2009,30,7,595-613,Hamdan Mothers' coping styles during times of chronic security stress: effect on health status,2010,31,2,131-152,Cwikel Wandering in the dark: women's experiences with depression,2001,22,1-2,85-98,Schreiber Learning the harsh realities of life: sexual violence disillusionment and meaning,2001,22,1-2,67-84,Draucker Understanding women's anger: a description of relational patterns,2001,22,4,385-400,Jack Screening for abuse: barriers and opportunities,2001,22,4,349-362,Bell Whealth study: women's reports of childhood abuse,2001,22,5,439-454,Thurston Women behind bars: could neurobiological correlates of past physical and sexual abuse contribute to criminal behavior?,2004,25,9,835-852,Brewer-Smyth Restorative health: lessening the impact of previous abuse and violence in the lives of vulnerable girls,2004,25,9,794-812,Henderson Anger and violence,2004,25,9,781,Covan A comment on terrorism,2002,23,1,1-3,Covan Social factors that make South African women vulnerable to HIV infection,2002,23,2,163-172,Ackermann Long roads and tall mountains: the impact of motherhood on the recovery and health of domestic abuse survivors,2002,23,5,442-449,Carpiano Preparedness of health care practitioners to screen women for domestic violence in a border community,2003,24,2,135-148,Parcel Women: an endangered species?,2000,21,3,137-138, The psychosocial context of Black women's health,1999,20,3,279-289,Rajaram The experience of hospitalization and restraint of women who have a history of childhood sexual abuse,1999,20,4,401-416,Gallop The disconnected self: consequences of abuse in a cohort of low-income white women living with HIV/AIDS,1999,20,4,381-400,Leenerts Experiences of African American and Caucasian women who survive urban residential fires,1996,17,6,505-513,Keane Predictors of rape in the Central African Republic,1999,20,1,71-79,Chapko Female circumcision: persistence amid conflict,1998,19,6,477-479,Douglas Factors associated with physical and sexual violence among Canadian women living with physical disabilities,2011,32,8,762-775,Odette Normalizing policies of inaction-the case of health care in Australia for women affected by domestic violence,2011,32,9,855-868,Rowe Pregnancy and intimate partner violence: how do 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Prevalence and related factors of postpartum depression among reproductive aged women in Ahvaz Iran,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Afshari Mental health and worries of pregnant women living through disaster recovery,2019,40,3,259-277,Harville Mothers of children born of genocidal rape in Rwanda: implications for mental health well-being and psycho-social support interventions,2019,ePub,ePub,1-16,Denov Response to sexual assault in Bogotá Colombia: a qualitative evaluation of health providers' readiness and role in policy implementation,2019,ePub,ePub,1-19,Decker Utilizing the PEN-3 model to identify socio-cultural factors affecting intimate partner violence against pregnant women in Suburban Hamadan,2019,ePub,ePub,1-17,Jahanfar Intimate partner violence and the power of love: a qualitative systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,1-28,Jackson Continuation of domestic violence and changes in the assessment of family functioning health and social support in Finland,2019,ePub,ePub,1-15,Paavilainen An 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