Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicidal attempts in adolescents,2005,26,4,S229-32,Delvenne Marital violence,2005,26,4,S340-3,Szafran Fear of falling in older people,2007,28,1,27-31,Nkodo Mekongo Medical certificates for driving licence for safety belt,2004,25,4,A342-7,Bran Falls of older individuals: medical assessment,2007,28,3,177-182,Nkodo Mekongo The battered child syndrome,1985,6,10,695-698,Lamesch Evaluation of body damage of traumatic origin,1985,6,1,33-38,Putz Morbidity of irregular work schedules,2009,30,4,309-317,Noël Shaken baby syndrome,2009,30,4,234-238,Rebuffat Elderly abuse,2005,26,4,S344-9,Giet The post-traumatic stress disorder--PTSD--in psychiatry by children and teenagers: diagnostic and treatments,2010,31,2,111-115,Thoua Forensic approach of infanticide and neonatal death,2007,28,5,431-438,Beauthier Child abuse and medical confidentiality,1997,18,4,318,Marin The abused child: activities of the SOS-children team of the Saint Pierre Hospital,1994,15,6,382-386,Beeckmans Ambulatory pediatrics in the hospital and at home,1994,15,6,371-375,Toppet Wrist perilunate dislocation,2007,28,3,153-158,Putz Impact of the mode of arrival in the emergency department for patients with a STEMI and the clinical outcomes in terms of ejection fraction and survival,2009,30,3,149-157,Rousseaux Battered wives,2003,24,6,449-450,Mahieu Driver's licence: responsibility ethics and deontology,1999,20,4,A225-9,Lucas Family violence and generations,2010,31,4,432-438,Goldbeter-Merinfeld Interfamilial violence medicolegal and ethical aspects,2010,31,4,426-431,Beauthier Detection and management of partner violence by the general practitioner,2010,31,4,415-425,Kacenelenbogen Prevalence of partner violence. Why the detection by the general practitioner?,2010,31,4,403-414,Kacenelenbogen Schizophrenia at adolescence,2010,31,4,221-225,Delhaye Adolescence depressions,2009,30,4,244-248,Matot Scuba diving: practical aspects,2002,23,4,A218-22,Ewalenko Falls in elderly persons: evaluation of risk and prevention,1997,18,4,227-230,Pepersack The sexual abuse of children,2005,26,4,S333-9,Gérard The beaten child: psychological aspects,2005,26,4,S326-32,Vanthournout Medical aspects of child abuse,2005,26,4,S323-5,Rebuffat Physical violence: what about the certificate?,2004,25,4,A330-3,Toussaint Deontology in generalists-specialists relations in domestic emergencies,2000,21,4,A330-3,Leemans Sexual development of the child and the onset of gender identity,2000,21,5,411-416,Mauroy The serial murder: A few theoretical perspectives,2011,32,3,169-178,Linkowski Epidemiological aspects and surveillance of risky environments,1998,19,4,A342-5,Grivegnée Risk assessment of developing aggressive behaviour,2012,33,1,26-38,Kaszuba Violence in schools adolescents suffering,2012,33,1,22-25,François Religion and brain functioning (part 2): do the religions have a positive impact on mental health?,2012,33,2,87-96,Kornreich Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and child maltreatment: a review,2012,33,2,75-86,Prayez The contagion of adolescent suicide: cultural ethical and psychosocial aspects,2012,33,3,164-170,Delvenne Sexual violence in Congo-Kinshasa: necessity of decriminalizing abortion,2012,33,5,482-486,Kalonda SOS children: from the beginning to this day S. Godinas et M. Gérard,2012,33,6,549-555,Godinas Cannabis: experts agree more than they admit,2004,25,2,87-92,Jacques Ignored homicides,2013,34,1,47-54,Beauthier Medical certificates in occupational accidents in common law and social affairs,2013,34,4,357-367,Beauthier Epidemiology of alcoholism,1980,1,6,399-403,Godard Acute psycho-organic syndrome (author's transl),1980,1,6,361-365,Mendlewicz Traumatic lesions of the cervical spine in children (author's transl),1982,3,3,157-160,Besombe Hospital organization in disaster (author's transl),1981,2,10,965-975,Askenasi Diagnostic studies in carbon monoxide poisoning,1989,10,1-2,11-16,Tissot Proprioceptive rehabilitation of the injured spine,1988,9,2,113-114,Desmet Illicit drug use among employees in Belgium: an initial estimate of the costs borne by employers,2014,35,5,411-415,Annemans Sports-related concussions: are we (fully) aware of the consequences?,2015,36,3,161-165,Beauthier Are antidepressants really effective?,2015,36,5,421-429,Kornreich Wounds of the hand and forearm due to stab phenomenon Kuluna in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo): types of injuries and treatment,2015,36,6,468-474,Moutet On the relationship between emotional dependency and abuse,2016,37,2,79-86,Leemans The general practitioner confronted with aggressive patients,2017,38,4,392-395,Schetgen Abused child or suspected abused child: caregiving,2017,38,4,214-217,Vanthournout Depression in childhood and adolescence,2017,38,4,209-213,Al Husni Al Keilani Ballistic concepts and management of gunshot wounds at members,2017,38,6,474-481,Goffin Elderly's suicide attempt,2018,39,1,15-21,Loas Koro syndrome : when culture interacts with psychopathology,2018,39,2,108-110,Elghazouani Short-term and long-term effects of cannabis use,2018,39,4,246-249,Verbanck Depression in childhood and adolescence,2017,38,4,209-213,Delvenne [Disclosing a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease],2008,29,2,89-93,Pepersack